Hiking with Phil

By Greg Pine

Published on Sep 3, 2019



After we had been hiking along the sierran trail for about 2 hours, we needed a break. "Let's find a spot to have lunch." I said.

"I was just thinking the same thing." Phil said.

Wanting to avoid senior couples, families with a cavalcade of kids, hippie bros playing music, and the sort, we went off trail, cresting a rocky hill with low brush. We had to trek over rotting logs, itchy low bushes, and spider webs. My two fears during this detour were bees and snakes, luckily neither of which intruded upon.

On the other side was the other half of Feeley Lake, which was pristine and perfect in its isolation. I guess the short rocky jaunt off trail was too much for weekend warriors. Whitish gray rocks broke the bubbling edge of the deep blue lake, which was hinting green at the edges. My eyes scoured along the far edge of the lake for unwelcome loiterers which could dampen our private time together. Seeing nothing but rocky bald hills with pine trimmings, I breathed a sigh of relief that it was ours, this pocket of Earth wholly belonged to us.

"Care for an appetizer?" As I handed him a nectarine, dewy and crisp.

"Wow, an appetizer? And what's the entree?" He asked.

"Um, well, the only other thing I packed was salted almonds. Bon appetite, I guess." I said.

"Damn, I thought you were supposed to be always prepared. What if I'm still hungry.?" He whined.

"Uhhhh well, you can have my fruit, I guess." I tried to comfort him.

"Haha, I was just playing. You're too easy, man." Phil said. "Besides, look!" He feigned some drama, and pulled out a chip bag from his backpack. "Cheese crackers!" He yelled.

"Yes!!! I almost never get these, but I am so hungry right now." I said.

"Always looking on the bright side." Phil said, ripping on my negativity. He opened the bag and tried to pour some into my palm, but it wasn't really working, and some fell on the ground, "Here, this will be easier." He said. He took off his ball cap and poured half of the bag into his hat. Then he handed the hat to me as if it was bowl, and then he ate his half out of the bag.

So I was sitting there on the edge of the lake eating crackers out of my buddy's somewhat sweaty hat. I scoffed, asking myself "why?" but he didn't spend a single thought on it, like it was just a common courtesy. I was getting the smell of his hair as scooped up my snacks, and it was quite nice. Phil had a slightly sweet and masculine smell.

After we finished eating, Phil said, "well, time to rinse off." Before I knew it I watching him slide his khaki shorts off his pale cheeks, which gave a slight heave upwards as the pushed past the waistband. I was staring at the pile of crumpled shirt, shorts, and gray boxer briefs on the gray rocks when I heard a splash, Phil had wasted no time walking in and then basically collapsing into the brisk lake with a deep, echoing sigh. "Aauuuuuhhhhhh that feels good." He sighed.

I was a little more cautious but if he wasn't concerned, why should I be? So I got naked too and slowly waded in. The water was crystal clear and I could see his body, distorted under the rippling waves, the dark blonde fur between his pecs and in his crotch. He was treading water on his back, exposing himself to the sky. I copied the pose and we hovered and drifted in the blueish green water, the sun scintillating our skin and imparting flecks of light on the water. I glanced at Phil and his eyes were closed, with a blissful smile curlings on the edges of his lips. The cold soak after our sweaty hike must have been what he really needed. I closed my eyes too. This suspended moment was going to become one of my life's most treasured memories, I sensed.

When I opened them again, Phil was back on the shore, leaning naked against a warm rock. I waded back to shore and walked right up to him, like under a spell. His cock was heaving to one side under his blonde fuzz, and his pinkish balls hung below. Astonished and excited, I must have absentmindedly grabbed my junk as I took in the sight. I must have broken some unsayable boundary because Phil looked up at me with a nervous smile. Our eyes locked and then my eyes wandered back down to his pink, prominently displayed bits, then back up to his eyes. He met my stare confidently and then pulled up his cheek muscles slightly along with one eyebrow. I guess he still wasn't brave enough to say the words but I took a chance that this was as much of a signal as he could admit to himself.

I slowly knelt down until my face was between his legs and he closed his eyes again. Ever so slowly I closed my mouth around his half hard cock and let it soak on my tongue. The last wisps of cold lake water on his cock mixed with my warm saliva. I felt his dick head squish around the back of my throat, and his manhood started to swell. Phil took a deep breath and leaned back. I delicately used my hand to stroke and massage his balls, caressing them into my chin. My nose was still in his pubes while his dick was hard in my throat. While my hand was still massaging his balls I started moving my neck, his dick gliding on my tongue and hitting the back of my throat. Phil's breaths got quick and I felt his balls tighten in my hand. Then he put his hand on my ear and held my head firm as he pushed his dick in a little harder and it started twitching. He pulsed some of his precious wet pearls down my throat and I did my best to swallow them all. My own dick started leaking and splashed the rocks.

I guess mentally he still wasn't able to express what his true intentions were, so we wordlessly put our clothes back on. Is this a game to him? Would he ever be able to acknowledge what we've been doing? Is he just happy to cum with anyone? My head busy with questions, his seemingly with none. My stomach was sloshing around with nectarines, almonds, and sperm as we hit the trail again.

If you enjoyed this story, please let me know at sleepisimportant2@gmail.com

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