Highway Rest Stop

By rob james

Published on Jun 3, 2007


HIGHWAY REST STOP ADONIS Copyright 2007 By Lee Mariner

This is a gay fantasy that depicts homosexual acts, and it is intended for ADULT readers only. IF YOU ARE NOT OF LEGAL AGE IN YOUR LOCALITY TO BE READING THIS MATERIAL OR YOU DO NOT APPROVE OF SUCH MATERIAL, PLEASE LEAVE.

My friend, Dean has edited this work. I am grateful for his expertise.

This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied or reproduced without the specific written consent of the author.


During his term in office, President Eisenhower initiated the national interstate highway system that would be used in the event of war in order for troops and equipment to be moved quickly around the country. The states contributed in the construction including appropriately situated rest stops designed for the comfort of the traveling public who would make greater use of the highway system.

Some of the rest stops were conveniently located close to the on and off exits. Many of the rest stops have become popular pickup and quick meeting spots for gay sex. I'll be the first to admit that, on occasion, I had met several hot young men at some of the rest stops when I was traveling.


Other than lending some authenticity to the story, it doesn't matter; but I'm twenty-eight years old, six feet two inches tall, and am one-hundred seventy pounds of solid muscle including the thick uncut seven plus inches of cock that swings between my legs in the company of two walnut sized testicles, and my name is Derrick Manning. My thick wavy hair is chocolate brown or auburn depending on the light, and the color of my eyes emerald or turquoise green depending on my mood. I have been told that I talk with my eyes, but I've never really been sure of just what that means or when it occurs. I was not endowed with the body of Atlas or Hercules, but a casual comparison with Michelangelo's statue of David would not be bragging on my part. A thin growth of dark hair descends from my inny navel between twin ridges of hard abdominal muscles and then merges with the thick silky hair that spreads over my pelvis and surrounds the base of my cock.


After visiting my younger brother and his family who live in Ohio, I was driving east to my home located outside of Ocean City, Maryland. Interstate 275 around Cincinnati connects with Interstate 75 heading south across the Ohio River to where I picked up Kentucky State AA route. State route AA is a shorter route east across Northern Kentucky, and terminates at the Ohio River Flood Control Dam and Locks at Greenup, Kentucky. A bridge crosses at the dam and locks joining with US Route 52 for travelers going East or West.

On the Ohio side of the river there was a rest stop that had been built on the banks of the river under the bridge that connected Ohio and Kentucky. You could use the facilities or rest in your car. A large sign showed the hours of operation, and if you wanted to you could have a picnic under a pavilion or go fishing. Wide concrete steps with a handrail on each side had been built into the side of the riverbank leading down to a platform where you could fish or take pictures of the locks and of the boats and barges being lifted or lowered depending on the direction they were traveling.

There were woods with thick underbrush on the western side of the fishing and sightseeing platform. In addition to an iron pipe railing that had been installed at the riverside edge of the concrete platform, a heavy chain link fence had been installed at the perimeters of the platform to prevent access into the wooded area. Not unlike the holes in public toilet stalls, a large hole had been cut into the chain fabric allowing the more adventurous and horny individuals into the woods and several pathways. If you saw cars parked in the parking area but no one having a picnic or fishing off of the platform, you could bet there might be some action on one of the paths in the woods.

From past experience when the weather was nice, I would usually stop for a "rest." It always amused me how guys would be hanging out in the picnic pavilions or around their cars trying to act innocent knowing damned well they weren't fooling anyone.

This time when I pulled into the rest stop, there were no cars or trucks parked anywhere that I could see, and I couldn't remember that ever happening on past visits. There were usually one or two vehicles parked in the spaces provided for easy access to the comfort station and picnic pavilions or on the riverside close to the steps leading down to the fishing and scenic overlook platform.

Parking in the riverside parking area, I waited a few minutes before walking to the comfort station that was only a few yards away. It was clean but not fancy, and this time it was vacant. The windows and door were open, but that was not unusual since it was mid August and the building was not air-conditioned.

A safety railing of galvanized three-inch pipe had been installed around the perimeters of the fishing platform. A duplicate railing to prevent people from tumbling down the steep embankment had been installed along the upper bank where I was standing, and on either side of the concrete stairway that led down to the fishing platform. Standing at the top of the embankment, there was a clear view of the locks and, on sunny days an occasional rainbow created by the spray from the spillway water. The platform was vacant except for a shirtless young man leaning against the railing, a few feet from a heavy industrial chain-link fence. The fence separating the wooded area from the fishing platform extended from the upper embankment railing down to the waters edge. He was smoking a cigarette, and when he saw me looking in his direction he cocked his head and looked up casually moving his hand over his crotch.

The weight of the backpack straps over his shoulders pulled them back thrusting out his well-developed chest. Even at a distance of maybe thirty or forty feet it was obvious that he was well built with an athlete's body. He appeared to be about six feet tall, and maybe one hundred and sixty pounds or so. His unkempt hair was what I called dirty blond, a mishmash blending of brown, and blond, and he needed a haircut. He was wearing white cutoff shorts with white athletic socks and shoes. Shading his eyes with his free hand while the other casually rested on his crotch, he smiled, his white teeth flashing brilliantly.

Moving down the railing until I was standing in a line with him, I saw him move away from the fence and lean backwards with his butt cheeks against the platform railing. Crossing his ankles he looked up at me and pulled up on his crotch with both hands cupped over a pronounced bulge. My cock was starting to harden, and I rubbed it as our eyes locked. Grinning up at me, he licked his lips before ducking through the opening in the chain link fence into the woods.

Just as I started for the steps leading down to the fishing platform, a state police cruiser rolled down the roadway from the bridge. Glancing quickly at the fence, I turned and walked slowly towards my car as the trooper passed by giving me a cursory once over. Feeling guilty and nervous as hell but trying not to show it, I opened the car door and waved.

Nodding his head, he gave me a two-finger salute and continued driving around the circular drive that led back to the highway. Out of a sense of caution that he might double back, I waited for a few minutes before returning to the steps.

As I descended the steps to the empty platform, I glanced toward the opening in the fence. It was like looking into an empty black maw, and a feeling of apprehension settled in my gut as I walked to where a large opening in the fence. Looking up the path that led into the woods, I saw that it was darker than I liked, and I backed off a few feet and leaned back against the railing.

He had been the only one whom I had seen on the platform, but that didn't mean he was alone in the thick underbrush of the wooded area. I was horny, and seeing this gorgeous Adonis leaning on the rail displaying the bulge in his shorts intensified the carnal feelings burning in my loins but I wasn't taking any chances.

Lighting up a cigarette, I leaned against the rail smoking and nonchalantly watching a tug and barge being maneuvered into the first set of locks that would allow passage down the river. Inhaling deeply, I turned to look at the fence opening, and I saw him standing, barely visible, inside the opening rubbing the impressive bulge in his crotch. Nervously glancing up at the parking lot railing to be sure we were unobserved, I placed one foot on the bottom rail and massaged my aching cock. I felt my heart beat increasing from anticipation when he moved closer to the opening and waved for me to join him where we would be out of view in the thick foliage. He had moved a few feet further down the path, and warranted or not, I couldn't suppress the apprehensive feeling in my gut. I felt the pre-cum oozing from the aperture in the head of my cock, and I was sorely tempted to follow him but common sense prevailed. Shaking my head negatively, I flipped my cigarette butt over the railing and waited a few seconds for his response. Receiving none, I rapidly ascended the steps to the parking lot.

Hesitating at the top, I lit another cigarette and looked back over my shoulder. He was leaning with his back against the railing about half way between the steps and the fence. Covering his rigid cock with his hands, he nodded his head for me to come back down. Throwing caution to the winds, I was about halfway down the steps when he moved back toward the fence, and I stopped my descent. He nodded his head vigorously but I shook my head negatively and said loud enough for him to hear me. "I'm sorry but I'd rather not go in there. My car is up top if you'd like to come up there."

He stopped with one hand on the fence above the opening looking at me but not responding. Flipping my cigarette away, I went back up the steps taking them two at a time. Walking rapidly toward my car, I glanced hopefully over my shoulder but he was not following. Lighting up my third cigarette, I sat inside the car with the door open massaging my throbbing car and gazing at the stairway opening in the handrail. "He was a damn good-looking stud," I mused to myself.

Inhaling deeply with disappointment, I was on the verge of closing the car door to leave when I saw his golden head at ground level. I sat holding my breath until he reached the top level of the steps. A feeling of relief and anticipation swept over me as I exhaled.

For a few moments, he stood looking at my car, his blond hair glinting golden in the bright sun. Instead of wearing his knapsack as he had earlier, he had thrown it over his shoulder holding it with the fingers of one hand. A light sheen of silky golden hair covered his beautifully sculpted chest muscles, and the mouth-watering twin nipples were surrounded by salmon pink areolas. Silky golden hair thickened at the sternum gathering in a golden pool before cascading down through a valley of thick ripped abdominal muscles and then disappearing under the waistband of his tight khaki shorts. His magnificently proportioned upper body and legs was tanned the hue of a golden fawn, and I was wondering if there was or was not a tan line hidden under shorts. He was the reincarnation of Aphrodite's Adonis.

He stood at the top of the steps looking at me his eyes shining his golden chest rising and falling rhythmically. Closing the door as he moved towards me, I slouched in the seat, and gazed at the thick bulge gathered in his crotch. Thick thigh muscles rippled smoothly as he walked toward the car. The bulge in his crotch seemed to grow large as he got closer, and I felt a surge of lust filling my groin. Dropping his knapsack by the front tire, he placed his arms on the roof and leaned down looking in at me. Flecks of gold flashed in soft hazel eyes, and there was a hint of amusement in their depths as he spoke in a mellow baritone.

"You wouldn't have an extra cold drink in that cooler would you? It's awfully warm and I surely could use a cold drink."

"Yeah, sure," I said a little nervously as I opened the car door. "There might be one or two soft drinks in with the beer."

The cooler was in with my bags in the back of the Rodeo. When I opened the back window, he was standing right beside me, and I detected the pungent aroma of what smelled like Irish Spring bath soap. The odor of the soap mixed with his sweat was intoxicating, almost like an aphrodisiac.

My head was swimming with desire but I managed to hand him a Mountain Dew and open one for myself. Leaving the hatchback window open, I dropped the back gate and sat on it. We popped the tab tops, and after taking a long pull from the soft drink can he looked into my eyes and sat down beside me, his thigh touching mine. It felt like a lightening bolt entered the spot where his leg touched mine, and I sucked my lungs full in a long audible intake through my teeth his hazel eyes boring deep into mine, minute golden flecks flashing.

"Thanks for the drink," he whispered as he rolled the cold can over his thick chest muscles. "I'm Ryland Masterson."

"Derrick Manning," I said, exhaling and wishing that I could rearrange my cramped cock to a more comfortable position. "I'm on my way to Silver Springs, Maryland. Which way are you headed?"

"East, back to college at Penn State. My parents live in St. Louis and, they wanted me to fly but, I figured the money would come in handy school, and by hitchhiking, I could save the money," He said, talking softly, and looking around furtively as he squeezed the huge bulge in his groin as he whispered, "I probably could have made a few bucks off some older dude who gave me a lift but he dumped me off here after I wouldn't put out for him."

"Whoa, what, shit!" I exclaimed, sputtering and choking on my drink. "You wouldn't do what?"

"You know," he replied, grinning at my sudden discomfort. "The dude wanted to suck my dick, but when I told him to fuck off he pulled in here and dumped me. He was sort of scruffy and fat but if I had known he was going to do that, I might have let him suck me off."

"He was scruffy and fat," I repeated after regaining my composure.

"Yeah, you know," he replied giving me an inquisitive look. "He didn't look as if he had shaved in a couple of days, and he wasn't anywhere near as good looking and well built as you are. Besides, I didn't know if he was a cop or not," he said in a cautious tone. "You aren't a cop are you?"

"If that was a compliment, thanks," I replied, vaguely amused by such a latent question. "I'm not a cop but aren't you asking a little late after what you just said?"

"What difference does what I said make?" He asked innocently. "I didn't do anything wrong that I know of unless thinking about that other dude swinging on my pole and draining my nuts was a crime," he said with a twinkle in his eyes as he squeezed the gargantuan bulge straining to be released from the confinement of his tight fitting shorts.

"Your probably right about that" I replied, deliberately lowering my eyes to his fully packed crotch as I asked, "How long have you been here? This place is usually pretty full."

"Not long, maybe half an hour or something like that," he said, turning to face me. Dropping his hand into his groin he looked into my eyes grinning impishly while he squeezed the hidden bulge. Breathing in deeply, he exhaled slowly sighing as he said, "Thinking about what that dude wanted made me horny."

"It sounds like we want the same thing, Ryland." I said, looking into his eyes and placing my hand on his hard bare thigh.

His gaze didn't waver from mine as he placed his hand on the soft flesh of my inner thigh; his finger tips only inches from the crown of my aching shaft. Shivering, he licked his lips suggestively and glancing around, he whispered huskily, "Meet me down in the woods, Wayne. It's safe, or I wouldn't have been in them."

Slipping off of the tailgate, he stood facing me breathing heavily and then sucked his gut in as he slid his hand down inside his short to adjust his cock. My eyes were glued to his crotch as he withdrew his hand and outlined the impressive bulge with his fingers giving me a better appreciation of what was hidden by scant micrometers of khaki cloth. "Jesus," I groaned softly, looking into the depths of his lust filled hazel eyes. Sucking air between my teeth, I moved my hand tentatively, and he thrust his hips forward. I could feel the thick hardness throbbing under my fingers but the tightness of his cutoffs prevented my fingers from wrapping around its entire girth. Groaning, he pulled away and quickly moved toward the steps. Hesitating when he reached them, he glanced back at me and groped his thick meat before descending.

Dropping the empties in the cooler, I closed the tailgate and locked both it and the truck. My breath was coming in short spasms, and my heart was beating fiercely from desire, lust, and anticipation.

To be on the safe side I gave the rest stop more than a cursory look before following the gorgeous Adonis to the woods below.

When I reached the opening in the fence, I looked down the short path, and I could see him standing in the dark gloom completely naked with his hips thrust forward stroking his huge cock. There was no thought in my head other than I wanted to suck that cock.

Ducking through the opening, I moved to where he stood slowly stroking his uncut cock. His magnificently sculpted muscles glistened with a light sheen of perspiration, and his lust filled eyes glistened. He was breathing heavily, inhaling and exhaling between partially parted lips, his muscles straining, rippling as he stroked his cock.

Pre-cum was flowing from the ethereal aperture in the crown of his cock, and when I dropped down on my knees I heard the quick intake of his breath as my lips engulfed his magnificent blood-engorged cock. Groaning softly, I felt his hands on the back of my head as he crouched over me driving his hips forward as he attempted to push more of his cock into my mouth.

When the head of his cock touched the entrance to my throat, I gagged and he withdrew slightly. As he held my head tightly and hunched slowly, I heard him growling deep in his throat as his throbbing cock was gliding smoothly in and out of my mouth. As if to give me impetus, he was crooning, "suck it, Derrick; drain the nut cream from my balls."

The need to drain the life from the rutting stud driving his turgid cock into my mouth as deeply as he could, supplanted the fear of discovery. The trees and underbrush had surrounded and covered us in a surreal blanket and I was oblivious to everything except greedily suckling at the font that would provide the aphrodisiac I so greedily needed. As I kneaded the sperm producing orbs within their protective sac, Ryland moaned softly, the smooth piston force of his hips slowly increasing. The thickness and hardness of his cock increased with each stroke, and anticipating the nearness and explosiveness of his climax, I grabbed the cheeks of his ass with both hands as he wrapped his arms around my head. Holding my head tightly, I felt his ass muscles tightening and a soft low moan deep within his diaphragm as his pulsing cock jerked spewing thick streams of molten nut cream into my mouth and down my throat.

"Jesus, God," he gasped, as he ran his fingers through my hair, the tempo of his passion decreasing as the cream of his nuts slowed to a dribble, and his wilting cock slipped from my lips.

Without warning, he reached over my back, and grabbing my shirt he pulled it over my head and threw it on a nearby branch. Pulling me up by my armpits, he fumbled with the snaps on my khaki walking shorts.

I was just as nervous and excited as he was so I pushed his hands aside. When I unzipped my fly, my aching cock sprang free as my shorts dropped around my ankles, and he said, "Oh yeah, Man, that's what I want, a man's cock."

Quickly dropping to his knees he swallowed as much of my pre-cum drooling cock as he could and suckled with the ferocity of a newborn calf sucking on its mother's teat.

The ecstatic heated feeling of his mouth on my cock rushed through me, and my hips reacted automatically in an attempt to drive my cock deep into his vacuuming mouth. His phonic moans spread chills of excitement over my loins, and my legs trembled. His hot mouth worked like a suction pump, and I felt my cock swelling and hardening as my nuts drew tighter. For a moment, I had the feeling that his mouth was trying to pull my nuts through my burgeoning cock, and then I had the ecstatic feeling of nut cream exploding from its blood-engorged crown in thick, spewing streams. "Yeah, Ryland, swallow it all, Baby," I moaned quietly as he squeezed the tight muscles of my thighs. My wilting cock reluctantly slipped from the warm cocoon of his mouth, and I felt the muscles in my body relaxing. Smoothing the hair on his head, I leaned over, and ran my hands down over his chest feeling the hard, hair covered chest muscles. "You're good, Ryland, real good."

Standing, he ran his hands around my waist and clasped them together in the small of my back. There was a thin rivulet of sweat that mingled with his golden chest and abdominal hair as it flowed down through tightly ridged muscles. An afterglow of contentment shown in the deep blue of his eyes, and, looking into my eyes, he said softly, "I needed you badly, Derrick, but it would have been a lot better in a bed."

Sliding my arms between his, I moved my hands up to his shoulder blades, and laid my head on his chest, whispering softly, "That's the problem with cruising in a rest stop."

His eyes shined brightly as hips rotated, slowly massaging our slightly flaccid cocks together. A gentle smile played at the corners of his soft succulent lips, and as my hips responded to his, we kissed long and passionately.

I ran my fingers up and down his spine, his hard velvety soft muscles quivering under my touch. The need to posses him and be possessed by him surged through me. Leaning my head back, with our steel hard cocks pressed tightly together, I saw his matching lust in the depths of his eyes, and I said softly, teasingly, "If you want that bed, I'm staying the night at the Marriott in Huntington."

"I was hoping you were going to be staying overnight somewhere, Derrick."

He said, and his lips melded with mine in a long tongue consuming and passionate kiss. I felt his cock pulse with the beat his heart, matching mine.

Breaking away, I gasped. "Christ, Ryland, lets not keep this up or someone might get raped right here. Let's get dressed and get out of here, Huntington is an hour away."

Dressing at a fever pitch, we ran up the concrete steps.

His knapsack was still on the ground where he had dropped it. Snatching it up he went around to the passenger's side, and threw it in the backseat as he slid in. His chest was heaving as he moved closer. Kissing my neck and squeezing my cock, his voice was thick with emotion as he softly growled, "I'm glad you stopped, Derrick."

My asshole tightened as he squeezed my cock, and as I backed out of the parking space all I could say was, "So am, I, Ryland; so am I."

With his hand squeezing my cock and his hot breath on my neck, I pulled out of the rest stop onto route 52, but I knew if he kept it up I wouldn't make it to Huntington without blowing another load. "Ryland," I said huskily, "Instead of playing with it, why don't you suck on it?"

Gripping my cock tightly, he straightened up, his eyes gleaming brightly as he said, "You don't mind?"

"Fuck no, I don't," I replied, glancing quickly at him. "If you keep playing with it, I'm going to pop my nuts, so you might as well suck it."

Moving away slightly, he twisted around and leaned over into the back seat where he had thrown his knapsack. I glanced in the rearview mirror curious as to what he was doing, and he pulled out a large towel emblazoned with the YMCA logo.

"You don't need a towel if you're going to blow me; at least I don't think you will," I said.

"It's not for you," he said, grinning as he leaned back against the seat and stiffening his body he pulled his shorts off, his huge cock slapping against his stomach. "It's for me."

"Damn, Ryland," I said in an incredulous tone. "Have you done car sex before?"

"A couple of times if the guy is really hot, and you're hot," he answered excitedly as he unzipped my shorts and pushed them down around my ankles. My hard cock sprang free slapping against my stomach, and then lay languidly in the crease where my right hip and thigh met. Pre-cum drooling from its blood-engorged crown pooled in the crease and flowed into the thick hair that covered my pelvis and also grew around the thick base of my cock.

Pulling one leg up onto the seat, Ryland turned toward me, and spread the towel over his stomach, and I realized that he was going to jerk off while he was sucking my cock.

"Damn, Ryland," I exclaimed, glancing over at him quickly "Jerking yourself off isn't fair."

"Oh, don't worry," he said, stroking his cock teasingly and looking at me with a devilish twinkle in his eyes. "I'll let you make up for it later."


His meaning for 'later' flashed in my head, and I gasped as his hot mouth slowly engulfed my drooling cock. "Oh yeah, Baby, you can count on it."

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