Highschool Dreams


Published on Feb 10, 2003


This story is completely fiction and is copyrighted by the author and is for enjoyment only.

"What's going on here?" We both looked up and were shocked to see who it was.

There standing in the doorway was none other then Bryan and from the look on his face he was extremely hurt. I tried my best to explain. "Bryan it's not what it looks like honest..."

He cut me off , "Not what it looks like your fucking around with Ryan and it's not what it looks like. Fuck this I'm outta here. And with that Bryan left the party and also took my ride.

I quickly got dressed and asked Ryan if he could give me a lift back home since my ride had left me. He agreed and we were soon on the road.

"I had no idea Bryan would react the way he did when he saw the two of us together." Ryan said.

"I know it shocked the hell out of me, oh well I'll try giving him a call when I get home maybe by then he'll have had some time to cool down a bit. There's my house there on the right. Thanks Ryan great party, see tomorrow at graduation. With that I left Ryan and headed into my house.

"Where the hell have you been?" My dad demanded when I arrived home that evening.

"I was out with some classmates celebrating our graduation coming up."

"And you couldn't even leave us a note or number in case we needed to get a hold of you.!" He was extremely pissed at me and I could tell there was no way in which I would be able to convince him that everything was fine, and then I happened to look at the microwave clock and noticed that it was three in the morning. Damn I'm in a lot of trouble now I thought.

"Go to your room, We'll deal with this tomorrow I'm too tired and too pissed to deal with this rationally, in the meantime I will go tell your mother that you are home and are safe. You know she's been up for hours worrying about you and she's got be up in an hour to go to work, so I'm sure that will go over well. Now get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret."

With that I ran upstairs. I didn't realize I had caused so much trouble but evidently I did. My mind was in a whirl, first that odd party, then Bryan and now my family. I decided I would wait a half hour so I know my dad would be asleep and then try calling Bryan and see if he would even talk to me.

Thirty minutes go by and Dad is sound asleep I pick up the phone and dial Bryan's number.

The phone rings about four times and then a voice goes "Hello"


"Yeah, whose this?"


"What do you want?" He said angrily.

"Look I want you to know that what you saw wasn't what it looked like. Ryan forced me to, he said he knew I was gay and that I would do it. I'm sorry.

"Really, he forced you to?"

"Yeah I never meant to make you so angry, but what I don't understand is why this is so important to you or why you care."

There was a long slience and then he said "I like you"

I was shocked surly I had misheard. "What?"

"I said I like you. Look truth is I'm gay, but being on the wrestling team and being popular it just didn't work and when you sent that e-mail to me it just overwhelmed me. Look I'll talk to you tomorrow I need some sleep for tomorrow we graduate!" He said and how he said I could tell he had a smile on his face. "Oh by the way you give great head maybe next time I can return the favor. Sleep tight" And with that he hung up.

I went to bed and had wonderful dreams about Bryan I couldn't believe the guy I liked actually liked me back and tomorrow I leave school behind and become free, can life can any better then this.

Author's note: This maybe my last story in this series I think it's a good way to end the story I hope you agree. Thanks for all of your continued support it has meant a lot to me.

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