Highschool Dreams


Published on Dec 10, 2002


This story is totally fiction and is copyrighted by the author and is not to be used for Anything other than simple enjoyment.

Just as I arrived in Ryan's parents bedroom, I saw him standing there without his shirt on and his pants partially undone. I had always secretly admired Ryan, but had never had the courage to act on it at all, even though I'm certain he would have probably let me have some fun with him. Before I go too far into this let me describe Ryan to you so you can get a good picture of how he looks. He has a well defined chest, great pecs, good muscles and a great lower body as well, but I'll get to that in a while. He has dyed blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

"Well I'm glad you could make it to the party Kirk" In case you can't tell Kirk is my nickname. " I heard you and Bryan had a little fun before arriving here and given what I saw in the other room, I'm guessing he is right, you are a fag. But hey it'll work just fine."

"What do you mean? What kind of party is this anyways. Dustin told me that there aren't going to be any girls at this party. Is this some kind of gay party and you're really gay or what?" I asked very impatiently.

"Well actually you are quite close to the truth. This is an experimental party where guys can do whatever they want with other guys without being made fun of or labeled gay or fag. Well now I am going to experience something that I have secretly desired for years."

"And what is that" I asked looking directly at his chest and traveling down to his undone pants where I could just see the tip of his waist band. "

"Why Kirk. Don't you know? The one thing I know you'll give me and we both know you would love to do." Ryan said as his pants dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them, leaving him in just his briefs with a noticeable bulge. "A simple blowjob. I want your mouth wrapped around my cock and be able to shoot my load in your hot mouth." He said with a big smile on his face. " But don't look too scared I promise you'll enjoy everything we do." Just then he moved slowly towards me and pushed my back up against the wall, the next thing I knew he was planting his lips right on mine. The kiss was very intense and extremely passionate. I couldn't believe that Ryan was really kissing me. I felt the last of my fear and resolve slip away as I reached and grabbed his cock through his tight white briefs. I heard him moan as our kiss grew more passionate. All of a sudden I felt my pants being undone and dropping to the floor and his hand quickly finding its way to my quickly harding dick. I couldn't believe all that was happening with all these guys. I had a feeling this party was just beginning.

After about five minutes of making out and groping each other Ryan broke the kiss and said "Okay Kirk I got you all turned on now I want you to suck my dick." I must have looked a little nervous cause then he said "Don't act like you don't want to I've seen you check me out in gym class I know you want to so go ahead it's all yours.

Well needless to say with Ryan standing hard as rock with that smile of his and his body looking so hot I couldn't really resist him. "How do you want to do it lying down , sitting or standing?" I moved closer to him and started sucking his nipples he seemed to really like that.

" Aww man you know what I like. Keep doing that in fact do whatever you want as long as I get to shoot in your mouth I don't care what you do."

So I kept sucking his nipples making him moan in pleasure. I then proceeded to kiss down his chest and headed for that happy trail that I loved on guys and then I came to his waistband on his briefs. Here was the moment I had dreamed about for quite some time. I slowly removed his briefs inch by inch as if I was unwrapping my favorite Christmas present. There before me was a beautiful 7in hard throbbing teen dick. I slowly put my hand around his dick and began to move it up and down. I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me with a dashing smile and those eyes of his. I crept my head forward and took his dick into my mouth and began sucking it.

" Aww man that feels awesome. Oh yeah that's right! Man Bryan was right you do give great head. I'm glad I had that talk with Streck you'd be surprised what he says when he's drunk." I guess he was really was getting into it because he started to fuck my face. He just humped and thrusted his dick in and out of my mouth. I could feel myself getting even more turned on. I wanted to reach down and grab my dick and just start jerking it off, but I managed to restrain myself. Ryan kept fucking my face and was going faster and harder. His moans were becoming louder and he was calling out my name. " Oh Kirk yeah I'm getting close." All of a sudden he let do what I had been doing before jerking his dick into my mouth and bobbing my head up and down. I kept this up and he moaned louder and told me he was extremely close. So I sped up I jerked and sucked and bobbed my hardest and fasted and all of a sudden I felt his dick expand his body tense and his ass clench. I moved my mouth to the head of his dick so I could taste his cum. He did a quick thrust and then I felt his hot cum enter my mouth. Shot after shot and before I even decided to he told me to swallow it, and he tasted soo good I mean he was salty, and sweet, kind of thick, but not too bad. After about a minute or so of him cumming he pulled out of my mouth and looked at me and said "That was the best blowjob I have ever had and believe me I've had plenty. Now go lay on my bed and remove your underwear. It's time I do a little experimenting of my own."

As I was lying on the bed Ryan came over to me and got on top of me and began kissing me. "You know Kirk I've been dying to do this to you for quite sometime and now I get the chance.

"Ryan I've secretly liked you for awhile you have a terrific body." I said as he continued to kiss down my body and began to tease my nipples making them extremely hard. As I moaned in complete pleasure I felt his lips move down my body and come to my dick. He circled my base and started sucking on my balls taking them in one at a time and licking them.

"Hmm, this is a lot more fun then I could have ever thought. I never knew fucking around with guys could be so fun. And before I even had a chance to respond Ryan took my dick deep into his mouth and started sucking.

"Ohh! Ryan I don't think you should be doing this." I knew it wouldn't take long for me to cum given all that we have done already. But Ryan took my dick down to the base and came up, which drove me crazy I love it when a guy goes all the way down on me. He kept this up for a few more minutes and then asked me how close I was to cumming.

"I'm pretty damn close." I managed to pant out. If you don't want it I would recommend pulling out." I could feel myself getting extremely close.

He pulled off and looked at me and said, "Actually I was wondering if you would be willing to try something new, and from what I've heard you've never done and I'd be willing to try."

"What would that be?" I asked Ryan as he looked at me with a deep fire in his eyes.

"I would like you to fuck me." Ryan said as he looked at me longingly.

I couldn't believe what Ryan had just said here was a dream come true. My first fuck with a guy and it was going to be a prep. " Sure I'd be a fool to refuse."

So Ryan turned over and laid on his stomach and put his ass up in full view. I'd read enough to know how to loosen a guy up so I took my finger stuck it in my mouth and got it all wet and inserted it into his ass.

"Ohh. Kirk that feels odd, but good don't stop.

I kept this up till Ryan got all comfortable and then I inserted a second finger.

"Ow! Ow! Kirk! That hurts!

" Don't worry it will get better I promise. As he got loser and eaiser now came the time we both had waited for the time to actually insert my dick into his ass.

I positioned my dick head at his crack and began to push. I could feel him tense with the pressure of my dick. I just told him to relax and enjoy it. As I began to push further I reached out and wrapped my hand around his dick. As soon as he felt my hand around his dick he completely relaxed and I started fucking him. It didn't take too long before I hit his prostate and he loved it.

" Oh Kirk! Yeah! Faster! Oh I love this I never knew gay sex could be so great! Don't stop! Fuck me all the way!

I kept fucking him for another five minutes and then I guess between my pumping his dick and fucking his ass he just couldn't take it anymore because next thing I know he moans and tenses and begins to cum. His ass clinches on my hard ready to cum dick and I end up shooting my load up his ass.

"Oh Kirk That was great! That was the best feeling I've ever had. I'll be calling upon your services more often. Ryan said with a big grin on his face.

" What's going on here?

We turned toward the door to see who had spoken the words and we both were shocked as to who we saw.

Sorry this chapter took so long, I had a case of Writers block so I hope you like this story.

Next: Chapter 5

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