Highschool Dreams


Published on May 19, 2002


This story is copyrighted by the Author and is to be used for enjoyment purposes only. You may not copy, put on websites, and or distribuate in any form or way without the Author's written Permission.

Although I had sworn to myself that I would not let my feelings towards guys get the best of me anymore. I couldn't stop thinking about what Joe and I had done. But first I had a date to keep, or at least that's what I kept telling myself. I was supposed to meet Bryan at the school in thirty minutes. I was so excited here was my chance to be alone with a guy that I have had a crush on since my freshmen year.

"Adam telephone. It's Bryan." My dad hollered up. Although he didn't approve of me getting phone calls particularly from guys, he couldn't really stop them from coming in.

"Okay Dad. I got it" I yelled back and picked up the phone. "Hello"

"Adam. I'm glad you are there, I've decided to pick you up instead. I really need to talk to you, since I doubt you will be at the senior keager this weekend."

"Okay I'll be ready meet me on the deck in the back of my house I'll be there." I told him as I hung up. Bryan was getting very antsy and I'm the one that has a crush on him. I quickly went out the backdoor without my parents knowing that I was going out. As soon as I stepped onto the deck there he was, wearing a white tight sleeveless t-shirt and faded frayed blue jean shorts. He looked totally hot. I guess he knew my thoughts cause of how I was looking at him.

"I'm guessing you like that way I look huh?" He said with a sly grin on his face and a gleam in his eye. By the way you look pretty good to."

"T T Thanks I managed to stutter. Look can I ask you a question before we go anywhere?"

"Sure anything." He said as his eyes wandered up and down on me.

"I was wondering why you want to get together with me when you know I'm gay and that I like you. I mean there is no way that you could be gay or bi for that matter I've seen you with way too many girls for that and not a single guy."

"Well, let's just say I've heard that you give something very willingly that most girls have to be talked into." He said with a wink. "You might actually get something that you have desired for sometime if that e-mail you sent me was truthful."

Just then Bryan started heading for his car, so I followed him to his car and got in the passenger's seat. Bryan drove out of my drive way and we started heading to the west side of town where some of the other popular kids live.

As we were driving along Bryan kept looking over at me like he was expecting me to do something. I couldn't help but notice how hot he looked. It was defiantly one of the most amazing sights I had ever seen. Like any normal gay guy I glanced at his crotch. That's when it happened.

"Dude if you want to you can touch it. I mean it's not like I'm going to do anything. In fact why don't we pull over here and I'll show you just why I invited you to hang out with us tonight." Bryan said as he pulled off the road in an old abandon parking lot. He kept looking at me with that tint in his eyes the type you learn to recognize. His hands moved slowly down to his shorts and he unsnapped them and pulled the zipper down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing here was the guy of my dreams undoing his pants with me in the car. I could feel myself starting to get hard, I knew there would be no way to resist him.

As soon as he unzipped his pants he pulled them down so he was only in his briefs and had a very noticeable bulge showing. "Go ahead do what you want I'm all yours."

I couldn't resist I reached over and grabbed his dick through his briefs and it felt so good. I pulled the front of his underwear down and there was what I had desired for so many years. He moved up a bit and pulled his briefs down the rest of the way and took off his shirt. I couldn't resist I did what I had wanted to do for so long. I kissed him and moved down to his neck and then to his nipples. I sucked, licked and nibbled on them. Bryan was moaning and really enjoying it. Finally he came right and said it. "Kirk suck my dick now!" Needless to say I didn't exactly refuse I went down and put his dick in my mouth and started sucking. It felt so right in my mouth his shaft was extremely smooth and his head was real fun to make circles with using your tongue. I kept this up for a few minutes circling and bobbing my head up and down. I knew Bryan was enjoying it cause he was moaning and calling out my name.

"Aww shit Adam that feels great! Don't stop I'm so close to cumming." I kept sucking only I increased my sucking and bobbing going faster I wanted his cum so bad and I knew he was getting close. "Adam... Adam.... I'm cuming!! Here it comes!

With that Bryan tensed and felt his dick start to pulsate in my mouth while his head expanded I positioned my head so the tip of my tongue would be at the piss slit when he came and tasted his sweet nectar as he shot at least 5 shots into my mouth. He tasted so good. I knew he would taste good there was just something about him. I could do this every time if he wanted me to.

"Dude! That was awesome. You give great head! Man I know Ryan and some of the other guys will like you. From now on whenever I want a blow job I'm coming to you." Just then he looked at me with a look in his eyes that said he wanted to try something. "We got to head to Ryan's he's expecting us, I just hope you're up to sucking some more cock and maybe getting fucked you fag!" Bryan said. I normally would have been pissed by this comment but there was something in the way he said it that made me think he didn't really mean it.

We arrived at Ryan's in about fifteen minutes he invited us in and gave me the this really odd look, which given what Bryan had told me in the car I kind of expected. I saw a lot of guys that I liked there, John, Scott, Jon, and Dustin. The more I looked I around the more I saw that there were no girls. This was going to prove to be an interesting night. I walked around the place and decided I would strike up a conversation with a guy that I had recently developed a crush on this past year.

"Hey Dustin. So when are the girls going to come?" I asked trying hard not to stare at him.

"Girls? Didn't anyone tell you this is an all boys party. While I got you over here do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Sure go ahead." I replied wondering where this conversation could be going.

"Do you like me? And before you answer I want to know like as boyfriend kinda like."

Now before I continue let me describe Dustin he was about 5'5" a 15 year old boy, yeah I know kinda young but mine he had a great body that I couldn't resist. Brown hair, blue eyes and great singing voice.

"I don't know, I mean I think you're very attractive and I have thought of doing things with you, but I mean I don't know if I would want you as a boyfriend." I replied

"Follow me I want to show you something." I followed Dustin up some stairs and to a bedroom, where he turned around and looked at me with a smile like he was a cat and he had just found his rat.

"Well I'm guessing from the way that this party is going that Ryan's parents aren't home." I stated trying very hard not to be nervous around him. He just looked at me and smiled.

"You remember what it was like to be a 15 year old boy, always horny and sometime jerking off just don't cut it anymore you want more. Well before I go any further why don't you shut the door and strip to your underwear."

I was shocked I thought surly that Dustin was straight but at this age you can experience with guys it's all normal and my guess is Dustin knew that. Either way I was really horny since I got no release when I finished sucking Bryan off so I agreed and shut the door. I took my shirt off and threw it to the side of the room. I looked over at Dustin to gage his reaction. He was just kinda looking and smiling, if I didn't know better I'd swear this kid was gay, but like I said he was probably just experimenting. Then came my pants. I unbuttoned them and unzipped them letting them fall to the floor. I stepped out of them and walked over to Dustin. He was looking me up and down and I happened to glance at his crotch area and noticed a few twitches. He liked what he was seeing this was a good sign. Then he did the same until he was in just his boxers with a noticeable tent in them.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time so please don't hold back anything." Dustin said as he approached me. He came up to me looked me in the eyes and told me "I'm gay" and then kissed me. It was a long and passionate kiss. Our tongues were fighting each other our hands exploring each other's bodies. I felt his hand touch my cock through my briefs and I did the same to him, the next thing I knew my briefs were on the floor and my cock was hanging free. This felt so right, I wanted it so bad. That I removed his underwear and started stroking his dick.

"Aww man that feels soo good. Much better then my own hand. We went back to kissing while I guided him to the bed in the room. Dustin fell down and I fell on top of him. I moved my head down to his neck and started sucking and kissing there, Dustin was enjoying it so much, he kept going yes oh that feels so good. I kept going .down until I reached his nipples I had to suck and lick on those they were just aching for it.

"Oh man that feels soo good I'm loving this. Man if I knew you would do this I would have asked you out on ICQ when I had the chance. Please suck my dick I've heard you do wonders down there."

What more could I do I went down to his dick which was about five inches hard , not bad for a 15 year old. And I took his cock into my mouth. I licked his head and did circles searching for his sweet spot, while I was doing this I kept bobbing my head up and down on him, making him squirm a little bit and yell out a few things here and then.

"Oh yes! Oh God that feels soo good! Please don't stop I'm so close it won't be long now."

True to his word it wasn't I could feel Dustin tensing under my mouth's playing with his dick. I sucked him harder and bobbed faster to encourage his orgasm to happen. Jut then I felt his dick expand in my mouth and his head grow a little bit bigger the time we had both waited for had come.

"Oh Yes I'm cumming, I'm Cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmming!!!!!"

I got my head ready and tasted the most amazing cum ever. It was so sweet just like honey. I knew if he would be willing I would gladly do it again.

"Oh man." Dustin panted out. "That was the greatest experience of my life. I mean I have never cum like that in my entire life. How on earth could I repay you for that?"

"Well unless I misheard you didn't you say you were gay?" I asked him.

Dustin looked at me with a gleam in his eye. "Yeah I did. Would you like me to give you some head?" He said with this big smile on his face.

I was shocked. Dustin Fredericks had just offered to give me head, this was like a dream come true. The guy that I have developed feelings for was asking to give me head and last but not least he also said that he was gay. "Uh sure! I would like that very much."

Well then pull down your underwear and lay down on the bed. I warn you this will be my first time giving a guy a blow job. I may need some pointers."

I did as he said and was just laying there waiting for him. He came up to me looked at my cock. He must have noticed that my cock is uncut. He began stroking my cock up and down. I must say it was very pleasing to have this young teenage boy stroking my dick.

"Hmm Dustin that feels soo good. You have such soft hands and the way you are stroking me feels great. I can't wait to feel your mouth on me."

"Don't worry baby. I'm getting ready to do just that." And then the next thing I knew his head went down and my cock entered his mouth. He played around with my head sucking on it and licking it and then moved down to the shaft. I knew it wouldn't take me long before I came. After all I was way horny when Dustin and I started and it wasn't going away until I got some release. Dustin kept bobbing and he managed to find my sweet spot on my cock, after teasing my piss slit for about five minutes. He must have became aware that I was getting close, because he started bobbing faster and sucking really hard.

"Dustin, Dustin, Dustin. Oh yes I'm getting ready to cum! Yes Yes Yes! Get ready here it comes!"

The next thing I remember is my cock spewing it hot boy juice into Dustin's mouth and to my surprise he swallowed every bit of it.

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Dustin are you in there? It's me Eric!"

"Oh shit! It's my brother. If he finds out what we're doing I'll be so screwed. He'll have blackmail on me to get me through high school. Quick get dressed." Dustin whispered as he yelled back. "Yeah I'll be there shortly just a second."

"What's going on in there?" Eric asked. "I'm coming in." And before either Dustin and I were fully dressed Eric walked in and caught us. We had our pants on but hadn't quite gotten to the shirts. "What the hell?" Eric said as he looked from me to Dustin. "Are you two fucking around? Are you a fag little brother?"

"No. I convinced Dustin to come in here I told him I would give him head and when I give a guy head I like them to be naked and I like to be naked." I told him hoping it would save Dustin.

"Is that a fact? You have the hots for my little brother? You wanted a piece of his dick? Well I'm older and I have bigger dick don't I bro? Oh don't try and save him I know he likes guys I've seen the way he checks me out in the bathroom and when we're sleeping. He's a fucking fag my own brother." Just then Eric closed the door again and started to undo his pants. Dustin's gaze shifted down to Eric's crotch he knew what was going to happen and it looked like Dustin was thrilled. Eric pulled his cock out and started jerking it off in front of us. "You can watch fag while I have my little bro give me a blow job. Yeah I know that 's what you been itching to do to me since you walked in on me jacking off to a playboy. Well this is your lucky day suck my dick."

I never got to see if Dustin actually went through sucking his brother off because Ryan found me and asked if I would join him in his mom and Dad's room.

"Sure I'll be right there." I said as I took one last look at Dustin getting on his knees with a look of pure bliss on his face.

This concludes part three of this story I really hope you like I know I sure enjoyed writing it.

Next: Chapter 4

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