Highschool Dreams


Published on May 14, 2002


This story is copyrighted by the author using this story on any website or distrubtion of any kind is not allowed without the Author's written consent. This story is strictly for enjoyment. As always comments on the story are welcomed. Part three will be coming later on this week.

Copyright May 13, 2002

Later on that afternoon I was in my room getting ready for Joe to come over when the phone rang.

"Hello" I answered

"Hello is Adam there?" The voice on the other end asked

"This is he."

"Hey it's me Bryan you know from school. I called to see if you wanted to do something later on tonight."

Oh my God I thought. This can't be happening the guy of my dreams wants to hang out with me knowing full well how I feel about him. " Uh. Sure I think that could be arranged. What time do you want to meet?"

"Meet us at the school around 9 see ya then."

With that said Bryan hung up the phone and I thought about the conversation that I had just had. I couldn't believe it Bryan Roberts wanted to get together with me and after seeing him today in the shower I really can't wait.

Just then the door bell rang . Oh shit I forgot Joe was coming over today. I still had no idea what he wanted considering that he hated me at least that is what he had told people.

"Hey I'm glad you allowed me to come over. Are you alone?"

"Yeah my mom's still working and my dad won't be home until 6 or so. So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Before I even had a chance to say anymore to him Joe grabbed me and I thought he was going to kill me, but instead he kissed me I felt his lips press against mine and I just forgot everything. I gave in to the kiss moving my hands all over his back until they came to rest on his ass. Just then Joe broke the kiss.

"Hope that didn't bother you, but that is what I wanted to tell you, that I want to get together with you. You were right about me from the beginning I am gay and always have been, but I had to hide it at school so that my friends and family didn't find out. You remember that e-mail you sent me about giving me the best blow job in the world?"

"Yeah " I answered loving where this conversation was going. Hoping that I would finally get to see Joe's cock and get it in my mouth.

"Well if you are still willing I would love to have you give me head. A few of my friends know that I like you and have since the first time you told me how you felt, but I never had the courage to tell you how I felt about you.

I didn't even bother responding to Joe's question I just started kissing him as we stumbled into my living room and Joe started groping my cock through my pants and it felt soo good I was loving this. I started to undo Joe's pants and kinda playing with his dick while I did so. Soon I had his pants down. Joe broke the kiss long enough to take of his shirt. He looked soo hot with out anything on but his boxers. With little encouragement from Joe I removed his boxers to finally get a chance to see what I had been fantasying about for the past three years. I looked at Joe's dick and it was at least 7 in hard and it looked wonderful. I couldn't believe that he wanted me to suck his dick, but I was more then willing.

"Come on Kirk I know you want to. I've seen the way you look at me during gym class." He said as his hand wondered down to his cock and started stroking it. I couldn't believe this it was amazing Joe looked so hot with nothing on and him just standing there naked wanting me to get on my knees and suck his dick.

Just then the phone rang and I was so into what I was doing that I just let the answering machine get it. As soon as my voice got done saying the please leave a message speech the person calling left this message.

" Hi Adam it's me Christine. I was just calling to let you know that I can go out with you this weekend if you are still interested. Give me a call when you can."

Shit why did she have to call now. I loved Christine and she knew it we had been fooling around for a few months but I haven't told anyone that, figured as long as they thought I was gay I may as well play the role the letter. I quickly told Joe that I couldn't do this and that the girl on the answering machine was my girlfriend.

" But I mean... look at what we have started I mean I'm naked and you're on your knees getting ready to do something you have thought about for the past three years. I mean I'm more then willing to repay you if you go ahead and suck my dick."

Joe was making this very difficult I mean he's right I have thought about this for three years since the first time I saw him and he was standing there naked and hard as a rock. Maybe this one time wouldn't be bad I mean Christine wouldn't know it.

So I asked him if he would lay down on the couch and he did. I got down on my knees and looked at his hard cock which was leaking precum. I slowly grabbed his throbbing cock and started stroking his cock .

"Oh yeah man that feels soo good I can't wait to feel your mouth on it. Please Adam suck my dick."

So with my last shred of doubt I looked up at Joe and he had this pleading look in his eyes and I just couldn't resist anymore so I just took his cock into my mouth.

"Oh yeah that feels so good. Keep sucking me yeah I love that."

I kept sucking bobbing my head up and down and licking around his head. I also kept my tongue going in and out of his piss slit. I was so hard that I had to undo my pants and pull out my dick.

"Oh yeah that feels so damn good I'm very close keep sucking please."

I kept sucking his dick bobbing faster and sucking harder. While at the same time stroking my cock. It always seems when you suck someone off and jack off it makes you a better sucker cause you are more excited.

" Oh.... Yeah.... Adam... Here it comes..."

And with that last sentence I felt Joe's body tense underneath me and moved my head so that I would be able to taste his sweet nectar. Joe's cock pulsed and I felt his head expand in my mouth and then he finally shot his hot load in mouth and it tasted soo good. I was enjoying every minute of it and swallowed each and every drop.

" Man that was awesome you were right that was the best blowjob I have ever had and that includes that little incident with Lindsay in the choir closet. Now how should I repay you?" He said with a certain gleam in his eye.

"Look I did that cause I had wanted to for years, not to mention very horny, but I must be honest with you. I'm not gay. Christine is my girlfriend and I love her and that's why I can't continue this anymore so that was your first and last blowjob from me. Now I suggest you leave and we never speak of this again."

With that said and done I headed to the bathroom to rethink my options. I knew Joe wanted to suck my dick and I kinda wanted him to, but I also wanted to be with Christine. It was no contest Christine won out, I would just arrange for a date tonight and then I could get the relieve I needed.

"Well Adam. I'm dressed and all so I'll leave give me a call sometime and maybe we can get together again. I want to thank you for giving me a great experience and making me realize who I really was." And then I heard the door slam and knew Joe had left. _____________________________________________________________________________ This is the end of part 2 Is Adam really gay and will he pass up the opportunity to be with Joe anymore. And what exactly did Bryan have planned find out in part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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