High School X

By J J

Published on Jul 18, 2006


Sorry for the wait. Haven't had any ideas. I hope to hear from people who read. If you like it, if you hate it, let me know. :)

After we got done training I walked Jubilee to her room and kissed her goodnight. We agreed that we would see where things went and take it slow. Casey was on the same floor so I went to her room to see how things had went with Kevin and to tell her about the new development between myself and Jubilee. Casey answered on about the third knock and when she opened the door she looked like she had been crying.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Casey: "I talked to Kevin earlier."

"What happened? What did he do?"

Casey: "Nothing. Just what I expected."

"And that is?"

Casey: "Look I really don't want to get into it. If I tell you I'm just going to start crying again."

"Well then show me. I want to know what happened."

We had done this a few times back home. Whenever something happened to us that was just to amazing for words we would show the event to eachother using our minds. It was just like watching a movie, well maybe not as good as a movie but you get the point.

Casey: "We haven't done that in forever. Not since the last time you got into a fight."

"Well now we can get back into the swing of things. Come on."

Casey: "Whatever."

There was always a little light-headed feeling when we did this and then things would start.

Earlier : -

Kevin was in the refrigerator getting some OJ. When Casey walked in. She stood watching him for a few seconds before she said anything.

Casey: "Hey!"

Kevin: "Hey. What's up?"

He looked like he was genuinely happy to see her and he even leaned over to kiss her.

Casey: "Just hanging out. Jamie and that girl Jubilee are hanging out so I'm all by my lonesome."

Kevin: "I'm sure we could get into something. I brought a few DVD's along with me and maybe we can watch a few of those."

Casey: "Sure. But I actually need to talk to you about something."

Kevin: "Ok. What about?"

Casey: "Um... can we go sit down?"

They sat down for a little while before Casey said anything. I could tell that she was trying to pull herself together and figure out the best way to tell Kevin about Morgan.

Casey: "Kevin I have to tell you something really important."

Kevin: "Ok...."

Casey: "You might not want to deal with me anymore after that but......"

Kevin: "Now you're freaking me out. What's going on?"

Casey: " ......"

Kevin: "Come on. Spill."

Casey: "I.... I have a baby."

Kevin: "What!?!"

Casey: "Me and Jamie had a baby a year ago."

Kevin: "Jamie? You fucked him?"

Casey: "He's my best friend. We thought we could be more and the year that me and Jamie weren't talking was when I got pregneant. I stayed in school until April and then I stopped coming."

Kevin: "That's impossible everyone would have seen you growing."

Casey: "No they wouldn't have. I altered people's images of me. Like a mirage. I made it seem like I was just walking around as usual but by April I could hardly walk and I left school."

Kevin: "So you've been fucking with my mind this whole time."

Casey: "What?! No. I just didn't want people to know that I was pregnant especially Jamie's parents."

Kevin: "Still I'm a mutant. I would have seen through it."

Casey: "When did you first get your powers?"

Kevin: "About a week before everything blew up."

Casey: "Then you wouldn't have known. A few other people at school knew what I was doing but they didn't say anything."

Kevin: "People like who? Other mutants?"

Casey: "It's not important."

They sat looking at each other for a minute. I guess they were unaware but by now they had attracted a small crowd.

Kevin: "And how the hell did you hook up with Jamie?"

Casey: "He's my best friend. We wanted to see what it would be like to be a couple."

Kevin: "He's a fucking faggot."

Casey: "He's bisexual and I knew that before I even slept with him."

Kevin: "I don't believe this shit."

Casey: "Look I really like you, but I don't regret anything I did. Jamie is the best father anyone could ask for. If you can't look past that then you aren't the guy that I thought you were."

Kevin: "I guess I'm not."

Casey: "So we're done? Just like that."

Kevin: "I guess so."

I felt that tingle again and I was back looking at Casey.

"I have to go."

Casey: "What? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to kick his ass."

Casey: "Jamie sit down. I should have expected that."

"At least I know how he feels about me."

Casey: "Yeah. It's whatever. I have you and we can be lonely together."

"Well actually I'm not single anymore."

Casey: "What? What do you mean?"

"Me and Jubilee. We said we were going to take things slow."

Casey: "That's great. Just don't make out in front of me. I might gag."

"Ok, now that we settled that, I have two questions. Where is Morgan and how did you know I was bi?"

Casey: "Morgan is in the back. They really hooked me up because she has her own room. And I knew you were bi because I just knew. You weren't very discreet when you looked at guys, and I saw some stuff."

"Stuff like what?"

Casey: "I came to Ryan's party looking for you. I looked in all the rooms and I saw you two."

"And you never said anything."

Casey: "What was I supposed to say? 'Hey Casey I saw you and Ryan screwing in his bed.' "

"Yeah that does sound a little weird."

Casey: "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna hit the sack."

"Aight. I'll see you in the morning."

I left her room and walked to my own. I didn't realize it but I was beat after being with Jubilee and then listening to Casey had tired me out. I knocked on the door just to make sure that Logan wasn't doing anything I should see and when no one answered I slipped inside the room. I heard the shower going so I took off my jeans and shirt and laid down. It was kinda difficult for me to get to sleep and by the time I did Logan had already gotten in bed and fallen asleep. Luckily he didn't snore or sleep might never have come.

I woke up at around 7am and started to get ready for classes. I laid out the clothes I would be wearing, a navy-blue Dickies bodysuit (think the orange jail work suit, just not with the history, a pair of navy-blue and white Nike Air Force 1s. I wasn't really looking forward to them because I'm sure I had a number of classes with Kevin. After what I saw yesterday I knew I had made a mistake in attempting to be his friend. Not only had he played Casey but he said stuff about me that I thought we were way passed. I guess people don't change. I got showered up and was walking out of the bathroom when I noticed the Logan was up.

"Hey I'm really sorry that I didn't come to the gym. With Morgan being dropped off here it was just a little hectic."

Logan: "Don't worry about it kid. To be honest it kind of slipped my mind too. Made up with my date last night."

"Sounds like you had fun."

Logan: "More than you can imagine."

I stripped off my towel and started getting dressed. Logan and I were casually talking and I finally wasn't really nervous around him.

"Was she hot?"

Logan: "Like you wouldn't believe."

"Good you're a nice looking guy. You should have someone who's equally as good looking."

Logan: "Don't know if I should take that as a compliment or a come on."

"Take it as a compliment. I already have someone."

Logan: "Good. I'm sure he's happy."

"She is."

Logan: "She?"

"Yes. Jubilee. Rememeber I'm bi, not all gay."

Logan: "That's right. Just dont understand it is all."

"Understand what? That I like guys?"

Logan: "I just don't understand it. Women are perfection."

"They are. I don't disagree with that at all. I just feel that guys are the same."

Logan: "To each his own."

"You don't have to understand it. Just please don't judge me."

Logan: "Of course not. Just don't bring any guys into the room.


.... : "Hey Jamie this is Chance."

"Hey. How have you been? I tried calling there but nobody picked up."

Chance: "Yeah we haven't really been here. Everyone has been doing something and you know Dad won't answer the phone. And I want you to know that you pissed Mom off something awful."


Chance: "Yeah. She was really pissed that you kept your baby from her."

"I kept it from everyone."

Chance: "Well we knew about it. Just not Mom and Dad."

"Uh huh. Well what's up?"

Chance: "I just got your message from Mom saying you wanted to talk."

"Oh. Right. I just wanted to know if there was anything you wanted to tell me."

Chance: "Something like what?"


Chance: "No. Nothing I can think of."

"Well I don't have the time to ask you anything else. I'm late for class. I'll call back really soon."

Chance: "Love you."

"Love you too."

For as long as Casey and I had been friends I would always walk to her house and then we would go to school. Being here was no different except we lived in the same house now. I walked to her room and she was waiting outside for me.

Casey: "Late as usual."

"Bite me. Who's going to watch Morgan?"

Casey: "Jean is free the first four periods and after that I'm taking her to class with me. Everything after fourth is mutant training anyway."

"Cool. So what class do you have now?"

Casey: "Economics and World Events. What about you?"

"I have the same. At least we will have a class together."

Casey: "Yeah. We can look over our schedules later."

We got situated in class and waited for the teacher to come in. It was just my luck that the two guys I had no interest in seeing walked into the classroom. Bobby and Kevin. I didn't want any confrontations so I grabbed my stuff and moved all the way to the back of the class and Casey followed me. I didn't want this to be like back at home where I fought all the time so I was going to avoid any problems. The teacher, Mr. McCoy started class and the first thing he told us was that we were going to have a group project. I was ok with that as long as I was partnered with Casey.

P. McCoy: "I would like everyone to get into groups of two. From there I will arrange you into groups of four."

I didn't have to move because Casey was right beside me and in less than no time the class was seperated into groups of two. I tried not to but I noticed that Bobby and Kevin were partnered together. I hoped and prayed the Mr. McCoy wasn't so fucking dense as to pair us with those two but as fate would have it he did.

P. McCoy: "Casey and Jamie. I'm pairing you with Bobby and umm ..... Kevin that's it."

If I wasn't pissed already I was livid when the class started to make "oooh-ing" noises. Clearly they weren't going to quit with what happened so I instantly got pissed.

"Professor McCoy we can't work with them."

P. McCoy: "And why is that?"

"It's kind of personal."

P. McCoy: "Well either you can tell the class or you can work together now and deal with it after class."

Mr. McCoy set us up in different spots around the class and we were placed in the back. The project actually sounded quite interesting. We had tell about ancient civilizations and how they survived. We also had to research if there were any writings about mutants in that time period. We walked over and took our seats and as soon as I sat down, Kevin laid into me.

Kevin: "What the fuck is your problem? What do you mean you can't work with us?"

"What the fuck do you think? First you play my best friend then you call me a faggot. For once I thought that we were starting to become friends, but obviously that was a big ass joke."

Kevin: "You told him what we talked about?"

Casey: "I tell him everything.

Bobby: "Well clearly this conversation doesn't include me."

"You're the reason all this shit is happening. Why everybody looks at me all funny and shit while you walk around like didn't shit happen."

Bobby: "Can you lower your damn voice?"

He kinda had a point so I lowered my voice a considerable amount.

"Fuck you! I just can't seem to get away from bullshit people."

Casey: "Listen can we please just get this project started? We can talk about this later."

Bobby: "I really don't see what's to talk about."

Casey: "What I'm talking talking about really isn't anything important to you and Jamie, well you two need to squash that shit."

Mr. McCoy was walking around and checking that all the groups were on task and he stopped over to our table.

P. McCoy: "How is everything going over here?"

Kevin: "We were just talking about the project Mr. McCoy. We're fine."

P. McCoy: "Good. This project is going to be a large grade. Don't mess up."

Casey: "We won't. We're just trying to figure out the best way to present our presentation."

With that we left and me and Casey started to talk. I figured it was best if we each came up with an idea and then shared to see which one was best. I have to say that combined we did come up with a few good ideas and we decided to eat dinner together so that we could discuss everything we wanted to do for the project.

Casey and I didn't have any more classes together today but all of our classes tomorrow were together. It was like a Day 1 - Day 2 program. Most of the rest of my classes were the normal stuff: Science, Math, and English. The day was getting really boring so I was relieved when I finally had a power-development class.

I had just walked onto the grounds when Jubilee and Bobby came outside. They were casually talking, until they saw me. She smiled and he frowned. She walked over and kissed me and then sat down beside me. Bobby was left there looking stupid. I guess he thought I was going to be stuck on all our drama. Or that I was completely gay. Nope not now, not ever. Jubilee and I were just shooting the shit, when our teacher walked out. She was drop dead gorgeous. She was of Chinese decent and she had purple hair, and not to mention a banging ass body. She was tall and thick in all the right places. I guess I was staring to hard because I got a soft poke in my ribs.

..... : "Hello everyone. My name is Betsy Braddock. I don't usually teach projectile powers but I have been placed as substitute until Mrs. Jean Grey is ready to come back."

.... Voice like an ANGEL ....

Jubilee: "Ms. Braddock what are your powers? Because I thought that Jean was also a telepath."

Betsy: "Betsy please? Jean is telepathic but she also has other abilities. My psychic mind was altered allowing me to produce telekinetic energies, levitate, manipulate matter with my mind, propel myself through the air, project protective force screens, and generate focused energy blades that can sever bonds between molecules and disrupt neural relays. I also have immunity to all forms of telepathy, I have an altered astral form that enables me to utilize shadows to teleport myself and others over great distances, telepathy and a psychic knife that disables my opponents physically and mentally, and finally I am precognitive."

"Damn that's alot."

Betsy: "Yes, mutants are usually blessed with more power than they realize."

Girl: "Blessed? You don't believe that do you?"

Betsy: "Yes I do. Our powers are what make us who we are. Without them we wouldn't be who we are."

Girl: "Whatever. Without powers we would be normal."

Betsy: "People look at us like we are 'freaks' as you to refer to us and they think we are less than human. It's people like you that allow them to talk about us like we're worthless. Grow up and accept it."

I had only seen some people flip like that. It was funny actually. The girl sat there looking stunned along with the rest of the class.

Jubilee: "Damn. I wouldn't want to be that girl right now."

"Hell no."

We laughed for a minute and then Mr. Braddock talking brought our attention back to the class.

Betsy: "I am going to pair you up into pairs, and display your powers. I am going to take down the power I see and if the Professor explained your powers to you then I would like to hear that also."

She was pairing the class in alphabetical order and Bobby got placed with some girl named Bree. They went off into a section of the lawn and started displaying their powers. It finally got to me and thankfully I was paired with my girl. We got up and walked to where Bobby, was but we didn't get to close because he was doing some really cool stuff with his powers. The girl Bree was nice too. She could fire out energy balls and if you came into contact with them they could cause you to hallucinate. Ms. Braddock was walking around and writing things down on her chart.

"She's coming. Go ahead and start."

With that she opened her hands and instantly there was a light glow and after a few seconds there was a small energy-firework hovering over her hand. It was actually really nice to look out. She was putting more energy into it and then she launched it towards the small pond and when it exploded it was like a mini grenade.

Jubilee: "You show me something."

"Like what?"

Jubilee: "Like your power. You do know what it is right."

"Not really. I've been able to do tons of stuff."

I really didn't know what to show her. I didn't know what the limits of my powers were and I had mostly stuck to doing things like telepathy and psionics. It was alot easier.

"Well what do you want to see?"

She looked at me for a moment like she didn't understand me and then she figured out what I meant.

Jubilee: "Well let's see some electricity. That counts as a projectile right?"

"I guess so. It should be."

I concentrated and thought of electricity. It wasn't really all that hard to do and in an instant I had an orb of electricity in my hand. I liked all the powers that I had. There didn't seem to be any limit. It was a few more minutes before Ms. Braddock finally got to us.

Betsy: "Is that your only power Mr. Williams?"

"No. But I just didn't know what else to do."

Betsy: "Did the Professor explain your power to you?"

"I'm not sure he knows what it is yet. Me or my friends.... friend Casey and this other guy Kevin from back home. We really have only been here for a little while."

Betsy: "Well let me see something different."

"Like what?"

Betsy: "What else have you done before?"

"Fire. I don't really like being put on the spot. I get nervous."

Betsy: "Well let me see you create an energy ball."

I didn't know what the hell she was talking about. But I knew that Scott's power had something to do with energy so I tried to mimic that just in sphere form and not out of my eyes of course. It was forming and I let it keep growing in intensity and power. I let the ball get around the size of a tennis ball and then I ceased power and it disappeared.

Betsy: "Would have been nice to see how much damage that could have done."


Betsy: "No need for apologies. Your name is Jubilation Lee right?"

Jubilee: "Jubilee."

Betsy: "Jubilee. What are your powers and can you display them for me please?"

Jubilee: "Sure."

She started to form her fireworks and she listed off her powers.

Jubilee: "I can manifest energy plasmoids as multi-colored fireworks of various shapes and intensities and I can detonate them to create disorienting bursts of light, sound, and heat. And the Professor says with practice I can interweave the energy into solid objects to cause explosions at a molecular level."

Betsy: "Wonderful. You really have a lot of potential. Jamie I think we need to see the Professor about your powers, ecspecially if he hasn't figured them out yet."

"Ok, sure. But is something wrong?"

Betsy: "No not at all. I'm just curious now."


She left because she had a few more people to look at and Jubilee and I just kept talking.

Jubilee: "My fireworks are cool, but sometimes I wish I could do more. You can do anything."

"Well I happen to like your powers. And I like you. So it's good all around."

Jubilee: "Yeah. Whatever (laughing). What are you and Casey doing tonight?"

"Prolly nothing. Why?"

Jubilee: "I don't know. Maybe we could like go to the mall or something. We can get you a new wardrobe because your clothes suck."

"Do not. My stuff is hot."

We kept playfully arguing back and forth until Ms. Braddock called our attention.

Betsy: "There are a large range of powers in this group. Because I am not the normal teacher I can do things that Ms. Grey probably wouldn't try on the first day. I am going to pair you off and I want you to spar. The difference of power should be interesting."

She started to pair people off and then she asked us to form a circle.

"This looks like a fight ring."

Betsy: "It is. In this life you may encounter people with very different powers from yours. This will allow you to study the different members of your class."


Betsy: "Jubilee I would like you to work with Allison. And Jamie I want you to work with Bobby."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Betsy: "And why is that?"

"Because we just can't."

Betsy: "Do it for me. Ok. Thanks."


Betsy: "After you're done I want you to stand to the side and allow everyone else room."

"Can we go first?"

Betsy: "See that's the spirit. You're up."

"What are our limits?"

Betsy: "No limits. Do what you have to do to take the opponent down as long as it isn't fatal."


Betsy: "Go ahead."

I wanted Bobby to make the first move. I wanted him to give me a reason to give it all I had. And yet he just stood there. Maybe he was thinking the same thing I was.

"What are you waiting for?"

Bobby: "We don't have to do this. I thought we settled all our beef."

"We did. This is class remember."

I flew over to Bobby and punched him right in the face. I could tell he wasn't expecting me to hit him and that felt all the better. He recovered quickly and we were soon in a full blown fight. Bobby rolled on top of me and started to hit me in the face. It was hard for me to hit him back in this position so I used my powers to push him off me. He flew about 10 ft and then slammed into the ground. I was instantly on top of him and started punching him in his face over and over again. He started to form an ice glove on his hand and then he punched me in my face. It felt like I had been hit in the face with a brick.

"You're going to regret that Bobby."

Bobby: "Whatever."

Bobby was really mad now. He started to launch a series of ice shards at me and by doing backflips in the opposite direction it was easy for me to dodge them.

"That all you got Bobby?"

Bobby: "You're pissing me off Jamie. I'm trying to be nice."

"Fuck that. Give me all you got."

Bobby was really hot now. In a matter of seconds he had completely covered his self in ice and was heading towards me.

"What the fuck?..."

Bobby: "Scared?"

"Not at all."

I ran up to him and did a jumping kick that landed in his chest, he stumbled back and I crashed to the ground. It was like my leg had been run over by a car or something. He formed spikes over his hand and when I got up he started aiming punches at me. I did a pretty good job of dodging him but he got me once and he slashed my arm open.


Bobby: "Give up Jamie. You can't beat me."

"You really believe that Bobby?"

Bobby: "I do."

"Bobby do you know what I can do to you?"

It was time to end this because it was getting extremely boring. I entered Bobby's mind and started to retract his ice from. When he was in his normal form I started to send pain bolts repeatedly into his mind until he passed out.

"Am I done?"

Betsy: "Yeah. I guess you are."

I walked over to the side of the building away from everyone. Jubilee was heading over to me but before she could get to me Ms. Broddock called her. I was really interested to see just what she could do. Besides our little episode in town I had never really seen her powers.

Jubilee: -

I had to concentrate. This girl had probably been here for a lot longer than me and she probably knew her powers way better than I did. It was a second before I saw her make a move and then the ground below me shook and threw me up. I hit the ground really hard but I didn't let it affect me. I got back up and focused. They had a tree that was behind her and if I aimed just right then I could crash it to where she was. I focused one of my fireworks and let it build in intensity and color before I released it, that way she would know to dodge it. It worked perfectly and the tree trunk exploded and the tree started to rapidly come down on her. She turned around and she spit lava out of her hands and burned the tree to a crisp. While she was turned around I was forming another firework and when I saw her moving again I launched it. I directed at her feet and when she turned around it exploded making her lose her footing and fall. I ran over to her and just as I was closing in I heard a loud crack and the ground under me shook and split. I jumped for it and made it across the gap and landed right by Allison. I let her get up and then we started to fight again. We started to really go out and I was starting to get tired. She started to get more hits on me then I was willing to accept and kicked her away from me. I wanted this to be over so I formed a mild firework around my fist and punched her in the gut. The force I used blasted her back and she flew back and I could tell she was out. The ground started to mend itself back up and I went and took a seat next to Jamie.

I liked watching Jubilee work. It was a short fight but she showed alot of control and took Allison out pretty quickly.

Jubilee: "Sorry I took so long."

"No problem."

Jubilee: "You still aren't over what happened with you and Bobby."

"Why do you say that?"

Jubilee: "You really gave it to him out there. You looked pissed."

"I was just doing the lesson."

Jubilee: "I guess."

"I'm not even worried about him."

Jubilee: "You sure?"

"Just drop it. Ok?"

Jubilee: "Ok."

Maybe I wasn't over what Bobby and I did. But I'm sure it wasn''t really about Bobby. I was bisexual. I liked guys and girls and it had been over a year since I had done anything with a guy. Bobby just did something that I had missed for a long time.

Jubilee: "What are you thinking about?"

"Everything that happened since I got here."

Jubilee: "This is my last class today. Maybe we can go out later but I'm beat. Maybe you can come by my room a lil' later."

"Cool. I will."

Ms. Braddock dismissed class and I made my way up to Casey's room. It was around 3 and I knew she got out of class already. I was tired as hell but I really wanted to check on Morgan and make sure that Casey had everything that she needed. I was just about to knock on her door when I got a telepathic message...

Professor: "Jamie, please come to my office immediately."

"Is something wrong Professor."

Professor: "It's a strong possibilty."

I teleported to the Professor's office and Casey, Jubilee, Bobby, Kevin, and Ms. Braddock and were all in the room.

"What's going on?"

Betsy: "There seems to be a problem with a mutant in your home town. His powers manifested and he hurt a few kids while at school. It started a huge uproar and a group of other students attacked him. We think it would be best to go there. Several people attacked his house and we think we should intervene to make sure no one else is hurt."

"What can we do?"

Professor: "Well because you lived there we think it might be beneficial for the attackers to see you."

Casey: "What so they can turn on us?"

"Everyone knows we're mutants now."

Casey: "They would start attacking us."

Professor: "We expect that. But if you have to use a small amount of force to keep them off of you."

Casey: "Do you know who it is? The mutant?"

Betsy: "Neal Shaar. He's of Indian decent."

"Neal? He's in college. He graduated our sophomore year."

Kevin: "He's friends with my brother Warren."

Professor: "Are any of you opposed to Bobby tagging along? He has extensive field training and he would be helpful while you're there."

"I do."

Kevin: "I don't."

Professor: "Jamie I'm asking you to look past your recent differences with Bobby and accept his help."


Casey: "We have to bring Morgan."

Professor: "I don't think that is such a good idea."

"She has to meet my Mom."

Professor: "Well I guess it's ok."

Betsy: "Jean Grey will also be coming with us."

Kevin: "I thought she was on leave."

Professor: "She was. But she wants to return to active duty. This seems like an appropriate mission to get her back into things."

Casey: "I guess we better go get ready. I need get Morgan some clothes ready."

"How long are we going to be there?"

Betsy: "The longest we're staying is three days. That way you can spend time with your families if you want to."

"Would it be ok if Jubilee tagged along?"

Casey: "I don't mind."

Kevin: "I don't care."

Professor: "No reason why she can't. It would be good for her to get field experience too."

We were dismissed and Casey and I were walking to Jubilee's room.

Kevin: "Casey can I talk to you for a minute?"

Casey: "No."

Kevin: "It's important."

Casey: "Not to me it isn't."

He ran up to us and grabbed her arm.

Kevin: "Please!?!"

Casey: "Fuck that. We have nothing to talk about."

Kevin: "Look I'm trying to apologize."

"Casey I'm going to go and get Jubilee. Handle that."

I got to her room and asked her if she wanted to go and she said yeah. I told her to get her stuff packed and that we would be leaving within the hour. I went back to my room and Logan was there doing push-ups when I walked in.


Logan: "What's up?"

"About to pack."

Logan: "Where you goin' ?"


Logan: "Home? You givin' up?"

"Naw. A kid back home got his powers. We're going there before someone gets hurt."

Logan: "Field experience?"

"Yeah. How often does shit like this happen?"

Logan: "Half the kids here are orphans or ran away because they were in danger. Happens alot unfortunately."


Logan: "It's a harsh world kid."

"Yeah. I better get packed. We are supposed to be leaving in like a half hour."

Logan: "Maybe I'll tag along."

"That would be cool. You can meet my parents again. Hear them cuss me out about keeping Morgan from them."

Logan: "I'm sure everything will be ok."

"I hope."

We packed up everything we were going to need and headed down to the basement. Everyone was already down there and we all seemed ready to go.

Casey: "Why are we coming down here? The cars are in the garage."

Jean: "We are going to take the Jet. It's way faster than driving by car."

"Speaking of cars. Can I bring mine back here?"

Betsy: "You'd need to ask the Professor. I don't see why not though. There's plenty of space in the garage."

Casey: "Wait. I have a car too. Should I ask if I can bring mine?"

Kevin: "Mine too."

Logan: "Yeah that's definitely a matter for the Professor."

Betsy: "We should all get going."

We all got seated into the Jet and we were up in the air in minutes. It wasn't as long of a ride as I had origianlly thought and we were about twenty minutes away.


Jean: "Yes?"

"Did the Professor ever figure out what our powers were?"

Betsy: "Yeah he did. I forgot about that actually."

She handed me a file three different files for each of us and I handed them out respectively. I read what it said but I didn't understand any of it.

Casey: "What does this mean?"

I grabbed Casey's file and read over it and it looked exactly like mine.

"Her file says the same thing."

Casey: "So does Kevin's. What does that mean?"

Jean: "That somehow you three all ended up with the same powers. Might have been something chemical that caused your mutation in the first place. It's very rare for three different people that aren't related to have the same power."

Kevin: "What exactly is our power?"

Jean: "You all have the ability to absorb the mutant power of any mutant you touch or come in close proximity to. It's alot like Rogue's power except that she can't touch anyone without harming them. You can contain their power or trait and from the moment you obsorb it, you have it permanently to use whenever you need it.."

Logan: "But that's bad, right? In the future won't their power overload."

Betsy: "Actually it won't. The Hank was worried about that also and ran some more tests. It appears that however much power they absorb there will always be a perfect balance."

Bobby: "Awesome."

Jean: "It's quite amazing actually."

Betsy: "With that amount of power you three could be indestructable. You could become three of the most powerful mutants."

I sat wondering about that. The three of us could be the most powerful mutants alive.

We finally got to our town and landed the jet right at the beginning of the main street. It seemed really quiet so we exited out of the Jet and started to walk further into town.

Bobby: "Where is everybody?"

"Where does Neal live Kevin?"

Kevin: "He lives on Friedmont Circle."

Casey: "I'll be right back."

She had Casey in her arms and she teleported away and about a minute later she was back.

Casey: "I dropped her off at your mom's."

Betsy: "Did you see anything?"

Casey: "No. It's like everyone disappeared."

We started walking towards Friedmont and we started to say to actually see signs of life. There was a large group of people that was turning down Neal's street.

"Come on."

We turned on Friedmont and alot of people were there. They had people from the police and a few army trucks there. They had guns pointing at the house and the Sergeant was on a microphone trying to get Neal to come out. Fuck that. I would be scared to come out too. They had a few small groups that were standing around the house but the main group of people that weren't from our town were screaming and picketing. The smaller groups were people from school that I knew were standing to the side looking worried. We walked up and a few people recognized us and came over.

.... : "Casey. How is everything?"

Casey: "Jazmyn things are going good. We're in New York now."

Jazmyn: "You guys just up and left..."

She hugged the three of us and I felt kind of bad that we did just leave like that without telling anyone.

Kevin: "Things were crazy. We didn't know how people were going to react."

Jazmyn: "We're all family here. We all grew up together. You should have trusted us... I'm really scared for Neal, all this shit isn't even necessary."

Jubilee: "Do you know who it is that got hurt?"

Jazmyn: "Lilith and Deshaun. They were all in his car and he started spazzing. Lil' was trying to help him but they got out and then he just like blew the fucking car up. They got blasted back a little but they just broke a few bones. The only reason it's all hyped like this is because of these fucking clowns."

She pointed to the crowd of people and they looked really crazy. It was disgusting. A few other people started to walk over to us and we talked to them for a few and introduced them to our teachers.

Betsy: "We better go in there."

Jazmyn: "They won't let you in. I told them I could calm him down but they wouldn't let me."

Jean: "I'm sure we can work something out."

We walked over and were immediately stopped.

.... : "I'm Sergeant Briggs. How can I help you?"

Jubilee: "The kid in there, he's a mutant."

Srgt. Briggs: "We have the situation contained Sir. If we have to we'll use excessive force to get him out. Nothing to worry about."

Casey: "What the fuck do you mean it's nothing to worry about? That's our friend in there."

Srgt. Briggs: "Well your friend almost killed two kids earlier."

"We talked to my friend and she said they only broke a few bones."

Srgt. Briggs: "Despite what your friend said, I've seen those kids and they're hurt bad."

Logan: "We're going in there to get that kid."

Srgt. Briggs: "Not today you aren't."

Jean: "Look we just want to help the kid."

Srgt. Briggs: "No one can help him now."

Kevin: "We can. He's my friend. If I can just talk to him."

Srgt. Briggs: "I SAID NO!!!!"

This was pissing me off. I turned around to Logan and asked him what we were going to do.

Logan: "We don't have time for this shit."

Logan ran up to Briggs and punched him in the face knocking him down.

Jean: "Logan what are you doing?!"

Logan: "We don't have time for this."

Cops and soldiers started to advance on us and I didn't know what to do. These were military people. They started to pull out guns and all my resignations went out the window. I turned to my old friends and told them to get out of the way. Two guys were coming towards me and three were advancing on Jubilee.

"Look we just want to see our friend."

Soldier: "It's to late for that."

He threw a punch at me and I dodged it and did a roundhouse into his stomach. I blasted him back with telekeneis and the next guy stopped where he was.

Soldier 2: "They're mutants too."

That got the attention of the angry mob and they started to advance on us too.

Logan unsheathed his claws, Bobby started forming ice spikes, and Jubilee started getting her fireworks ready.

Logan: "Be prepared. Stay vigilant."

We all ran up to take on a different section of the group. They had a large group of civilians that were approaching me and they all had hate in their eyes.

Civilian: "We're gonna tear you up freak."

I was just letting my anger build up and build up. All the shit they were saying was just fueling a fire burning inside of me. I could hear everyone else fighting but I was just standing there. I wanted to build up as much rage as possible. I knew Storm was capable of controlling so I wondered how much of it she could actually control. I summoned up lightning bolts and I directed them at the people closing in on me and the first line of people were struck by all the lightening. I didn't really want to anything else because everything would be sloppy and completely destroyed. I focused in on Bobby's power and I started to freeze the ground where the group was standing completely freezing their feet in the ground. I entered their minds and knocked them all out. I moved over to where Jubilee was and she was using her fireworks to temporarily blind people and then she would kick or punch them to the ground. Jean was using telekenesis and telepathy to dispatch her opponents and Logan and Betsy were using pure force to take them out. Kevin was getting attacked by about eight soldiers and he was straining to fight them off. I flew over to him pulled four of the guys back. We started fighting and one of the guys pulled out an army knife. He swung it at me and I didn't move fast enough and it he cut me on my chest. It was bleeding pretty badly but I didn't stop fighting. I did a back flip and clipped the guys hand that was holding the knife and it spun up into the air. I straightened up and grabbed the knife out the air and stabbed it into the soldier's collar bone causing him to scream in pain. He fell to the ground bleeding and formed two plasma beams and blasted the last three soldiers back. The majority of the crowd was knocked out and the rest were finally givng us some space.

Betsy: "You kids go in there and get him."

Logan: "Be careful."

The teachers stopped anyone else from approaching the house and we slipped into the house. I had never been here before because I didn't really know Neal like that, but Kevin seemed to know where he was going.

Kevin: "Come on. Neal's room is upstairs."

We headed upstairs and everyone checked a seperate room until there was only one left. We all ended up in front of the door and Jubilee was about to open it when I stopped her. I was feeling a strong amount of energy from behind the door. I pushed Jubilee out of the way and stepped in front of the door and created a force field just as the door was blasted off of the hinges and I was hit by a very powerful plasma beam. I was starting to doubt whether I would be able to hold the shield up.


He was scared and mad and the beam was getting stronger and stronger. I was being pushed backwards from the amount of power he was using and for a second he lost control and the beam crashed into the ceiling frying half the roof. I was struggling to keep the shield going when all of a sudden it stopped. I turned back to look at Neal and he was knocked out cold. He must have exhausted himself and passed out.

"Well damn! Weren't any of you going to help me?"

Bobby: "We did. How do you think he got knocked out?"

Jubilee: "Casey phased me and Bobby through the wall."

Bobby: "I froze his hands so the beam stopped."

Jubilee: "I blinded him with my fireworks."

Kevin: "And I teleported in and backhanded him."

Casey: "Oops. You dropped your face."

"Shut up. I'm really sorry. I was just getting scared and it didn't seem like anyone was rushing to help me."

Bobby: "I guess we better get him downstairs."

Jubilee: "Is that safe?"

"What do you mean?"

Jubilee: "The military was just about to come in here and shoot him. If we leave out of the door, they might shoot us too."

Kevin: "So what should we do?"

"We don't really have a choice. I can make a sheild and we can get him out that way."

Casey: "Umm....Yeah, fuck that. We can all just teleport down there. It would make it alot easier."


I grabbed Jubilee's hand. Casey took Bobby. Kevin took Neal and in less than a second we were on the front lawn. Logan, Jean, and Betsy were talking to Srgt. Briggs again and he looked pissed. When they saw us the soldiers instantly pulled thier guns and I thought we were in for another fight, but Briggs called them off. They finished talking and Logan came over to us.

Logan: "Do you think he can camp at your parent's house until we are ready to go?"

"I can ask. There should be enough room for everyone there."

We walked back to my Mom's house and everyone relaxed around the house. I put Neal up in my room and let him rest. I knew I was about to get royally cussed out by my parents so I made my way downstairs and into the family room. My mom asked me, Casey, and my father into the dining room so I wheeled him in and after a minute my mom layed into me. She felt really insecure that I didn't trust her or my family to tell her about Morgan, and that she would have understood that we were teenages and got to serious to fast. I felt really bad but it was done now so there was no reason to get sad about it. I handed Morgan over to my parents so that they could spend some time with her. I went to my old room to be alone and to gather up some more clothes, my laptop, and to get the bit of money I had been saving. I was mostly done getting everything together when the door opened and Bobby walked in. I was pissed. He had just invaded my space. My comfort zone. My sanctuary.

"Get the fuck out!"

Bobby:"We really need to talk."

"We don't have shit to talk about. Get out NOW!"

Bobby: "I'm not leaving until we settle this."

"Settle what? The fact that you made me feel like shit? Or that you played me and then threatened me? Or that you're so worried about you're rep that you couldn't take responsibilty for some shit that you started? So Bobby what exactly is it that we need to talk about?"

Bobby: "This....This right here. You blaming me for all your problems. Yes I fucked you. Yes people found out about it and I made it seem like you forced me to do it. I didn't know what else to do. I've been here for the better part of my life and I have friends here. My life is at that school. And for you to come and what we did to possibly ruin that is just out of the question."

"You think that's what I wanted Bobby? To ruin you? I don't even know you. You don't mean anything to me. But for you to do that it just isn't right."

Bobby: "It's done and over. We can just forget about it."

"Forget about it? No one at school has forgotten about it Bobby."

Bobby: "There isn't anything I can do about it."

"Just get the fuck out."

Bobby: "I will when you promise me that this is over."

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I spun around and kicked Bobby in the stomach sending him flying into my wall. I grabbed him by his neck and using my strength I grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up.

"I am so tired of you Bobby. All you do is think about yourself. 'My reputation this, my friends that, my, my, my.' FUCK YOU! All you care about Bobby is you."

Downstairs: -

Betsy: "We need to get upstairs now.

Jubilee: "What are you talking about?"

Betsy: "Jamie and Bobby are fighting."

Logan: "I don't hear anything."

Betsy: "It hasn't happened yet. Let's go."

I started to tighten my grip on his neck when I felt my hand ripping open. Bobby had started to change to his ice form and had a spike coming out of his neck into my hand. I let him drop to the ground and tried to stop my hand from bleeding all over my room. I calmed down slightly and I could feel the blood stop flowing and the skin on my hand repairing. He was already up and I kicked him again sending him through my wall. I was dead for sure now. I knew everyone downstairs had to hear that. He got up and formed three ice shards and shot them at me. I barely managed to dodge them and I used telekenesis to blast him back. He got up and I disappeared behind him and kicked him back down. I didn't know how I could penetrate the ice-armor and he was moving to fast for me to try and enter his mind so I had to try and get him tired. I landed at top of the staircase and when he ran for me I disappeared again and landed down the hall. He didn't expect me to do that and fell down the stairs, just as everyone was coming up them.

All comments are appreciated. I hope to hear from everyone. Tell me what you think of the story and characters. If anyone wants me to try and work in a character please let me know.

Next: Chapter 7

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