High School Service Boy

By moc.liamhsuh@77_dutsib

Published on Aug 17, 2015


High School Service Boy Part 7 (authoritarian, high school) By bistud77

Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. Any resemblance to any persons alive or dead is completely coincidental. This contains sexually explicit fantasies about domination and submission and teen sex. If this type of story offends you, please do not read it.

This story is made of real fantasies that I wacked off over when I was in high school.

Choking is very primal experience. The immediate response is to gag. And I feel myself gagging as Joe's cockhead pushes into the back of my throat, past my writhing tongue as it desperately tries to move the cock in the other direction. So I gag. It is the body's way of expelling foreign objects. Of course, gagging makes this particular foreign object feel good, so the result of gagging is deeper penetration, and sounds of pleasure coming from Joe. He is skull fucking me while his little brother watches in awe just a couple of feet away.

I feel his cock actually slide into my throat, which causes a brief panic. The body tenses up, this could be suffocation. The beginning of the puking process starts in my stomach. My eyes water and my nose runs. But before I really need to puke, the cock pulls back up. Letting me gasp for a breath of air.

"Breath through your nose FAGGOT!" Joe yells at me as he continues his assault. His cock slams back in hard. All the way down my throat. No time to gag. Just enough time to worry about keeping my teeth off his shaft. This is rough. And if my teeth hit him, it might end. And I don't want this to end. The faggot in me is unleashed.

He starts fucking me harder and my head pulls back against my will, certainly against Joe's will. And Joe's will is all that matters here.

"If a faggot starts to pull back," Joe explains to his brother, "You just grab him by the ears and hold him in place. Then give it to him twice as hard to teach him who is in charge."

This is what it is to be skull fucked. He holds my skull in place and uses my mouth and throat as his personal fuck tube. Chris, his 12 year old brother, is really impressed. He idolizes Joe. Watching his big bro dominate another high school sophomore only increases his admiration for Joe.

So here I am, on my knees in front of Joe, in his bedroom on a Saturday night. And this is just the first hour of me spending the night. A sleepover while his parents are away for the weekend. It is an opportunity for Joe to teach his brother how to use a faggot.

I am the faggot.

Really, I am more than a faggot sometimes. You know, I am an honors student. I have a girlfriend and a family. I have people who think I am normal, a regular guy. When I lock my grey eyes on a girl, she always has trouble looking away. Unlike some other faggots I know, people can't tell about me just by meeting me. They would need to be told my secret.

But right now I am nothing but Joe's faggot; I have no secrets from him. I am in what Joe calls "a faggot frenzy". The sex chemicals running through my brain have taken me over. I will literally do anything Joe says. I am his to use for his pleasure without question or resistance.

The skull fucking goes on until he feels me adjust to it. That takes some of the fun out of it for Joe, so he pulls his cock all the way out and slaps my face with it a couple of times. I feel my throat slime and his pre-cum splatter my face.

"OK Chris, I want you to see what a faggot really is. They need to be degraded, treated like they are less than human. And you won't believe it until you see it with your own eyes. Go to the kitchen, get another banana, some peanut butter, and find Spike and bring him here."

My heart starts pounding. Spike is their 5 year old German Shepard.

He is strong and sleek just like Joe and Chris. The perfect dog for them really. And now, I think something really nasty is about to happen. Somewhere in my mind, I am screaming at myself to stop this. Get out. Say no. Do something. Do anything. I have been here less than an hour and they are going to do something really depraved with me. What have I gotten myself in to?

But it doesn't matter anymore, I am in faggot mode. So what I do is stay on my knees and bow my head. My dick is hard as steel.

While Chris is out of the room, Joe gets close to my ear and says in a low voice, "Spike is going to be putting his tongue on you. And if he decides he wants to fuck your fag ass, you are going to let him. You are mine, and I will let my dog use you as his bitch because that will amuse me and it will sure show Chris what faggots really are. You got that?"

My head is swimming. I must be in shock. I feel words moving up my throat but it is hard to tell if I am saying them or if someone else is. "I got it Sir."

My mind is not functioning. I can't even imagine a dog licking me, let alone putting its slimy pink dick up my ass. No. What might the consequences be? I can't even think about that so I give up. Am I this low? Yes. So I wait on my knees. My throat slowly recovering from the skull fucking I just took.

Chris returns with a big grin on his face. Spike pads in behind him, looking alert. Spike is probably thinking more clearly than me. I consider again getting out. But I don't want to blow this. I don't want to go back to wanking off fantasizing about Joe. I want to be his faggot. He is one of the sexiest guys in my school.

I realize I am lucky that he uses me. And if his little brother wants to use me too, that's even hotter. So I make a decision: no matter what, I am going through with whatever he wants. Even if it is depraved and sick. Well, especially if it is depraved and sick.

It's why I am really here....

Joe orders me, "Get your face on the floor and stick your bare ass up in the air."

I really can't think clearly. I am not sure what is going to happen. But it is going to involve that dog. He is walking around like he knows it too.

I feel Joe's strong hands on my ass cheeks pulling them apart. "Get over here Chris; I am going to pull this faggot's hole open while you push some banana and some peanut butter inside. Then we are going to see what he does while Spike tries to lick it out. HA HA. Hopefully Spike won't bite!"

Chris says, "Oh my god, that is so nasty. Should we do that to Spike?"

Joe, "Spike is a fucking dog. They sniff and lick each other's asses all the time. And if he wants more from the faggot, he can have it."

Chris with an edge of excitement, "Holy fuck. This is so nasty. Let's do it."

I feel Joe's thumbs digging into my hole, it is a little sore from being fucked so roughly yesterday by Karen's brothers. Joe starts working my ass lips by massaging them, gradually pulling them apart, gaping my hole while Chris waits with a chunk of banana. Then I feel Chris pushing a piece of banana in me. I smell the banana, and I feel Chris' smaller fingers as he pushes a piece inside my anus.

"Fuck yeah," Joe encourages his brother, "Get some more, then the peanut butter."

I remain exposed and available, my ass up in the air, my legs spread, the right side of my face pressed against the floor. I am letting them do this to me. I say to myself, "let go, just let go". And I feel my mind slip away as Chris pushes more chunks of banana up my ass hole and the sounds of their laughter fill the air.

Soon I feel the sticky peanut butter being smeared around my hole, inside and out. I know I must be a mess. Spike gets interested when he smells the peanut butter. I know what is about to happen but my mind doesn't think beyond this moment. I am allowing this to happen. Joe's fingers keep pulling my hole open. Alternately, I feel cool air entering me, and then Chris's fingers carrying a glob of peanut butter. They are filling my anal cavity.

Finally, Joe's voice, "OK that's enough. Let's see if Spike wants some.... Come on SPIKE, get something nice to eat!"

Then I feel their dog's whiskers against the cheeks of my ass. And his wet nose. I feel his hot breath. And trembling a bit, I hold myself still to be used. Even by a dog. Even if two teen hotties are watching. Then I feel the big, wet, rough dog tongue take a swipe at my crack.

OH MY GOD. I am letting a dog lick my ass. I feel the big tongue working its way deeper into me. Digging out the peanut butter and banana. It probably tastes good to Spike. I feel Joe reach over and pull my cheeks apart wider so Spike can get at me. I allow it.

I am his faggot.

Then Joe says to his brother, "Hey look, Spike is getting hard. Look at that pink cock snaking out! Maybe he wants to give our faggot a ride!"

Chris says, "Wow, holy cow."

"Hey faggot," sneers Joe, "You know you are going to put out for my dog. You are mine, and you are less than my dog to me."

Suddenly Spike jumps onto my back and starts thrusting around with his wet dick. He doesn't seem to be able to find my hole. I just kneel there frozen. I can't even imagine I am going to let this happen, but I am. I am going to let their dog fuck me while they watch. It has been a little more than 24 hours since my girlfriend's twin brothers took my virginity, one after the other. They pretty much raped my ass. It wasn't gentle.

And now, I am about to get fucked for the third time in my life, this time by Joe's German Shepard. What does this make me? Really? Am I going to be a fuck hole for a dog?

Then I feel Joe's fingers working behind me, guiding Spike's wet dick into my hole. Oh fuck! It starts to go in. Holy fuck, I can feel it, but it is hard to believe it is a dog dick. That is, until his paws start gripping me on my sides and I feel his furry belly against my back. I am being fucked by a dog.

"Get him Spike, fuck him HARDER!" yells Joe.

Spike starts a rapid pace, I have seen dogs fuck other dogs before, so I know what is happening. What is shocking is that it is happening to me.

"Hey faggot, how do you like being Spike's bitch?" Joe taunts me. I look to the side and see Chris's beautiful face, covered in sweat, his cheeks pink, his eyes open wide as he watches me get fucked by his dog a few inches away.

"Answer me faggot. Do you like getting fucked by a dog? Does it feel good?" Joe says.

I have been in too much shock to notice the feeling. But it does feel good. My ass feels good inside. And being so fucking low, being the bitch to this dog while Joe and Chris watch, that touches something deep inside me. It is a very deep need to have no dignity, to be sub-human, to be treated like less than a worthless faggot. The thrill is there deep in my belly. I am both horrified and thrilled. Oh fuck, I am actually enjoying what is happening to me.

"Yes sir, I like being your faggot and letting your dog fuck me," I reply softly.

"Louder faggot, I don't think Chris heard you."

"I LIKE IT SIR!" I shout back.

Spike continues dog fucking me with the urgency of an animal. I am rocking to his rhythm, entering the world of the dog pack, turning myself into a good bitch for him, letting him get off in my teen ass.

I realize there are bright lights illuminating the scene for Joe and Chris when I hear pictures being taken. Why not? This must be so nasty! I can't even think about what will happen to those pictures.

I wonder how long Spike's cock is. It feels like it is just as long as the twins dicks, but really it is hard to tell. Is is not as stiff and not as thick, so maybe it is even longer. Maybe it is 7 inches long. I have a sudden urge to see his dog cock, and to watch it plunging in and out of my tight boi hole.

Joe says to his brother, "See, you see what a faggot is? Lower than a fucking dog. He is Spike's bitch. So you know he will do absolutely anything for us."

"Yeah, anything," replies the younger boy while rubbing the bulge in his short cut offs.

Spike's cock begins to swell deep inside my ass, forming a knot or ball inside my anal canal. He is pumping faster and whimpering as he gets close to cumming. He may be a dog--totally different than us in so many ways, but all three of us can tell that he is about to shoot his dog cum into me.

Spike thrusts in deep once more and holds it there. I feel him shaking and yelping as he climaxes inside me. But rather than sliding out, he holds it there, his cock swelled into a large knot inside me, he can't go anywhere for a while. So I just stay there with this hot dog laying on top of me, his dick throbbing in my hole, and the two teen brothers looking on with sly grins.

Joe leans down and speaks in a low voice, right into my ear, "You have been a very good faggot. As a reward, I am going to let you eat out my brother's ass hole. I told him not to shower today, so he may need some cleaning up down there. You don't mind do you?"

My head is swimming, my cock is throbbing, I am covered in sweat. A German Shepard is on my back, his cock resting inside my ass hole as he waits for his knot to recede. And now, I have the bare ass of a 12 year old boy in my face. His ass is so sexy I forget to breath. His hole is bare, not a hair on it. And it is not too clean.

I get to work licking Chris clean while Joe supervises. "You missed a spot over there."

I am Joe's faggot without a shred of dignity. I am completely humiliated. And he is already thinking about how to get me to go lower.

He leans in and says in that low voice, right in my ear, "My dad and some of his friends will pay big money to watch a 14 year old boy get his ass fucked by our German Shepard. You are going to make me some good money Faggot."

I am not human. I am not thinking. I hear what he says and get it at some primitive level. I feel my cock spasm and my cum splatters the floor in spurt after spurt after spurt.

End part 7. E-mails with comments and suggestions are welcome to bistud_77@hushmail.com.

One day this site will be gone if we don't support it. There is nothing else nearly as good for fantasies.

Next: Chapter 8

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