High School Service Boy

By moc.liamhsuh@77_dutsib

Published on Aug 11, 2015


High School Service Boy Part 6 (authoritarian, high school) By bistud77

Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. Any resemblance to any persons alive or dead is completely coincidental. This contains sexually explicit fantasies about domination and submission and teen sex. If this type of story offends you, please do not read it.

This story is made of real fantasies that I whacked off over when I was in high school.

  • It is Saturday at 8:00pm in the evening. The sun has just set and the mosquitoes are out. I don't care. I am so horny I am almost shaking as I knock on Joe's back screen door. I can smell the trees. My head is swimming in anticipation.

As directed, I am wearing blue jeans with no underwear underneath, and a black t-shirt. I am barefoot, and I have no wrist watch on. I have a toothbrush in my pocket. That's all.

I knock again on the screen door. Waiting is almost painful. I know Joe is going to use me extra hard to impress his little brother. I am going to be a faggot while his sexy brother Chris, a Junior High School boy, watches and learns. I knock louder. I actually realize if I have to wait much longer I will start wanking right in their back yard.

I see Chris come up to the screen door. "So you showed up. And right on time. I wondered if you would chicken out."

The door swings open and I step inside, "Where are your parents?" I ask.

"They are away for the weekend. They left Joe in charge. He is upstairs waiting for you in his room. Let's go," replies Chris, in a tight voice.

I take a moment to look at Chris again. He really is sexy, almost beautiful, with his brown eyes and full lips. He is wearing a tank top and a pair of cutoff jeans that are cut off extra short. And he is also barefoot. I wonder if I will see any more of him as I follow him up the stairs watching his 12 year old ass jiggle in front of me.

"Get on your knees faggot," commands Joe as I enter his room. I can see that the room is very well lit. And he has a couple of lights pointing right at the bed. There is also a chair next to the bed, facing it, where someone might sit up close to watch. Fuck! I feel my dick get hard.

Joe is wearing nothing but a jock strap. And it looks like he has worn it a few times since it was last washed. As he walks up to me, I can smell him. A strong muskiness reaches me, my nostrils flare in excitement. I want more.

"You better be a fucking good faggot while Chris watches. I'm going to teach him what faggots are for. You get that wimp?" Joe asks me with an edge in his voice.

"Yes sir." My head bowed, my eyes looking at the floor. I see the rug is worn out in front of the bed. And I see a few clumps of dust under the bed. Everything seems so normal but I know what is about to happen is anything but normal. What is about to happen is depraved.

I am pretty sure Joe is going to be a total ass hole with me. And, of course, that makes me even hornier. It is as if the more of a jerk he is, the lower I get, and the lower I get, the more pleasure I experience. So every insult sends an electric charge straight to my fag dick. I can't help it.

"OK faggot, Chris wants to examine you first. So I think I'll let him examine you before I use you and again after I use you. Get naked and lie on the bed under those bright lights and let him do whatever he wants to you. MOVE IT FAGGOT!"

I notice my hands shake a little as I strip off my clothes. I realize I am going to be a sexual object for a 12 year old boy. My body will exist to satisfy his curiosity. And probably that will involve some humiliation, maybe a lot of humiliation. So much the better. I feel a thrill in my stomach as I climb onto the bed. I lay on top of the bedspread. I am going to be used by a Junior High kid. Perfect.

Now I am naked on my back, the bright lights shining on my throbbing dick. "Awesome Joe. I can't believe it," I hear Chris say to his brother. He talks as if I am not even there to listen. "I have a couple of friends who would love to do this to him with me. Man, they are going to be so blown away when I tell them about it. I'm gonna be the king."

Joe replies proudly, "Well bro, if you want to really impress them some time, I can have this faggot lay out naked for all your friends to check out. The point is, once a faggot gives himself to you, you can do whatever the fuck you want to them. Except damage them. Don't damage the merchandise, that's the only rule. And I mean the ONLY rule. Anything else goes. That's what faggots are for. They are pretty much sub-human."

I am hearing everything even if they don't care. They casually watch my dick leaking and bouncing as they talk about me. "So go ahead, check him out. I am going to get something to eat; I will be right back bro." Then Joe adds in a menacing tone, "He will take your orders without question while I'm gone."

Now I am alone with Chris, a curious 12 year old boy who is learning what to do with a faggot. And I'm the faggot, even if I am 2 years older than him and taller and stronger. It doesn't matter. I'm the faggot and he knows it.

"OK faggot, lie still," Chris tells me in a flat tone as if his mind is racing ahead to what he wants to see next. Soon I feel his cool hands on my throbbing hot cock. Then his fingertip swirls over the tip of my dick, picking up some precum which he brings to his nose and sniffs. I see him wrinkle his nose, but he doesn't say anything to me. I am a thing. He only needs to talk to me when he wants to give me an order. And he knows it.

Then I watch as Chris actually moves a light right over my dick and takes out a magnifying glass. I guess this examination is up close!

Peering at my dick through his magnifier, he pinches the skin just below my dick head. I know his brother is uncut, so maybe he is too. And maybe I am the first cut dick he has seen in person.

Now I feel him put his other hand on my nuts. He rolls my balls around, testing their size and weight. He squeezes them. A little harder. A little harder. OUCH! He wanted to know when it hurt. He found out. The fucker.

"OK, roll over," Chris says to me like I am the patient in a doctor's office.

I feel him pull my ass cheeks apart. My hole is open in the bright light. He is almost certainly using his magnifying glass with one hand while he pulls my left cheek hard and wide with the other. I lay there waiting while this 12 year old boy satisfies his curiosity.

"Pull your hole open for me. I want to look inside." Again he tells me what to do very casually. But I hear a little bit of excitement in his voice. He knows that getting an older boy to do this is humiliating.

I wet my fingers in my mouth then reach back and use my fingertips to slowly pry open my tight pucker. I am working my fingers in a bit, and slowly spreading myself open for him. He leans in closer.

"I can see inside," he announces just as Joe walks back in eating a banana.

"Let me see," Joe orders as he leans over me. "Looks like a fag hole to me. Anything else you want to see Bro?"

"I don't know, let's shove some of that banana up his ass."

Joe says, "I have another whole banana for later, now I have some other things to do with him before we make a mess. Isn't that right faggot? Don't you want to show my brother how you service me?"

"Yes sir."

"Well get on your knees and start licking my jock strap clean, it has two days of funk on it." Joe orders me with a dismissive tone. He is making it clear that I am nothing to him. Just a tongue. Just a faggot. I see Chris' eyes open wider in admiration for his big brother.

I start licking Joe's filthy jock. My mouth waters as I slobber over it. And I am thinking about Chris watching. Seeing how bad I want to do this. I want him to see me sticking my tongue inside his brother's ass hole.... Soon I hope.

The rough fabric of Joe's filthy jock rubs against my tongue. I taste stale piss, dry cum, and ball sweat. It makes me dizzy. Every now and then I slide my tongue into his inner thigh, tasting his boi sweat directly. All teen musk.

When Joe turns around he just pushes the mounds of his ass into my face. "See Chris. This faggot lives for a taste of a real man's ass. He's not so much a boy as he is a faggot. He will do anything I tell him as long as I give him a chance to taste my ass hole. Won't you faggot?"

"Yes sir."

I push my face into his ass crack, digging my tongue in as deep as I can. I almost make contact with his sweaty hole.

Joe continues deriding me, "Yeah, faggots live to serve. And this one is really nasty. I like to use him because I don't have to give a fuck how he feels. He wants to take my abuse. Which is perfect, because abusing him is fun."

With that, Joe turns around, and slaps my face for no reason. I just hold my face out, because I am hoping to get another taste of his ass. I am so depraved. And his little brother is watching the whole thing.

Joe sneers, "See the look in his eyes. Kinda glazed over like he is high? Yeah, that is faggot frenzy. Once he is in this mode you can do anything to him."

Chris asks, "Would he lick my ass?"

Joe laughs, "Fucking of course he would lick your ass. If I tell him to, he would eat your shit. Or let the dog fuck him while we video it. You need to get it. This faggot isn't a person anymore.

He is just a faggot. I don't know how to make that any more clear. Keep watching and then I will let you feel his tongue wherever you want."

Joe slaps my face again and tells me to get on my knees and lean my chest over the bed with my ass out. It is time to show Chris how well I can take an ass beating.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see that Joe has a green ping pong paddle in his hand. Fuck. The bastard is going to really hurt me. And I know I will let him. Not because I want to feel the pain. But because I want to be used. To be degraded and debased. To experience total humiliation. Yup. He can do whatever he wants to my teen ass.

As I am thinking about that, I hear the sound of the paddle whizzing through the air CRACK!!! It hits my ass flesh with stinging force. I jump a bit, but remain with my ass up for more abuse. And Joe is probably smiling by the time the second smack hits me. I don't know for sure because I can't turn around. My job is to hold still and take it as best I can. We both know it.

"Holy fuck Joe, he is actually letting you smack the hell out of his bare ass. What a wimp," observes Chris.

SMACK. CRACK. I hold my ass up higher. My crack spreading a bit.

WHACK. CRACK!!! The paddling continues hard and relentless. My ass stings like hell. I notice I am starting to move involuntarily; trying to avoid the direct strikes. Tears drop from my eyes.

Joe shouts at me, "Stop fucking wiggling FAGGOT! This is going to last a lot longer if you don't hold still for it. I want Chris to know how little you matter here."

No doubt Joe is an ass hole. He laughs at me. Makes fun of me. Hurts me. And makes me do nasty shit. And that makes me want more.

"You fucking need this faggot. To be used by your superiors. To do what you are told no matter what." Joe is making fun of me. And I can't disagree. He knows what I am and what I need. I actually fucking need this right now. As he beats my ass red, I know I want it.

"OK Chris, take a look at what a fag's ass looks like," Joe says as he leans back, the paddle still in his grip.

I feel Chris' cool hands lay across my stinging cheeks. It is kind of soothing. He must feel the heat rising off my ass.

"Pretty amazing," Chris says softly, "What's next?"

Joe laughs. "Have you ever heard of skull fucking?"

End part 6. E-mails with comments and suggestions are welcome to bistud_77@hushmail.com.

One day this site will be gone if we don't support it. There is nothing else nearly as good for fantasies.

Next: Chapter 7

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