High School Service Boy

By moc.liamhsuh@77_dutsib

Published on Jul 10, 2015


High School Service Boy Part 2 By bistud77

Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. Any resemblance to any persons alive or dead is completely coincidental. This contains sexually explicit fantasies about domination and submission and teen sex. If this type of story offends you, please do not read it.

This story is made of real fantasies that I wanked off over many times when I was in high school.

  1. The alarm is going off and I am vaguely aware that I'm alone in bed with my hand holding my hard teen dick. I remember I was just dreaming about being used for sex-- working a glory hole in a mall bathroom that seems to have an endless supply of well hung black men... there is a stream of thick black cock going past my pink lips, stretching my mouth open wide. I guess I am a faggot even in my dreams. And in this dream, it was my girlfriend alternately watching me suck black dick and then sending more black guys into the stall next to mine.

I'm awake now in my bed squeezing my dick but I want to return to my dream. The alarm won't shut up. I know that reaching to shut it off will eliminate any possibility of getting back to that dream. Fuck it. I never get back to the good dreams. So I shut off the alarm. I'm up.

Today is a school day. And that means a chance to be a faggot, not just dream about it. So, I let my cock throb, and I hop out of bed. My underwear is tenting in front of me as I walk quickly between my bedroom and the bathroom. My older brother's bedroom door is closed. Good. I make it to the bathroom without being seen and close the door behind me. I brush my teeth with my dick banging against the sink. Can't piss when I am this hard, so I jump into a cool shower. Even though I replay what I did with Joe yesterday, I don't want to cum here, I want to be in heat all day, I want to get used again and I want to be really horny when it happens. It occurs to me that I have a lot of wants for a faggot. Whatever.

Soon I am on Bus 49. Joe doesn't even look at me. He is talking to his usual jock friends. I look out the window. I think about getting to school and seeing my girlfriend in the cafeteria where the kids on the early buses wait for the school day to start. She is going to want to know what happened with Joe yesterday. She is horny for him, so she is going to want the details. She is a total slut, just as bad as me. Of course, I didn't know this when I first met her. I thought she was shy and cute. Maybe she thought the same about me. But we soon found out that we are both born to serve. And so she is very happy to set me up with horny alpha jocks at school. She loves to think about one boy servicing another any way that is wanted. I guess she gets off hearing about the adventures she sets up for me. Anyway, I like seeing how worked up she gets, watching her rub her pussy against the corner of a chair while I tell her the nastiest details. Like about getting an ass hair caught in my teeth.....

Soon I am in the corner of the cafeteria with Karen, my girlfriend.

We are talking in a whisper, and I hope no one can tell how much our eyes are shining.

Karen says, "I want all the details. Everything. I can't believe you got to see Joe naked, and that you tasted him." And then she asks hopefully, "Was he rough with you?"

Karen has long brown hair, small pert tits, and braces. She is a majorette, that is a baton twirler, for the high school pep squad. Mostly they cheer on the football team, but they use the soccer games to practice for it. So she has watched Joe on the field dozens of times. Watched him sweating, and roughing up the opponents, and yelling at his teammates. She drools over him. But he doesn't pay attention to her. He seems to want the bigger titted cheerleaders.

"He was only rough at the end, when he face fucked me. But he was demanding the whole time, and he called me a faggot." I whispered back. Then I went on to share all the details I could remember. Karen was wearing tight jeans and she had her crotch pushed against a table leg. As I related all the events in detail, she got more and more worked up. The ass eating, the ball licking, and the face fucking. I told her everything, leaving nothing out. And when I told her that he wants to see me when I get off the bus today, that he said he would tell me when he wants to use me again, Karen actually closed her eyes and climaxed. A silent scream caught in her throat, I could see it on her face. Such a slut!

What I didn't guess is what she had to share with me. No, it wasn't about one of her sexual adventures without me; it was much more surprising than that, and much better for me. It seems her twin brothers, Mark and Mike, were telling fag jokes in front of her. She told them not to make fun of faggots until they tried one. One thing led to another, and finally she told them about me.

And that I would be grateful for the opportunity to show them what faggots are good for. And if they liked it, they could use me again, but they had to promise not to make fun of fags ever again. Yeah right.

Mark and Mike were identical twins and freshman on the football team. Mark was the #3 quarterback and sometimes receiver, Mike was a kicker. Both are quite sexy. The thought of showing them what a faggot is for started to make my head swim. I thought for a minute she was making this up just to see my reaction. But then Karen said, "It is going to happen this Friday after school. They don't have football practice and no one else will be home at our house." Holy shit! This was really depraved. Not only servicing a couple of hot arrogant twins, but they were one year younger than me and they are my girlfriend's brothers. I realize immediately that I am not going to pay much attention to my classes for the next two days.

The morning went by quickly and soon I find myself eating lunch with a few friends in the cafeteria. I havent stopped thinking about Karen's twin brothers. I get up to go buy some chips and at the same time I see that Jeff Bentley is getting in line behind me and standing real close. He is a tall white basketball player with curly blond hair and a permanent sneer on his sexy lips. He leans down and says right into my ear, "You're meeting me in five minutes in the Boys Room on this floor. Don't be fucking late..... faggot."

"Holy shit", I think. Jeff Bentley knows. Wow. Jeff doesn't wait for an answer, he just walks away leaving me on line to buy some chips. My hand is shaking when I reach for a bag. I wonder, "How did Jeff find out? What did he hear about what I am willing to do?" And, of course, "I wonder what his ass hole tastes like.....?"

I bought the chips, waited a couple of minutes, then pitched them in the garbage and headed to the Boys Room. There is a Senior at the urinal. I don't know his name but it doesn't matter because he acts as if I don't even exist. I go into a stall at one end and wait. Breathing. My head starts to swim with sex hormones. Fuck!

Jeff wants service from a faggot!

After another few minutes pass, the Senior leaves and Jeff comes swaggering in. I see him through the crack in the door. He is walking to the mirror and running his fingers through his hair, he says "Hey" to no one in particular.

"I'm in here," I whisper back.

"What the fuck are you whispering for?" Jeff says back loud enough to make my stomach tie up in knots. "Open the door," he commands.

I am sitting on the edge of the toilet seat looking up at Jeff, he is looking down at me with that trademark sneer. He is tall, like 6 feet tall and weighs maybe 180 pound of fine toned muscle. I stare at him like an idiot, waiting for him to tell me what to do. I don't really know if he is going to beat me up or use me. And if he uses me, I don't know if he is so stupid he is going to get us caught. This is so crazy. I am starting to feel a panic. The headline is going to read, "14 Year Old Honor Student Throws His Life Away in Bathroom Stall".

"Don't just stare at me," Jeff commands, "You are here to get me off before 6th period. You have 10 minutes."

When I remain frozen, he slaps me across the face. Just hard enough to leave a red mark and to snap me into focus. I needed that. I reach out and unzip his pants. I figure if this is going to go bad, I might as well find out right away. I see he is wearing a jockstrap underneath. Excitement starts to mix with my fear. I want him.

"Hurry up faggot," he says urgently. "Let's see if you are any good."

With that, I pull his pants down and lean forward, pressing my face into his crotch. The rough material of his jock scratches my lips.

I inhale deeply, smelling his musk. "Holy shit, Jeff Bentley is going to let me suck him off!"

I start licking the jock strap, getting it wet with my saliva which is now running freely. My fear is turning into excitement. My head starts pounding, I can almost hear my heart beating. I hear Jeff take in a deep breath. That's my signal to pull his jock aside and let out his cock. Wow. It is just as perfect as the rest of him. He must be 7 inches long and cut. The cock head is flared and throbbing already, it is perfectly symmetrical, just like the rest of him. "I said hurry the fuck up, we don't have all afternoon. And I have been horny all day."

He slaps my face again. It is a total surprise because I think I am doing fine. The sting keeps me focused. I start sucking his cock.

"Lick my balls faggot. Then beg for the dick."

I back off. SLAP. The third slap across the face is harder. My tongue goes to his ball sack. It hangs low, and is covered with thin blond hairs. I start licking and taste his ball sweat.

I look up and beg, "Please let me suck your perfect cock. I want you to cum in my mouth. Let me serve you."

Jeff is obviously impatient. This isn't going to last long. It is just going to be rough and fast. Nothing nice about it. I put his cock in my mouth and he starts slamming it to the back of my throat with rabbit-like thrusts. I don't even have time to start choking, he is already shooting cum into the back of my mouth. I keep sucking and swallowing.

"Clean it off," he says. I see a big trail of spooge drip to the bathroom tiles. I quickly lick him clean before anything else drips. "Now lick that off the floor. Show some respect faggot."

And now I am on my knees in a bathroom stall with Jeff Bentley watching. I am licking his cum off the floor. As my tongue touches the cold tile I realize what I am. I am a faggot cocksucking service boy. It's all good.

End part 2. E-mails welcome to bistud_77@hushmail.com.

Next: Chapter 3

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