High School Rimmer

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 19, 2000



The next day at lunch Tad and Josh had big grins on their faces.

"So, didja have a good time yesterday?" Tad asked.

"It was alright," I said, shuffing it off.

"Anything s-special happen?" Josh asked, obviously holding back his laughter.

"No, why?"

"Got your butt licked, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah," I admitted, trying not to sound as uptight as I had the day before. I didn't want them getting too suspicious. As it was, I was afraid a certain amount of excitement could be seen in my face. "And, before you ask, yes...I did jack him off again. You happy?"

"The question is, Eric...are you happy?" Tad smirked.

"Of course. I got my rocks off, didn't I?"

"That's nice," Tad cooed, reaching into a folder. "Always good to know that a buddy had a good time." He held something up to his face. "Yessir, I'd say you were having QUITE a good time!" He snapped the photograph down in front of me. There, in living Kodachrome was a shot of me, naked, lapping all over Jay's balls as he sat atop a bench. I gasped loudly as he slapped another one down. I had most of Jay's cock in my mouth! I stared, unbelieving, my mouth hung open in amazement. Josh giggled next to me, leaning over my shoulder to get another look.

"Show him the best one, Tad!" he gushed. This time I was kneeling on all fours, thrusting my butt back and forth--Jay's cock up my ass! My hard boner was obvious between my legs. I had just turned my head back, and the look on my face was pure lust! I cringed.

"H-how did you get t-these?" I muttered, totally deflated. I couldn't even get up any anger. I was absolutely caught in the act!

"Oh, there are these, of course." Tad layed out several more. Jay was on his knees, his face pushed up my butt. I glared at Tad. He licked his lips, making it plain that he remembered the feeling I was experiencing in the picture! The others were more shots of me sucking cock, Jay licking ass, and a hot one of me taking it up the keester while my prick shot off! Hell, they were all hot photos. But I was much too embarrassed and ashamed to enjoy them.

"But," Tad held up a finger, "these are my special favorites!"

He layed down two more photos, side-by-side, carefully, as if they were prized possessions. Jay was blowing me. And next to that, I was licking away at Jay's spread asshole!

"Now that's what I call a hot time!" Tad cried, triumphantly.

My head fell to the table. I wrapped my arms around it, wishing the world would go away. They were hot pictures, and I'd had a hot time, but now everybody would know!

Josh put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Eric. Don't get upset about it. We're not the FBI, you know! We're just horny guys that wanted to know the truth. We got Tad's camera and borrowed a telephoto lens from Photography and followed you. Man, you guys were better than a porno movie!"

"Shit, yes!" Tad agreed. "We kept creamin' our jeans watchin' you two go at it! If it makes you feel any better, you shoulda seen the way we pulled each other off after you left!"

I lifted my head, realizing maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

"Tell 'im the truth, Tad," Josh demanded. "Quit makin' like we're so innocent!"

"OK." Tad stared into my eyes. "T-truth is...we..." he looked at Josh with a guilty look, and his voice lowered, "we licked each other's peckers before we jacked off!"

"Y-you did?" I gasped in wonder.

"Yeah," Josh affirmed, "you guys got us so hot, we agreed to try it out on each other. I don't know if...if you've been queer all the time, or not, but it doesn't matter. We didn't do it to fuck you over or anything. Hell, you're getting us more into it. We've fucked around a bit, you know that. But when we saw a guy like you doin' all those things, well...you're a bad influence!" He giggled.

"You fuckers!" I cried, starting to smile for the first time.

Tad's eyes lit up. "We took a lot more, too. Here, look at these. Mostly they're the same thing, but some of them are kinda silly. Here's one of Jay taking a piss after he, uh, fucked you. See how that warm stream's splashing across your outstretched tongue! Naughty, Eric. And here's one of you using your shirt to wipe your ass afterwards!" He laughed.

"Did you like it, Eric?" Josh asked quietly. "How'd it feel?"

His expression was so serious. He really wanted to know. Even Tad was leaning farther over the table to hear my answer. I relaxed, and let it out. I slowly looked at each of their faces, seeing the anticipation that was apparent.

"It was fuckin' GREAT!" I gushed. "Now, I don't know about you guys, but I like to stick my finger up my butt sometimes when I jack off." They both nodded, knowingly. "This was a hundred times better. Believe me, I don't care what they say...getting fucked in the ass is fantastic! Jay's got a nice, big cock and it felt marvelous. And I like sucking it, too! I...I think I'm queer. I like it all too much. But YOU guys are...or you WERE stupid," I said, remembering their admission of doing some cocklicking, "by not going all out. I mean, I can't imagine cocksucking not being fun even if you're basically straight! Now you tell me...what'd you think when you had each other's peckers in your mouth?" They looked at each other, and gulped.

"I..." Josh started, looking at Tad, "I kinda dug it; I was the one who started it all--with us jacking each other--cause I always wanted to put my hand on Tad's prick. Yeah, that's true, Tad."

Tad blushed, but nodded as if the same were true of him.

"...and he always acted so macho and straight, making fun of Jay and all, that it really blew my mind when he said he'd let Jay rim him. Like, even with us playing with each other, he still didn't tell me about it, you know? Til he told you about Jay. Hell, I don't know. I like pussy, I really do. I'll say this, cause I don't think even Tad would get on my case about it, but if he'd blow me...I'd blow him!"

Tad made noises with his mouth. "Tsnch Tsnch, Josh. Wanna blow my big pecker, instead of just lickin' on it, hunh? Didn't your Momma ever tell you not to go 'round admittin' stuff like that? A guy like me could really make life miserable for ya. Too bad I'm all bluff! I love makin' you guys feel guilty about all this fag stuff. But you know the best part? Getting you to admit the truth by always talking about it...and I DO always talk about it, if you've noticed. It's cause I'm always tryin' to turn you on! Hell, I knew Josh wanted to suck me off long before he even knew it. He thinks he started our sexplay, but I really was the one who worked him around to suggesting it. I'm not stupid. I knew if I made it seem like it was his idea, anything that happened after that would be on his shoulders. Kind of a protection thing, you know. I'm not really queer, but I'm sure as hell bisexual! If it's sex, I like it! I love fucking and eating pussy...and I'll never give that up. But you don't know how many times I've held back from just going right down on your pretty pecker, Josh. Blow you? Man, next time we get together I'm gonna suck your fuckin' meat down my throat! Now that you admitted you want it too."

"Cripes!" I gasped. "You two sure hold secrets pretty good. These stupid games are kinda dumb, aren't they? I...I haven't had any pussy. Truth is, I don't much care if I ever do. All I know is Jay turns me on, guys. He is a nasty fucker...he really is! He sucks assholes, sure, and he didn't know why. He didn't think he was queer. Just kiddin' himself, of course. Hell, I could tell you some things he's done..."

"Butch?" Tad suggested.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Now, this is definitely just between us," Tad said conspiratorily, "cause he'd murder me. But besides you and Jay I'm the only guy around who's plugged his ass. Yeah, me! You know why he's such an asshole? Cause he used to live next door to me, and when we were thirteen we started to fuck around. Can you imagine Butch laying back with his legs up in the air, begging to get fucked? That's how it was. He loved it, but he couldn't handle that anybody would think he was queer. So he got mean. I've been fucking him since then...maybe twice a year when his asshole gets itchy...but only cause he'd force me. He'd call me up and make me come over and fuck him. Then he'd give me the regular spiel about pounding the shit out of me if I ever told. But, man, could he ever turn you on! He'd jack me and suck me up, then he'd spread apart and fuckin' beg for it! Butch can move his ass up onto a prick better'n any girl!"

"Aren't you worried about squealing on him now?" I asked.

"Nope. You and Jay broke his spirit, or something, when he caught you. I told Josh about it...just like Butch told me last night. He called me up. I figured it was just his regular ass-itch. But when I got there, he told me the whole story about finding you guys in the clutches. Said you both fucked him up the ass, and he'd been horny as hell since then. I screwed his brains out, then he fuckin' blew me. Said he was gonna round up some friends and get you and Jay to service them. He's fuckin' confused. But he's coming out fast and furious! If he does go through with his 'threat' about ganging up on you guys, I don't thing you'd have anything to worry about. Let him spit 'n sputter all he wants...I don't think he'd let anything bad happen to you. Might even be a wild time! Shit, there's the bell. Here, take the pictures, Eric. Souvenirs! Besides, I got the originals...and I'm not giving them back. Hot pictures to jack off over!"

Shaking my head in wonder, I got up to go to class. Tad grabbed my arm. "Uh, think Josh and I could ever get you naked between us?"

Josh looked up at me, nodding suggestively.

"Sure," I said, with a lot more confidence than usual, "if you guys manage to get a lot of cocksucking practice in the meantime!" Gathering up the photos, I pointed one out. "See here? You can tell by my lip movements that I don't bother with amateurs!"

They broke up with laughter as I rushed off clutching the photos and stuffing them into my binder.

I had a hard time concentrating during American History what with the boners I kept popping! Several times I peeked at the photos. I was outraged that we'd been photographed, but even more than that I was happy to have a visual remembrance of our hot time together.

Before my next class I ducked into the head to take a piss. I was off in dreamland, happily pissing away, when somebody goosed me from behind, causing me to splatter piss all over!

"I've been looking for you, Fennerson!"

I turned to see a sullen expression on Butch's face. "H-hi, Butch."

"Just wanted to remind you, pussyboy, about getting any ideas about telling on me...and what I'd do to you!"

"You don't have to worry. L-like you said, Butch, nobody'd believe me. It's no big deal. You wanted to try it, so you did. Just cause you liked it, doesn't mean..."

"Who said I liked it?" he grabbed my shirt.

"Y-you did, Butch! Remember?"

"Oh, yeah," he softened his grip. "You didn't say anything to your friends Tad and Josh?"

"No," I answered honestly, "I didn't tell them about it."

"No...uh, nobody's said anything to you about me?"

"Hunh?" I looked convincingly confused. "Whadda you mean?"

"Nothing. Listen, I'm still gonna round up that suck- fest for you two cocksuckers, so keep your lips greased and your buttholes loose. Or is it the other way around?" he laughed, chucking me on the shoulder.

His attitude would have pissed me off if I hadn't heard his story from Tad. Butch had his problems. And now I had one, because when he bumped me, a couple of photos fell out of my binder.

"Wellll, what do we have here?" he brushed my grasping hand away. "So your little get-together with Wonder Lick wasn't just a fluke. My little 'slaves' get it on all the time, hunh? Hmmm, who took the pics?"

"Uh, Tad and J-Josh. They snuck up on us."

"Yeah?" he pondered. "So Tad knows you two get it on, hunh?" He played it cool, knowing full well.

"Guess he found out!" I gave him a painful, guilty look, but I couldn't help adding, "Uh, how well do you know Tad, anyway'"

"WHY?" he asked, obviously unnerved at the question.

"Just wondering if he can be trusted. I think so, but you never know a guy, do you? What do you think?"

"I know him. Aw, you can trust him. If he tries to put the hustle on ya, just tell him I said to lay off. I don't want anything happening to my slaves before the fun happens!"

I followed him out of the head. "Hey, Butch? Should I keep a tube of lube in my pocket, or will you bring it?" I teased. He shot me a dirty, vicious look, but passed it off, suspiciously. "Just keep your tongues wet, that'll be enou...hey! Forget that shit! We have a gangbang...YOU TWO are the one's gonna be banged! You're riling me, Fennerson!" He walked closer to me and whispered harshly, "I ever want my butt plugged again, I'll let you know. Until then, you forget it ever happened!"

"Gee, Butch...forget what happened?"

He smirked, and walked away. I chuckled to myself, watching his tightly-encased buns move seductively, and realizing how much he loved having a long, thick tool shoved in there!

I was feeling kinda superior, then realized he'd kept the pictures! A fearful rush went through my body. Then I calmed down, knowing that he wanted them to jack off over. They both showed our pricks up hard--the ones that he'd taken up the asshole! Still, that didn't keep him from showing it around if he wanted...he was evil enough to do it.

After school, I told the guys about Butch taking the photos from me. "Jeez! How could you be so stupid?!" Tad blurted.

"Do you think he'd show them?" I asked, nervously.

"FUCK YES! He doesn't have any morals. But...wait a minute. Chances are he'll just use them to turn on the guys he plans on rounding up for you and Jay. So maybe it's not so bad. He doesn't have anything to gain by smearing your reputation--and he certainly couldn't smear Norton's!"

"Maybe we could get Butch in a position to hotograph," Josh suggested. "Then we'd have something on him."

"Yeah," I agreed, enthusiastically, "think he might call you up soon for another butt-plugging?"

"Naw," Tad shook his head. "Like I told you, it's only like 2 or 3 times a year. Still, things are heatin' up around here. If he looks those pictures over enough, he's gonna get an itch!"

"Maybe you could call him?" I suggested.

"Never!" Tad disgarded the thought. "His ego couldn't handle it if I called him up suggesting he might want fucked!"

"Shit!" I said, dejectedly. "Guess I'd better go over and tell Jay about this."

"Why don't we all go over and tell him"' Josh cried.

Tad looked at him patiently. "You really want your butt licked, don't you?" he laughed.

Josh blushed. "Hell, you won't do it! I wanna see what it's like."

I laughed. "Why won't you do it, Tad?"

"Oh, tell us all about it, Eric, now that you're a veteran."

It was my turn to blush. "Aw...it's alright. I've gotten to really enjoy it. You guys wanted to get me naked between you, remember? If I do, I'll do it to you.'

"B-both of us?" Tad cried.

"Sure! You both got nice butts," I giggled. "Being around Jay is turning me into a pervert, too. But I love it!"

"Damn, Tad!" Josh gushed. "We gotta get him naked, man. Forget Jay. Let's go somewhere and fuck around!"

"I told you guys...it's gotta be with Jay," I reminded them.

"Oh, right...boyfriends!" Tad tittered.

"That's right!" I turned on him. "That...that's right."

"OK," he said. "Don't get mad."

"I'm not...it's just the first time I've said it out loud. He's... he's more than what you saw when you took the pictures. He's..."

Josh gulped. "You, uh, fallin' for him, hunh?"


"Well..." Tad said nervously, "I...I guess that's terrific, then, isn't it?"

"Is it?" I asked, frowning.

"W-why not?" Josh asked. "I mean, you're both queer and all."

"Yeah, Josh," I said, exasperated, "but how do you make a good relationship with somebody who sucks assholes all over town?!"

"Well," Tad laughed and showed his insensitivity, "from those pictures...I mean...if you can't beat him, join him!"

"What?!" I looked at him incredulously.

"Tad..." Josh warned.

"Sure. You could both set up shop in the locker room! That'd give the rest of us two periods to get ass-sucked! And now that he blows..."

"Tad!" Josh cried.

"Hey," Tad warmed, putting his arm around my shoulder, "I'm just kidding. I'm a big-mouth, remember? Listen, the way I figure it..."

"Forget it, Tad," I said.

"No, listen," he persisted. "Maybe Norton's been acting like such a brazen faggot because he's...lonely. Now that he's got you, maybe he'll stop all that. Has he done it since you met?"

"I-I don't know," I looked up at him.

"See? I haven't seen or heard about him doing it."

"Yeah! Maybe that's it," Josh encouraged, "maybe you got the 'butt of death' and he doesn't need any other."

That made me smile. "OK, let's go see him!" I said.

We pounded on the door, but there wasn't any answer. Jay's folks didn't lock up their shop until 6:00, but Jay should have been home. "Maybe we oughta check in back," Tad suggested, so we walked back to the garage.

"Sssh!" Josh whispered, putting his finger to his lips. He was peeking into the side window of the garage. "Get a load of this!" Quietly, Tad and I went up and peeked in. My heart dropped a beat.

Some skinny kid was naked on the bed in the corner--his scrawny butt lifted high in the air. Jay was prying his hole open, sniffing and licking it! There goes my fantasy of his changing his ways, I thought. Josh caught my hang- dog expression. "Aw, don't let it get to you. Must be a hard habit to break!"

"Wonder who he is," Tad asked.

"Nelson Delwin," Josh said, casually.

"Hunh?" Tad looked at him. "How can you tell? All we can see is his butt!"

"Um, seen him bent over like that in the showers," he blushed. "See that little birthmark on his right cheek?"

"Hmmm," was all Tad said, looking suspiciously at Josh.

"Come on," Josh said, heading for the back door of the garage. "Let's walk in on them!"

"NO!" I hissed, but he was already rounding the corner.

"WELL!" Josh blurted out, rushing into the garage with Tad and I closely behind. "Don't you ever give that tongue of yours a rest?"

Nelson Delwin, startled and feeling ashamed, quickly strugged into his pants. "Ah, gee, Jay was just checkin' me for crabs!"

"Yeah? What was he tryin' to do--drown them?" Josh laughed.

"Hi, guys!" Jay said happily. "Hi, Eric."

"See," Josh jabbed me in the ribs, "he still says your name special. You don't hafta pull your pants up, Nelson. We don't mind watching!"

"Hi, Jay," I finally said, looking forlorn.

"Uh, Nelson's been coming over every Thursday for a butt-wash since we were fourteen," Jay explained, unnecessarily.

"Yeah? Freshly scrubbed, or does he prepare it for you?" I yelled at him, betraying my anger. I glared at Nelson, actually directing my question to him.

"J-Jay likes it kinda n-natural!" he stammered, adjusting his belt. He gave a sideways glance at Josh. "Seen you puttin' your butt in his face...in gym." Josh smiled and nodded.

Jay looked at me and shrugged. It was true. It was a habit he just couldn't break. Not for me...or anyone.

"Well, take a gander at these!" I thrust the photos at him, spilling some on the garage floor. Nelson bent down and picked a couple up.

"WOW! All this time! How come you never told me you blew cock, too? Jeez! And take it up the ass! Hot pictures. Hey, that's...that's you with him," he looked at me.

"Gosh!" Jay cried, "these are great! Who took them?"

"These two bozos!" I pointed at Josh and Tad.

"Can I get copies?" Jay asked, excitedly browsing through the stack.

"Me, too?" Nelson reached for some that Jay had already seen. "Damn! Want me to pull my pants back down, Jay? Why you been holdin' out?"

"Actually, Nelson, I was gonna blow you before they came in. I just found out I like it." He smiled at me.

I scowled. "There's a problem. Butch cornered me in the head today and a couple of pictures fell out. He kept them."


"Yeah. I'm afraid he might show 'em around, but Tad thinks he'll just show 'em to the guys that...you know...he threatened us with."

"What's that all about?" Nelson asked. "Butch's always threatening somebody. Even me, once. He caught me jacking off in the head one afternoon. Looked right up over the partition! I don't know how long he'd been watching, but just as I came he whistled! Scared the shit out of me. Made me shoot all over myself! Then he told me to come into his stall and he'd let me jack his boner. I got the hell outta there fast! He was really pissed. Said he was gonna tell everybody how he caught me 'whippin' the dog'. I told him to fuck off. Like everybody doesn't do it, you know!"

Josh laughed. "You told him to fuck off? For a skinny shit, you sure got some balls!"

"He's got a big dick, too!" Jay exclaimed with his one- track mind. Nelson blushed. "Yeah. My brother says God musta been horny the day he made me...he put everything between my legs!" he laughed, proudly.

"You suck cock?" Josh asked him in his no-nonsense way.

Surprised, Nelson said, "I--I never have, but..."

"You've been thinking about it, hunh?" Josh finished, rubbing his crotch.

"Maybe," Nelson replied, shyly. "Uh, let me see some of those pictures again, willya?" He changed the subject--in a way. Going from talking about sucking cock to looking at pictures of cocksucking was hardly changing the subject, but Nelson was getting embarrassed at the way Josh was looking at him.

Standing between us, Josh whispered to Tad and me. "Wanna party? Watch this..." He stepped over behind Nelson and dropped his pants! He sat down on an old couch and leaned back, stroking up his big prick. We gasped. Jay smiled. Nelson was engrossed in the photos.

"Hey, Nelson!" Josh called his attention. Leery, almost as if he somehow knew what to expect, Nelson slowly turned. "Wanna blow me?"

"GOSH!" his eyes shot open in amazement. "P-put it away!"

"Aw, come on, Nelson. We're all friends. Doncha wanna bend down here and put your lips on my big cock?"

"Uh...I..." Nelson looked around at us in confusion.

"Go ahead," Tad encouraged him, "It's nice. I've tried it!"

Nelson gulped. He looked back at Josh. "E-everybody here's s-sucked cock...but me?" He was obviously trying to draw a confession from Josh.

"Does it matter, Nelson?" Josh smirked, wagging his dick around. "You wanna suck me, I can tell by that boner in your pants!"

"I-it's just the p-pictures," he stammered, reaching down to touch himself. He looked back to Jay for some help.

Jay smiled. "Don't look at me, Nelly. I want to see you do it!"

Nelson cringed, blushing at Jay's calling him that silly name...the name he always teased him with when he licked his ass for him. He never cared before. As long as Jay tongued his butt...he didn't care what he called him! As long as it wasn't around anybody else.

"D-don't call me that."

"You'd better hurry, Nelly," Josh teased. "Tad's got his eye on it! Couple more minutes and you won't be able to get your face in here!"

Nelson hesitated, looking around nervously.

"OK. Come here, Tad," Josh looked to his side, "whip your dick out. Let's give it a little lick!"

Tad was game for anything. His dick was hard in his pants, also, and probably had been for a while. He stepped up to Josh and pulled his prick out, putting it in his buddy's face.

"Lovely!" Josh put his mouth over it and began to suck on Tad's cock. Seeing this, Nelson licked his lips.

Jay pushed his ass, causing Nelson to suddenly sprawl into Josh's crotch. He put his hands out and managed to land them onto Josh's thigh...his face conveniently right above Josh's towering boner. Slowly, he started to lower his mouth to it. Then he suddenly changed his mind. Instead, he grasped the hard cock in both hands. He pulled it to his lips and started to lick all over Josh's hot knob like a toy he'd always wanted to play with...but never had the courage.

Tad stepped back and began to strip, watching Nelson sucking his buddy's big cock.

Jay scooted up behind Nelson and reached around, opening up his pants. I felt depressed, even though the sex was getting to me. I was right here...what the fuck was he doing? He pulled Nelson's pants down until his skinny ass was hanging out naked and exposed. Then he leaned up to his ear.

"You're all set, babydoll! Wish I'd known you were such a good peckerhead-licker. You're on your own!"

Then he got up and walked around behind Tad to me.

He walked right up to me and grabbed me by the balls. Then he pulled my face to his and kissed me wildly! I melted immediately, and returned his kiss with as much fervor. Still kissing, we frantically began to work each other's clothes off, until we stood there naked...our pants down to our ankles. We were feeling each other all over. Cocks, balls, asses. We even spent a few minutes with our bodies scrunched up against each other while we tickled each other's assholes, humping our butts down to let a little fingertip sink in. Everything was alright now. I had Jay in my arms! Slowly, we squatted right there, touching our knees together and playing with each other's hot crotches...stroking pricks, fondling balls, and reaching back under to fiddle at spread buttholes. Right next to us, Tad was moving his ass back and forth, working his prick into Josh's mouth. Josh must have been giving him a good blowjob, because Tad was really squirming his naked ass around. It was so close to our faces, we kept looking at it. I smiled at Jay and whispered into his ear.

"Hey!" Tad cried out. Jay and I had pulled him out of Josh's mouth and were forcing him onto the boxes on his back. Jay grabbed his ass up and spread it open, dipping in to quickly smell it.

"Stay just like that, Tad," Jay ordered. "I understand you've been wanting a good analingual workout, hunh? Well, just hold those legs back and me an' Eric'll work you over."

"Ooooh!" he cried, "yeaaah! Do it to me!"

Tad had a pale, well-rounded ass with just a bit of hair around his hole. Enough hair to retain spicy aromas, but not as raunchy as Butch's skuzzy asshole! Jay sniffed it some more, then whispered in my ear, "Smell it! He really smells good!" Together, we traded whiffs of Tad's virgin butt. Josh and Nelson could hear and see us doing it, but we didn't mind.

"Yeah, do it to him!" Josh cried. "Never seen a guy so desperate to get his butthole sucked. Let me know how it is, maybe I'll try it on him some time."

Horny as hell by now, I looked up at Josh. "Man, if you could smell this ripe little hole you'd get right down here and lick it out! Just like we're gonna do!" And we did. In seconds, we had Tad breathing hard and thrusting his ass up into our faces. Taking turns, we really dug our tongues up his butt.

"Aw, jeez! I knew it'd be good, but....FUCK THAT'S WILD, GUYS!"

"Wow, you dudes are too much!" Nelson blurted.

"You think so?" Josh asked. "Then why don't you quit fartin' around with my peckerhead and go down on me seriously?"

"Y-you gonna squirt in my mouth?" Nelson asked, shyly.

"Probably, if you're good enough to draw the spunk outta my balls."

"OK," Nelson giggled. Then he opened his mouth wide and took as much prick down the throat as he could handle. Josh gasped as he felt just how much Nelson could handle! Nelson was hotter than he'd ever been, and he had his first cock in his mouth. And some inner instinct told him just how to take care of a cock like Josh's. In no time at all, he was bobbing his head up and down, frantically blowing the boy.

"Oh, baby, you're a natural!" Josh complimented him, enjoying his exuberance. "OH, SUCK THAT FUCKIN' COCK! BLOW MY BALLS OFF!"

Tad lifted his head. "D-don't come yet, Josh! I wanna see you suck Nelson. Go ahead, blow him, man. Let me see you suck his dick while I get my butthole sucked on. Gee, I'd like to see you fuck him, too!"

Looking at his favorite buddy, Josh pulled Nelson's mouth from his raging boner. "That's good, baby, but hold off. Come on up here. My boyfriend wants to see me blow you. And if my boyfriend wants to watch me giving another guy a blowjob...I fuckin' BLOW!"

Sure, Josh had a mouth on him, Tad knew. But as quick as he was to just blurt things out...they were always truthful. Boyfriend? He meant it, too. Tad's heart warmed up and much as his asshole had under the severe minis- trations Jay and I were giving to it.

Nelson stood up, grabbing his big, long cock and whacking it for the first time. He'd sprung a boner even before Jay'd pulled his pants down, but he'd been so engrossed in sucking on Josh's luscious cock, he'd just let it hang out, bobbing around. Now he really took hold of it, proudly stroking it as he put one foot up on the boxes so Josh could get at it. "Yeah, suck me, Josh! But nobody's gonna cornhole me!"

"Jezzus!" Josh cried out. "You're fuckin' brother was right. God musta been really horny that day! Look at this muther, you guys."

"Told you!" Jay chuckled.

"Woah!" I agreed.

"Wow! Suck it, Josh!" Tad cried in excitement. "Man, he's liable to make YOU wanna get fucked."

Josh already had his tongue working on it. He talked while he licked up and down the long shaft. "Awww, Nelson ...I'll suck the fuck out of it," he breathed on Nelson's balls as he licked down the long shaft, "but nobody fucks me until you do, boyfriend!" He drew the long schlong into his mouth. Nelson gasped. He wanted to ask what all this 'boyfriend' nonsense was all about, but having his big prick in a guy's mouth for the first time was much too all- consuming. Nearly as much as sucking Josh had been. The word 'boyfriend' kept going around and around in his head as he enjoyed the incredible things Josh was doing to him. Yeah, he could have a boyfriend alright. Easily. He cursed all the time he'd wasted just letting Jay rim him...when he could have been tryin' all this other stuff out!

Nelson circled his lips like an asshole, letting little gasps of excitement out as he wallowed in the pleasure of getting blown. He looked down at Tad, who was looking wondrously at the way Josh was mouthing his prick. His eyes were all glassy, Nelson noticed, but it wasn't just because of the way Josh was queerin' his prick. Cause he could see clearly that Jay and I had flipped Tad onto his knees and pulled his cock and balls back between his legs. We had everything right there in front of us, and we were running our hot tongues all over everything he had. I sucked his cock while Jay licked all over his hot balls. I got up and straddled Tad's body--backwards. Then while Jay stayed down there and worked his mouth over the bent-back prick, I bent down and dug my tongue back up his asshole, noisily sucking on it! It was all so fucking LEWD! I tossed my head back and forth, working my tongue up inside his fragrant, virgin shithole while Jay watched me do it.

Man, I was getting into it! I was pulling his sweet ass apart so hard and digging my tongue into his hot rectum... really licking him out. Jay slid off the cock in his mouth and kissed my nose while I rimmed. Then he leaned up and whispered in my ear.

"See, baby? You're just as hot to suck out other guys' assholes as I am. I love the taste of your hole the best, but why should we give up all these hot, yummy bums around us just because we're in love?"

He'd said it! He said he loved me! And he was right. I looked up at him, kissed him, then I dove down into that hot, deep crevice and tried to lick the very shit out of Tad's asshole! Mmmm. Maybe the idea of Jay and I sharing assholes together wasn't so far-fetched!

"OH, YEAH, SUCK HIS ASSHOLE, ERIC!" Jay cried out.

"YEAH, SUCK MY ASSHOLE, ERIC!" Tad screamed in delight.

"UGH! UGH! UGH!" Nelson suddenly blew his wad. We all looked over to see gushes of cum dripping from Josh's lips. Poor Josh. He was gulping over and over again, but still it kept dribbling out of his mouth. The one time he'd blown Tad hadn't prepared him for this. Still, he was quite excited having all the tangy jizz blasting into his mouth. So exciting, in fact, that when Nelson pulled his dangling prick out, Josh got down to pounding the hell out of his cock. Hurriedly, Tad tossed us off and scurried over between Josh's legs. He got there just in time to grab it away and put his mouth on the underside of Josh's spurting prick. Globs of cum shot out of the head, most of it splattering back down to where Tad was licking like crazy! He scooped up what he could, then put his mouth over Josh's knob to get the last of it.

"Mmmm!" Josh groaned, pushing his cock between his 'boyfriend's' lapping lips. He felt a bit guilty getting so steamed up with Nelson, but he was glad that Tad was getting his cockjuice.

Nelson sat back, slowly fiddling with his deflating cock and watched Tad go at it, as he savored the last remaining body shutters of his orgasm. His first blowjob had really excited him. Even he was amazed at how much juice he'd shot into Josh's mouth. And as he stared down lazily at Tad, he rather envied him at getting all that hot cream to lick up! He did have the satisfaction of knowing he'd been most responsible for getting all that stuff churning in Josh's balls. A satisfaction that made him smile to himself. He looked around at these other boys, deciding he'd easily agree to do any of this stuff with any one of them. But especially...all together like this. Even licking one or all of their buttholes might not be so impossible to imagine!

I had my eyes closed. Jay was giving me a nice, deep blowjob. It wasn't a wild, frantic thing...it was a tender, hot-lipped prick massage that soon had me laying out a copious flood of sperm that smothered his tongue and slithered thickly down his throat. It was so great, I hadn't even noticed that he'd had his finger up my ass. Now I felt it and he squished it out. Staring dreamily up at me, he put the finger into his mouth and salaciously licked it!

Nelson made a snapping noise with his tongue when he saw Jay do it.

"Oh, don't act so surprised, Nelly," Jay said to him. "All those times I had my finger up your butt! Maybe you never saw, but you knew I always licked it."

"W-was it ever...you know...shitty?"

"A little. Of course. You always left a teeny bit on the outside for me, what do you think the inside was like, dummy?!"

"Gee, and you never minded?" he asked, increduously.

"Ha! After four years of licking your butthole? You're the guy that made me so hot for the taste of ass! Hell, if I was blindfolded and twenty guys shit on the floor...I could go around sniffing and probably pick out your turd on the first guess!" he laughed.

Everybody groaned, mentally picturing his description. I giggled.

I knelt, urging him to get up so I could blow him. Then I got an idea. "Nelson," I turned, "come on down here. Time for your first lesson on how to suction cum out of a guy's prick."

We sat back on an old car seat. I started licking Jay's knob as Nelson came and sat on the other side of Jay, anxious to watch my demonstration up close. I slobbered all over Jay's hard prick, then I put my hand behind Nelson's neck and drew him into Jay's crotch.

"Mmmff!" he muttered into Jay's nuts.

"Go ahead, Nelson," I said, pressing on his head, "help me blow him. Four years of getting your butt sucked...time you paid him back. You were too slow and missed out on Josh's load...now's your chance for a big mouthful of cockjuice! I'll lick his balls and shaft. You suck on him and draw that hot jizz up from his nuts into your mouth! SUCK!"

He pulled away and gasped. Turning and catching a quick glance at Josh sucking off Tad, he got a crinkly smile at the corner of his mouth and opened it wide. I took Jay's hard cock and rubbed the wet knob back and forth over his lips. Instinctively, he put out his tongue and started to lick on it. Then he put the whole head in his mouth and sucked on it. I held Jay's shaft and twiddled his balls around, occasionally going in for a few licks myself. But mostly, Jay and I were watching Nelson happily suck on Jay's cock.

"Yeah! Blow my boyfriend!" I whispered hotly into his ear, sorta telling him it was okay to enjoy himself...but not to get any ideas! He took to it even more eagerly than he had with Josh, and was soon bobbing his head up and down like a veteran.

"Um, do it good, Nelson," I encouraged. "Do it real good and maybe Jay will let you lick his asshole sometime!" Without taking his mouth from the cock, he turned his eyes up at me. It's kinda hard to distinguish a fella's expression when he's got his mouth full of cock, but I'd say Nelson's expression was not exactly negative! He continued to suck for a while, then reluctantly pulled his mouth off.

"M-maybe I'd better do it now," he gushed. "With all this horseshit 'boyfriend' business going on, I might not get another chance!"

"Damn, Jay," I grinned, "you probably coulda had this guy's nose up your butt long ago!" Jay got a surprised look of missed possibility.

"Naw," Nelson said, "it took all you guys to get me into this. I always thought Jay was weird...but seeing you all doing it--well, you and him, anyway...aw, fuck! Lemme try it!"

Try it? I hadn't even seen Jay thrust his face into a crack as fast as Nelson did! He'd spun Jay around, onto his back, forcing me off the couch, and had his hands on those soft buns and was spreading them enough to make room for his nose. But he was definitely a novice. He didn't take enough time to savor the aroma before his tongue came out and went to work!

"Dummy," I teased, "you've already licked away all the smell before you got to enjoy it."

"I smelled it alright," he pulled away for a second, "but I thought I'd better start licking it away before I changed my mind! But, there's still some left and...now I'm kinda sorry I did!" He giggled, lapping his tongue over the opening. "It...it's not so bad...not at all!"

Our attention was drawn aside as the groans and moans were getting louder as Tad prepared to splatter Josh's tonsils with his hot teenage jizz! Nelson stared, open- mouthed, taking notes. After all, Josh was a veteran. He'd done it twice before. He didn't gag. He didn't spit it out. And Nelson noted that he stopped taking it all the way into his mouth when Tad started coming, and just received the flood of sperm from the cockhead and steadily gulped it down. Ah, that's it. That's the way Nelson would now do it. He turned back, an eager expression on his face, and found Jay's rigid cock again staring him in the face. He lustily went down on it. So much so that I left him to it. He was doing a complete enough job on his cock and balls, that there wasn't any room for me in there anyway. Instead, I stayed close, watching and whispering encouragements, and reached down and stroked Nelson's throbbing cock-- jacking it for him.

It was a fait accompli (I learned that in French class!). There was just no doubt from the way Nelson was sensuously blowing dick--he was now a full-fledged cocksucker. This was definitely not going to be his first & last blowjob. He'd taken good notes. He attacked Jay's knob like a vacuum cleaner--devouring his hot bolts of cum!

"OH, OH!" he tossed his head back. "Tha...that was sooo good! AWW!"

Quickly, I ducked my head down and sucked in his cock just as he unloaded with massive spurts of honeydew! I used my tremendous amount of experience...and let him keep his prick deep in my mouth, allowing his cream to splash against the back of my throat.

We had a few more experiences that afternoon before we collapsed in exhaustion and giggles.

I felt great as classes let out for the weekend Friday afternoon. I'd hoped to get the guys together again for another fuck-fest. I got a pleasant surprise as a freshman rushed up to me with a note from Jay. The note said to meet him behind the gym...and that he had a special treat in store for me. Knowing Jay, it was bound to be something hot and horny. I rushed so fast I stumbled and fell on my face. Getting up and brushing myself off, I felt a little foolish. I soon got over that and continued on my way. My prick was already beginning to bone up as I sped around the corner into four, strong, open arms!

"WHOA!" I heard, before being grabbed and hustled into a waiting van. Completely taken off-guard, I was terrified as to what was happening. I didn't know these guys, but they sure were strong fuckers. Pressed down against the floor, the door slammed and the van took off like light- ning. I figured they had the wrong guy, until one of the boys holding me down reached between my legs and started to feel me up!

"PARTY TIME, BUCKAROO!" he laughed evily, rubbing my crotch frantically...more in anger than in pleasure. Another guy slipped a hood over my head, leaving me blinded.

"I...I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" I cried, recognizing them by sight if not by name. "TAKE THIS OFF ME!"

"That don't matter, honey buns!" one cooed. "You're gonna know us even better before the day's over. We just don't want you to know where we're going." He spoke to the guy playing with me. "You can stop playing with his dick, asshole. Don't matter to us whether he gets a hardon or not. Stop rubbin' him, dammit! You look like a damned queer!"

"Uh...jus' lettin' him know...what it's all about."

"He'll find out soon enough. You wanna play with a prick, come here and play with mine, you fuckin' fruit!"

"Hey, I was just..."

"Listen, you know why we let you in on this, French. You go gettin' fruitier than we already think you are, and you'll be joining the other team faster'n shit!"

"Cripes, Watson," he backed away, "you sure can piss on a good time. I ain't feelin' him up cause I like it, I thought..."

"HOLD YUR BUTTGAS, WATSON!" Butch's voice yelled from the front of the van. "Slaves don't mean rough stuff. I told you that. This is all about having a good time. Go ahead and play with his peter, Frenchie. Slaves work better when they're on the rail."

"S-sorry, Butch." Watson backed down. "I thought the idea was to work over a couple of faggots."

"It is. But not the way you think. You wanna punch somebody out, go smack your little brother around like you always do, you creep! This deal's about pleasure and fun. And using talent. A cocksucker doesn't have much talent with a broken jaw, does he? You idiot! You don't get any fun by busting a queer in the chops...you get fun by tickling him on the chin and tellin' him he gives the best blowjob you ever had!"

"Yeah, but...why not just slam it down their throatl!"

"Watson, you're a fucking moron!" Butch yelled back at him, sounding as if he was getting a little exasperated at having to explain the facts of life to these guys. "Going around beating up faggots is the stupidest thing guys like us have ever done. Can't you see that? Everybody knows fags give the best blowjobs. And besides that, they do other stuff and they're tighter fucks. No matter how much pussy we get, we don't get enough, right? So why are we roughin' up the talent?"

"I...I don't getcha, Butch," Watson said, dimwittedly.

"Keerist! Listen, bozo. We get more hardons than any chick's willing to take care of, right? And here we've had all this talent at our beck and call...cause even though fags like to lick n' suck each other all over...they like nothin' better than to get in the pants of straight guys like us. Free blowjobs and rimjobs, and we've been smacking 'em around all this time. Kinda stupid, doncha think? Trust me. Treat a fag like a reg'lar guy...but with a little domination...an' they'll be man's real best friend. Cram your dick down a guy's throat and you not only choke the shit out of him, you get a lousy blowjob! Chuck 'im under the chin, and he'll make you believe you really got the best prick in creation!"

"Gee..." Watson reassessed his thinking, "ya mean it's OK to let a guy put his mouth on your prick...and...and like it!?"

"Man's best friend. You let your dog lick your face, doncha? Well...your dog don't give free blowjobs. But fags gotta be teased, see?"

"Uh, yeah! Hey, lemme play with him, willya?" Watson grabbed me by the balls and began to manipulate me. He looked up at Butch. "We don't hafta do...nothin' else, do we? After we get 'em hard?"

"I give up!" Butch sighed. "You don't even hafta do that, if you don't want to. Just show 'em your hard prick and tell 'em to go down on it. If they need a little coaxin' then it's alright to fiddle around. But these guys we got today are more than your regular cocksuckers. You'll see...we're almost there." He turned to the front as the van pulled into someone's garage. I was dragged out, and led inside. Then I was pushed up against a wall, next to another body. My blindfold was ripped off.



"And that spells hot cocksucking and butt-licking fun!" Butch cried, standing before us with a big grin. "I promised you, didn't I?"

"BUTCH!" Norton gasped. Butch swaggered up to him.

"Yes, little one. Here's that party I promised you guys. Lots of big cocks to suck...and smelly buttholes to lick out. At least mine is!" He turned to the other guys. "You guys got smelly buttholes? These guys love to lick out smelly buttholes." He clapped his hands, as someone pulled down the garage door. "PANTS OFF!" he yelled. "You too!" he smirked at us. "Gotta give those fag boners room to breathe, hunh? So you can do your best work?" He tweaked us both in the crotch.

"Y-you mean...we gotta...?" Jay cringed.

"Aw, baby," Butch cooed, "I warned you, didn't I? Well, here we are. Five horny guys to take care of...with your mouths and assholes. You ready to start sucking and licking?"

"NO FUCKIN' WAY!" Jay cried, pushing back in horror, watching them strip.

I leaned toward him, much more self-assured now that I'd heard the speech Butch had made in the van. "No sweat, Jay. Butch won't let them hurt us...all we gotta do is... what we like to do!" I helped him get his pants down and off, and even fondled his privates myself because I always get turned on seeing him naked.

"Hey!" Butch yelled, "Quit queerin each other...QUEER US! First up is hot asshole licking. You guys get on your knees. Anybody got a hot asshole that needs licked out? Back it into their faces. Here, start with mine!" He bent over and pushed his butt into Jay's face.


"You complaining?" Butch asked.

Jay reached both hands up and pulled the buttocks toward him. "N-no, Butch. Lemme suck your ass!" He pushed his face in there and rubbed.

"Damn! Little queer really likes it! I can smell Butch's asshole from over here. Hey, you wanna suck mine?" Watson asked me.

"Hell no!" I complained, realizing that these idiots couldn't seem to comprehend their own game. "You'll have to force me!"

Butch got a sour, exasperated look on his face, and winked at me. "PUSH IT IN HIS FACE, YOU JERK! DON'T ASK. THESE GUYS ARE HERE TO DO WHATEVER WE WANT THEM TO DO!"

The light dawned...finally. Four confused pricks suddenly rose in unison to full rigidity! POWER! That was the key to their libidos. Especially as they watched Butch grinding his butt back into Jay's slurping face, pinning his head against the wall. Three of the guys, including Watson, now had their hands on their pricks expectantly. Frenchie had rushed up and thrust his prick and balls into my face. I grabbed him by the hips and turned him around.

"Butt first, guy," I said. "Weren't you paying attention?"

"Oh. You wanna smell my butt?"

"No," I said, "but if you pull your cheeks open I'll be able to get my nose in there...not that I want to!"

He got the idea and quickly scooched his ass back to my face.

"SMELL IT, YOU FAGGOT! SMELL MY ASSHOLE! OW...UH...LICK IT! YEAH, LICK IT OUT!" He pulled his cheeks apart and wiggled.

"Okay," I said, "if you're gonna make me!" I pushed him, forcing him to lean over onto a padded exercise bench for balance. He had a grungy-looking hole that was half- open. I licked it lightly...tickling it actually so I could spend a little time smelling it first without aggravating his impatience. It stunk a little...not nearly as bad as it looked like it would. Eventually, I was able to just slide my tongue right up his rearend and work it around in circles. That's how loose it was. It was pretty tasty, too! It was incredible how easily I'd taken to this rimming business. Already I was anxious to suck on holes...even assholes as raunchy and dirty as his! I sucked it real good. He giggled.

This "rape/gang-bang" scene was getting a little ridiculous. I even noticed a look of resignation in Butch's face...combined with the unmistakable glazed eyes of intense pleasure. Butch sure liked getting his asshole swabbed down, and Jay was the resident expert in that field!

"Ooooh!" he moaned, looking at the other guys. "He's fuckin'...fuckin' marvelous! Everything you've heard about Norton is true, man. OH! Kid can sure slop out an asshole! Eric's good, too. Let him lick you out...take turns...I got this one and I'm not givin' him up." No wonder. Jay was sucking Butch's anus to beat the band! He'd quickly forgotten the circumstances and any danger involved. Put a butthole in Norton's face, and that's his whole world. He was eating out an asshole and that's all that existed for him at the moment.

"JEEZ! LOOK AT THAT KID SUCK ASS! Catch this, guys. Butch is all cross-eyed! Come on...let me in there for some."

Butch was so selfish, it was left to me to service the other five guys. To keep them from slamming me up against the wall in their enthusiasm to get their assholes to my mouth, I managed to line them up in a semi-circle and go at each in rotation. I licked and sucked on their holes...all smelly and unwashed...and used my fingers to tickle the other ones in the meantime. I managed to move fast enough to keep them from getting fidgety. Well, actually, the more I licked them, the more fidgety they got!

For about an hour, Jay and I sucked ass, licked balls, and gave out our best blowjobs. Still they were horny...and wanted to fuck!

Butch made us rim each other, and get our assholes ready to get fucked. Actually, he had to pull us away from each other. I, for one, had my tongue deeply lodged up Jay and didn't even want to take it out. I was in heaven sucking out his butt! Even in front of all these straight guys. I complained when I was pulled away.

"NO! NO! Aw...I wanna suck his butt...please!"

"Suck it after I fuck him!" Butch growled, thrusting his prick up Jay's anus, causing my friend to gasp loudly. I wasn't sure if it was in pain...or ecstasy. Didn't matter. Whatever it was at first, it was soon obvious that Jay was deliriously happy that he had Butch's big dick up his rectum. He was grinding back on it for more.

"SOMEBODY FUCK THE OTHER FAGGOT!" Butch cried, shuffling both their bodies around so that he could see. Then he resumed pounding his prick up Jay's fluttering buttocks.

"You fuck me in the ass," I pointed, "and you fuck me in the mouth!" They obeyed, and I sprawled out and took care of them. Back and forth, I impaled myself on cock! Jizz spurted down my throat, and another prick took its place. Jizz spurted up my ass, and another took its place.

I took care of all four guys, a couple of times over. Until we were distracted by Butch's loud groans. We hadn't been paying much attention to the other two.

"Jeez! Wha...what the fuck you doin' Butch?" Watson stared.

Butch raised his head from his bent-over position. "What the fuck's it look like, you blind idiot?!"

"Like...like you're gettin' FUCKED!" He watched Jay thrusting his prick up Butch's asshole...balls deep!

"I am gettin' fucked! Didn't I teach you guys n-nuthin'?" he blustered, quite effectively. "You like what you been getting? Hey, gotta keep the fags happy, you know. Gotta give 'em a little bit here and there, you know. Figure it out, guys. It's either this...or suck some cock. This is better'n suckin' cock, believe me!"

"Oh," Watson said. "Uh...are you sure? Doesn't that hurt? Maybe...maybe I'd rather suck...HEY! HOW COME WE HAFTA DO ANYTHING?! They're the queers!"

"C-cause..." Butch squirmed and gasped breathlessly, "gotta...gotta keep 'em h-happy, ya know? Gotta...awwwww, fuck! WHEW! WHEW! YEAH! OH, JAY BABY! DRIVE THAT BIG PRICK UP MY ASS! HOLY FUCK THAT'S GREAT!"

"YOU'RE A FUCKING QUEER, BUTCH!!" Watson cried in accusation.

"Com...come're, Watson," Butch coaxed him over. "Lemme...lemme explain something." He rested friendly fingers on Watson's hips as if he were about to give out the secrets of the universe. Watson waited patiently for his explanation, gulping a little at the guy's touch.

"B-buddy," Butch looked up at him, "it's like this. Getting fucked up the ass is...incredible!" Suddenly, he reached for Watson's prick and took it in his mouth.

"GODDAM! MUTHERFU...YOU...YOU COCKSUCK...OH MAN! You suck better'n that other guy!" He pushed his cock deeper into Butch's throat and threw his head back. "OH! THIS IS BETTER THAN HAVING A QUEER SUCK ME OFF! BLOW ME, BUTCH! YEAH, OH, BLOW MY FUCKIN' BIG PRICK!" He looked over at the other astonished guys. "I...I DON'T KNOW...BUTCH IS BLOWIN' ME...AND IT FEELS GREAT!"

"L-looks good, too," one muttered.

"Whadda you mean, Henry?" another asked.

"I don't know. This kid sucked us off, but there's something about seeing Butch sucking cock...it's...I don't know!"


"Yeah...weird. Wanna try it?"

"You and me?"

"Why not? I'll suck yours if you'll suck mine..."

"Um...here? Where the queers can see?"

A single moment of silence soon evolved into a long moment of crazy laughter. Everything was becoming absurd ...it made their dicks hard. Watson was getting sucked off by Butch. Henry and his friend were 69ing. I latched onto Frenchie and we eased onto the floor. I wrapped my lips around his stiff prick as he tentatively tried mine. The sounds of cocksucking echoed around, and soon he couldn't help but lose his apprehension. Straight guys always hate being the odd one out, so he eagerly joined in.

We were all going at it hot and nasty, and I was the only one who recognized those other sounds. Watson's loud gasping in disbelief helped a little. Jay had shot a tremendous explosion up Butch, and was now on his knees sucking the cream from his asshole! That made Butch expend even more energy on Watson's prick, and poor Watson couldn't help but gurgle silly sounds as the sight forced on his uncontrollable orgasm into Butch's mouth!

"SUCK...SUCK!" Watson seemed to be saying to Butch. But his prick finally erupted on another note. "SUCK HIS ASSHOLE OUT! AHHHHH! SU...SUCK OUT THAT HOT CREEEEEEEMMMM! OOOOH!"

Butch gagged and sputtered but gulped it all down. A massive dose of buddy juice!

"Great! Just great, Butch!" Watson finally accused a full twenty minutes later...after licking on a couple of dicks himself. "A fuckin' gang-bang. That's what you promised. Instead, we're turning into cock suckers ourselves. And you! How's your little bumhole, sweetie?"

Butch had a big grin on his face. He looked up at his accuser. "Since you're so interested, asshole...my bumhole's feeling quite ripe, thank you very much! It's still tingling, as a matter of fact. Why don't you reach down here and feel it? You'll see what I mean."

"No thanks. I'm afraid it'll burn the tip of my finger off!"

"Ever been fucked up the ass, Watson?"

"Are you kidding?" he smirked, pushing my face away from his balls. They were so big, I'd been wanting a taste of them all day. He wasn't angry about it...he was almost complacent...but still, he pushed me away like a minor irritant.

"Too bad. You don't know what you're missing. No guts, hunh?"

"Guts? Whadda you mean?"

"Guts. Grit. Stamina. BALLS! Afraid you can't take it like a man?"

"A man?" he chuckled. "Is that what you call that screeching and moaning you were doing? Acting like a man?"

"Yeah. I took cock up the ass like a man...just the way you took those pricks in your mouth--LIKE A MAN! A MAN HUNGRY TO SUCK A COCK! WHO THE FUCK YOU KIDDING?"

"OK, OK. You don't hafta go screaming to the neighbor- hood! So I got caught up in everything and licked a crummy dick...so what?"

"Three by my count, Watson. But who's counting? So what do you say? You wanna keep the faggots around...or what?"

"Uh, I dunno. They can be useful, I guess."

"You guess? How come the other guys're chuckling? Everybody sucked cock today, and you're the only one acting like an old maid. An old maid that nearly blew a faggot a few minutes ago."

"Whadda you want me to say?" he waved his hands nervously. "This is my group. You're my buddies. Are we gonna start cocksucking now? We gonna start pushing up our buttholes to each other to get reamed out? What? What's the deal?" I was still trying to nuzzle at his balls. He nonchalantly grabbed me behind the neck and pulled my face into his crotch, letting me lick away. Norton giggled.

"What do you want, Watson?" Butch countered.

"You know, Butch? I don't really give a shit! OK, it felt good. You guys wanna change everything around so that we start doin' queer things...I'll go along. Long as it don't get out!" he pointed his finger. He looked at his other pals. "Well, you sure look like the happy little homos! You going along with this, too, I suppose?"

"Hey, Watson," Henry said, matter-of-factly, "it's like this, as far as I'm concerned. You show me yours...I'll show you mine. We never gave a rat's ass about stupid rules before...why now? I'll suck a guy if he'll suck me. I'll blow ya, Watson...will you blow me?"

"That's how you guys see it?" Heads nodded in agreement. He looked behind him. "Aw jeez, Frenchie," he cried, stretching out his hand, "you got a cock up your ass!" He ducked his head for a moment in thought, then raised up. Maybe because when he ducked his head he saw me sucking on his balls...I don't know...but he replied: "OK, b-but don't come in my mouth the first time, alright?"

"You gonna be a cocksucker, Watson?" Butch enthused.

"Yeah, Butch. I'm gonna be a cocksucker. Mainly cause I wanna fuck that hot asshole of yours! You fuckin' hump wilder'n any pussy."

"Any time, you bastard. I'll give you the best fuck of your life. All you guys! I love prick up the ass, and you're gonna love it too. Just like Frenchie obviously is-- you wait and see."

"Hey, Jay!" I yelled out. "Let's get the fuck outta here and go find us some hot straight boys to rim out!"

"Yeah, let's go!" he agreed, giggling.

"Hold on, peckertracks!" Butch growled. He swaggered over to us and put his hands on his hips in a menacing manner.

"You little pricks aren't going anywhere. What should we do with them, boys?"

"Well, I still haven't fucked anybody yet!"

"He's good," Ed pointed at me, "but I'd sure like to try Norton's tongue up my ass!"

"Uh," Watson hesitated, "long as I'm gonna be a cocksucker...I'd kinda like to take on Fennerson's prick some time, I guess."

Butch made a decision. "OK, guess it's the only way. How would you butt-smellin' little fags like to join our gang? You know, sorta show us the ropes? Teach us all those nasty things that feel good?"

Norton and I looked at each other in amusement. I turned to them. "You know Jay loves suckin' assholes more than anything. And I'm gettin' to really like it myself. We both like fuckin' and getting fucked...not to mention all the ball-licking and blowjobs. You guys think you can keep up with us? We don't have time for slackers!"

"WE'LL LEARN! WE'LL LEARN!" came the unanimous cry. Butch had a look on his face as if to say, "Can I pick 'em or what?"

Jay nodded to me. I cleared my throat. "Well, alright. Tomorrow we start you guys out with asshole-sucking. Since there's only two of us, we got some friends that might like to get in on this. Sweet butts and juicy pricks! Agreed?"

"J-Josh and Tad?" Butch asked, expectantly.

"If you like, Butchie," I rubbed it in, "and a couple more fellas that like to get down. Include us in, fellas, and we'll have you blowing every hot-pricked fag in school! Not to mention all those juicy assholes that'd loved to be wrapped around your big pricks. We'll fix you up so the only pussy you ever want will be an occasional perverted fling!" I laughed.

"Heh, heh!" Butch smirked. "Things sometimes work both ways, fellas. Yeah, that's a hot idea. Bring 'em in. We'll blow your friends. And after everybody gets a taste of everybody else...we'll bring in the twat and show you guys what you've been missing! Agreed?"

"You guys," I stroked Watson's long stiff rammer, "drive a hard bargain. But if you can handle cock...we can handle pussy. You find the chicks that don't mind watching you suck another guy's prick, and we'll fuck an' eat twat right beside you!"

It was a great union. A group of horny guys that did everything. And everybody! We pussy-sucked hot cum out. Taught girls to lick assholes while their cock-filled cunts were being tongued. They learned to take a cock in the twat and one in the ass while some guy was down there licking on both of them! Sometimes the girls brought along their brothers, and everybody had a fuck of a time!

And of course, Jay Norton rimmed any asshole in sight!

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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