High School Rimmer

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 17, 2000



At the lunch table I joined Tad and Josh. They were laughing and giggling. "What's up, guys?" I asked.

"Hi, Eric! We were just talking about Norton," Tad chuckled.

"What about him?" I asked.

"Y-you don't know?!" Josh gushed. "I thought everybody did!"

"No. What's it all about?"

"We just caught him again in the shower room, licking some guy's butthole!"

"Hunh! Aw, you're shittin' me."

"Nope, he didn't even miss a stroke when he saw us," Josh smirked. "Didn't stop last time we caught him, either!"

"Gee, I didn't know he was a queer!" I gasped. I knew Jay Norton, but I never thought he...

"He's not...at least he says he's not. We don't know anybody he's ever blown...or even touched their dick. Jay says he doesn't suck cock, take it up the ass, or even plug another guy's butt. All he digs is licking assholes! Guys' assholes! You ever been rimmed off?"

"What's that?" I asked.

"Getting your asshole licked out while you beat off! It's great! Norton'll rim ya off. Just ask him to."

"Hey, Tad, you never told me you got him ta rim ya off!"

"Whoops!" Tad whistled. "Uh, yeah he did. That day after we first caught him. He cornered me after school and asked me if I'd like some of what I saw. So I let him do it under the bleachers. He had my hand going 60! He whipped his out and jacked off too. Man, that guy really likes to eat out a dude's shithole, let me tell ya!"

"How come you never told me about it?" Josh said, acting hurt.

"Well, cause of the things you said about him after we saw him doing it. I didn't want you to think I was weird, too."

"Oh. I just said those things so you wouldn't catch on that I was thinking about letting him to it to me. Ha. Ain't that the shits?"

"I suppose you'd like some of that action too, hunh Eric?" Tad asked me, smirking.

"Uh...well..." I didn't know what to say. I could hardly believe what they were telling me. I couldn't under- stand why a guy would do that...and I couldn't understand why anybody would even want it done to them. Mostly, I couldn't understand why I had a boner in my pants!

"Or, you just glad to see us!" Josh laughed, looking down at my lap.

"Does it r-really feel that good?" I stuttered.

"Just bend over around Norton...you'll find out!" They laughed.

That night I had to run down to the drug store to pick up a some medicine for Mom. Coming out, I bumped right into Norton, slipped and fell on my ass! He picked up my package and grabbed me under my armpit to help me up.

"Gee, sorry. Oh, hi Eric! Guess we had a collision, hunh?"

"Uh, yeah. Hi, Jay." His hand was tight around my upper arm. We were close enough that I could smell his Spearment Gum. Without meaning to, I kinda pulled my arm away a ittle too violently and stood back a step. He blinked, surprised at my sudden movement, hung his head for a moment, then got a sad expression on his face. Our eyes met. "U-uh...s- sorry," I stammered, "guess I'm kinda jumpy tonight." I gave a half-hearted laugh he wasn't buying.

"Umm. I get it," he said, nodding his head. "You heard about me, hunh?" He turned his face away, kinda looking up at the sky.

"NO! I haven't heard anything!" I gushed, much too loudly, then looked down at my feet, realizing my reaction gave my lie away.

"Oh," was all he said.

Then stupidly, I added, "Besides, I didn't believe it, anyway."

I looked up at him quickly, both of us realizing my goof. His face suddenly broke into a grin, and funny noises came from our closed mouths as we tried to keep from laughing. Seeing the other guy couldn't stifle it either, we broke out in howls.

"It's okay," he said. "I guess every guy in school knows about it by now. I just hope it doesn't get to the chicks. I'll never get another date if it does."

It seemed alright to talk about it. He seemed relaxed yet ashamed about the whole thing. Relaxed was good. Cause I got a big mouth, and usually say just what I'm thinking ...even before I think I'm thinking it! You know what I | mean. But there were people coming in and out of the doorway, so I suggested we walk together. He only lived on the next block to me. He agreed, and handed me my package.

"I guess it was Josh or Tad that told ya, hunh? I know they're buddies of yours."

"Ah, yeah it was."

"Figured so. They saw me twice. And Tad..." he caught himself as if he didn't want to give away a confidence.

"The bleachers?" I asked, looking for confirmation.

"Yep...he told ya alright! What'd he say?"


He cringed, looking around. "Fuck! Don't tell the whole world! You make it sound so awful."

"Oh. Sorry, Jay. Those were Tad's words, though. But he said he really got off on it...and Josh admitted he wanted to try it, too."

"Yeah...figures. What guy wouldn't like his butthole kissed?" He blushed, then added, "well, maybe a little more than just kissed."

"It's all really weird to me, Jay. But somehow you don't sound like you enjoy it...or are you just embarrassed that everybody knows?"

"I...I don't enj..." his voice trailed away. Then, "I wish everybody didn't know. I get guys jabbing me in the ribs in the halls, and wiggling their butts at me."

"Then why do you do it...especially in front of other guys when you can get caught? Gee, especially if you don't even like it!

"OK." He turned and stopped. "I-I do like it. I don't want to. But I can't help myself. If I see a hot guy's naked ass, I-I just have this uncontrollable urge to get down and...and lick it! I'm not queer, Eric. I'M NOT! I just can't stop myself!"

"Wow, Nort...Jay. That's crazy. Why would you do it if you don't like...er, don't WANT to? I don't get it. It's hard to believe you're not a queer! I mean...it's okay if you're a queer, don't get me wrong. It's just that..."

"I know, I know. It's hard to figure...believe me. I can't figure it out myself. I've never sucked a guy's cock, or gotten cornholed, or nothin' like that. And I d-don't want to, either. But...asses just drive me up a wall! Guy's asses! I can't figure it out. I tried doin' it to a girl, but it just wasn't the same."

"You never even tried, uh, suckin' on a guy's dick? Maybe you're a queer and you don't know it."

"NO! I couldn't put a guy's pecker in my mouth! That's disgusting!"

"Oh, I don't know," my mouth went before my brain again, "I once..."

"You licked a guy's peter?" he gasped.

"Ah, no...well, yeah, I did...once. But I was only 11! Buzz Browning and I were just messin' around, you know?" There I went, blabbermouth, giving out names and everything! "Kid stuff," I laughed. "We started exploring, you know, and got these hard boners...we didn't even know what they were for! We just kinda handled 'em and played around. The next day we made a bet about something...I don't remember what...but after school the loser had to suck on the other guy's pecker for 1 minute. I lost. But I kept my part of the b-bargain. But I made him keep looking at his watch while I did it!"

"Yuck! You really put it in your mouth?!" he asked, perplexed.

"Yeah, but don't you ever tell anyone!" I warned him.

He stopped again. "Look, Eric. I'm not like that, OK? I'd like to be your friend. And friends don't squeal on each other, right?"

"Yeah, OK." I shrugged. "I didn't really think you would anyway."

"What did he say when you did it to him?" he asked.

"He...he said it tickled!" I laughed. "And even though he didn't have to, he did it to me to show me how it felt."

"Did you like it?"

"Yeah!" I admitted. "It tickled just like he said."

"Uh, I mean...suckin' it...didja like suckin' it?"

"Um...no, of course not." I reacted automatically. Jay nodded, as if he expected that answer as the only logical one. For some reason, that infuriated me...maybe because he was so smug and sure about it. "No, that's a lie, Jay. I did enjoy it. I've never done it since then, but I did like doin' it that time. Cause...cause it was SEX, I guess!"

"Oh," he gulped.

We walked along in silence for a while. Then, just as we were passing the very same bleachers where he'd rimmed Tad, Jay got a funny expression on his face as he looked at me.

"I...I never had my pecker licked before. Bobby Gomberg offered once, but I said no. And...and girls like gettin' their pussies licked on, but they all think it's sickening to put a prick in their mouth."

"Yeah," I agreed, even though I'd never been with a girl, "I know what you mean." He obviously had, and I wasn't about to be that honest!

"Uh, I was thinking," he said brightly. "You never had your butthole licked on before, have you?"

"Uhhh...no," I looked at him suspiciously, drawing away. It was then I noticed the bulge pushing his pants out. "YOU GOT A BONER!" I cried. He looked down and smiled.

"YEAH! You got one?" he asked.

"NO!" I cried, just as my pecker lifted right up and started to literally bounce in my pants! It was so obvious, I blushed.

"You do now!" he chuckled.

"Shitfire, Jay!" I said, turning away. "Talkin' about lickin' things and all...whadda you expect?"

"Did you guys do any...butt things?"

My first reaction was a definite NO. But then I started to remember. "Well, kinda," I reflected, searching my brain. "There was one time he told me to turn around. He said he wanted to see my bumhole. Didn't matter to me, so I bent over. I remember letting him get a good look by pulling my cheeks apart, then I started teasing him by saying, 'while you're down there, Buzz, smell me up!' I felt kinda evil, so I reached back and pulled his face tight to my ass. I could feel his nose on my hole, and even though he was trying to pull away, I heard him sniffing like I'd asked him to. Finally, he pulled away. 'OK, OK, I smelled it!' he yelled at me. 'That was a dirty trick, you old poopbutt! Don't you know they invented toilet paper!' I laughed at him while he started to rub all over his nose like he was tryin' get brown stuff off of it. There wasn't really any there, but he made a big show out of it. 'Want me to give you a fart, Buzzy?' I asked him. 'Wanna smell my fart, too?' I giggled. It was so silly, he started laughing too. 'GET THAT STINKHOLE AWAY FROM ME!' he cried, 'I only wanted to look, you creep!' He took it all in fun, but we never did it again. Funny, I can't remember the feel of his nose, but I'll never forget hearing him sniffing me!"

"Can I sniff you, Eric?" he suddenly asked, ending my reverie.

"HUNH!" I gasped.

"I-I wanna sniff you! Come on, let's go over to the bleachers. I'll lick ya!" He grabbed my hand and started to pull me with him, running toward the darkened bleachers. The pressure on my hand forced me to go with him. Running across the grass made me even more aware of the hot blood throbbing in my cock.

Finally ducking behind the apparatus, we stood for a moment catching our breath. Before I could react, he pushed me up against a pole and pressed his body to mine.

"Come on, Eric, let me! You'll like it!"

I didn't struggle much. I was nearly a head taller than Jay Norton, and I knew I could get away any time I wanted. I was giggling, amused at seeing him so frantic to do nasties on me. I think I wanted him to do it. I must have ...the bone in my pants kept getting harder! But I didn't admit that. Instead, I teased him.

"What, Jay? What do you want to do to me?"

"Oh, Eric! I want to...you know," he could hardly say it.

"What, Jay?" I acted innocent. Coy would be a better word for it.

"You know!" he persisted.

"You wanna do it, Jay? You wanna? Then tell me what it is. Tell me exactly what you want to do."

He relaxed his grip, catching onto the game. He smiled knowingly, then let his hands move down my sides and over my hips, and downward. All the time, he was slowly dropping to his knees. On the ground, he looked up at me and grasped me from behind, holding my buns tightly and squeezing them.

"I wanna lick it, Eric!" he cooed up at me. "Your poophole. And I don't even care if it's stinky! I'll stick my nose in there...and love it! Buzzy was a dumb shit. He shoulda licked ya! I'm gonna lick. I'm gonna lick real good so I can taste ya! I wanna taste your hole! Suck on it! You wanna lick my dick? I'd love ya to lick my dick. You liked it before...with Buzz. Let's get naked and while you lick my pecker, I'll suck on your asshole...SUCK YOU RIGHT OUT!!"

I couldn't speak. I just gulped...over and over. The way he was playing with my ass made my prong stick out stiff and hard...nearly in his face. I'm not a cocksucker, I told myself, but I did find it neat the one time I'd done it. Jay had looked like he had a good one when I'd noticed it tenting his pants before. BUT COULD I LICK IT?!

"Come on, Eric," he pleaded, "blow me and I'll rim you!"

"You blow me, too, Jay. Then I'll let you at my ass."

"Uh. I'm not a cocksucker, Eric remember?" he hesitated.

"What's that supposed to mean? I AM?" I demanded.

"No! I mean...well, you did it that one time. So, technically you are. And you liked it, remember?" he said, pointedly.

I was feeling very horny...and very much in control all of a sudden. I'd never had a boy on his knees before, begging me to do sex things. I was gonna do something alright. And probably anything he wanted. But I wasn't going to tell him that. Jay Norton was a queer! No guy licks other guy's buttholes without being a queer, I decided. He didn't think it was queer...so I was gonna make sure he did something that he thought was queer!

"You wanna, Jay?" I bent over and whispered in his ear. "You wanna stick your nose up my butt? Wanna smell 'n lick my poop? I"ll let ya. I'll let ya lick it ALL off! In and out! I'll suck your pecker, too!"

There was just enough light to make out the beam in his face. While he looked up at me expectantly, I quickly unzipped and hauled out my throbbing boner, slapping him in the face with it.


While his mouth was stretched in a wide O as he voiced his denial, I grabbed the back of his head and stuck it in! The head of my dick felt wonderful sliding across his moist tongue. By reflex, his mouth clamped over it. I held him onto my cock, while I bent way over and reached down and began to play with him. I was amazed at the thrill. I was feeling his stiff rod through his pants. It sent sparks through my fingers. It was even more exciting than having my dick in his mouth.

Until, that is, he began to gingerly suck on it. Then I went all haywire! I started to grab at his buckle, anxious to get his cock out!

"SUCK IT, JAY! SUCK IT!" I cried. "AND GET THAT COCK OF YOURS OUT. I WANNA BLOW YOU, TOO! LAY DOWN." The last was an order. I wasn't in any mood to fuck around. My dick was too hard to put up with any bullshit from him. If he was queer enough to lick a guy's ass, he was queer enough to suck a guy's meat. I stretched along his body and helped him pull his pants down to his knees. As soon as his prick entered my mouth, I began to suck on it. He groaned, and yanked my pants down, all the way to my ankles. Then he licked along my shaft, nuzzled moistily at my balls, and wrenched my legs open so he could dig between my legs and get his face up my crack! He struggled the whole time until he'd reached his destination. Then he settled down, his body relaxing contentedly, and just layed there sniffing his nose around my anus.

Fuck it! It felt good, so I let him be while I concentrated on his perky boner. The feel, taste, and sensation of having his prick in my mouth brought back all the intense pleasure I'd felt with Buzzy...but more so. This time, I knew hot spurts of cum could shoot out of there, and that if it did...I would have to swallow it! The idea excited me so much I squirmed over on top of Jay, letting him remove my pants entirely, and squatted my ass onto his face to let him eat it to his heart's content. I was blowin' his pecker and really loving it, even though my mind was warily thinking about the warm flood of sperm churning in his balls, preparing to squirt into my mouth!

"Well, ain't this pretty!" a voice came from above us. "A cocksucker and a shit-licker!"

Startled, I crawled off Jay and looked up. It was Butch Mulligan, the meanest punk in school. Instinctively, I covered my erection. Then I reached for my pants. Butch put a booted foot out and stood on them. "Not so fast, lover boy! Neither of you move. Heh. I heard about you, Norton. Didn't surprise me...you're such a squirrel!"

"B-Butch!" Jay cried, "we...we were only..."

"Save it, Norton. I could see what you were doing. Crack-lappin'! Hey, aren't you Eric Fennerson? Never took you for a girlie-boy. Sure looked like you know how to handle a joint, though. Norton's pecker still hasn't gone down."

Jay was looking up at him, bone-rigid, but with a fearful look on his face. Butch lifted his boot and quickly kicked his boner. Jay screamed in pain as his dick slapped hard against his belly and flopped around, quickly going soft.

"Hey! You don't hafta..." I started to protest.

"I DON'T HAFTA," he glared at me, "BUT I WANNA! I dig slapping little fruits around. Beatin' up on queers is what gets ME hard! And I LIKE to get hard. Then I like ta PISS on 'em!"

He had us backed up and naked...completely vulnerable. I thought of running, but where would we go naked? Besides, Jay still had his pants around his ankles. Butch would surely catch him. I tried to think of a way out of this mess. I was kinda scared...Mulligan was such a bastard! He was always beatin' up on somebody.

"Please, Butch," Jay pleaded, "just let us go, OK?"

"Ha! Let you go?" he laughed. "When I gotta chance to pound on a couple of fags? You nuts?!" He started to pull his belt out. "First I think I'll whip your asses raw!" He stood there grinning evily, snapping the leather with loud pops.

Then I remembered something. "Mulligan, you're really stupid!" I cried. His eyes opened wide and his nostrils flared. I caught him just in time as he raised the belt. With arm raised to protect myself, I offered an alterna- tive. "Wait! You said you like to get hard, didn't you? T-then you must like to get off. You can always beat somebody up, but how often do you have...um...SEX SLAVES to order around?"

Butch didn't say anything right away. He just stood there pondering the possibilities. Jay looked up at me as if I'd lost my mind, but happy that Butch had been kinda stopped in his tracks.

Unconsciously shifting his body in a way that thrust his crotch out menacingly, Butch Mulligan snapped his tongue in contemplation. Seeing the subtle change in the bully, Jay's cock started to rise in anticipation. What a slut, I thought!...even though my own dick tingled. Butch was a prick, but I couldn't deny he was a good-looking prick! Long, dark shoulder-length hair...enviably-smooth olive skin...and a sexily cruel facial expression. Also, I'd seen him in the showers and knew he was packing plenty in his well-worn, raunchy Levi's.

"You mean you'll do anything I tell ya to?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Only if you promise not to hurt us," I said. "Then we'll do it."

"Hey, where do you get off offering my services?!" Jay whined.

"What's the matter with you, Jay?" I asked sarcastic- ally, and more than a little annoyed. "I don't know about you, but I don't feel like getting beat up and pissed on!"

"I don't either, but...you know I don't do anything except...you know..."

"Isn't that precious! Little fag can't even say the words. YOU SUCK ASSHOLES, NORTON! THE WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL KNOWS YOU SUCK ASSHOLES! There's even creeps going around lying, saying you did it to them. Guys with butts that NOBODY would put their face up! So what's it gonna be, fruitlicks? Sweat & cum or blood & urine?" He snapped his belt.

"Do you promise?" I pressed.

"Yeah, sure, why not? If you're dumb enough to believe me, I'm dumb enough to promise."

"H-he's gonna beat us up anyway, Eric!"

"N-no he won't," I said confidently, trying an ego bluff. "Everybody says Butch is a bastard...but they say he keeps his word."

"Alright. I promise! Now let's get to the filthy perversions."

Without being overly harsh, he pulled my face into his crotch. The reek of his balls came right through the thick fabric. It was overpowering, yet decidedly masculine and extremely sexual. On normal terms I'd tell a guy to go take a bath. But holding onto his powerful thighs, I felt a pleasant thrill at the thought soon the pants would come down and I'd be nose-to-nuts, feeling his naked flesh on my face and breathing in the hot odors from the moist places between his balls and legs.

"Suck on my crotch," he ordered. "Suck the sweat out of my pants. Wish I had a jockstrap on...I'd let you suck the sweat and dried piss out of it. Norton! Get around to my rearend, sweetie! Get your face up my crack and suck the sweat outta there. Lots of skid marks in my pants. If you suck hard enough I'm sure you'll get a nice raunchy taste. Suck the shit out of my pants, then I'll let you suck the shit off my ass!"

Butch swayed forward and back, our two faces pressed against his torso. I could feel his big piece of meat stiffening against my lips, and started working my mouth over it, blowing hot breath through the fabric.

"Open my snaps, Fennerson. Pull the flaps open but don't pull my pants down." I did what he said. As I figured, he didn't wear any undershorts. His dark bush of pubic hair came into view, followed by a rush of strong body odor. He hooked his thumbs at his beltline and pushed his Levi's halfway down his hips. His cock stayed hidden. It had grown hard and was stretched down his leg formid- ably. He pulled my face back in there, nuzzling my nose all around.

"Yeah, catch a good whiff of that, peckerhead. I got real man smells for you. Nibble right in there! Norton, you little fruit, kiss my butt cheeks and lick into the top of my asscrack...just the top."

I ran my tongue through his coarse pungent hairs, even managing to lick across the top of his shaft right where it connected to his body.

I could hear Jay planting big wet kisses on the upper exposed buttocks, then starting to run his tongue from Butch's tailbone down into the greasy valley between his cheeks as far as the beltline. He didn't like Butch, but he couldn't resist the oily taste of his backside.

Sticking his nose between Butch's buns, Norton was able to catch the gamey ripeness rising up the valley from where it had been fermenting. Jay had never come across this before. Most guys he'd done it to had either just come from the shower, or had at least showered in the last couple of days. If Butch had dropped his pants and just shoved Jay's face in there, he probably would have puked. But the way he was being teased was turning Jay on tremendously! He was beginning to look forward to what lie ahead...imagining the crud down there that must be making those smells! That's how he thought of it...CRUD. He didn't analyze what the crud might be. Shit was something he'd always managed to put out of his mind. All he knew was that the punk's gritty odors were doing fantastic things to his senses. His hard cock bobbed up and down between his naked, squatting legs.

"Grab a foot each, slaves, and take my shoes off." Then he made us sniff his grungy socks. That done, he stood there and dropped his Levi's to knees. I gasped as his huge cock sprung out, weaving before me. I heard an involuntary "Mmmm" escape from Jay's mouth. I also heard him sniffling in fear. Or was it SNIFFING?! Butch arched his ass back slightly, hitting Jay in the face. He must have been 'sniffing' else he wouldn't have been so close!

"Gimme some room, willya!" he scowled over his shoulder. "You that hungry for my ass?" He spread his legs as well as he could to give us room to work. "I asked you a question, faggot! Are you hungry for my ass?!"

"Y-yes!" Jay spoke softly.

"Yes...WHAT!" Butch demanded.

"Yes, s-sir. I'm...I'm hungry for it!"

"That's better. Bet you can't wait to get your tongue at my hole. That right, you little shit?"

"T-that's right, sir. I can't wait!"

Butch held my head back, glaring down at me, not letting me get close. He was playing with Jay, and teasing the hell out of me at the same time. "Norton," he looked directly into my eyes while he talked to Jay, "don't do a thing until I tell you to. Get your face up close and put your hands on my ass and pull my butt apart. You can look and smell, but don't touch. Now tell us what you see."

"I-I see your a-asshole! With lots of hair around it."

"How's it smell? Don't tell me...tell Eric. And be GRAPHIC!"

"Tell Eric? Uh, OK. It's...jeez...it's awful smelly, Eric! And it's HOT. I mean, I can feel heat coming out of there! It...it's not clean. It's not clean at all! And there's lots of hair around his hole."

"Okay, that's a good description. But now, tell your slave buddy how you like it."

"Uh, well...I...I guess..."

"TELL HIM!!" he yelled, startling the nervous boy.

"I LIKE IT! I LIKE IT!" he suddenly admitted. "I'm sorry, but I-I really do fuckin' like it...Can I lick it now, Butch? Uh, sir?"

Butch laughed, evily but obviously amused. "If you like it, you queer little twerp, what the fuck are you sorry for?"

"Uh, I dunno..."

"Well, I do," he arched his back and lewdly thrust his ass back. "You're a little fuckin' pervert, but you didn't know just how perverted you were til you smelled MY damp, luscious asshole! You like buttholes, and you like smelling 'em, but now you got a real one on your hands. You're sorry cause you know there's some old SHIT around my hole and you want to lick it anyway! You're hungry to lick my shit, and you're sorry because you know you're gonna love it! In other words, YOU'RE NOT SORRY AT ALL! You just said that because you didn't want Eric to know HOW MUCH YOU WANTED TO LICK THE SHIT FROM MY ASSHOLE! Isn't that right, slave?"

"Y-yes, that's right, sir! I W-WANT TO LICK YOUR S-SHITTY HOLE!"

"Well, I'm a nice guy, Norton," he chuckled. "I'm gonna let you do just that. But first, chew on my asshairs! Don't let your tongue touch my hole until you've cleaned every hair around my asshole! PULL THOSE HAIRS BETWEEN YOUR LIPS AND SUCK THE SHIT OFF OF THEM!"

Gladly, Jay put his face up Butch's smelly crack and started to nibble on the long, dark hairs that grew there. I pictured what he was doing. I imagined those hair folicles sprouting newly from the skin around Butch's anus, fresh and clean, only to be chokingly covered by the sweat from his unwashed pores, and quickly soiled with the wild muck that periodically came from his rectum. Muck that normally would be washed away, With Butch, it meant that coating upon coating would be haphazardly applied to those hairs between washings. And Butch was obviously at the far end of his washing cycle!

"YOU," he ordered me, pulling me closer, "reach back and hold my butt open for your buddy. Make sure he can get at those hairs without touching my asshole!"

I did as he commanded, nestling closer to his crotch than I needed to, and pulled his masculine buttocks apart, trying to expose his hole to Jay's face. Before I got a comfortable hold on them, I brushed my fingers over his asshairs. I got a crazy desire to pull my hands back to smell my fingers, but that wasn't part of Butch's plan. But from what I could feel, I knew Jay was in for a greasy time! It was all so fucking nasty. I wanted to yell out for Jay to really suck his greasy hole...I knew he'd enjoy it just from the way he'd licked me. Little did I know I was in for problems of my own! Problems I wasn't sure I was going to be able to handle. But then, Butch reminded us of something that made me sure I'd be able to handle it.

"You're right, Fennerson," he said, squeezing on his big cock before my eyes, "this IS better than beatin' the shit out of a guy! Ummm, your little slave buddy's lips are tugging as my asshairs. While he cleans 'em, get your tongue out." He squeezed his fat cock at the base, slowly moving his hand up the shaft, until a large glob of clear juice pushed his cocklips apart and hung on the end of his knob.


I dutifully tongued off the warm glob of pre-cum and slowly drew it into my mouth. He squeezed his prick again and got me another tasty morsel. He took his clothes off.


I started to protest, but gave up. At least for the rest of the evening, I was just a slave fag to Butch. Nothing I said was going to make any difference. I stuck my head between his spread legs and stuck out my tongue as far as I could get it. Then I touched his perineum, that place between his balls and asshole, and slowly pulled my tongue forward up his grungy ballsack. I don't know if I'd touched the hairs back where Jay was working...Butch's balls were so hairy there was no separation. The earlier thrill I'd gotten breathing in the smell of his pubes quickly came back to me tenfold! It was all the stronger, and while I breathed it in, whatever bacteria it was covering his balls that produced those lusty odors was now causing my tongue to tingle!

Such scientific ramblings in my brain only fired me up all the more. I lapped at his hot nuts...getting them good and wet...dissolving all the sweat and grime...then suctioned at them to draw all the flavor into my mouth. I wanted that prick in my mouth. If it meant cleaning his balls first, then I was damned well going to make sure his smelly nuts were clean enough for his mother to lick! Butch held his hard prick up high, giving me full access. He let go of his prick, letting it swipe across my nose. It throbbed so wildly, I think he'd been afraid of coming!

"AW, FUCK! SUCK THOSE NUTS! CHEW THOSE ASSHAIRS!" he cried. "It's up to you, Norton. When you think you've got those hairs clean, stop chewing on 'em and start working at my shithole!"

Jay was ready right now. He'd pulled those hairs between his moist lips and sucked off every bit of grunge on them. He was more than ready for the main course! Sure he knew there'd been SHIT on those hairs--he was no dummy-- he could taste it! But he was so fuckin' hot to get his mouth on the raunchy stud's anus, he'd gladly lick off any residue. When he finally got the go-ahead, he immediately plunged his tongue into the wrinkled dark orifice! Butch's legs shivered at the sudden touch, and his bottom pushed back into Jay's face. Residue? You'd better believe it! Stale shit had been on the hairs. Jay didn't know what the fuck was on Butch's hole! All he knew was that it was fantastically moist and cheesy! Some heavenly concoction of sweat, assjuice and whatever...some delightful combination of natural, masculine crud that corroded the stud's asshole and sent Jay into a butt-sucking frenzy!

"Oh, oh, oh," Butch moaned, amazed at the asshole sensations he was receiving. "HOLY! MUTHERFUCKIN'! ASSLICKIN'!..." He couldn't even finish his vulgar thoughts, he was so high on experiencing a guy's wet tongue nursing at his asshole for the first time. Hell, he didn't know his butthole could enjoy anything THIS GOOD! It even made him forget his dominance for a moment.


I plunged my mouth over his cockhead just in time to catch his first massive explosion! Then I proceeded to suck on it, as hard and as deeply as I could manage. I had to follow him down a little as he pushed his ass back for Jay to lick deeper up his hole while he experienced a fantastic orgasm! I held my shaft tightly, while his big prick kept pumping out streams of molten semen into my sucking mouth. His jizz was hot and flavorful...raw and delicious. The perfect substance to erupt from the big aromatic masculine balls I'd been sucking on! I drank his juice down greedily ...I'd be willing to drain his nuts any fucking time he wanted me to! And he knew it.

He had to literally pull me off of him. Spent, exhausted, but still in the throes of lust, Butch grabbed his Levi's and quickly spread them on the ground. Then he layed down on them, spread his legs wide, and tried to sound aggressive. It came out sounding more like he was pleading.

"More! I gotta have more! Work me up again, fellas... uh, slaves! Just lick all over my prick while I rest. Put those tongues to work and put the bone back in my boner! I wanna cum again!"

I held his semi-hard prick up while we both licked up and down his shaft and over his balls. We could feel life coming back into it on every lick. I started mouthing it, while Jay worked on his nuts and predictably started to go lower. Butch held him off a moment, pulling his leg out. Then he held it up, letting Jay get down to his pit.

"Wanna lick more of my shithole, hunh? Go ahead, guy, it's all yours! SUCK ON THAT MUTHER! FUCK ME UP THE ASS WITH YOUR TONGUE WHILE FENNERSON BLOWS ME!"

Yeah, I was blowin' him! His big dick was getting hard, but it didn't have the tenseness in it. That was fine with me. It meant I was going to be able to take my time and really enjoy it. And that I did. I just layed there, slobbering all over his dick, while Jay had his head stuck up Butch's ass, slobbering all over it. Together, we got the punk humming.

"Mmmmm. Ooooh." He pulled his leg up higher, really opening up for Jay, encouraging him to tongue clear up into his rectum if he wanted to. Jay wanted to. And he tried his damndest. "Jeez! I didn't know fags could turn a guy on so much! Norton? Uh...you got a boner, man? Try puttin' it up my hole! SLOW!

Jay gulped, loudly. "Wha...what'dja say, Butch?"

"You heard me. Go ahead, stick it in. Spit on it first!"

"B-B-Butch! You want me to f-fuck you?"

"Look, you little faggot, I'm the BOSS, right? You're the SLAVE. You do what I want. You guys're queerin' me so good, I wanna try it. But if I tell ya to pull it out, you cocksucker, YOU PULL IT RIGHT OUT--you hear me?"

"S-sure, Butch!" Jay spit on his cock and slicked it up. He looked at me, amazement in his eyes. He was shaking. I don't think he'd ever fucked before, and here he was about to shove his dick into this bastard punk's ass--by demand! Part of his shaking was due to the fear that if he hurt the guy he'd pay for it. Sitting on his knees, he scooted up closer to Butch's hairy ass. He pulled the cheeks apart and stuck his prick to the wet anus. Then he pushed.

I sucked harder on Butch's hardening prick, desperately trying to work him up to fever pitch. I figured he'd need all the stimulation he could get. With his legs up, I could see everything. I reached up and wrapped my arm around his thigh, opening his bottom up so I could get a good look at this!

Jay's knob went right in! Butch let out a little gasp, and I could see his anus flex tightly then loosen back up again. Not getting any severe resistance, Norton kept sliding it in...ALL THE FUCKING WAY! To say that Butch was READY would be an understatement. Jay had sucked his hole so loose, I don't even think the guy realized just how much cock he already had up his butt. He was a natural! Jay's balls were nearly touching his asshole when the stud spoke up in a faint whisper.

"Not too fuckin' bad. Go ahead, you can push it in now. But go slow, okay, Norton? I'm no fag that gets his ass fucked all the time."

Jay smiled, and I nearly choked from wanting to laugh. We didn't have the heart to tell the guy he already had about 6 inches of stiff cock up his ass. Jay gave a short, sharp lunge. It was only the last two inches of his cock... just so Butch would know he was stuffed!

He let out a loud gasp! "WOW! Oooh! Jeez! Aw, fuck man. You got that thing all the way in? Sure feels like it!"

"Yeah, B-Butch...sir! Is it OK? I'm not hurting you, am I? Just say so and I'll pull it out." He winked at me, knowing full well the guy was loving it.

"Naw. It's alright, I guess. I can fuckin' take it! I ain't no pantywaist faggot." He reached back and felt the cock connected to his asshole. "HOLY SHIT! YOU GOT THAT WHOLE THING IN THERE?! Hmmm...figured butt-fucking would hurt like hell. Uh, go ahead...pump it a little bit. Shit, might as well call it what it is...FUCK IT, NORTON! FUCK MY HAIRY ASSHOLE. LET'S SEE WHAT THIS SHIT'S ALL ABOUT!"

For the next few minutes, he writhed in pleasure, then instinctively began to pump his cock into my mouth, while pushing his ass onto the prick stuffed up his asshole. All the time he was going, "Uh, ah, umm, oooh, eei!" They were quiet, personal moans, meant only for himself...to himself. Sounds of queer pleasure he wouldn't have wanted anyone else to hear. But he didn't care that Jay and I could hear his rhythmic sighs...we didn't count. We were just queers ...slaves...to do his bidding. He didn't have to account for his feelings to us. I was a suck machine...Jay was a dildo.

Butch would never let a straight guy fuck his ass, but if something felt good...and this did...he'd do whatever to get his rocks off. Even if it meant forcing 'fags' to fuck him once in a while! Why not? Nobody'd ever believe it if they told. Hell, he could even suck cock if he wanted. As long as it was 'fruit' cocktail! But he didn't want. Not so far, at least. But he could if he wanted! These thoughts seemed to be going through his mind, as he stared at my hardon!

"Okay, trade places! Fennerson, stick it in easy. NORTON! SUCK!"

"Aw, shit, Butch! It's feeling so goood!"

"I don't give a shit! This is for MY pleasure. Now pull that prick outta my ass and get around here!"

Angered, Jay did just that.

"OUCH! You fuckin' shitlick.. .that hurt!"

"Gee. Sorry, Butch," he said unconvincingly. To me, at least.

"Yeah, right! Don't sweat it, faggo. Give me a good blowjob and I'll let you plug me again sometime. Your prick felt good up me, I'll admit that. But I call the shots, remember? Your buddy got my last load...I want YOU to get this one! Now start suckin'!"

Jay was cussin' and groanin' under his breath, while I was wiping my cockhead over Butch's sloppy anus. I was eager to get in there. I'd never fucked before either, and I was extremely anxious to stick my prick up Butch's anxious hole. But, like Jay, I was careful. I eased it in, allowing the stud to adjust to it. But the stud was a STUD. He fuckin' knew what he wanted, and he reached back to my ass and pulled me into him! MY COCK WAS PULLED UP INTO HIS ASS--ALL THE WAY!

"NOW, PUSSYBOY! FUCK ME! Are you blind or stupid? Can't you tell I want cock up my ass? YOUR COCK! Now shove it in there and fuck my ass or...so help me...I'LL STILL PISS ON YOU!"

With both hands, I wrenched his butt open and started to plow him. Suddenly, I wasn't worried about hurting him ...because he wasn't worried about it either. I started to quick-jab him, secretly telling him who was boss. I was wrong. HE WAS BOSS!

"Come on, Fennerson, can't you fuck harder than that? Remember, that slave prong between your legs belongs to me. I wanted it up my ass...you put it up my ass. NOW FUCK ME!"

I did what he said...gladly! Man, I was fucking some- thing for the first time! Maybe it was my imagination, but I could have sworn his asshole was grabbing ahold of me, then letting loose...milking my cock!

Butch got impatient with Jay. He grabbed his head and forced him down between his legs, shoving his cock into his mouth! Jay gagged at first, then his eyes lit up when he realized he had a ringside seat at my fucking Butch's hole! He stared, and stared, watching me fuck the stud...all the while increasing his latent cocksucking talents.

It didn't last long. I was ready to blast off the moment my dick entered his hot, mushy asshole. I held back as long as I could, then gave some grunts and groans in warning. By then, Jay was giving Butch an enthusiastic blowjob.


I 'packed' him completely, spritzing luxuriously, while I held onto his hips and watched as he blew his load into Jay's sucking mouth. The boy was a quick learner at cock- sucking. He suctioned avidly on the first four inches of Butch's throbbing prick, his throat bobbing up and down as he swallowed the massive load from his balls. His greedi- ness kinda surprised me, until I noticed that Butch was fisting Jay's cock, pumping the shaft up and down as tremendous volleys of cum spurted from it!

"Now that's what I call being a slave!" I laughed on the way home.

"Glad you had a good time," Jay said sarcastically.

"Oh, I suppose you didn't?" I teased.

"I had ta SUCK HIS COCK!" he complained. "I told you I'm not queer."

"You planning a life on the stage, Norton? Cause you sure put on a good performance. You really blew him off! Not to mention that load you shot while he jacked you, and the snit you went into when you had to pull out of his ass!"

"Yeah, well..."

"Didja like eatin' his ass?" I asked, getting to his favorite activity.

"OH, YEAH!" he gasped excitedly, then blushed.

"Gee, I never would have guessed!" I jabbed his shoulder. "Uh, Jay. Did you really have to suck, you know, SHIT out of his asshairs?!"

"Did I ever! Man, he was really raunchy. I thought I'd hate something that nasty, but..." he lowered his head in embarrassment, "he was turnin' me on so much...makin' me do that. Do you think he'll go through with his threat?"

"You mean about having us do his friends? I don't know. But if it ever happens, remember his warning about not telling them we fucked him. Man, I'll bet they'd have loved seeing that! I couldn't believe he let us do it. But I really couldn't believe how much he dug it! Made me want to try it myself," I admitted without guilt. I'd actually had a great time and I wasn't ashamed of it. I wanted to do more cocksucking and fucking, and see what it was like to get fucked.

"You wanna take it up the ass?!"

"Sure, Jay. You wanna give it to me up the ass sometime?"

"M-me? You'd let me fuck you?"

"Hell, yes! It probably won't even hurt after one of your buttsucks! Just loosen me up real good." I gave him a quick grope.

"Well," he shrugged, "I did kinda like fucking Butch. OK, when you wanna do it?"

"Tomorrow afternoon? You will suck my ass out first, won't you?"

"Aw, Eric. You know that's one thing I'm sure of. I'll lick your asshole any time!"

"Even if I got shit in my asshairs?" I laughed.

"Ha! You don't have any asshairs, Eric!" he laughed.

"If I grew 'em?"

"By tomorrow?" he giggled. "Listen, uh...skip your shower after gym, OK? Hair or no hair, I, well, I'd like to...I mean, after tonight, I'd like to see if..."

"If my shit tastes as good as Butch's?" I asked, giving him a lewd, knowing grin.

"Yes," he admitted. "I liked it, Eric. And if I can lick shit from the asshole of a prick like Butch, I can sure lick yours! Besides, I want to see if it's a one-time thing. You know...if I was just caught up in the, uh, excitement. Now don't go leavin' a bunch of dingleberries hanging out of your hole, you bastard. Just enough so it smells hot and I can get a taste!"

"You're weird, Norton!" I blurted.

"Aw, forget it then," he looked offended. "You mean SICK, don't you? Why don't you just say it? I'm talking about wanting to taste your shit and that's REALLY SICK--so just say it!"

"Hey, calm down buddy!" I touched his shoulder. "I only meant you're weird cause you won't admit you're a queer. You've been lickin' guys' butts all this time, and I just got into homo sex tonight. And already I know I'm gonna need cock from now on. I'M A QUEER!"

"Y-you are?"

"Sure, thanks to you! And so are you, if you'd just admit it. I can only imagine what you were getting back there at Butch's ass...all I know is I nearly went crazy down there smelling his balls! They were dirty...MAN, THEY WERE DIRTY...and all I could think of was licking them clean for him! If you liked the back as much as I liked the front, well...sick or not--I'M GOING FOR IT!"

"I-I'm a queer," he said softly, as if trying out the words. "I'm a fag...a homo cocksucker...a butt-lickin' fruit that even digs tasting a guy's SHIT!" He glanced up at me and smiled, looking relieved. "I really fuckin' blew him good, didn't I!" he laughed.

"Hot, man. Just like a pro!"

"It was all cause I was watchin' you fuck him. It was so hot watching your cock going in and out of his asshole. I started going up and down on his stiff prick like crazy. Really trying to suck out his ball juice! I couldn't believe I wanted to drink it all down."

"I know," I said assuredly, "you wanted to lick my dick!"

"NO! I-I didn't!" he gushed defensively. "I...I...WOW! I sure as hell did! How'd you know? That's just what I was thinking about. I forgot all about that. But even then I was foolin' myself. I was thinking about how awful it would be if you pulled your cock out of his ass and stuck it in my mouth. If I was made to suck on it!"

"That's what you wanted to do, wasn't it?" I suggested, tenderly.

"Yeah. I guess so. Jeez. It's true. I wanted to suck the flavor of his asshole from your cock. What a weird fantasy!"

"You're gonna do it, too. I promise! Maybe not Butch, but if we get together with his friends, who knows? Or we can find some guy that's gay and likes to get fucked. I'll fuck him and let you lick my dick clean, how's that?"

"Yeech! That'd be too filthy to really do, Eric!"

"I know...but you'd like to, wouldn't you?"

"If I did...I c-couldn't admit it. It's too disgusting!"

"Aw, go ahead and admit it, Jay. Maybe it IS disgust- ing. But that's why you turn me on so much...cause you're not afraid of doing things that are disgusting--AND EXCITING! You wouldn't turn me off. Hell, I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU SUCK MY COCK OUT OF A GUY'S BUTT--EVEN IF IT HAD A LITTLE BIT OF SHIT ON IT! YOU'D LICK THE SHIT OFF, WOULDN'T YOU, JAY?"

"It...it wouldn't turn you off?" His eyes lit up. I shook my head no. "In that case, I'd do it...OH FUCK YES I'D DO IT--AS LONG AS YOU WERE WATCHING!"

I put my arm around his shoulder. "Shit, buddy, maybe you oughta be MY sex slave. I'm thinking of lots of things we could do. Gettin' together with other guys and making you do things...dirty things...gettin' me so hot I want to do them with you!"

"You got a boner, Eric!"

I looked down. Sure as fuck I had a raging boner wetting my pants.

"You wanna suck it, Jay?"

"You wanna lick my ass, Eric?"

"YEAH!" we both said at the same time and laughed. But we had to get home. We were late already.

"Tomorrow," I said, then quickly pulled him behind a tree and kissed him. And boy, did he ever kiss me back!

"Bye," he smiled. "I gotta hurry home--TO JACK OFF!"

"Me, too!" I laughed. We ran off in different directions.

I sure did jack off that night...three times! All evening I'd been thinking about what had happened, so I was really primed. The first one didn't last more than a minute. My dick didn't go down, so I worked it up to another one. But this time I spent a little time experi- menting a bit. I fingered my butthole, seeing how it felt to have something poking in there. It was a little rough, so I brought my finger up to get it wet so it'd go in easier. But when I got it up to my nose, I realized there was a heady smell to it. So I tried that out, too. It was just a little fragrant, but enough to know that my finger had been on my asshole! Any other time I'd ever done that ...scratched my ass or something, then checked my finger out...I'd quickly wiped it off somewhere. This time I didn't. I layed back and stroked my cock while I smelled my finger. I kept putting it back down to gather up more of the hot aroma. The stiffer my cock got, the more exciting the smell was! I was getting some idea of what Jay's fascination was. But then, again, it was MY ass I was smelling. It might be a different story smellin' some other guy's ass.

Finally, my dick was twitching so wildly I knew I'd come soon. I was suddenly desperate for a real strong whiff to breathe in as I shot. I didn't even think about it...I just popped that same finger in my mouth and wetted it down. I jabbed it a little ways into my hole and wormed it around a little. Then I pulled it out and stuck it to my nose, breathing deeply, while I shot all over myself!

After I came, I layed back exhausted...the end of my finger still up my nostril. I kept smelling it, reveling in the earthy aroma as I enjoyed the aftermath of my orgasm. I laughed to myself, realizing I'd licked on it, and trying to remember whether there'd been any taste. I wasn't sure, but perhaps there'd been a slight bitter taste. I thought of tasting it again, but I wasn't horny enough for that.

I got ready for bed, then hopped in. I layed there thinking about the weird experiences of the day. Hearing about a guy that likes to lick other guys' assholes...then running into him. Liking him, and even telling him some things about myself. Then how we got into it, only to get caught by a punk who made us do things we'd never planned! Remembering how I'd been repulsed, then turned on, by the guy's raunchy balls! I had to blush...even under the covers...at how much I'd been turned on by that and the way I was being forced to do it. And Jay...cute Jay... weird Jay...NASTY JAY! Then I went back to 'cute' Jay. I hadn't thought much about how guys looked before, but his vision kept coming into my mind. It was a nice vision. I smiled, picturing his cute--even pretty--face. Something had really changed in me. Hell, I'd even admitted to Jay that I was queer!

I layed there for a time, thinking just about that. Was it true? Could I have enjoyed all that so much without being queer? Could I picture a boy's face with such pleasure without being queer? Then I thought about Wendy, the prettiest girl in school. The one I'd never even had the courage to approach because she was so beautiful. Would I rather have Wendy spread out naked with my face in her pussy...or would I rather have Jay's cock and balls before me to do with as I pleased? I could only imagine what Wendy would look like, but I'd fantasized about it many times in the past while I jacked off. I tried imagining it again, but the picture kept turning into Jay's crotch. I had my answer when I got hard thinking about licking his nuts and running my tongue up and down his hard pecker. Yep, I was queer alright. And I'd even told Jay he could fuck me up the ass tomorrow!

I threw the covers back and grabbed my hard prick. I figured I'd better see whether I'd even be able to take it. I sat up on my haunches, and wet my finger again. Then I reached behind me and played with my asshole. I was surprised at how easily I was able to stick the finger up there. I just relaxed my muscles and drove it all the way in. Then I started exploring. I worked it around inside, pressing against the sides of my rectum, really giving myself a wild finger-fucking! I tried to stick another one in alongside it but there just wasn't enough spit. My cock was already drooling. I pulled my hand back and smelled my fingers again in the dark. There was no strong smell of shit, so I said FUCK IT and popped them into my mouth. I licked all over the two digits--and even a third...just in case--and rammed two of them up my butt. I was sloshing the leaking fluid all over my pulsing cockhead, and it didn't take long for me to stuff that third finger in there. It felt so fantastic reaching back there, driving my fingers up my butt, feeling my anus get all puffy and loose. "YEAH, I'LL TAKE YOUR PRICK, JAY!" I said aloud to myself, "I WISH I HAD IT RIGHT NOW! SHOVE THAT FUCKER IN THERE!!" I had half my hand up my ass and I spurted cum all over the covers! Then I slept like a baby.

"Hey, Eric!" It was Tad coming out of his first class. "Butch was asking about you before school. I said I hadn't seen ya. Then he said something funny. He laughed and said you were probably with Shitlick Norton. What'd he mean by that?"

"Hey, don't call him that!" I cried, over-reacting.

Tad gasped and backed away. "I-I didn't...that's what Butch said...not me. How come you're stickin' up for him, anyway? Oh, I know," he got a big grin on his face, "you went and got yourself rimmed off, didn't ya? Got that bone in your pants yesterday when we told you about him, and you went out and found him, hunh?"

"Uh, I did happen to run into him," I felt myself blushing. "We...we just walked home together."

"Unh huh, let me guess. Under the bleachers, right?"

"Ah, well, we did go by there..." I stalled about the truth. "He just lives a block away from me, you know."

"Hmmm, cut the crap, Fennerson," he pulled me to the side and whispered. "He's a great ass sucker, isn't he!" Tad knew Jay's talents, and it made me wonder how many other boys' assholes he'd had his tongue up.

"Tad, uh, what'd you feel when he did it to you? Did you start gettin' funny ideas or anything?"

He shrugged. "Naw, just bent over and stuck my ass in his face and let him lick me while I jacked off. Why?"

"Oh, nothing," I tried to pass it off.

"Say, you fooled with him, didn't you, Eric? You two messed around more than just gettin' a buttlick, hunh? Did he blow ya? Did he finally blow somebody?! What'd you do to him...anything?"

"I-I was just asking, that's all."

"Sure, Eric...if you say so. Anyway, why's a turd like Mulligan looking for you? Whatever you two did, it sure sounded like he might have seen you two together. Why else would he say you might be with Norton? You hardly even knew Jay before yesterday."

"Beats me! I gotta get to my next class," I said.

"Well, I got P.E. next...with Norton. Maybe I'll ask him--if I can pull his face outta some guy's ass!" He started to hurry away.

"No...Tad...don't do..." but he just waved, and was gone.

All morning long I fretted about Tad saying something to Jay, and about Butch, and wondering what the hell he wanted. I knew what he probably wanted, I just wondered what he might be saying around. Aw, nobody'd believe him anyway. I wondered if girls liked the smell of his ripe balls. I got a hardon in Sociology.

"Did you see Tad in P.E. today?" I asked Josh at lunch. "W-was he talking to Jay Norton?" I was apprehensive.

"Hunh? Hey, here he comes."

"Well," he said, grinning and plopping himself down on the other side of me, "Norton was a good boy today, wasn't he, Josh? Didn't catch him lickin' even one bung in the toilets!" He laughed, smirking at me.

"What's all this interest in Norton?" Josh asked, biting an apple.

Tad reached into his paper sack. "Him and Eric got it on last night. Musta been a lulu...even Butch is looking for them!"

"I didn't say that!" I cried defensively.

"Oh, I know...I know," Tad admitted, "but you haven't denied it either, have you?" I just hung my head. No matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn't bring myself to lie about it. It had been too good. Too good for me to care what these guys thought about it, even though I wasn't in any hurry to admit it.

"See, the way I figure it," he looked across me to speak to Josh, "more happened than Eric just gettin' a butt wash. Why else would he not want to talk about it? I think he got our boy here so turned on that Eric did some nasties himself. Come on, guy, tell us about it. We're buddies. What'd ya do, jack him off? Get him to blow ya? No, wait. You'd be braggin' about it if that happened. DAMN! You fuckin' licked his pecker, didn't you? Got you so butt- suckin' hot you turned around and licked his dick. Is that it? He wouldn't blow you...so you blew him! HOLY SHIT! Bet you licked his ass, too!"

"Shut up! You're fuckin' crazy, Tad!" I nearly screamed, glad we were off to the side by ourselves.

"OK, OK, but tell me when I'm gettin' warm, willya?"

"Quit teasin' him, Tad," Josh admonished. "He'll never tell if you rake him over the coals about it. What really happened, Eric?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," I muttered.

Tad lifted his eyebrows to Josh as if to say 'See!'

Josh was really intrigued now. "Come on, don't let him raz you. He's just got a dirty mind. Besides, Tad's jacked me off before!"

Stiffening up, Tad hissed, "YOU PRICK! Why'd you tell him that? You said you'd never tell anyone!"

"I know, but..." Josh tried to explain.

"Besides, you jacked me off, too! More'n once!" Tad spat at him.

"Because, dummy," Josh said calmly, "if Eric did do something, he's not gonna tell us the way you're carrying on. And if he didn't, well, it's no big thing if he knows we jacked each other off while looking at dirty pictures. He ain't gonna tell on us, are you, Eric?"

"More than once?" I had caught that, and smiled at them.

"Well, yeah," Josh blushed. "OK, so we stroke each other's bones once in a while. It's better than doing it alone!"

"Hey, I'm not making any judgements," I teased, trying desperately to turn the tables a bit in my favor. I figured that Tad probably hadn't even talked to Jay, much less gotten anything out of him. Suddenly, I felt a lot more confident. "Listen, guys, let's see what we actually have here. Now we know that I walked home with Jay last night, OK? And we know that Tad's gone under the bleachers and pulled down his pants so another guy could...could lick his butt. And we know that you two like playing with each other's peckers! Uh...is that about all?"

"SMART ASS!" Tad cried, nearly admitting defeat. "But I'm tellin' ya, Josh, something happened with those two. He just ain't talking!"

"Why should he when you're sounding like you're about ready to get on the loudspeaker and announce it all over school? Now he's got something on us. Maybe he'll tell us now." Josh looked at me, hopefully.

"I-I don't know..." I was still unsure.

"Hey, Eric," Tad coaxed, "You know me, I'm just a horn- dog. I always want to hear the gory details. Hell, I'd never tell on you!"

"You sure don't mind spreading rumors about Jay, though. Do you?"

"Rumors!" he laughed. "Shit, those aren't rumors. We caught him, remember? Everybody knows about Jay Norton. He's done too many guys for it not to get around. I think he even wants it to get around. But, on my word of honor, the only guy I ever told was you. And...as you just found out from my blabbing friend here...l've got no room to talk about messin' with guys. Course we never licked butts or blew each other, but I still wouldn't want it to get around. Admit you pumped a guy's bone and they'll figure you probably blew him!"

"Um, how 'bout that time we went campin'?" Josh blurted out, smiling.

"Aw, quit teasing, willya? He's ready to believe anything." Tad passed the jibe off much too smoothly to not be telling the truth. Josh chuckled at his own joke, anyway, and even persisted.

"There was that one time I sure thought you wanted to!"

"Oh, was that the time you kept eyein' my balls and licking your lips?" Tad was too sharp to not have a comeback.

Just then, Jay hurried by the table. "Hi, Tad. Hi, Josh. Hiiii, Eric! See you later, right?"

"Uh...yeah...sure, Jay," I mumbled, embarrassed at his timing.

"Hiiii, Eric!" Tad repeated, breaking his wrist. "Gotta date?"


"Gonna be steamin' it up under the bleachers?"

"Why? You wanna join us?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Whadda you think, Josh? Wanna go get your butthole washed out? We can have a party. Norton can eat out our holes while Eric does...whatever Eric does. That is, if you don't mind sharing your boyfriend's tongue, Eric. Norton would love having three hot holes at a time!"

"He's NOT my boyfriend!" I hissed. "He's just an alright guy."

"He musta been alright, if you're going back for seconds!" Josh giggled.

"Okay, so we did it," I admitted, "...I mean, HE did it!"

"Hmmm. A little slip there?" Tad grinned.

At least now I knew something I could safely admit to after that slip of the tongue. "Sure, I gave him a handjob. Gettin' rimmed like that is worth it. Isn't it, Tad?"

"I didn't have to...but, sure. I'da jacked him if he'd asked. Little fucker has a big dick, that's for sure! Hell, ya can always wash your hands afterward, right?"

"You never washed your hands after jacking me off," Josh kidded.

"No, Peterbreath!" Tad smirked. "That's so I could smell my hand on the way home!"

"I believe it," Josh smiled.

"So, you gonna let us in on it, Eric?" Tad turned back to me, ignoring Josh's little teases.

"S-sorry, guys. It's private."

"Hey, we'll be friendly, won't we Josh? We can jack you while Norton's warming your hole up. You might say we're 'old hands' at it!"

"Maybe some other time," I said, suddenly wanting to keep my options open. They were both great-looking guys, and I wouldn't have minded seeing and playing with their pricks, either. Maybe even doing other things with them if they ever loosened up more. Not much chance of that, I figured. Still, I'd tell Jay and see if he was interested. I mean, Jay certainly wasn't going to stop messin' with other guys just cause I was gettin' these feelings for him. Besides, it wasn't like I was falling for him, or anything.

"Yeah, OK. Anyway, I hope so. Norton's too good to waste, and if he starts gettin' it regular from you, he just might stop puttin' out in the showers!"

"That still blows my mind!" I gasped. "Didn't one of the coaches ever catch him?"

"You know," Tad said, seriously, "it's funny. They never seem to come around when Jay's in there. It's probably bullshit, but word's going around that the coaches leave him alone cause he does them all the time! Makes some sense, though. If he ever caught him doin' a guy, a coach would have to turn him in, wouldn't he? Gee, that's sure a nasty picture, isn't it? Thinking of Norton suckin' ass on one of the coaches! Hell, maybe they all line up for him!" Then the bell rang.

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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