High School Reunion

By Ryan Smith

Published on Jan 11, 2016



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Ryan's eyes were scanning up and down the rows of name tags displayed on the table in front of him. Along with a name, each name tag was emblazoned with the image of a snarling tiger, it's claws outstretched, ready to shred and tear into anyone foolish enough to approach. It had been a long time since Ryan had seen that tiger, but then again it had been five years since he graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School, home of the fighting tigers.

Ryan's eyes finally settled on his name tag. Picking it up off the table, he peeled off the backing of the adhesive and pressed the tag firmly on to the left side of his suit jacket. A banner hung over the entrance to the hotel ballroom emblazoned with "Welcome Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 2007!" hung over the entrance.

Ryan had received the invitation to his high school's five-year reunion in the mail a couple of months prior. At first, he scoffed at the idea of going to the reunion. He had left the small town where he was born and raised just as soon as he had graduated from high school and never looked back. He had been lucky to secure an athletic scholarship to an out-of-state college; many of his friends had not been as fortunate. While he had moved out of the town, most of his friends had stayed, continuing to live with their parents. Most of them began working right away, either working at the town's Wal-Mart or checking groceries. Sure, he had travelled back to see his family a couple of times since then, but he had lost touch with his old friends shortly after leaving for college and the idea of seeing those same people he hadn't thought of or heard from in almost five years did little to tempt him to return.

It wasn't that Ryan didn't enjoy high school. In fact, it was quite the contrary. While so many people whine and complain about feeling like an outcast in their teenage years, about being bullied, about no one understanding them, about feeling so isolated from their peers...such sentiments could not have been further from the truth where Ryan was concerned. He had been popular, charismatic, and almost universally well-liked by his peers and teachers. He had been elected student body vice-president in both his junior and senior year, won home-coming king his final year, participated in numerous extracurricular activities, and he was pretty much the leader, the alpha of one of the best cliques to head at his or any high school - the jocks.

Ryan had always been athletic. Growing up with two older brothers whom he emulated made certain that he followed in their footsteps of playing baseball, soccer, and joining the swim team. Swimming...just the thought of it made Ryan's heart soar. The feeling of cutting through the water, propelling yourself through the chlorinated pool, just something about it felt so natural to Ryan. And he was good at it too. Swimming all four years in high school, his skill in the pool had been what got him recruited and guaranteed his ticket to a college education. He swam all four years in college too, and still found time to swim even after graduating, making sure that his gym came equipped with a lap pool. All those years of work in the pool had taken determination, grit and willpower. But the swimming had other benefits as well, helping to keep his body toned, trim and defined.

Ryan stood 6?1? with broad shoulders that tapered down to a slim waist. The years spent in the pool had guaranteed him the proverbial swimmer's body, long and lean. His pecs were two mounds of muscle, each crowned by a pert nipple. His abs were clearly demarcated on his stomach, his arms and biceps defined, his thighs strong and sinewy. And while he did not usually take note of it himself, his ass was both firm and supple. High, curved and rounded, it had caught the attention of quite a few women and even some men when it was encased in a pair of his tight, form-fitting speedos. While some of his teammates had shaved their body hair to cut down on drag in the water, Ryan had never felt the need since he was naturally smooth, with just a light dusting of hair on his legs and arms. Though his body was nearly hairless, the hair on his head was dark and thick, his skin tanned, his teeth dazzling white, and his eyes a dark chocolate brown - a benefit of having his mother's family immigrate from Italy all those years ago. He had maintained his body since high school; hell, he probably actually improved it thanks to the grueling workouts and swim meets he had endured. While he would never admit it to anyone for fear of being labeled a narcissist, there was no doubt in his mind or anyone else's who met him that the boy was a stud.

And such a body was not lost on the rest of the student population. Whether walking down the halls between classes, standing in line at the cafeteria, or getting out of the pool after practice, there was very rarely a time he didn't feel at least one pair of eyes staring intently at his body, glued to his handsome features. He loved the attention his looks and body brought him, and frequently could not help but show off when he knew girls were checking him out. He would flex under his already form-fitting t-shirt, making sure his pecs and biceps looked like they were about ready to burst the seams and pop out. He would wear a pair of tight jeans and then squat down to get something out of his locker, the denim contouring to his firm ass, showing off one of his best assets to anyone who was looking. But he knew he looked best in his speedos, especially right after a swim meet. Lifting himself out of the pool, his body would glisten with droplets of water streaming down his tight body, tracing every ridge and muscle as they glided down his taut figure. His speedo left little to the imagination, announcing to the rest of the world that he was hot, buff, and bulging...yeah, it was good to be a jock.

It only took until the second day of his freshman year to land himself a girlfriend. And he took pride in knowing that from that day until the day he graduated, he had not been single for even one solitary day. Sure, there were a few weeks here or there where he was not actively dating someone, but there was never a time that he lacked for female companionship. He dated and fucked his way through the hottest girls in his school. More than a few of the upperclassmen were jealous when, as only a sophomore, he managed to date one of the best looking senior girls.

And it wasn't just those girls who attended his high school that he messed around with. In his junior year, Ryan landed a summer job as a lifeguard/ swim instructor at the pool of his town's one and only country club where he got the chance to get to know some of the girls who went to the only private school in town He couldn't believe he was getting paid to sit on his lifeguard's chair, working on his tan, while he surveyed the perfect and nubile female bodies being flaunted right in front of him, each girl trying to nonchalantly catch his eye. He had fucked his fair share of those rich bitches during his employment at the club; hell, he even managed to snag himself a MILF when one of the mothers of a child he was teaching to swim decided she needed a few private lessons herself. He was more than happy to give them to her.

It wasn't until his senior year that he finally found a girl that could hold his attention for more than a few weeks. Kelly and her family had moved to town the summer before her senior year had begun. Her father found work at one of the local manufacturing companies and decided to uproot his daughter right before the most important year of her teenage life. While most teenagers would have found it difficult to start a new school for their senior year, Kelly had no such problems; she quickly made friends with her new classmates. She was outgoing, intelligent, funny...and drop dead gorgeous. Everything from her athletic body, to her firm breasts, to her smile was perfect and she quickly became the object of lust for every guy in school; but it was Ryan who won her heart. They dated for all of senior year and while Ryan loved fucking Kelly every chance he got, more often than not she was the one begging to be banged by the swimming stud. Ryan's dick filled her pussy up so perfectly that, their very first time together, it only took a few minutes of Ryan's sensuous fucking for her to reach her first orgasm. And, after that, Ryan never disappointed. Kelly would experience three, four, even sometimes five orgasms each time they had intercourse. And she always wanted more.

So, when Ryan broke things off with her before he set out for college, the shock left her shaken and broken. He later heard from his Mom that Kelly had left town with some drifter and was now living out of state, raising three kids by herself...Ryan always felt guilty that the girl could never get over him.

There was no question about it. He had really enjoyed his four years of high school. And so, Ryan thought, why shouldn't he want to go back? The main reason people attend these functions is to flaunt the successes they've enjoyed since they last saw each other, not to show people how miserable and depressed they've become. And Ryan definitely had reason to be proud of his accomplishments. He had graduated from college in four years and now held a job in a field that he loved and that compensated him amply for his work. He had even travelled extensively in Europe taking the opportunities provided by spending a semester abroad in Italy to crisscross the continent. And if that was not enough to impress his former classmates, he was still as good-looking as he was when he had graduated high school five years earlier.

It had taken some thought (and some cajoling by his mother who was always so eager to have her youngest child come home for a visit) but Ryan decided to come back to his small town one last time.

He took a final deep breath before pushing against the double doors that led to the hotel ballroom.

--End Prologue--

I hope you enjoyed reading this. I know there was not much to get all excited about, but I wanted to set the tone for the remainder of the story. If you have comments, complaints, praise, criticism, etc. I would like to hear from you. Please feel free to email me at ryanwim83@gmail.com. I would love to hear from everyone!

Also, I know it doesn't seem like this belongs in the gay section of Nifty, but this is just the prologue? I guarantee we're leaving the girls and pussy behind and moving on to other things in future installments.

Thanks for reading!

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