High School Reunion

By Paul K

Published on Nov 20, 2001


Bob woke me up by sucking my dick and both my dick and I were quick to rise. I couldn't believe that Bob was doing after all of these years when we could have been doing this while in school.

I remember back the first night I spent the night at his house - we were twelve years old and we had to sleep in the same bed. We had watched movies then his mom and dad told us to get to bed. We took off our clothes and had only our briefs on as we crawled into the bed. I don't know about you but the first thing I do before going to bed is to jack off and so I thought it was normal for boys to do this so I started to do it. The bed started to shake and Bob asked me what I was doing and I told him. I asked him if he ever did that before and he told me no. The bed kept making noises then I heard his mom and dad yelling from the other room asking what was going on. I was scared so I stopped. I had wanted to reach over and play with his dick but his folks and his squeaky bed was not going to allow that to happen.

After that excitement we both feel asleep. A few hours later I woke up having to go to the bathroom and I went and then quickly was back in bed. I pulled up the covers and Bob was laying on his back and his hand was on his crotch and I could see the outline of his soft dick. It looked really good to me and I wanted to touch it so badly. I slowly moved my hand across the bed and then I touched his leg. It feel warm to the touch and then I slowly moved my hand up until I felt the fabric of his underwear. My hand moved up closer to his dick and then I felt his right testicle and then I felt his cock. It was warm too and how I wished I could put it out and suck him. I ran my finger up and down the side of his dick and it began to get harder. It really surprised me on how hard it was getting and I was worried he would wake up. I kept doing this and then the other big surprise happened - his dick was so long that the head was popping out of the top of his briefs. I had no idea he was that big and then I had an idea. I pulled his underwear down just past his balls and then I looked at it and smiled.

I put my hand on this cock and my dick began to rise as I moved my hand slowly up and down. He began to moan very softly as I did so but he did not move. Since I was standing by the bed the motion from my jacking him off did not make the bed squeak so I continued. By this time my dick was rock hard and I began to rub it on his leg as I played with his cock. I was in heaven and I didn't know what I would say or do if Bob woke up and caught me and at this point I didn't care.

I didn't want to continue to use my whole fist so I went to using only a few fingers to jack him and I could tell he was enjoying it alot. I thought since he told me he didn't jack off I imagined he had a big load. Looking back I had no idea what I was going to do if he did cum but again I was delirious from the excitment of it all. I kept playing with him and after a few minutes his breathing began to go quicker and then I felt his body move a little and I realized he was getting close. I continue to do this and then I moved my head forward and I opened my mouth over his tip of his cock and I was glad I did. Seconds later I felt the first of many loads of hot cum hit the side of my mouth and I was surprised by the force and the quantity. He kept burst over and over and then he finally stopped with one last spasm and then some of the extra came out onto my hand. I went all of the way down on his cock and then came up quickly. He gave out a very soft moan and he began to snore again. I stood there with my mouth full of his cum and my dick was rock hard in my hand and I was ini shock. I couldn't believe I had jacked off and swallowed my best friend's load while he was sleeping. It was truly amazing.

I grabbed my tshirt and I wiped my chin and then wiped him off and pulled his underwear back up and put his soften dick back into position. I went back to the bathroom and I had to cum soon and so I jacked off rethinking about what had just happened. I shot my load into the sink and I had some on my hand I licked it off as I cleaned the family sink.

I went back to the bed and pulled the covers over me and I felt asleep very quickly. The next thing I knew it was morning as Bob woke me up and then we went to have breakfast. He never said anything except a week later he said that he forgot to tell me that the night I stayed over he had a sexy dream about this girl in class and how she had given him a blowjob and that she had swallowed his load. I told him I wish I had dreams like that and then he changed the subject.

Back to the present Bob kept kissing me and then he said:

"Hello are you there? hello?" he said as he shook my slightly.

"Oh hi sorry I was thinking about something." I said.

"What is that?" he questioned.

"Nothing - no surprise," I said as I kissed him back. I had wanted him to fuck me but after looking at the clock I realized I didn't have much time.

"Well we had better get cleaned up - my wife will be here any minute and I do not want her to catch us in our bed. OK?" he said quietly.

"Yes - you are probably right." he said "I wish I could hold you all night."

"Me too." I sighed

I went to the bathroom and cleaned up with the wash cloth and then I was dressed and Bob was sitting on the couch with nothing but a towel on.

"You had better get dressed I said - she will be back soon - you know?" I said with nervousness in my voice.

"Yes I know." he stood up again and kissed me. "I really love you." he said "I really do."

"Me too." I said.

I left for my room and no sooner had I shut my door I heard a key going into the lock in Bob's room and heard Bob and his wife talking.

I went to take my shower and had to get ready for the big dinner tonight.

After getting my suit on - I called Bob to see how they were doing. When he realized it was me - he whispered how close that was and it could have been a disaster if she had walked in whne she had.

"Ok we will knock on our door when we are ready." he said louder so his wife could hear him.

"Ok no problem." I said as I hung up the phone.

A few minutes later - they knocked on the door and there was Bob in a new suit I had never saw him in before and he was handsome and his wife looked great in her dress.

"Ready." I asked

"You bet" they both said at once.

We walked to the elevetor and went up to the top floor and went to the meeting room. We saw so many people and many were people I quickly recognized. I didn't need the name tags and I could see some more of the hot studs I had wanted while in high school.

We had a few drinks and then we had the dinner then the dancing began to start. I went over to the bar to get some drinks and then I heard that voice I had hoped I would never hear again.

"Look who is here - the faggot." said Kirk - the one person who I hated the most in high school. He was the bully who enjoyed picking on me. I was not going to get in a fight with him so I ignored him and carried my drinks over to where Bob and his wife and I were seated.

"You didn't hear me queer boy? I see that you aren't here with anyone else. Did your boyfriend get sick from eating out your ass?" Kirk continued. Again I ignored him and so did all of those at our table. Kirk looked at us and then walked away.

"I wish I could kick the shit out of him." I said.

"Violence won't get you any where." Bob said. "Besides everyone knows he is an asshole - just ignore him."

So that is what we did all night and every now and then he would come back over as he kept drinking more and more. Even his own wife was staying away from him and the last time I saw him he had went to the bathroom and that was an hour ago and hadn't seen him since.

Kirk wasn't the only one who had been drinking alot, as I too, had to take a piss and so I walked into the bathroom. There were three stalls and two urinals and I could see that all three stalls were open. I went to the one in the back and opened the door to see Kirk sitting there with his pants down and in a deep sleep. Seeing him like this was a shock but then I had a bigger shock as I noticed his hand was by his crotch and both his hand, stomach and dick were covered with cum. He had been in here jacking off. I started to laugh and then I had a idea when I saw John walking in.

"Hey, I was hoping I could see you before the night was over." he said as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Look at this." I said as I pointed to Kirk.

John was shocked as he saw Kirk and that he had kissed me - he had figured I was alone in here.

"Wow. I can't believe he came in here to jack off and then fell asleep. I guess he had been drinking alot." John said.

"I know." I laughed. "Do you want to help me get even with this prick?"

"Sure - what do you want to do?" he asked

"Help me get him to my room." I said. So we put Kirk's underwear and pants back on and then helped carry him to the elevator. Since the party was at the end of the hall - I hoped no one would be able to see us with him.

We were on the elevator and went to my floor and threw him on my bed. I told John to help me take off Kirk's clothes and in seconds he was on the bed nude. I went into the bathroom and came out with my regular razor, shaving cream and my electic razor. I asked John which one he wanted and John smiled as he took the electric razor. I went back to the bathroom and laid some towels under him. Before I began to put foam on his arms and legs - I took off my clothes and John did too. We were both naked and I got hard thining about him and so did he. I walked over to him and kissed him. After a few minutes of this we decided we should stop. John began to shave every hair on his head, eyebrows and chest. We were like a pit team for Jeff Gorden - we were quick and fast. It only took minutes as I shaved his legs and then after John shaved most of his crotch I finished until he was smooth as a baby's butt. We were both laughing so hard that we were afraid he was going to wake up. He never did - he was so drunk and then I had another idea. I turned Kirk onto his stomach and then I went to the drawer and pulled out some lube and put some on my dick and very little on his asshole. I forced my cock into his ass and began to fuck him like there was no tomorrow and John was jacking off as he watched what was going on.

"Yeah fuck that ass." he said as he came over to me and began to french kiss me.

I began to fuck Kirk and he moaned from the pain but that was it. John was really getting excited seeing this and he went over to Kirk's face and stuffed his dick into his mouth and began to fuck his face his face.

"This is so great." John said as he watched his cock go in and out of his mouth. "I am going to cum down his throat."

Seconds later - John did just that and I was getting close as well. I began to ram it in harder and harder.

"AAAAAAAAAAAaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh>" I said as I shot my load deep into Kirk's ass and then I stopped and turned him over. I told John to help me put his clothes back on and so we did - then we were dressed. We carried him back to the elevator and then went back to the bthroom. Luckily for us no one else was in the bathroom and we put him back into the stall and then put his back in the same position.

We stood there for a minute looking at our passed out enemy and smiled as we kissed again.

"Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it." I told him with a laugh.

"No problem. Glad I could help. Kirk is an ass and he deserved this." John said as he rubbed his hand on my back. We went to the mirrors and checked to make sure we looked good and went back to the party.

More to cummmmmmmmm

Next: Chapter 7

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