High School Musical 2

By Chris Casen

Published on Feb 26, 2007



This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to real events is purely coincidental. This story contains sexual material occuring between two males. If you are offended by such material or it is against the law to view such material in your area, please leave now.

This work is in no one meant to imply anything about the true sexuality of Zac Efron, Lucas Grabeel, or any other celebrity mentioned. The author has no personal knowledge of or relationship with any celebrity in the work.

------------------------- Introduction: This story takes place on the Utah set of the upcoming Disney Channel sequal "High School Musical 2." The circumstances are purely fictitious. -------------------------

The trailer shuddered and creaked as the tiny door half the size of a normal entrance slammed shut. Standing in the doorway, chest heaving, was a 5'10" Zac, covered in sweat and shivering with rage.

"Damn it!" he yelled. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Zac kicked the small table sitting across from the door and watched it jump up the wall to the ceiling before crashing back to the floor even as his foot screamed in protest. Nursing a bruised toe and regretting his outburst, Zac took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Ignoring the carnage of his freshly demolished table, Zac gingerly stepped over the clothes, scripts, and Xbox games scattered across the floor of the trailer and made his way toward the shower. It was difficult to recall a time when he had felt more frustrated. As Zac peeled his sweat soaked t-shirt over his head, he tried to put the details of the past four hours out of his head. Never had he been worse at anything in his entire life, but the basketball rehearsals were kicking his ass.

Zac sucked in his breath as the wet shirt scraped over his sensitive nipples. He pulled the fabric away from his chest and ducked his head through the neck hole without causing any more discomfort. Reaching through the tiny doorway to his right into the closet sized shower, Zac cranked up the hot water. He held his hand under the flow until the water heated up, tweaked the shower knobs, and turned back to the mirror above the tiny vanity.

For a few seconds, Zac admired his shirtless body. His eyes began at his neck and shoulders and followed the sharp lines of his shoulder blades to his masculine arms. The tail-end of puberty had finally left Zac with a body he found pleasing. He was trim, but strong. His arms were shaped nicely and drew attention whenever they were exposed.

Moving his wet hand slowly, he traced the line from his neck down between his pecks and grazed over a nipple. The warmth of his hand from the shower diffused the painful sensitivity that had shocked him before. As he gently squeezed and caressed the tiny nub of flesh, Zac felt a wave of energy spread through his chest - the same energy he felt when he passed an attractive girl on the street. He closed his eyes and felt the world outside begin to slip away, stopping only when he sensed a stirring in his athletic shorts. Opening his eyes to the mirror once again, Zac noticed that the familiar bulge down south had suddenly become more prominent.

It had become a source of amusement for Zac to see candid pictures of himself around the city on websites devoted to his "bulge." He hadn't ever really though about it before glancing through one of the sites, but he did sport a relatively obvious show of masculinity in most things he wore. He actually found it erotic. In fact, he had even started noticing the bulges of other guys throughout the day, but on the basketball court in particular. Athletic shorts left little to the imagination. A few of his fellow cast members had sizeable bulges of their own.

Zac moved his hand lower and traced around his belly button to the waist band of his shorts. He missed his happy-trail - mostly because he loved the idea of a line of hair that pointed to the good stuff - but Disney had made him shave it for the movie. They wanted to make sure that he presented the right image.

After running his hand over the close shave, Zac kicked his shoes and socks off and pushed his shorts and boxers to the ground. He stepped out of them and admired his naked body. Zac knew his cock was impressive and he loved to put it to good use. It hung almost six inches between his legs, but didn't quite cover his balls, which hung a half inch lower. His softened cock stirred again and began to thicken. Zac relished the feeling of his favorite body part coming to life. He lifted his growing member and held it in his hand as the circumcised head began to redden. He could feel it pulse as blood engorged it to its full seven inches. Zac was a shower, not a grower and he liked it that way. He was sure that other guys he saw in the shower were more impressive when they were hard, but Zac basked in the sideways glances he received as his long dick flopped against his legs.

Zac completed his inspection, satisfied, and stepped into the shower. The hot water seemed to wash away his frustration as it washed the sweat and grime from his young, tight body. Zac loved the way he looked wet. The way his dark, wet pubes flattened under the influence of the water made his cock look even bigger.

He allowed the hot water to caress his skin. After a few minutes, his sore muscles began to relax and Zac leaned against the wall of the tiny shower, allowing himself to float away in his mind as the water pounded onto his chest. He would never admit it, but he was very glad that his castmate Lucas had insisted the studio run hot water to each of their trailers. Zac thought it was funny when Lucas roped the entire cast into his petition just so that he could shower every ten minutes.

Lucas may have been a prissy diva, but his request did have its advantages. Zac's right hand once again made its way down to his still thickening cock. He slowly stroked back and forth, letting the water cascade over the crimson head each time his hand left it uncovered. Left hand playing with his nipples, right hand wrapped around his cock, Zac picked up some speed. He felt raw heat beginning to build in his legs and slowly make its way across his thighs. The heat had almost built to a breaking point when Zac head a creak.

"That sounded like the trailer door," he thought. He peaked over the shower door and saw that the door was still shut. Nothing looked out of place, but the outside wall of the shower blocked his view of the left side of the small room. Zac cracked the door open and cautiously looked out. He had just begun to peak around the corner of the shower when a figure leaped out and screeched.

"Shit!" Zac yelled and tumbled back into the shower. He grabbed for everything in sight, but nothing slowed his painful descent. Hands, knees, elbows, and ass collided with the four corners of the shower before crashing to the wet floor. When the world stopped spinning, Zac found himself lying on the drain in a growing pool of water with one leg crooked against the doorjamb and one leg projecting out into the trailer. Familiar laughter danced around the trailer.

"Jesus Christ, Lucas. What the fuck are you doing in here?"

A blond head with a breathtaking white smile poked through the door. "What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm scaring the shit out of you. THAT'S what I'm doing!" Lucas’ laughing eyes glanced down. "Mmmm...and we all know what YOU were doing."

Zac looked down to see with great embarrassment that his now diminishing cock was still pointing more to the ceiling than the floor. "Jesus, Lucas! Get out."

Lucas' face took on a serious, albeit a mocking, tone. "Don't be embarrassed, young grasshopper. Interest in sex is a natural part of growing up. Soon your body will begin to change. Hair will start to grow in funny places and you're going to feel different around girls. Just be careful."

Zac painfully stood up and stepped back into the shower, closing the door between them. "Get the fuck out, Lucas."

Lucas laughed, "fine, fine. I'm going."

Zac waited until he heard the trailer door close before he relaxed. He and Lucas got on okay most of the time, but his flippant, care-free attitude irritated Zac. He had mentioned this irritation to the girls once and found that they felt the same way, but none of them had the nerve to say anything.

Zac sighed and reached for the soap. He quickly scrubbed up and rinsed off, groaning softly as his hands passed over the areas of his body that had made contact with the hard floor. In his mind's eye, he could already see the bruises rising. He moaned louder when the bar of soap swept past his balls on the way down his leg. "It will have to wait until tonight," he thought. He was no longer in the mood to get off.

After rinsing the soap from his skin, Zac lathered up his long hair and rinsed the shampoo out. Finished with his bathing routine, he turned off the water, pulled a towel through the opening above the door, and dried off. He tried to be careful around the now hypersensitive toys hanging between his legs, but he still felt his breath catch a few times when the towel brushed over them in just the right way. "God, I'm going to blow a hole in the roof when I finally shoot this load," he thought. It was going to be a long afternoon.

Tussling the towel through his hair, Zac stepped back into the trailer and turned to the mirror. He wiped condensation from the glass surface with the towel, then let it fall to the floor.

"Nice ass."

Zac whirled around, stifling a moan as his cock swung through the air and collided with his leg, to see Lucas sitting on the couch absent-mindedly flipping through a copy of Men's Health. "Lucas? What the hell are you doing? I actually like to take my showers without an audience."

"Oh, taking a shower? Is that what we're calling it these days?"

Zac glared. Lucas plopped the magazine on the seat next to him and looked up. "Would you relax? It's not that big a deal. I've seen other guys jackin' off before. Or did you think that you were the only one who ever spanked it in between takes? Why do you think I had the hot water installed?"

Zac looked annoyed. "You're kidding. THAT'S why the entire set has to wait for you six times a day? So you can get your rocks off? You told us it was because you hated being sweaty."

Lucas grinned and stood up. "I don't mind a little sweat. It just needs to be in the right context." His 5'8" frame seemed to fill the entire trailer as he stood there with his trademark smile plastered across his face. Zac was suddenly very aware of the fact that he was still naked. He covertly glanced down and was relieved to see that his cock was still hanging unaroused.

Lucas continued, "We’re in Salt Lake City, Zac. Filming a fucking Disney movie. I can't just go out and bag the first pair of legs that walks by. And you know the girls aren't going to give it up."

The "girls" were Ashley, Monique, and Vanessa, three of their costars. Zac knew Lucas was right. Ashley had spent a substantial amount of downtime flirting with both guys, but all attempts at going further had been thwarted. Zac hated to admit it, but he sympathized with Lucas. His own jack-off sessions were becoming more frequent with each passing week. "Yeah, well you ruined my happy ending, so why don't you wait outside so I can get dressed in private."

"You don't bother me." Lucas plopped back down on the couch and picked up the magazine again. Zac froze for a moment at a loss for words before rolling his eyes and turning back to the mirror. If it didn't make Lucas uncomfortable, then he was determined not to be uncomfortable either. He turned back to the trailer and spied a basket of clean clothes sitting on the floor next to the door. Hesitating for a second, Zac succumbed to the fact that he would have to cross the trailer to regain his modesty. He may have been pretending to be comfortable prancing around buck-naked three feet from another guy, but he wasn't quite ready to ask Lucas to toss him a pair of boxers.

With a sigh, Zac carefully made his way across the plethora of personal effects strewn across the trailer floor. He wasn't really one for neat-nicking. He had become so adept at snaking his was through the clothes, papers, games, and trash that he normally made it across without incident. Unfortunately, today he stepped on a rogue shoe which rolled under his weight and caused him to lurch to the left. Before he could reach out in an attempt to stop, he was once again headed toward the ground. Even more unfortunate was the fact the unlike in the shower, this time something already occupied the space between him and the floor - the couch...and Lucas.

Lucas' eyes grew wide as he saw Zac headed for him out of control. Zac managed to get his hand out before hitting the blonde on the couch, landing with one hand on the backrest next to Lucas' shoulder and one squarely between his legs. Zac realized with horror that his cock was laying on top of Lucas' knee.

"Oh fuck," he thought, "fuck! He can feel my cock. HE CAN FEEL MY COCK!" In a panic, Zac tried to regain his balance, but found his hand brushing with a significant amount of pressure against Lucas' crotch.

"Hey! Watch the hands!" Lucas grabbed Zac by the shoulders and pushed him back to his feet. "I intend to use that tonight!"

Zac was humiliated, his face the color of his jersey in the movie. "Sorry, man. I tripped."

Lucas grunted and leaned back into the couch. Zac continued toward the door and withdrew a pair of blue and white striped boxers from the laundry basket along with a white A-frame undershirt. He slid the clothes over his thighs and chest and sat down on the window ledge across from Lucas. His embarrassment still burned on his face, but he tried to ignore it.

"So, what are you doing here, Lucas?"

"I'm bored..." he responded, putting the magazine down beside him.

"So you came here to bug me?"

"...and horny," he finished. Lucas spit it out like it was a completely normal part of daily discourse.

"Whoa. Way too much information. Why don't you go jack off in the hot water you special ordered?"

A twinkle appeared in Lucas' eyes as he looked at Zac. "So you can go finish yourself off after I leave?"

Zac was not nearly as amused at being caught as Lucas was. "I'm not really in the mod anymore."

"Whatever. I heard you moaning when you rubbed your wanker with the towel."

With a roll of his eyes, Zac mocked Lucas. "Wanker? Really? We've got to get you some new slang."

Lucas leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "If I leave, we'll be palm-fucking at the same time just a trailer apart. That doesn't get you even a little bit hot?"

"Gross, Lucas. No."

"Fine. Whatever." He leaned back again. "I was just thinking it might be kinda fun to get off together."

Zac was again shocked by the nonchalance that accompanied Lucas' statements. "What? Are you crazy? I don't want to jack off with a guy! I'm not gay!"

Lucas looked at Zac like he had just tried to lick an electrical outlet. "No, retard. I'm just bored. And neither of us is getting any action. I just figured it might be kinda fun and different. We don't have to tell anyone, Mr. McPrude."

Zac felt a lurch in his chest. "Lucas, no! I don't do that kind of stuff." He sat with a disgusted look on his face while the uncomfortable feeling continued in his stomach. The thought of another guy jacking off grossed him out and he most certainly did not want to see Lucas' cock. But even as he thought about it, he realized that part of what he was feeling was excitement. He pushed that part aside. "Have you ever jacked off with another guy?"

"Once, but it was just with my cousin. It wasn't bad though. Him and his brother, actually. We didn't touch or anything."

"You got off with your own cousins." Zac didn't even to think that his brother, Dylan, knew what to do with his dick, but he remembered that he started stroking himself at twelve and Dylan was fifteen.

"Well, they found some free porn online and none of us had ever seen it before, so....I don't know. It was natural." Lucas' nonchalance was nonplussed. He spoke like it was perfectly normal to have mutual masturbation sessions with cousins. Zac decided not to delve any further. Maybe it WAS normal...just awkward.

"I think I'm going to pass." He gave Lucas a smirk. "I don't have any porn here, sorry."

Lucas returned the smirk, "not a problem." He pulled a black wallet out of his back pocket, reached in, and pulled out a credit card-sized piece of plastic with a hole in the center. "I've got that part covered."

Zac watched with a confused look on his face as Lucas walked over tot he TV at the end of the couch and unplugged the Xbox. "Wait, that's porn?" He couldn't understand how a plastic rectangle equated to naked girls on a television screen.

Lucas looked back and winked. "Yup. A DVD. I always carry something with me just in case the opportunity shows."

"I wasn't kidding, Lucas. I'm not doing anything with you."

"You don't have to. But you can't tell me you're going to give up the chance to watch naked chicks."


"Come on, Zac. Boobs."

"No, Lucas. It's weird."


Zac felt his cock stir, "no!"

Lucas threw his hands up, exasperated. "Boobs and pussy. BOOBS AND PUSSY! Come on, Zac!" We're not doing anything but watching girls. It's like going to a strip club and guys do that all the time."

Zac did not look convinced.

Lucas sighed and stood up. "Fine, Zac. Nevermind. But you just said that you don't have any porn and we both know you're not going to see any tits for a good, long while." He plugged the Xbox back in and put the DVD card back in his wallet. "Let me know if you change your mind." Stepping over a half eaten bag of cheetos, Lucas made his way to the door. He had just pulled the latch when Zac stopped him.

"Lucas, wait." Lucas froze and turned back, his hand still on the latch. "Lock the door."

Lucas grinned and flipped the lock. "Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!" he said, crossing back over to the TV and once again removing the gaming console. He plugged the DVD player in and pulled his wallet out.

"Lucas, if you tell anyone..."

"Oh, relax. That's what everyone thinks we're doing anyway."


Lucas laughed. "I'm kidding! Would you calm down? Make yourself comfortable. You take that end of the couch and I'll take this end." He dropped the plastic card into the center of the DVD tray and closed it. A few seconds after pushing play, a busty woman gyrated onto the screen. "Here we go."

Zac watched as the first woman was joined by a second and they began rubbing the bare chest of a ripped man in the background. He was sitting on a bench press and wearing a pair of white athletic pants with a red stripe down the side of each leg. As the women each took a nipple into their mouths, the man moaned and tossed his head back. His shaggy hair fell back from his face. "That guy's fucking ripped!"

"I know. I think his name is Jonathan Price. Must be a nice life doing nothing but working out and fucking hot blondes."

Zac continued watching as the woman's hands explored every inch of skin above the man's waistband. As the man groaned and shifted on the bench, Zac caught a glimpse of his substantial package fighting against his pants. "Damn, how big is his cock?"

Lucas turned to look at Zac. "You know, you're not really supposed to be looking at the guy, right?"

Zac turned red and stammered, "I...I know...he just looks big."

Lucas turned back to the screen. "Whatever. He is big. Just under 12 inches, according to the box this came in. I'm only 10 inches." He, just like before, spit it out as if he were making a remark about the weather. "How big are you?"

A look of shock danced across Zac's face. "Um...I don't know. I've never measured."

Lucas turned away from the women again. "Don't give me that. How big?"

Zac suddenly felt embarrassed again. He thought about saying that he was bigger than he was (something he never thought he would have to do), but figured Lucas would probably be able to tell. He hated that Lucas seemed to be inside his head. "7 inches," he said. He waited for Lucas to smirk.

"But you're still at least 6 inches soft, right? That's better, really. Intimidates other guys. And girls don't really care how big you are hard, just as long as you've got a killer tongue technique. Mine's only 4 inches soft."

Zac was beginning to find that he wasn't as uncomfortable with Lucas' topics as he had been earlier. Truthfully, he had always wanted to talk to someone about this kind of stuff - "guy stuff" - and Dylan just hadn't been old enough. "Yeah, I've gotten lots of 'Damn, Zac!' in the locker rooms."

"I'll bet. You've got a good bulge. On a really hot day, I can make out your head."

Zac smiled to himself. Without any more comment, Lucas returned his attention to the women on the DVD, who were pulling the man's pants down with their teeth. His gray boxer-briefs looked like they were about to pop under the strain of his massive cock. Zac leaned back and relaxed. The thought of Lucas looking at the head of his dick through his shorts was hot. Zac felt strangely more comfortable with his blond porn-buddy. He settled back to watch two smokin' hot girls slide up and down the biggest cock ever through the man's underwear. Increasingly becoming translucent with the girl's spit, Zac could make out the veins on the man's penis through his boxer-briefs. One of the women finally pulled the underwear down and hungrily slipped a good six inches down her throat. The man's back arched and he let out a deep moan. Excitement fluttered across Zac's chest. "She would have my cock all the way in her mouth right now," he thought. He glanced away from the screen just for a second and was greeted by a mortifying sight. In its excitement, Zac's cock had reared up to its full height and was standing tall through the flap of his boxers. A line of pre-cum was running down the top. He looked around quickly. Lucas was thankfully still engrossed in the flick. Magazines and trash were scattered everywhere, but nowhere did Zac see something to wipe up the clear flow with.

Lucas moaned. "God, they are so fucking hot!" he said. Zac tensed, but Lucas was so caught up in the sight of the man's cock rubbing against one of the woman's pussies that he didn't turn. Since realizing his predicament, Zac's cock had softened somewhat, for which Zac was grateful, but the lessened pressure had freed more clear juice from the end of his cock and it was now practically dripping. He couldn't just put it away - Lucas was sure to notice the wet mark. With intense trepidation, Zac grasped his cock around the base with one hand. He paused for a second to work up his nerve. With his other hand, he carefully scooped up the pre-cum. It had been a long time since he'd tasted his jizz, but he didn't have much choice. He slowly brought his hand to his lips, took a deep breath, and licked the fluid from each finger.

Zac didn't realize until after he swallowed that he had been holding his breath. He couldn't remember what his jizz tasted like since it has been years since he tried it, but the pre-cum wasn't bad. It was mildly sweet and very slimy. Swishing it across his tongue was actually kind of fun.

He snapped out of his taste-test stupor, stuffed his cock back into his boxers and cross his legs to cover the tent. He was busily trying to think of anything but the action on the screen a few feet away from him when Lucas gave a huge sigh.

"Fuck it, Zac. This is stupid; I'm jacking off." He scooted a little closer to Zac so that he had room to stretch out and began to unbuckle his belt.

"What? No, you're not! Not in here!"

Lucas gave him a look. "What are you gonna do? Go tell everybody that I whipped my cock out while the two of us were watching porn together? Oh yeah. That'll go over really well." He paused and looked at Zac expectantly, but Zac had nothing to say. He was still in shock at the fact that in a few minutes, Lucas was going to shoot a load on his couch. Lucas rolled his eyes and unzipped his pants.

Zac was completely taken aback, but he knew that Lucas was right. It wasn't like he could run to his parents and tattle. And he couldn't leave Lucas alone in the trailer - on this set, he knew someone had seen Lucas walk in. "Oh, god!" he thought. "I'm going to have to sit here while another guy gets off right in front of me."

Lucas had already opened his jeans and had his hand buried in his boxer-briefs. Zac's quick glance could not distinguish between fingers and cock through the thin grey material, but he had the sinking feeling that he would not have to spend much more time wondering. "Lucas, please. This is too weird. Go jack off in your own trailer." Zac was pleading now.

He was worried that Lucas was determined to ignore him, but he stopped groping himself and turned back toward Zac. With his hands once again on the outside of his underwear, there was no question as to Lucas' size. Zac's eyes grew wide at the sight of ten inches of raw flesh straining against the fabric. A bed of dark, neatly trimmed hair showed through the gap at the waistband held open by Lucas' rebellious cock.

"I know that you have needed to get off for the last half hour, Zac. Just do it! This doesn't make you gay, it's just two normal, horny guys doing something that feels good."

For a second, Zac and Lucas stared at each other, neither speaking. A million thoughts raced through Zac's head. Lucas was right, he did need to get a release, but with another guy? He had heard stories of guys doing this kind of stuff, even lending each other a helping hand at times, and they weren't gay. They were just having fun. Zac trusted Lucas. If there was anyone he might do this with, it would be Lucas, and the more he desperately tried to talk himself out of it, the more he found that he didn't have to. "This is a one time thing. Any future occurrences will be solo, got it?"

Lucas looked surprised, but he smiled. "You got it."

"And this NEVER leaves the four walls of this trailer."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Of COURSE not."

"Alright then." Zac pulled his shirt over his head and reached for his hard nipples without any more hesitation. Showing the same send of immediacy, Lucas shoved his jeans and underwear to the floor and pushed them over his feet. Zac sucked in a breath. "Damn," he said quietly. Freed from the constriction of Lucas' boxer-briefs, his cock had swung up and collided with his stomach, making a resounding SMACK as it hit. The monster of a dick was practically trembling with heat. Not only was it uncommonly long, it was thick. Zac could tell that his hand might just barely fit around it. The purple head was nicely shaped and symmetrical and Zac could see a drop of pre-cum already beginning to glisten at the top. The shaft was proportionate to the head and perfectly straight, veins snaking their way randomly across it. Lucas reached down and slowly stroked it once from top to bottom. He pulled his shirt off and chunked it towards the door.

"I know it's impressive, but It's really more trouble than it's worth," he said.


A sly smile crossed Lucas' face. "Sure. No matter what I do, I can't keep the girls off of it."

Zac rolled his eyes and pulled his boxers down. He gave a slight pause as he pondered the fact that he was now sitting naked three feet from another naked guy, both of them leaking pre-cum like fountains. To his surprise, it didn't feel awkward any longer; it felt like any of the other things he and Lucas did in their spare time. They both wordlessly turned back to the television.

Lucas gripped his cock around the base and began swirling the pre-cum around the sensitive flesh of the head. He moaned softly. Zac wrapped his hand around his own cock and began stroking up and down. Waves of intense pleasure instantly radiated through his legs. He had essentially spent the last hour in a semi-hard state and his cock was responding powerfully to having been put on hold. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back onto the couch. Soft, guttural moans reached through his darkened perspective from the left as Lucas continued circling the head of his cock with his fingers.

Zac opened his eyes and reached into the drawer of the lamp stand next to his end of the couch, groping blindly for the tube of K-Y jelly he knew was hidden there. After pulling it out, he squeezed a good amount into his hand and spread the lube evenly across his palm. He closed his hand to let the jelly warm and opened his eyes. "Hey," he said in Lucas' direction, "need any of this?" He held the tube up.

"No, I'm good."

"How can you not need to lube up that thing? Are you uncut?" Zac found it hard to believe that even with the foreskin intact, Lucas didn't have trouble gliding his cock through his hands.

Lucas laughed. "Are you kidding me? Look at these!" He stood up and faced Zac, showcasing his naked body completely for the first time. Zac was impressed because Lucas had a nicely built body. His musculature was not stone-solid, but the thin layer of padding that covered his chest and abs softened them just enough to make him look natural. Zac followed the line of hair from Lucas' navel to the mound of hair surrounding his cock, which was standing out like a flagpole, pointing straight at Zac's face.

"You don't have to shave your chest?" Zac was obviously jealous.

Lucas traced the hair on his belly and the light-colored smattering centered between his nipples. He shrugged. "I don't ever have to take my shirt off on the set. But look at these." He stood with his feet shoulder width apart and pulled his cock up to his stomach. Hanging below was a dark sac of skin loosely holding two of the largest orbs Zac had ever seen. Lucas' sac hung down at least seven inches and exuded masculinity. Zac understood why the girls were all over Lucas - he definitely had the full package. "See? Now watch." He let go of his cock and left it to once again point at Zac. Within a few seconds, a semi-steady stream of pre-cum began soaking into the cheap carpet beneath his feet. "Lube isn't usually a problem."

Zac realized that his mouth was hanging open. "Damn." The sight of Lucas leaking all over the trailer turned him on more than he could have anticipated. His own cock was harder than he could ever remember seeing it, the head dark red and throbbing.

Lucas sat down again and began moving the ring of his thumb and forefinger up and down his massive shaft. Once he had completely coated it with pre-cum, he grasped it with his whole hand and started stroking. With his free hand, Lucas reached down and cupped his balls. Zac found himself entranced by Lucas' rhythmic motion and couldn't tear his eyes away. Zac rubbed his rock hard member absent-mindedly as he watched.

Lucas tugged on his balls, interchangeably drawing them away from his body and massaging them gently. His moaning increased as he moved quickly toward climax. He quickened his pace and his cock became a blur inside the tightened fist that flew around it. Lucas arched his back and let out a low groan as creamy white semen appeared at the slit on the head of his cock. His pace slowed and Zac could make out a single drop of cum on the end. Lucas bucked and moaned, "Oh, fuck! I'm cumming!" With that, the dam burst and stream after stream of hot seed was ejected from Lucas' body. The first two shots ended up on his face and hair, the rest on his chest. Zac wondered if the spurts would ever stop as Lucas' muscles spasmed and rocked, each shot of cum causing his abdominal muscles to contract violently. Gradually, his motions subsided and he finally collapsed back into the couch, his stomach thoroughly covered in his own cum. The whole orgasm had to have lasted at least twenty seconds.

"Holy shit!" said Zac. "Are yours always like that?"

Lucas was still breathing hard as he tilted his head toward Zac. "Yeah, usually. Although this one may have been a little bigger than normal. I think I may be a little more turned on because you're sitting here too." Zac's cock surged. "But there's also a trick. Do you know where your G-spot is?"

Zac's face betrayed a look of disgust. "I'm not sticking a finger up my ass."

Lucas laughed. "Did you see my hands anywhere near my ass? Although that one IS good..." He seemed lost in fantasy for a moment. "There's an easier one and it's even better, really. I'll show you." He reached down and picked up a dirty t-shirt from the floor and used it to clean himself up. Zac rolled his eyes - it was his shirt. Lucas tossed the cum-soaked shirt at the shower door and scooted down by Zac. He reached his hand toward Zac's hardened cock.

"Whoa, whoa! What the hell are you doing?"

Lucas paused. "We've already gone this far, we might as well go a little farther. I'm just going to show you where your G-spot is." Lucas watched Zac's eyes and moved his hand down. Zac did nothing to protest, so he continued, putting two fingers between Zac's balls and his asshole. He pushed in gently. Zac sucked in his breath. The pressure was different, but it felt good. "Now, keep jacking."

Zac closed his eyes and picked up some speed as he stroked his impossiblye hard cock. As warmth once again began to spread through his lower body, a new sensation jumped to his attention - there was a hand gently tugging on his balls. His eyes popped open to see Lucas kneeling on the floor, spent cock hanging in front of his colossal low-hangers, with one hand on Zac's G-spot while the other massaged his nut sac. The image of his balls in another guy's hand was unbelievably erotic. He knew he should be freaked out, but it felt so good! He couldn't make himself care.

Zac closed his eyes again and found himself fixating on the image of Lucas touching him. It was really hot. The warmth radiated over his thighs and he knew that the point of no return was fast approaching. He felt his balls tighten in Lucas' hand and pull in closer to his body. In a matter of seconds, Zac felt his orgasm grow to a breaking point. Suddenly, feelings so intense he thought he might pass out took control of his muscles. He felt a moan make its way through his lips. "Uuuuuuuuuhhhhh..." He managed to get his eyes open in time to see a shot of cum launched into the air by his spasming body land on Lucas' hand. The next jumped over his blond head, landing squarely on his back. The next 6.. 7.. 8... shots landed on Zac's face and neck, gradually dropping as low as his nipples. He couldn't think. He couldn't speak. All he could do was float as waves of pleasure soared through his body. His large cock pulsed as it spit load after load into the air. Lucas had a wild grin on his face at the sheer volume of semen Zac's balls had created and were now pumping onto the hot skin of the two boys. His orgasm eventually subsided, leaving a small dribble of cum that flowed out of Zac's cock and across Lucas' hand.

Lucas wiped Zac's jizz on the couch. "That was NICE, man. That cumshot could have been on a porn movie." Zac couldn't yet speak, so he just smiled and nodded. His entire body felt completely relaxed and warm. Never had he felt anything that amazing in his whole life.

As Lucas made his way back onto the couch, Zac found his voice again. "Fuck, that was awesome." His breath was still coming in ragged breaths and he knew that his abs were going to be sore in the morning.

"I know. You've had it building up all day. Now you know how to put your cock to GOOD use."

Zac reached down and scooped up some cum off of his dick, his body lurching as his finger caressed the sensitive head. He brought his hand to his mouth and licked it clean.

Lucas looked surprised. "How is it?"

Zac smiled. "Like mama's apple pie."

"Gross." Lucas punched him on the arm. He stood up and began putting his clothes back on. He carefully crossed over Zac and retrieved the t-shirt from the floor by the shower and tossed it to Zac. "Clean yourself up, we've got to film in another twenty minutes."

Zac caught the t-shirt and noted how moist it was after sucking in all of Lucas' load. He lazily added his own to the collection. "I know, I'll be there."

"Take your time," Lucas said, "that was a really good one. You bask for a little while. I'll cover for you."

Zac smiled at his friend, who had his hand on the door latch. "Thanks, Lucas. That was really good."

"No problem. Thanks for letting me stay. That was definitely more fun that jacking off by myself. But, listen. I meant it, we don't ever have to do it again and I won't tell anyone."

Zac closed his eyes for a second, drinking in the fuzzy feeling in his chest. "Maybe I was a little over-cautious. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

"I'm gonna hold you to that..."

Feedback is welcomed! Please fee free to contact the author at CCasen1017@yahoo.com

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