High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jan 20, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to. You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Nine

Jordan made Chris and Steve sit down on the floor sitting across from each other. Chris's back was up against Jordan's bed while Steve's was against the wall. Their legs were splayed out in front of each other, their feet easily reaching each other's bodies.

"Now I don't want those tiny dicks of yours to be getting soft," Jordan said. "So each of you put a foot in the other's crotch and start rubbing."

Both diapered boys placed one of their bare feet in the other's plastic covered crotch. Although Chris had wet his diapers, he tended to not touch them after he did so. Steve was damper than his and felt more firm, an almost hard area. It was a nice feeling and the idea began to make him feel slightly exciting gaain.

Even though they had both just came, they hadn't gone soft yet. Their dicks had lost only a slight amount of firmness that was inevitable after having an orgasm. As they started rubbing their feet against each other, both boys shuddered a little as they still had a small bit of post orgasm sensitivity left. Regardless of this, they quickly regained the slight bit of firmness that they had lost.

Jordan smiled, clearly enjoying watching the humiliation of his brother and former best friend. He placed the camera at the right angle, looking diagonally at the two boys from above.

"Still pretty sensitive, huh, boys? Jordan asked with a chuckle. "That's awesome. Start rubbing a bit harder and faster while you're still sensitive enough."

Chris felt Steve's foot press a little harder in his crotch against his still erect but painfully sensitive dick. Immediately, he pressed his own bare foot against the plastic covering Steve's dick. Steve felt like he was still much harder than Chris and coupled with the tingling now caused by Steve's foot in his crotch, started to feel turned on again. He tried to match the speed of Steve's rubbing. It was hard for him to actually concentrate, but Chris was sure that Steve was feeling that too. As Chris kept rubbing, he felt Steve's dick thicken up all the way. He was watching Steve's face and his eyes were half closed, clearly enjoying this.

Jordan kept watching their crotches closely from beside the camera. When they had gotten their diaper bulges back to extremely noticeable states, he stepped in.

"Okay boys move your feet," Jordan ordered. "I have something for both of you that you are going to like a lot better." He took two purple rings and threw them down between the boys legs.

"Ever see these before?" Jordan asked.

Both boys shook their heads in response.

"Well, these are a certain kind of cock ring." Jordan went on. "Unlike some, these ones don't fit under your ball, though. Most of the time cock rings are worn so you can keep a hardon. Although me giving either of you anything that does that would be pointless. You two haven't had any problems keeping your little dicks up. I've heard that the tiny ones tend to get as hard as steel too."

Chris and Jordan blushed a little. However, as Jordan was speaking, they snuck quick looks at the diaper boy sitting across from them. Both dicks were as hard as they could possibly be. Jordan saw them sneaking the peeks and simply laughed again.

"I saw that," Jordan laughed. "Don't worry about it. If you weren't checking each other out, then this wouldn't be as fun as it is. Horny boys are much more fun to boss around than others. Steve, pick up one of the rings.

Steve obeyed his brother and he picked up one of the purple cock rings. It was made of plastic and had what looked like a sizing clamp on it. There was also what looked like an on/off switch right on the clamp.

"These rings simply fit over your shaft," Jordan continued. "You can tight them up as much as possible. Pull that little switch, big brother."

Steve did as he was told. The switch was definitely a on/off switch and flipping it caused the cock ring to start vibrating. He began to get an idea of what was about to happen.

"Well, big brother, I guess since you picked one up first you get to put one on first," Jordan ordered. "Don't remove the diapers, just stick your hands in and slip it on a dick."

Steve took the ring and began to put it down his diapered crotch. Steve stopped him before he was even able to get his hand into the waistband of his diaper.

"Oh no," Jordan said. "I want you to put one on Chris's dick. Don't take off the diaper, but reach in, grab his boner and slip the ring over it. You shouldn't have to adjust it. I have it on its lowest setting and that should be more than enough for your little dicks."

Steve moved himself out of his sitting pose and got up on his knees. He moved over to Chris and Chris started to get slightly nervous. He had no idea what this was going to feel like and had a less idea if he was going to be able to keep from cumming again."

"Don't turn it off," Jordan instructed. "Let's see how Chris likes it as it vibrates all over his cock as you push it down. Steve was now on his knees right in front of Chris. Chris found himself once again looking at the printed diaper. His mind was already processing many thoughts, wearing one of the printed diapers was added into the mix.

Steve grabbed a hold on the waistband of Chris's diaper and pulled it outwards. Steve looked down into his crotch, seeing the now throbbing boner pointing straight up at from the diaper. Chris started to breath harder as Steve took the cock ring and placed it down onto the head of his boner.

Chris's dickhead began to vibrate at the touch from the cock ring. It felt much better than he could have imagined and he let out a voluntary moan. He wanted to watch as Steve pushed the ring down, but instead he half closed his eyes and lolled his head back.

"Push it down slowly," Jordan ordered.

Steve began lowering the ring down Chris's dick. Chris felt amazing as the vibrations moved from his cockhead down onto the ridge of his head. His eyes were only half closed but he was fully aware that they went out of focus. Once the ring went down to where the ridge met his shaft, he felt strongly that he was going to cum. The slow pace of the cock ring was overwhelming. He closed his eyes all the way and started jerking his head back and forth as it was lolled back. He began to buck his hips up and down. It was difficult but he tried to keep the humping as reserved as he could. Chris started moaning loudly as he felt his scrotum tighten and his balls pull up against his shaft.

"I didn't give you permission to cum yet, so you better not, homo," Jordan warned. "That cock ring is going on your dick and staying there for a while so imagine how tortuous it would be if you came and sensitive again."

The thought of how strong those sensations would be caused Chris to realize that he had better try and control himself. It was not as difficult as he had suspected, though. Once Steve had the cock ring pushed about halfway down his shaft, the area was not as sensitive as the ridge and he felt the impending orgasm recede a bit. It still felt amazing as the cock ring kept descending until it was down as far as possible.

"Okay, get your hand out of there and lay back so Chris can put yours on," Jordan said.

Steve let go of the ring. He removed his hand from the crotch of the diaper very slowly, though. First, he fingers tickled Chris's balls. Then his hand closed lightly around Chris's shaft. Steve then pulled his hand up the length of Chris's boner, feeling the damp shaft and finally giving the head a good squeeze before removing his hand from the diaper. Steve let the waistband snap back against Chris's midsection.

Chris was not sure how he felt about the vibrating cock ring sitting on the root of his shaft. That area was always the least sensitive on his dick and often when he masturbated, if he was in danger of cumming too quickly, it was an area he could stroke as much as possible with no chance of cumming. The vibrations were a bit of a light tickle as if he had only been tracing the root subtly with his fingertips.

Steve did as he was told and then sat back down in the position he was originally in. Having a bit of a problem concentrating, he still knew what he had to do. Chris got up on his knees and picked up the second cock ring. He then looked over at Jordan who nodded at him to go ahead.

Chris flipped the switch and the cock ring started vibrating. Working his was over to Steve, the shaking in his crotch constantly keeping him horny and on the verge of being on the edge, he prepared to follow his orders.

Steve's diaper was a lot thicker than Chris's was. He reached out and grabbed the waistband of Steve's diaper and slowly touched the cock ring to Steve's cockhead. It apparently had the same effect on the older boy as it had on Chris. Steve moaned the moment it touched his head, and then started writhing in pleasure as the ring made its way down the ridge and the shaft. He pushed the cock ring all the way down.

Before he was able to pull his hand out of Steve's diaper, Chris felt something he hadn't expected. The ring vibrating on his penis began to slowly move up his shaft. He didn't know why and it was very slight, but he felt it nonetheless. His breathing got deeper and he was positive that even though he was fully erect, it seemed that boner got really hard. It felt like it was polished marble getting buffed. Chris's eyes crossed and as he leaned over Steve, his hips began thrusting slightly. His hand was still touching the ring he had put on Steve's cock and he was so turned on that instead of pulling his hand out, he grabbed that base of Steve's cock.

Steve's eyes shot open once Chris had a hold on his hard on. He was probably starting to feel like he was going to cum soon also. Chris didn't want to torture Steve by making him cum and having to keep the vibrating cock on his dick afterwards. However, he couldn't open his fist. It felt like he needed to hold Steve's cock as hard as he could.

Chris knew he had to remove his hand, though. So, he kept his hand on the shaft that was damp with cum, precum and other substances, and slowly began to pull his fist up the shaft. Steve jerked his hips back and forth as the hand traveled up his slippery shaft. Once Chris's hand got to his cockhead, Steve started going crazy, moaning loud, jerking his head back and forth, bucking his hips up and down as well as side to side. Chris's hand soon pulled itself off of the boner and then out of the waistband of Steve's diaper which allowed Steve to once again calm down.

Chris looked over at Jordan, who simply motioned for the boy to sit back down. He somehow managed it without making himself cum. The movement of sitting back down, however, pushed the cock ring up significantly. It was now sitting right in the middle of his dick, where the darker skin of his dick met the lighter skin.

Both boys looked over as their master to see if he would indicate anything else he wanted them to do. Jordan had on his face that devious smile that had become a regular part of his expressions as of late.

"Uh, sir?" Chris asked nervously. "What do you want us to do?"

"You just have to sit there with those vibrating cock rings on," Jordan said. "I don't want you guys to cum but I have to assume you have already been feeling those rings getting higher on higher on your little boy dicks. Imagine what will happen when they get up to those more sensitive parts. You're going to have such a hard time not shooting in your diapers over and over again."

Looking back at Steve, Chris realized that he could see the outline of the cock ring pressing up against Steve's damp diaper. This was accompanied by some light moaning and some swaying of Steve's hips. He was positive that they would not be able to hold off.

Both boys looked at each other in the eyes as their dicks got stimulated more and more. The hip swaying very changing back into hip thrusts. It was odd how they both seemed to be thrusting against their wills. At that moment, Chris's cock throbbed with an mindshattered pulse. This caused the cock ring to move up almost a whole inch until it was sitting right on the ridge. Unlike when the cock ring was put on, however, it did not move so easily past the ridge of his dick and simply nestled there. Steve seemed to be going through the same thing and they were immediately trying their best to not shoot in their diapers again.

Chris took his palms and placed them against the floor to brace himself. He held himself in place well and this grounding helped him to stave off his orgasm. Steve much have noticed this because he did it too and also calmed down. Their peace of mind did not last long, though. Jordan must have noticed how the boys stabilized after some extreme squirming. He hadn't given them permission to cum, but that did not mean that he wasn't going to make following that order the most difficult thing that he could.

"You boys enjoying that?" Jordan asked. Both boys still were sort of in their own world, but they managed to acknowledge Jordan.

"Steve, say something demeaning to Chris about wearing his diaper," Jordan ordered.

Looking shock, Steve said, "What? Why do you want me to do that?"

"Because I fucking said so!" Jordan replied.

"I couldn't ever do that! I mean, I am wearing diapers too!"

"Do it or I will strap you both spread eagle on the beds and leave those cock rings on you all night. If you thought you were sensitive earlier, you'll be crying by the time you get up in the morning. Now, say something demeaning about Chris wearing his diaper. And it better be something good or I am adding a second ring to your little penis."

Steve looked at Chris with what seemed an apologetic look. Chris returned the look as if to tell Steve that he knew he wasn't doing it of his own free will and it would be okay.

"Look at you, sitting there in a diaper like a baby," Steve said. "Does it make you feel like a kid because you are wearing diapers at your age? We ought to take your underwear away from you, rip them all up and burn them so you'll have stay in diapers for the rest of your life."

Steve had said what he said because he was ensconced in the moment. He didn't realize until too late that he must have just given his brother an idea.

Chris pulled his eyes from Steven and looked over at Jordan. His friend looked like he liked the idea and nodded. Chris felt his penis throb again as the ring kept shaking on his dick. As his cock bulged against the damp material of the diaper, he figured that the feeling of wearing it would be something he might have to get used to.

Next: Chapter 10

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