High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Dec 8, 2012


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males in high school. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. There will also be humiliation involving diapers. If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored.

You have been warned.

In spite of what had been happening to him since Jordan began this whole blackmail scenario, none of it had prepared him for the shock that he received in seeing Steven standing in front of him in just a diaper. It wasn't that he felt Steve was the type of person incapable of being controlled the way that Chris was being controlled. Chris had known Jordan his entire life and there had never been any doubt that he had the dominant personality in his family. Jordan was the second oldest of four boys but had always been placed in the role of the oldest boy by his parents. Chris had always just assumed that it was because Jordan always acted like the oldest brother.

Chris was surprised about seeing Steve in diapers because of something that Jordan had said to him earlier. When Jordan allowed Chris to undress him while he was playing video games, Jordan had mentioned why he had but Chris in diaper. He said the idea was to make Chris feel as dirty and Jordan had felt when he realized that his best friend was a fag. However, he realized that if Jordan had kept his older brother in diapers also, the idea must have been there long before Chris had tried to peek inside his underwear. Chris had no idea what implications that realization held, but he knew it meant something about Jordan.

For a short moment, none of the three boys said a word. Jordan stepped slightly back from Steve and Chris, wearing an extremely smug look on his face. Chris and Steve were stuck standing apart from each other, both wearing only diapers. Both of them kept trying to cover their diapers, all the time realizing that it was futile. Covering them did not make it any less real that they were wearing diapers and their hands were not big enough to cover much anyway.

Seeing Steve standing in the doorway in his diaper, which looked like he had slightly wet it, started having an erotic effect on Chris. In spite of the enormous embarrassment he was experiencing, he felt his cock begin to stiffen a bit in his diaper. It was still trapped in its plastic prison, though, so the expansion only served to make him a bit more uncomfortable.

Chris imagined that Steve's embarrassment must have been much worse than his. While Chris was having to wear diapers, he at least was wearing the ones that his mom had bought for him. They were just regular, white, adult diapers with a small blue broken line running down the front middle of them. Steve's diapers however were adult sized but made to look like they were a baby's diaper. They had printing on the front which looked like wood blocks that spelled 'baby' over and over the front of the diaper. Moreso, the fact that Chris was wearing non printed diapers seemed apparent to Steve and he was doing his best to try and cover that part of the diaper up.

Jordan slapped Steve's hands away from his diaper, forcing him to move them away so the block prints were obvious. Once his hands were back at his sides, Chris noticed that the block printing was not only thing Steve was trying to hide from Chris. In spite of his embarrassment, the slightly yellowed crotch of the diaper was also expanding, indicating that Steve was getting somewhat turned on as well.

"Well, get your butt in the house before I change my mind and run you down the street in just your diaper," Jordan ordered Chris.

Chris, knowing at this point that Jordan was definitely not someone with whom he should ever attempt to call the bluff of, hurried into the house. Once the diaper boys were out of the doorway, Jordan shut the door behind them all.

Turning back towards them, Jordan must have noticed the nervous glances that Chris kept giving Steve's diapers.

"Don't worry," Jordan laughed. "We're going to have a little fun, make a little video starring two little diaper boys. I figure I'll have to change your diaper at some point, and when I do, you will get to have some printed diapers just like my baby brother."

Chris wanted to say something, but instead just stood there awkwardly with an alarmed look on his face.

"I figure I'll make you wear them to school more often," Jordan explained. "If I pull your pants down at school, you are going to get tormented a lot more for wearing block printed diapers than those things your mom got you. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, sir," Chris said and looked at the floor.

"Well you two fags come follow me into the room here," Jordan instructed and he started walking down the hallway.

Chris and Steve only paused for a second before they followed their master into his bedroom. When they stepped in, uneasiness spread through their stomach. Jordan did indeed have a video camera set up on a tripod.

Jordan sat down on his bed and smiled.

"Should we close the door in case mom and dad or the other guys come home?" Steve asked, nervously. He stood there beside Chris, feeling overly awkward.

"Nah," Jordan replied. "I guess you'll just have to make sure that you finish up before anyone gets home. Mom and dad will probably be out for a while, but I have no idea where Scott and Josh are. They can get here at any moment."

"Well, what are we supposed to do?" Chris asked.

"Well, I'd tell you to get each other hard, but ever since you guys took a look at each other in your diapers, those plastic bulges have done nothing but grown," Jordan explained. "But since this is the first video, we'll just start out with something basic.

"First video-" Chris began to ask but was cut off.

"Did I tell you to interupt me, diaper fag?" Jordan asked, his eyes flaring up in the angry way that Chris has gotten used to recently. "Did I?"

"No, sir," Chris replied, panicked. "I'm sorry sir, I am."

Jordan appeared to calm down and sat back on the bed. "Well, I think you guys are going to make out a bit while rubbing each others crotches," Jordan explained. "Then once you have that plastic stretched out as much as possible, you're going to rub your diaper crotches together until you both shoot into your diapers. Got it?"

Both of the boys standing there in diapers nodded.

Jordan pushed a button on the camera, presumably starting it. "Well, get to it then," he instructed.

The diapered boys looked at each other, knowing there was no way out. The easiest thing for them would be to get into it and hope they enjoyed it so as to lessen the pain of the situation as much as possible.

Chris moved up to Steve and pulled him close to him. He put one of his hands behind Steve's head and then put the other one on his his chest. He brought the older boy's face close to his and put their lips together.

Steve seemed only slightly hesitant at first which alarmed Chis a little bit. Despite the fact that he was embarrassed, he knew he would enjoy this on some level because he was gay and Steve was pretty hot. But if Steve wasn't a homo like him, it would be much more horrible for him.

Chris' thoughts were put to rest when Steve's hesitation ended. He reached his arm around Chris and held him very close. They both had their free hand on each others chest. They opened their mouths and kissed deeply.

The kissing was great and Chris found himself getting more turned on without the direct stimulation they were ordered to create. However, both boys began lowering their hands towards the other boy's diapered crotch. When they reached their destinations, both boys felt how the hard dicks were stretching the plastic of the diapers and making the crotches feel ever so much harder. They began rubbing each other harder.

The pace of the making out was quickening as the world fell away and they forgot that they were putting on a performance for Steve's younger brother. Chris's cock was hard and trying its best to escape from the diaper. Steve's hand on his crotch felt great and Chris was soon trying his best to thrust his covered cock into Steve's hand.

Steve broke their kiss and his lips soon travelled down to Chris' neck. Chris closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He was moaning hard now as Steve was kissing and nibbling on his neck. Steve had also done a good job of getting his hand around the hard shaft outlined in the diaper and began stroking it as best as he good. It kept was a bit difficult though as Chris trying to thrust.

As hot as the situation was, both boys did realize that they had a job to do. Steve brought his lips back up to Chris' and they started making out again. Their hands fell away from their diapers and they brought their plastic crotches up against each other. They pulled each other close and they fell hardons encased in plastic rub up against each other. it was like nothing they ever felt before.

Both boys started thrusting their hips, rubbing their hardons against each other. Moans kept escaping their mouths as they kissed deeply, broke away and kissed again. They frantically rubbed their crotches together.

It didn't take long before Chris felt that familiar tingle of an orgasm coming. However, it was a lot different than he had ever felt before. The stimulation was through a thick and slightly wet diaper. The tingle felt uncontrolled and it continued in intensity. It wasn't long before the feeling was completely unbearable. He knew he was on the edge and just the slightest thing was going to make him cum. Steve's moans told him that he was feeling the exact same thing. It kept building and building and...

Seemingly out of nowhere, Jordan was there and he pulled the two boys apart. Even though there was no stimulation, both boys had been too far on the edge of orgasm to back off. Their cocks throbbed a couple times and then without any stimulation, they both came very hard into their already damp diapers. The feeling was intense and unbearable and both boys tried to move their hands to their crotches, but Jordan was holding them. It was a ruined orgasm, but the intensity of it had both boys moaning. When their cocks were spent, they both were panting heavily and suddenly embarrassed at the odd thing that had happened.

"That was great," Jordan laughed. "Round one is done. I think we're going to add a lot more cum to those wet diapers before you boys get to change though."

To be continued:

I wanted to thank everyone who has written to me in the extremely long period of time between the publication of the last chapter and this chapter. In six years, a whole lot has changed and it is odd that it has been so long. But this story has been something that I have received tons of feedback on as well as many requests to continue.

A couple of years ago, I was speaking to another abdl who had asked me if I ever read this awesome diaper story on nifty.org that the author inexplicably stopped writing called "High School Mistake." I found it amusing and told him I was the writer of the story. I am not sure if he believed me or not, but hopefully he and everyone else who has written me over the years will be happy that I have returned to the world of Jordan and Chris. I promise the next installment will be closer to six days and not six years.

Any comments, please email foxbarking@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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