High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jul 24, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males in high school. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. There will also be humiliation involving diapers. If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored. You have been warned.

Also, I thank everyone for the large amount of emails I got about this story. I tried to get back to everyone one of you. Comments are appreciated as always and please email them to foxbarking@yahoo.com now, as I have cancelled my aol addresses and will not receive your mail there.

High School Mistake

Chapter 7

Steve was Jordan's older brother. Chris knew that, although he had never really spoken to Steve before. Steve was eighteen years old. The very last thing that Chris had expected to see was this senior in high school wearing a diaper.

What Chris did not know, however, was the history Steve had growing up. If he had, it would have explained Jordan's seeming obsession with keeping him in diapers. Jordan had several brothers. He was neither the youngest nor the oldest. This was also true for Steve. Unlike any of his other brothers, though, Steve had a wetting problem when he was younger. It would have been bad enough if was just when he was in bed, but it happened all through the day as well. As a result, Steve was kept in diapers until he was fourteen years old.

All of Steve's brothers gave him a very hard time about wearing diapers. None of them were quite as bad as Jordan was, though. He took every opportunity that he could to embarrass his older brother. On several occasions, when Jordan had a friend staying the night, he would sneak them into Steve's room and pull Steve's pajama bottoms off. Steve would generally awake and more often than not, his diaper was already wet. The first few times, Steve had started crying in front of his brother and brother's friend. Several times at school, Jordan would pants Steve, having pretty much the exact same effect. Jordan always referred to Steve as "diaper boy," even in front of their parents.

He would always slap Steve on his diapered ass and took it upon himself to grab Steve's crotch over and over again, to see if his brother was wet. It was these sort of torments that fed Jordan's need to humiliate others and gave him the ideas to do the things to Chris that he had been up to.

When he turned fourteen, much to his relief, Steve's wetting problem had ended. He first stopped wetting during the day and then during the night. It was a stream of relief when his doctor and parents decided that he did not need to wear diapers before. Steve felt like he had finally grown up. He also felt like the harrassment by Jordan would finally be over.

Somehow, while Jordan was tormenting Steve, he developed a very strong stranglehold on his older brother. They never had the traditional older/younger brother connection. Jordan was always the more dominant one. After years and years of being put down and made fun of by Jordan, Steve was not really able to resist his older brother. Whatever Jordan told him to do, Steve would obey. Steve was not out of diapers for more than a week when Jordan revealed his worst intentions for his older brother.

"Hey diaper boy," the thirteen year old Jordan had said when he walked into his older brothers room.

"I'm not in diapers anymore," the fourteen year old Steve retorted. "I haven't had to wear them for a week now."

"Yeah, true," Jordan said with a laugh. "But you have a bag of pullups in your closet though, just in case, don't you?"

Steve turned deep red. He did indeed. Even though he had not wet in a while at this point, his parents thought it was better to be safe than sorry. The doctor's did not know exactly why he was having wetting issues. They were just as baffled that he stopped wetting when he did. Just in case there was a chance of it starting again, his parents bought some pullups to keep in his closet. So far, though, he hadn't needed to use the at all.

"Well, I don't think it'll be long until you start wearing them again," Jordan said. "IN fact, I think you're going to be my diaper boy again really soon."

"No, I won't," Steve replied. "I'm not wetting anymore."

Jordan came and sat the bag he was carrying with him on his older brother's bed. Steve looked at it nervously but didn't say anything. He wasn't sure he wanted to know what was in it.

"Believe me, you will," Jordan laughed. "IN fact, I am going to put you back into diapers right now."

"What?" Steve asked, thinking that his brother had totally lost his mind.

Jordan opened the bag and it had in it Steve's regular brand of diapers. He had used the last one a little over a week before. He had hoped he would never have to see them ever again.

"Why do you have those?" Steve asked, nervously.

"Well, I have been thinking," Jordan said. "I was having a lot of fun growing up with you as a diaper boy. It was pretty cool for me, and I think it was very unfair that this was taken away from me. Did you ever think about me when you decided that you would stop wetting the bed?"

"What the hell?" Steve asked. "It has nothing to do with you. My entire life you've been treating me like crap." Steve got up and made as if to leave the room.

"Sit the hell down!" Jordan instructed.

He couldn't explain why, but Steve did exactly as he was told to. There was something in Jordan's eyes and in the tone of his voice that told the bigger, older and probably stronger Steve that he had to obey.

"Now, this bag of diapers cost me $14," Jordan said. "Since I was nice enough to go buy them for you, I think you owe me some of your allowance. Got it?"

Steve nodded.

"Good, now strip down to your underwear," Jordan told his older brother.

"Jordan, I can't do that in front of you," Steve protested. "It's embarrassing."

"Do it!" Jordan yelled and almost stood up.

"Okay, okay," Steve said and he stood up. He slowly took his shirt off and tossed it to the side of the room. Then, he unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop to the floor. Steve was soon standing there wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and his socks. He didn't move to cover himself at all, because this wasn't the most uncomfortable situation he had ever been in before.

"Take off your boxers," Jordan instructed.

Tears started falling down Steve's face. He had wanted so badly to get out of diapers throughout his entire childhood. When most kids stopped wearing them, they were too young to ever remember. Steve, however, had been in them since he was born. He was overjoyed when he realized he may never have to put one on again. Only a week ago, he took off a dry diaper and through it in the garbage. He thought it would be the last one he would ever have to wear. But, he did as he was told and he let his boxers fall to the floor. He stepped out of them and kicked them away.

"That's the last time I want to see you wearing underwear of any kind," Jordan commanded. He knew how underwear was a very new thing for Steve. he had wanted to wear boxers so badly, and was overjoyed when his mom took him shopping for some. Now, he was losing them due to the meanness of his younger brothers.

Now, although Steve was totally used to being seen in his diapers, he had never really been naked in front of Jordan since he had hit puberty. His parents had been very respectful about his diaper changes and had not done them in front of his younger brothers. Then, once he was old enough to do them himself, they had allowed him to do it. Steve did move to cover himself, but Jordan quickly slapped his hands away.

"You are not to cover yourself in front of me," Jordan said. "After all, we're brothers, right?"

Steve nodded.

Jordan then did something that Steve hadn't been expecting. His brother opened up the bag of diapers and took one of them out. He then spread it out on the bed. With a smile, he looked up at his older brother.

"Lay down on the diaper," Jordan instructed.

"Please, don't make me do this, Jordan," Steve started to cry again. "I don't want to wear diapers again."

"Lay down on the diaper," Jordan instructed again.

"Please!" Steve started begging as the tears were running down his eyes. "I just got out of them, don't make me wear them again."

The smaller probably weaker Jordan's face turned deep red. He grabbed his older brother by the arm and pulled the naked boy next to him. With force that was not expected, he bent Steve over his knee and started smacking Steve on the ass over and over again. He didn't do it gently, either. Each slap stung hard and caused the teenager to start crying even harder. Unfortunately for him, crying was not the only thing that got harder. His cock started lengthening and pressing up against his younger brothers leg. the spanking lasted even longer after this, though. When Jordan finally let Steve up, his ass was red and hurting and his cock was somehow dripping precum.

"You got some of your juice of my leg," Jordan said with anger. "Lick it off!"

Steve got down on his knees and licked the precum off his younger brother's pants legs. Tears were still streaming down his face as he did it.

"Now set your red ass on that diaper so I can get you back in the kind of underwear you belong in," Jordan instructed.

By this point, Steve was practically bawling. he had one entire week to finally enjoy what it was like to be a normal teenage boy. He finally knew what it was like not having to wear a diaper twenty four hours a day. He was loving his new boxer shorts and was loving everything that made him feel normal. He had even thought it would have been cool to get a girlfriend now that he wasn't known as the school diaper boy anymore.

It was all about to go away, though. Steve did what he was told and he got up onto the diaper. He knew the procedure well. We was about to tape the diaper up when Jordan told him to stop.

"Not yet," Jordan said. It sounded like he had a little compassion in his voice. He got up and left his crying brother in the room by himself. When he returned, he had a bottle of baby oil with him. Steve assumed he was going to hand it over to him, but he didn't.

"I've always wanted to change your diaper," Jordan said. "So now's my chance, big brother."

More tears made their way down Steve's face, but he didn't say a word. He only lay there and nodded.

Jordan took the baby oil and squeezed it out all over his older brothers crotch. It felt good as the oil hit Steve's still hard and throbbing cock. It felt even better as his brother's hands started rubbing the oil deep into his skin. His cock stayed hard and Jordan kept smiling.

Slowly, Jordan grabbed Steve's cock and started pumping it up and down. It felt great and Steve started breathing deeply and raggedly. He liked what was happening, but felt humiliated by it all the same.

He was laying naked and hard on a diaper with his younger brother jacking his cock. Tears continued to fall down his face as the embarrasement refused to wane at all.

"You like that, Steve?" Jordan asked as he continued to pump his older brother's dick.

Still crying, Steve nodded yes. He had never had anyone's hand on his cock before. It was both exciting and humiliating that it was his younger brothers hand that was the first to play with him and perhaps it would be the first to make him cum.

Pretty soon, Jordan sped up the strokes. His hand was slippery as it glided easily up and down the hard shaft of his brother's cock, covering the entire length easily. Steve's breath got more ragged and hurried and he knew it wouldn't be much longer before he shot his load of cum. He panicked.

"Jordan, please don't make me cum!" he begged. He didn't want his younger brother to see him shoot. It was too much to take after everything else that had happened. It was something that didn't need to happen at all.

"Oh you're going to cum all right," Jordan laughed. He then pulled the diaper up over his older brother's crotch. He kept jacking the cock, prepared to add the load to the diaper.

"Jordan, please don't make me cum!" Steve pleaded. "I'll wear the diapers without complaining, I'll do whatveer you say! But don't make me cum in front of you! Please!"

But it was too late. Jordan stroked his older brother past the point of no return. It was only moments as load after load of the diaper boy's cum started to fill the diaper he was wearing. Steve moaned loudly, hoping that no one else in the house was able to hear what was going on. Jordan kept pumping his cock until there was nothing else to pump out of it.

Jordan lowered the diaper to see how much his brother had shot. It was loads of cum.

"Wow, I guess they're right about the first time being rather messy," Jordan laughed. Steve had started to cry again.

Jordan taped up his brother's diaper for the first, but definitely not last time. When Steve got up he slapped his older brother on the ass.

"You're my diaper boy and you wil be for good," Jordan said.

Chris didn't know about any of this before. All he knew was he was standing there in nothing but a diaper. the extremely cute Steve was standing there in nothing but a diaper. It was awkward, but he found himself getting very hard.

"It looks like I have two diaper boys now," Jordan laughed. Then he looked serious. "How would you two like to make a video?"

to be continued.

Next: Chapter 8

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