High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jul 1, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males in high school. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. There will also be humiliation involving diapers. If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored. You have been warned.

Also, I thank everyone for the large amount of emails I got about this story. I tried to get back to everyone one of you. Comments are appreciated as always and please email them to foxbarking@yahoo.com

High School Mistake Chapter Six

Chris was in the bathroom gathered all the supplies for his impending task. He had his own bathroom, adjacent to his bedroom. It was easy for him to be in there and naked. His mom had been respecting his privacy a lot during his teenage years. Even better, he assumed she would not come and disturb the boys while they were playing. After her son's traumatic day, he would need some time to himself.

After Chris has gathered the small trimming scissors, the razors and the shaving cream, he grabbed a towel to bring along with him. He had never done such a thing before, but figured it would be messy. Once he had everything, he went back into the bedroom.

Jordan was still laying on the bed. He was totally naked and his cock was still hard. Perhaps the fact that he was slowly beating it off was why. Chris hoped that his friend was just as turned on as he was-even if he couldn't admit it.

Chris laid the towel on the bed. Jordan frowned at him.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Well,I need the towel to keep from getting the hair all over the place," Chris stammered.

"You're not shaving that small thing on the bed," Jordan remarked. "Put the damn thing on the floor, you fucking pervert."

Flushing deep red, Chris did as he was told. He sat all of his supplies on the floor and then laid out his towel. He felt very umcomfortable and exposed as he lay there.

Jordan got up and stood over his friend. It was a magnificent site, seeing the beautiful cock standing out. Jordan's hand still stroked it nice and slowly. A single drop of precum fell from it and then landed on Chris' leg. It took everything he had inside him to keep from scooping it up and eating it.

"Well, get to trimming," Jordan demanded.

Chris had hoped his cock would start to wilt, but it did nothing of the sort. It was hard as a rock and throbbing in his hand. He didn't know why this turned him on so much, but it did.

Taking the small scissors, he began to cut his pubes. He knew he had to get them short enough to shave. Cutting wasn't as bad as shaving was going to be, but he still felt a lot of distress as the hairs fell to the towel. He almost felt like crying.

Once he was done, his cock looked really weird to him. It wasn't too bad, and he had always kept it trimmed nicely anyhow. This was very different, though. It was not something he would have ever expected to have done. He put the scissors down and awaited the next instruction.

"Wow, that cock's stayed hard throughout this whole ordeal," Jordan laughed. "I guess you've been wanting to get rid of those pubes for a while."

Chris shook his head. "Can we please stop, Jordan?" he pleaded. "Is there any way that I can get out of doing this?"

Jordan laughed and the sound of the laugh told Chris that there was no way in hell tht was going to happen. "I'll be right back," he said and walked into the bathroom. As he was gone, CHris heard the water running. He wondered what was happening.

Jordan came back with a wet wash cloth in his hands. He kneeled down next to Chris and then laid the washcloth over his crotch. It felt awesome right away and CHris' cock started to noticeably throb and move.

"Wow, you'll little dick loves that, doesn't it?" Jordan laughed. "Wow, that thing is pretty small too. The wash cloth covers the whole thing." Jordan sat on the floor with his bare ass. "A wash cloth would never cover this mammoth, would it?"

Chris simply shook his head no. His cock was by no means small, unless it was sized up against the monster between Jordan's legs. To his surprise, Jordan sat down and started pulling on his cock yet again. Chris hoped this meant that it was turning his friend on. "Okay, take that off now and lets get you lathered up," Jordan said, stroking his cock slowly.

CHris removed the washcloth and was surprised when Jordan grabbed the shaving gel. Holding the can over Chris' crotch, Jordan sprayed the gel all over the cock and balls, even where there was no hair. He put the can down once he was finished.

"Well, just don't sit there, rub it in, dumbass," Jordan instructed.

Emabarressed for some reason, Chris slowly started to rub the gel into his pubes, trying to get himself lathered up really good. It was working but it earned some exasperated sighs from Jordan.

"Grab your fucking balls with one hand and play with them," he instructed. "Then you grab your cock with the other and start jacking. I want all your equipment covered."

Grabbing his balls with his left hand, Chris started to play and lather them up. He then grabbed the hard cock with the other and started strokiing. He wasn't sure what purpose it served, but it felt really awesome. The shaving cream was amazing as lube.

"Okay, now grab some razors and get to shaving," Jordan ordered. "But keep jacking that cock while you shave."

Chris obeyed the weird orders. He wanted to cry as the razor slid across his cock and balls, removing the already short hair. he couldn't, though, as his hand kept sliding up and down his shaft while he shaved. He was getting shaving cream all over the place and all over himself. He had to keep switching razors, but he brought enough to do the job. He was both loving and hating what he was doing at the same time. His cock was straining in his hand and Chris was so beyond horny that even when he was done shaving, he kept jacking his cock. He was moaning and for a few moments almost unaware that Jordan was in the same room with him.

"IF you cum, I will beat the shit out of you," Jordan said, bringing Chris out of the daze.

Chris took his hand off his cock. The dick twitched around a bit; it really wanted to be stroked. He had come painfully close to orgasm. But, that settled down into normal frustration.

"Okay, now get that mess wiped up and then come over to the closet here with me,"Jordan instructed.

Chris took the washcloth and towel and got himself cleaned up. It was odd seeing his cock without pubes for the first time in many years. It looked so childish, but definitely looked a lot larger than it had before. He didn't look at it long before he ran over to where Jordan was standing.

"Stand in front of me," Jordan ordered. Chris' heart jumped. He was hoping that Jordan might try to fuck him with that monster, but it was not what was intended. There was a full length mirror on the closet door and Jordan simply wanted Chris to look at himself.

"Look at your body, you're just a little boy," Jordan chided. "Hell, you're a few months older than me, even, but you're nothing of a man compared to me. Your cock and balls don't have a single hair on them and mine are covered. My cock is large, thick and awesome whle yours is skinny and small."

Chris kept looking at himself in the mirror. He did look like he was years younger. He hung his head, but his cock kept raising its head. The shame was still turning him on unbelievably.

"You're a diaper wearing little boy," jordan continued to mock. "In the span of a few days, I took you from a big, masculine semi jock to a diaper wearing child. And you know what makes it even more fun?"

"What?" chris asked, not really wanting to know.

"I didn't even have to try so hard," Jordan said. "YOu wanted this. In fact, I would maybe think you like the diapers."

Chris hung his head and said nothing. He didn't know whether that was true or not. There was still something strangely erotic about the situation, he couldn't deny that. But more than anything,he wanted Jordan. That was his ultimate turn on.

"Now turn around and look at me," Jordan ordered. Chris did. His eyes, as expected, fell down to the long cock between his friends legs. Jordan simply chuckled.

"Get down on your knees," Jordan whispered.

Chris did it immediately.

"Grab my shaft."

Chris grabbed it and did nothing.

"Stroke it."

Eagerly, Chris began tugging on his friend's cock. The dick had not gone down at all. It was still amazingly large. He pulled on it, twisted his hand around it and did whatever he could to make it feel really good.

"Get close to it, but don't put your mouth on it."

Chris brought himself close to his friend's cock. It was less than half an inch from his hungry mouth. Every impulse in his body screamed at him to lick it, to suck it off. Having Jordan's cock in his mouth would be the most natural thing ever. However, he was lucky enough to just be playing with it. The last thing he needed to do was piss his friend off and lose that opportunity.

Jordan started bucking his hips and groaning after a while. His balls pulled up tightly and his cock turned a shade of red. Chris felt himself become both disappointed and excited at the same time. he wanted so much to suck it, but he was about to make his master cum and that was exciting in itself.

"Open your mouth," Jordan orderd. Chris did. "Jack me off, Chris! Jack my monster cock off now!"

Chris started beating his friend's cock hard and fast. It only took a few moments and few moans and thrusts of Jordan's hips before the cum started shooting out of the cock. It flew all over Chris' face, his mouth and the rest of his body. However, he pumped out every single drop of it before he let go.

Jordan walked over to the towel that was laying on the floor and cleaned himself off. Chris remained on his knees.

"That was aweseome," Jordan said. "Bet you thought you were going to get to suck it, weren't you?"

Chris nodded. He was happy though.

Jordan picked up chris' diaper and threw it at him.

"Put it back on," Jordan ordered. chris obeyed. He tried getting it on when he was standing up. He didn't like the idea of diapering himself like a child in front of Jordan. It was, however, too difficult and he eventually laid down and put his diaper on. Jordan went into Chris' closet and got out a pair of cut off shorts and a tank top. He threw them at CHris. "There's no need for you to have much clothes, as you won't be wearing them very long. Put these on andcome with me."

"Where are we going?" Chris asked.

"I talked to your mom and she agreed it would be a good idea for you to get out for a bit tonight," Jordan replied. "You're going to come over and hang out with me and my brother Steve."

"Steve?" Chris thought. "Isn't he your older brother?"

Jordan nodded. "By a year, yeah," he replied. "I told him about you. So we're going to have some fun tonight."

Fear clutched Chris' stomach. He liked Steve. Steve wasn't a big guy. He was tall enough, think, blonde hair and very cute. He wasn't like Jordan, who was all jock. But he didn't really know Steve at all. It scared him that his friend was letting someone in on his humiliation. Other than the entire school, of course. They knew he was in diapers, but Steve was going to get to torment Chris like Jordan was doing.

The two made their way out to the car. Chris has said his goodbyes to his mom and was sort of afriad to be out on his own. When they got out to the car, yet another surprise hit them.

"Drop the cut offs and take off the tank top," Jordan ordered. They were still standing outside of the car.

"Can I do that in the car?" Chris asked.

"Hell no," Jordan said. "You'll do what I tell you to. Now strip."

With a look back to the house, Chris figured he had to do it. He slowly took the tank top off first and handed it to Jordan. Then, with a lot of shame and timidity, Chris unbuttoned and slipped the cutoffs down. For a few moments there, he was standing in plain sight in nothing but a diaper.

Jordan savored the moment. Chris stood there, exposed, worrying about when a car might drive by. He was worried someone would see him. He was scared about everything and feeling utterly miserable, but utterly turned on as well. His cock was pressed up against his diaper.

"Okay, get in the back seat. You're riding over in the diaper."

On the ride over to Jordan's house, the two friends did not talk much. Chris tried to keep himself hidden in the back, but there were several times that people driving by did doubletakes when they saw a full grown teenager diapered in the back seat of the car.

When they arrived at Jordan's house, Jordan made CHris get out of the car in his diaper. They left his cutoffs and tank top in the car and he walked up the driveway in a diaper. A kid on a bike rode by and wrecked his bike because he was watching. Jordan laughed. The only thought in his mind the whole time was what was going to happen as Steve saw he was in diapers. Chris was worried that now he would have two masters. But when he walked in the house, Chris almost had a heart attack.

Steve was standing in the front door, dressed in nothing but a diaper. Comments to foxbarking@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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