High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on May 9, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males in high school. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. There will also be humiliation involving diapers. If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored. You have been warned.

Also, I thank everyone for the large amount of emails I got about this story. I tried to get back to everyone one of you. Comments are appreciated as always and please email them to psychogayboi@aol.com

High School Mistake

Chapter Five

It was just one disturbing development after another for Chris. It was hard for him to believe that all of this transpired after him simply trying to sneak a peak at Jordan's cock; and that was only a few days ago. Now the whole school thought that he wore diapers regularly. Not only that, but he was on his way to tell his mom that he had been wetting the bed. It was all too much. There was no way of telling how much further it would go.

The walk to the nurse's office was longer than it usually was. Chris took his time. He felt Jordan's eyes on him while he walked. That was unlikely, however, as Jordan would have had to make it back to class. Every once in a while, he would turn and look around his shoulder to try and catch his friend-turned-master. There was nothing to catch, though.

Once Chris made it to the office, the nurse was there to meet him. She was a pretty lady, but that meant little to nothing to Chris. He sometimes found girls attractive, but he was mostly gay. It was the boys that he wanted, not the girls. He wouldn't have really minded being Jordan's sex slave if the diapers and humiliation weren't involved. A sigh escaped his lips as he walked up to the nurse's desk.

"Hi, I'm Chris," he said, nervously. "I was supposed to meet you here about-"

"About the diapers?" the nurse asked, knowingly. "Yes, I've been expecting you. Why don't you come back here and we'll take care of you. I've already called your mother. She's rather concerned about you, but I said you're all right. She'll be here any moment."

That made Chris' heart jump a little inside. He wasn't sure what was about to happen, but he knew that it really couldn't have been anything good.

He followed the nurse back into the examining room. It was like the room in any nurses office.

"Are you going to need a diaper change?" the nurse asked. She then patted on the table, indicating that Chris should get up on it. Nervously, he did as he was told.

"A diaper change?" he asked, a little taken aback. He really hadn't thought that would have been offered. The idea did intrigue him just a little bit. He even felt his recently spent cock begin to inflate just a little bit. Still, he was going to say 'no' until Jordan's face appeared in his mind. He was sure that his friend and newly appointed master would be asking about this event.

"Yes, is your diaper wet?" the nurse asked with a bit of a smile.

"Yeah, it is," Chris said with a bit of a blush.

"Then would you like a change?" She asked.

Chris wasn't sure what to really think about this. It was odd thinking that she would be asking him if she could change his diaper. Being that she was a nurse, she had probably done it many times. Still, Chris was not an old man in a nursing home. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, but the nurse was rather hot and he had to admit that he was curious what it would be like to be changed.

"Yeah, it would be nice to be in a dry diaper," Chris admitted.

"okay, that's fine," the nurse remarked. "Go ahead and slip your shirt and pants off and lay on the table. I will be right back." With that, she left the room.

Chris quickly did as he was told. Once he was undressed and wearing nothing except for the yellowed diaper, he laid down on the examining table. His cock was still a little hard, but not so much that he thought it would be too embarrassing for him. At the most, it maybe was inflated just enough to make it look longer than it usually was soft. There was nothing wrong with his dick looking a bit bigger. He chuckled to himself.

After a while, the nurse came back into the room. She had a diaper and some baby oil and wipes. Chris found himself blushing again, but he was stil excited as well. It was the first truly exciting experience that he has had since it all began. Though somewhat inside, he was wishing it was Jordan who would be giving him the diaper change, it wasn't that bad of an alternative.

First, the nurse untaped his diaper. After she had done that, she slipped it off of Chris and threw it in the garbage. She took the baby wipes and started wiping down the whole area that had been covered by the diaper. Chris was wondering whether or not it was even legal for the nurse to be doing these things, but he really didn't care. He was getting very turned on by it and he wasn't about to complain. Once he had been wiped down, she took the baby oil and rubbed it in her hands. Afterwards, she wiped down the entire diaper area.

Chris was beyond just being slightly turned on at this point. His cock had slowly gotten harder and harder throughout the experience. By the time she was finished wiping him down, he dick was at full mast and pointing towards the ceiling. He had just came a few minutes ago, but he felt like cumming once again would have been a great experience.

Instead, the nurse asked him to lift his butt up. Chris did as he was told. After unfolding the diaper, the nurse placed it under him. Chris laid his butt down on it. Then, the nursed folded it snuggly over him, taped it up and Chris had experienced his first third party diaper change since he was a little boy. He got up and was about to put his clothes on. However, the nurse asked him to continue to lie down on the table.

The rest of the afternoon went by in a really fast and strange fashion for Chris. His mom came to pick him up. Like Jordan had instructed, he told her that he had been wetting the bed and had been buying diapers on his own to take care of it. As always, his mom was very understanding of the situation. She only had wished he would have told her when it started happening. He hated having to lie to her like that, but it was okay. He had to do what Jordan told him to do. From that point, his mom took him to the medical supply store and they picked up some adult sized diapers. It was a strange experience for him, because his mom even asked the attendant at the store what sort of diapers would fit a 17 year old boy. There was no doubt that he was that 17 year old boy. Once all the supplies had been bought, his mom took him out to lunch and then they went and saw a movie. Having her 'know' about his diaper problem had turned out to be more of a good thing than a bad thing.

Chris was sitting down in his bedroom and playing some video games when he heard a knock at his door. He said, "Come in," and was not suprised at all when it was Jordan who entered the room. Chris had recently changed his diaper and was sitting there in sweats and nothing else. When his friend came in the door, he put the video game on pause and then stood up."Strip down to your diaper," Jordan instructed. Chris did as told.

"Good boy," Jordan said. "I see you got some better diapers this time."

"Yeah, we picked them up after school," Chris said.

"How did your mom react to everything?" Jordan asked.

"Well, she was very nice about it," Chris admitted. "I was worried she would be upset with me. I mean, how many 17 year olds have bed wetting problems? Anyhow, we made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow and I won't be going in to school. The doctor will be examining me to let me know if anything is wrong with me."

"Very funny," Jordan said. He went over and sat on the bed. Chris made a move to sit down too, but a look from his friend told him that was not a good idea. "Well you'll be happy to know that your little incident in the locker room has made it around the whole school now. Just about everyone knows that you're in diapers. You're a bit of a celebrity."

Chris was freaked out by this knowledge. He had known that it would happen, but hadn't known how he would feel when he found out about it. His life was going through too many changes. The only small solace was that he did not have to go to school the next day. It was a small favor as he would definitely have to meet his fate sooner than later.

"That's going to make things really difficult for me," Chris sighed.

"Well, that's not my problem," Jordan said. "I want you in diapers 24/7 now. I want you to tell the doctor that you are peeing in your pants during the day time and that you have been wearing diapers for a while. It doesn't matter that they won't find anything wrong with you. They will assume it's psychological. You got that?"

"Yes, sir," Chris said.

"Maybe all of this will make you think twice about trying to check out a real man's cock," Jordan said. He then laid back on the bed. "I think you should let me play some video games, punk."

Chris gave Jordan the video game controller. For a while, his friend just laid back on the bed and played games. He didn't say a word to Chris for about an hour. Chris simply stood there, clad in nothing but his diaper. He wasn't allowed to sit down and wasn't allowed to do anything at all. It was only after an hour had passed that Jordan finally said something. And it was not something that Chris has expected at all.

"Unbutton and unzip my pants," Jordan instructed.

Chris' heart jumped practically through his chest. He was nowhere near expecting Jordan to say that. He was going to ask 'what,' but thought better of it. Before his friend and master was going to change his mind, he lowered himself quickly down to Jordan's jeans. He undid the snap and then slowly unzipped the jeans. He pulled back the flaps of the jeans, even though he wasn't told to do it. Under them he saw Jordan's underwear and Jordan was wearing boxers as usual. The slight bulge of his friend's cock was there to see as well.

"Like what you see?" Jordan asked as he continued to play the game. He did not look at

Chris once throughout the entire process.

"Very much," Chris admitted. He flushed deep red when he said it. What did it matter, though?

"Take my shoes and socks off," Jordan said next.

It was puzzling to Chris why Jordan was making him do all of this. One thing that had been quite clear in the relationship was that Jordan did not want any part of Chris being gay.

It had been something that he felt was detrimental to their friendship. So he wondered why the sudden change. Why was Jordan doing this? Was it to tease him? He didn't know. But he also didn't need to be told twice. He untied and took both of his friend's shoes off. Once that was complete, he also peeled off his friend's socks. After that was done, Chris simply stood up and awaited whatever the next order was. It took Jordan a while before he spoke again. When he did, it was music to Chris' ears. "

Take off my jeans," Jordan instructed. Chris had been wanting this moment to happen for quite a while. He decided to pull the jeans off at the ankles. Grabbing the legs of the jeans, he pulled them quickly off his friend's body. When he was done, Jordan was laying on his bed wearing nothing but a pair of crumpled up boxers and a t-shirt. Chris found his cock starting to harden in his diaper. He didn't care, though. This was turning into such a good day.

Jordan sat up and told Chris to take his shirt off. Chris did that and after he was done, Jordan laid back down in his boxers. He played video games for a while and Chris was left standing there. He had no idea what was going on, but he was loving every moment of it.

"So are you a bit confused?" Jordan asked, not looking at his slave.

"Yeah," Chris admitted.

"Well, I've been thinking," Jordan said. "Yeah, i was pretty pissed when I found out you were a fag. Hell, I am still pissed about it. You were my bud and now i find out that I was just someone for you to check out. How many times had you been trying to see my dick? It kind of sickened me at first. That's why I put you in diapers, to make you feel as dirty as your fag eyes have been making me feel. But then guess what occured to me?"

"I don't know," Chris admitted.

Jordan laughed. "Well, I figured that I might as well give you exactly what you want," he said. "Totally for my own pleasure, of course. And I know you want my cock, don't you?"

Chris nodded.

"Don't nod at me," Jordan said. "When I ask you a question, you answer me."

"Yes, I want your cock, sir," Chris said. He wasn't going to blush this time. Everything in his body was telling him that he would get exactly what he was after. Perhaps becoming the diaper boy of the school would be worth it if he got to see Jordan's cock. It had been his goal for many years to get a look at it.

"Exactly," Jordan said. "And I can't blame you because my cock is awesome. And I haven't gotten laid for a while. Or that much at all. I'm not ashamed to say that I don't get as much sex as all the guys like to lie and say they are getting. But hell, I guess I can get blowjobs from you at least. I mean, you do want to suck my cock, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," Chris admitted.

"Okay, good," Jordan said. "Well, I think while I am playing this game, you need to give me some pleasure. So lay down and take my boxers off."

Chris was again not hesitant at all. He laid down with his head around by Jordan's pelvis. He grabbed both sides of the boxers. As he did, Jordan lifted his hips up a little and Chris slowly pulled the boxers off, revealing Jordan's cock. As much as he wanted to just get a good look at his buddy's dick, he knew he needed to get the underwear off first. He pulled them off of his friend's ankles before he looked back up. Once he did, he was not disapointed.

Jordan's cock was a thing of beauty. It was totall limp, which was a bit of a let down, but Chris had the feeling Jordan was going to let him get it up. It looked to be about 7 inches soft and pretty thick. The cock was lying up on Jordan's lower belly. It was perfect and the thing the kind of cock that porn stars wish they would have had. Sure, he may have been idealizing that in his head, but it was the cock that he had wanted to see for so long. Chris was hard as a rock in his diaper.

"Play with it," Jordan instructed.

Chris took the cock in his hand. He wanted to feel every inch of it. He felt it, from the head down to the balls. Taking both of Jordan's balls in his hand, he once again felt all the way back up to the head. Jordan was beginning to get hard and that just made the experience so much greater. After he had been playing and feeling, Chris closed his fist around it. He began stroking the cock, trying to get it all the way hard.

Jordan seemed to pay little attention to what was going on. He kept playing the video games as he was being serviced. Once he was totally hard, though, Chris was so happy. Totally erect, Jordan's cock had to be slightly over 9 inches long. The thickness was close to that of a Red Bull can. It was the yummiest thing he had ever seen. There wasn't a whole lot of hair on Jordan's cock, but that was just as well. Chris wanted to suck it and figured it would be much better if there wasn't much hair to get stuck in his teeth.

"Jack it," Jordan instructed.

Chris started running his hand all up and down the long shaft. He was in total ecstasy.

The long and hard day was forgotten and all that was important was the long and hard cock in his hand. Chris took his time because he did not want this experience to end. He made each stroke from the tip down to the base. For as much as Chris jacked himself off, he knew how to work a cock and he was working this one good. It didn't take long before Jordan's breath began to get deeper and a pearl of precum appeared right at the tip of the cockhead. Chris found himself licking his lips in anticipation. He was hoping he would get to lick that off.

"Take off your diaper," Jordan orderd.

Chris was sorry to let the cock go, but he was happy to get the diaper off. Standing up, he took the diaper off and let it fall to the floor. His own cock was nothing in comparision to his friend's but that was fine. He was already hard and dripping. He sat back down, ready to play with his friend's cock yet again.

"Not so fast," Jordan said. "Before you touch my cock again, I think it's time to do something to yours."

"Um, like what?" Chris asked.

"Go into the bathroom,' Jordan said. "Get some trimming scissors and some shaving cream, plus a couple of razors. I think I want you to be totally bare down there."

"What?" Chris asked, shocked. "Come on, I don't want to shave my pubes."

Jordan grabbed his own cock. Slowly, he started stroking it up and down. another bit of precum appeared at the tip. Instead of looking at his friend in his face, Chris' eyes went down to the cock. He watched as his friend's hand jacked himself off. He licked his lips yet again.

"You want to play with this cock, don't you?" Jordan asked.


"You want to feel your hand around it, stroking me off?"


"More than anything, you want to be the one to make me cum, right?"


"Maybe you want to suck on it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well," Jordan said, "if you don't go in there right away and get that stuff, I will put my clothes on and leave right now. You'll NEVER ever see my cock again. I promise you, for the rest of your life, you won't see it. Now if you want to touch it, you get your ass in the bathroom and come back with what I told you to. NOW!"

There was nothing else to say. To make this experience worth it, Chris needed to be able to see and play with Jordan's cock. It would be the only thing to make everything seem less bad. So, even though the idea started to make his cock wilt, Chris got up and walked into the bathroom.

Next: Chapter 6

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