High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Sep 25, 2023


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

Also, this chapter will have a bit more extreme AB humiliation dished on Jordan, even stronger than Chris has gone through in previous chapters. Please keep that in mind if extreme infantilist tone is not your fetish.

High School Mistake: Chapter Twenty-Four

It was hazy and he wasn't really sure what was going on. He was laying on his bed and he felt naked and somewhat turned on, but wasn't sure why. His dick was hard but it wasn't free. It throbbed a couple times and he moaned.

"It looks like diaper boy is coming to," he heard a voice say.

Diaper boy, he thought. The haze began to clear a little and he realized that he was the diaper boy and that meant he must be Chris. Chris was the fag diaper slave and that made him Chris. Strange, though he didn't feel like he was Chris.

"His eyes are opening," another voice remarked. It sounded like his older brother Steve.

Wait, he thought. Chris is not Steve's younger brother. Steve is Jordan's older brother.

Opening his eyes, he looked down at himself and realized that he was not naked. He was lying in bed though, looking down at himself. And he was wearing a diaper. so he had to be Chris, didn't he? But he didn't feel like Chris. But if he wasn't Chris, he had to be Alex then. Alex was recently put in diapers too.

One of the guys, who looked like Chris, was rubbing his diapered crotch. He moaned because it felt so wonderful. The diaper he was wearing was damp and sticky and he realized that it had to be precum that was soaked into it. He could literally smell the precum wafting up from inside the diaper. In complete horny lust, he began humping the hand that was rubbing the front of his diaper.

"Someone's a horny little boy," the guy who looked like Chris remarked. He then laughed and removed his hand.

The frustration of having the hand removed suddenly set in. The friction his cock was receiving was gone. He wanted it more. He moaned, "Oh please, jack me off. I gotta cum."

All three of the guys around him laughed but he didn't care. He began thrusting his hips up and down in a frustrated attempt to get some friction back on his wet shaft. He thought if he fucked the air long enough, maybe something would happen. So he kept thrusting his hips up in an incredible speed but wasn't able to accomplish anything.

"Whoa, slow down, Baby Jordan," Chris told him with a laugh. "We have a lot to get through first."

"I need to cum!" He yelled. And while he was humping the air, he realized what Chris had just said to him. His brain was still midly muddled, but he realized who he was and what was happening. He wasn't Alex or Chris, he was Jordan and he was the master, not the baby slaves.

And Jordan was in a diaper.

"What the fuck?" Jordan asked, looking around. He tried to move his hands but realized he was tied down. Surveying his body, he was tied spread eagle to his bed. The bed had been fitted with a rubber sheet and he was wearing a printed diaper with teddy bear prints on it. And he was hard and really, really horny. However, he was also pissed off. "Untie me the fuck right now!"

Alex smiled. "Now, now, baby boys should not be using that kind of language," he warned. "I don't want to hear it again."

Jordan ignored the comment. "I am your master, you untie me right the fuck now or you'll be sorry!" He was fuming with anger and knew the minute they untied him, he was going to beat the shit out of all three of them. "And get this fucking diaper off me now! I'm not a fucking baby like you all are!"

Alex shook his head and wagged his finger. "Baby boys do not talk like that," he warned. "I don't want to hear one more bad word come out of your mouth or you will definitely regret it." Alex emphasized every syllable of the word 'regret' to indicate he was serious.

Jordan didn't care. He was not going to be bossed around by a bunch of faggot babies. "Untie me now, you stupid fag or me turning you into a baby will be the least bad thing that has happened to you!"

Alex sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well the bad baby is going to have to be disciplined," he remarked. Then, before Jordan had a chance to react, Alex reached down and he slowly untaped one side of Jordan's diaper. Once he was done, he slowly did the other side.

Jordan was still pissed but at least it seemed like Alex was doing what he was told and getting Jordan out of the diaper. When the last tape was undone, Jordan's hard cock pushed the diaper open. Alex did not immediately pull the front of the diaper down. Instead, he looked over at Jordan's brother Steve.

"Steve, go get the kit," Alex told him. Steve immediately left the room.

"Kit?" Jordan asked, finally feeling a little nervous about the situation. "What kit? What are you doing?"

"I warned you, baby boys do not use swear words," Alex warned him. "When they do, they are punished. Your brother went to get the punishment kit."

"You're not going to do shit to me, fag!" Jordan yelled. "I'm not going to tell you again to untie me."

Alex smiled. "I'm glad you're not going to tell me again," he laughed, "because I am not going to do it."

Steve walked back in the room and the supplies he was carrying made Jordan's heart sink. He had a bowl of water, a can of shaving gel, clippers and several razors. It was obvious what punishment his slaves had in store for Jordan.

"You fucking better not shave my cock, you fag!" Jordan warned. "If you do, there aren't words for how badly I'll beat the hell out of you."

Alex had been standing at the foot of the bed. With a grin, he walked around the side to where Chris was standing. He first took Chris's hand in his and kissed Chris deeply on the lips. He then looked over at Jordan.

"You couldn't kick the shit out of me if you tried, you testosterone ridden jock with a big dick and a Napolean complex," Alex whispered. "Everything that has happened since you found out I was involved with Chris has happened exactly the way he and I planned it out. And besides," Alex reached down and finally pulled down the front flap of the diaper and Jordan's big cock, now free, stood proud and hard and glistening with precum, "you're obviously enjoying every fucking minute of it."

Steve put all of the shaving supplies down on the bed. "Who wants to do the honors?" he asked.

"This one is all mine," Chris volunteered. Jorda sneered at him but Chris did not respond.

Chris immediately took the clippers and showed them to Jordan. With a smile, he flicked the clippers on and the buzzing sound filled the entire room.

"You better not do this fag," Jordan warned.

Alex kneeled down and whispered in Jordan's ear, "Call him a fag one more time and I guarantee you that the shaving will be the least of what happens to you tonight." He pulled away.

Jordan was about to protest, but finally he held his tongue. He braced himself, knowing that he was not going to be able to get out of this. He was going to be shaved.

Chris took Jordan's cock in one hand and moved it to the side. Quickly, he clipped down the pubic bush on the top of Jordan's dick. Once that was gone, he very lightly ran the clippers up the shaft. On the second or third time, a very large drop of shiny precum oozed out of Jordan's slit. The boys watching him all laughed as he blushed. He was pissed and embarrassed but he did not speak.

Chris kneeled down to take care of Jordan's balls. He had to keep a hold on the large cock and moved it out of his light. Then, with care that Jordan was shocked that Chris would show him, he clipped the hair down on the balls until it was just stubble. Once it was all down to stubble, Chris turned off the the clippers. Chris then grabbed a wash cloth and put it in the bowl of water. He then placed the warm and wet cloth over Jordan's crotch. Of course there was no way a wash cloth was going to cover a piece of meat as big as his dick, so the top half of the cock was still showing through. But the cloth felt warm on and nice on his crotch. In spite of himself, Jordan sighed.

"I think he likes the feeling," Steve remarked and laughed. His younger brother shot him a look but caught himself before he said anything to get himself in more trouble.

After a short time, Chris took the washcloth off of Jordan's crotch. He then took the shaving gel bottle, held it right above Jordan's crotch, smiled wickedly at Jordan and pressed the button on the can. Long strands of shaving gel spurted out of the can and began to pile up on Jordan's crotch. Chris really overdid it too. He made sure that the balls and cock were completely covered in it.

To Jordan's surprise, though, it wasn't Chris who rubbed it in. Steve moved over to his younger brother and took his cock in his hands. He at first began rubbing the shaving cream into his balls and his pubic area (which now could not in any realm of the imagination be thought of as a bush). Once it was rubbing in deeply, Steve began to coat Jordan's entire cock in the gel, stroking the entire shaft softly, even the parts that were not covered in any hair. Jordan tried his best not to moan. Yes, he was enjoying the massaging of his dick, but he was hating what was about to happen to him.

After Steve was done and Jordan's crotch was completely covered in gel, the older brother moved back. Chris took a razor and he got it wet in the bowl. He then motioned to Steve again. "Hold his ball bag out taut so we don't actually knick it. We don't want our baby to start bleeding."

Jordan sneered at being called a baby but he again held his tongue. He was tied up and his former best friend had a three bladed razor right next to his cock. He knew better than to make Chris angry at this point. He promised himself that he would be handling it later.

Steve grabbed his brother's sac and pulled it taught. Chris then took his time and successfully shaved Jordan's balls completely clean. After he was done, Steve let go of his balls and Jordan's sac retracted. Chris then took Jordan's cock back in hand and to Jordan's dismay, shaved all of the stubble off where his pubic bush once grew. He felt humiliated and deflated with each swipe that the blade took away the stubble. He actually found himself tearing up a little bit.

"Aw, the baby is starting to cry," Alex mocked Jordan in baby talk. "Make him feel better, Steve."

Steve walked over to his brother and put a pacifier up to Jordan's lips. At first, Jordan refused to take the pacifier in his mouth. He clamped his jaw completely shut. But when he did, Chris took a hold of Jordan's balls and gave them a light squeeze which demonstrated that the boys meant business. Jordan opened his mouth and let Steve slip the pacifier between his lips.

"Now," Steve told his younger brother, "be a good baby brother and keep your paci in your mouth. If you don't, you won't be happy."

Jordan felt a few more tears run down his face. He had never been this humiliated in his life. He, in fact, did not think it was possible for him to be this humiliated by anyone. He actually sucked on the pacifier, finding that it did make him feel a little bit better.

"That's a good baby brother,"Steve chided him, petting Jordan's head.

Looking back down at Chris, Jordan watched the rest of his pubic hair get removed from his body. Chris had finished his pubes, and moved on to the shaft. He had to move the shaft in and out of the light in order to get the entire thing. Having his cock moved back and forth like that felt amazing and Jordan tried to hump Chris's hand each time, but whenever he did, Chris just loosened his grip until Jordan stopped.

It took a while, but soon Chris had completely shorn Jordan's crotch. It was completely bare and it looked different than Jordan had ever seen it before. He sucked hard on his paci as he laid in the bed.

Chris then took the washcloth and wiped the remaining gel and stubble off of the crotch. He then grabbed a bottle of baby oil and squeezed it over Jordan's crotch. Jordan moaned and his paci fell out of his mouth as the clear and cool liquid coated his shaft, making it glisten even more than his precum had done earlier. His big brother Steve grabbed the paci and put it back in his mouth, and Jordan began sucking it. Chris began massaging the baby oil into Jordan's crotch and Jordan felt like he was going to cum on the spot. Chris, however, had gotten to know Jordan's dick very well in the preceding months and knew whenever Jordan was getting close. He never let him get close to going into his spasms no matter how much Jordan tried and tried to get off. By the time that Chris finally took his hands off Jordan's cock, Jordan was dripping in ecstacy and frustration.

"Looks great," Steve laughed. "Now you look exactly how a younger brother is supposed to look." This got him an evil look from Jordan, but Jordan was careful not to let his paci fall out of his mouth.

"It's been a while since you've eaten, baby bro," Steve remarked. He rubbed his brother's tummy. "Would you like some food now?"

In spite of everything that had been going on, Jordan had noticed that he was indeed getting hungry. He nodded.

"Chris, diaper the baby back up while I go and get some food for him," Steve instructed and left the room.

While Steve was gone, Chris went about getting Jordan back into a diaper. The one that Jordan had on before was completely wet with precum, shaving gel and baby oil. So Chris told Jordan to raise his ass up so he could pull the diaper out. Jordan sneered at him, but he did as he was told. He has resigned himself to go along with this and that he would just have to get revenge on the three homos when he was finally freed from everything.

Chris grabbed a clean diaper and unfolded it. It was a block printed Bambino diaper. He told Jordan to lift his butt up and Jordan complied. Once Chris had the unfolded diaper laid out under Jordan in the right way, he told Jordan to lower his butt down and he did. However, the reason unknown to Jordan, Chris did not diaper him right away. Inside, Jordan was a bit relieved to not be diapered yet.

Steve walked back in and Jordan was shocked when he saw what his brother had brought for him to eat. He had two bottles of what was clearly baby food, a spoon, a sippy cup and a bib with Transformers on it. He was so shocked he almost lost his paci from his mouth. He however shook his head vigorously, indicating he was not going to eat it.

Alex laughed. He took the Transformers bib from Steve and he fastened it around Jordan's neck. He then stood back and was obviously going to just watch while Jordan was fed by his big brother.

Steve opened up the bottle of baby food and set it on the nightstand. He then took Jordan's pacifier out of his mouth. Getting a big spoonful of baby food, Steve put it up to Jordan's lips. Jordan refused to open his mouth though and just shok his head back and forth.

Steve motioned over to Chris. Chris had not yet taped up Jordan's diaper and he took a hold on Jordan's long, hard and sopping wet dick. He slowly stroked it up.

Jordan felt so good being jerked that he opened his mouth and moaned. When he did, Steve stuck the spoonful of baby food into Jordan's mouth. Jordan closed his mouth and as soon as the spoon was removed from his mouth, Jordan let the baby food spill out of his mouth and onto his bib.

"That's not a good baby," Steve chastised his baby brother. He nodded towards Chris, who again slowly gave Jordan's glistening dick a long stroke. As Jordan moaned, Steve scooped up the baby food and forced it back into his brothers mouth. When Jordan was about to spit it out again, Chris stroked his dick again. Jordan moaned. "Does my baby brother brother like having his peepee stroked?" Steve asked in baby talk.

Jordan glared at his brother with baby food on his lips and chin. He nodded.

"Chris will keep stroking your little dickie but you have to eat all of your food like a good baby."

Jordan frowned. The baby food was really gross and he didn't want to taste any more of it. But despite all of this humiliation, he was horny as fuck. He wanted his dick stroked. He nodded his head and assented to eating the baby food.

Chris started jerking Jordan's dick slowly as Steve fed him the entire two bottles of baby food. It was torture as Chris's hand played with his large and glistening organ, slowly sending shudders down his spine. But he ate eery bite of the food no matter how gross it was. He tried to ride Chris's hand but Chris was way too fast for him and he moved his hand off the huge dick, leaving Jordan high and dry. By the time they were done with the feeding, Jordan's face and big were covered in baby food and he was so horny he was beginning to cry again.

"Give the baby his paci," Alex told Steve and Steve put it back in Jordan's mouth. He then looked over at Chris. "I think the baby needs a little release. want to give it to him?"

"Absolutely," Chris replied. He took the tip of his finger and began running it lightly up and down the underside of Jordan's dick. At first it just felt light and feathery, and Jordan wasn't sure it would have any effect on him. But after a bit, he felt his dick getting close to his spasms. Chris would not change the way he played with Jordan's dick though. he just kept slowly tickling the underside of it until Jordan was going crazy with lust. He wanted to beg and plead to be allowed to cum, but he couldn't let the paci fall out of his mouth.

Chris, again being very familiar with Jordan's dick, knew when he was getting close. He tried to hump chris's finger but he was not successful. Chris had him right on the edge but could not get him over it. Just when Jordan thought he was going to go mad, Chris changed his tactic. He lightly began flicking the underside of the head of Jordan's cock. The flicking was even more tormentuous than the tickling, and it took nearly five minutes to finally bring Jordan over the edge. But Chris had been watching and when he was Jordan's dick throbbing and beginning to convulse, he pulled his hand away and the cum began to shoot out of Jordan's cock spraying his abs and even his face but ultimately it was a completely ruined orgasm but it was intense as hell. Jordan felt more tears roll down his cheek as he had just coated himself in his juice but he was still as horny as fuck.

"Ah, poor baby," Chris comforted him. As he comforted Jordan, he pulled the front of the diaper up, finally covered the rock hard and freshly shaved shaft. Jordan watched as Chris undid did the tapes and fastened the diaper around Jordan's butt and dick. Tears rolled down his eyes and he felt like a complete and humiliated baby, shaved and diapered.

"Now, for our next activity," he heard Alex laugh.

to be continued.

Next: Chapter 25

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