High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Sep 19, 2023


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

High School Mistake: Chapter Twenty-Three

Chris had gotten a call from Jordan. Although they had not had any torment planned for him, Jordan was adamant that Chris was to drop whatever he was doing and get his ass over to his place. He had been doing his homework but was so accustomed to taking orders that he did not think twice. He put down his work and headed over to Jordan's.

As Chris approached Jordan's house, he noticed that there were a lot of cars parked in the driveway and in front of the house. He immediately began to get nervous. Jordan never had Chris come over when his parents were home, so he knew that the cars could not belong to their company. More than likely, Jordan had invited a few of his friends over and they were setting him up for some extreme humiliation.

A few moments after Chris knocked on the door, Steve came to the door and opened it. Unusually, he was fully dressed rather than just being in his diaper and t-shirt. That did nothing to qualm Chris's fear of what was going to transpire.

"You know the drill," Steve informed him. He allowed Chris to come in the door and closed it behind them.

Chris did indeed know the drill and he began to strip down. He was aware of voices in one of the other rooms and figured that it was where Jordan's friends must all have been. Once he was down to his diaper and t-shirt, he looked to Steve who motioned for him to follow him.

When they got into the living room, Chris was astonished by what he saw. Jordan and three of his buddies were sitting on the couch and a chair having a beer. They were laughing and watching a fourth person who was sitting in the middle on the room. Chris's eyes grew wide when he realized that Alex was sitting there, fully diapered in the middle of the room. He had a pacifier in his mouth and he was playing with some blocks. Alex had just finished making a pyramid out of the blocks when one of Jordan's buddies, who Chris could not remember the name of, reached over and knocked it over. Alex looked frustrated and seemed like he was going to cry.

Jordan looked up at Chris's shocked face.

"Hey, fag," Jordan said with a smile. "I guess you weren't expecting to see your tough boyfriend reduced to a whiny little baby, were you?"

"What's going on?" Chris asked. He looked at Steve for an answer and Steve simpy deferred back to Jordan. Alex looked at Chris but did not say anything.

"Apparently your butt buddy here was trying to find a way to get me to stop treating you like a diaper baby," Jordan informed him. "But he made a dumbass mistake and tried to get my older brother in on the whole thing. My brother came to me and he told me everyting so I thought I'd cut him a break for a while and make your lover boy into a baby too. He actually is much better at it than you are. We gave him a bath and he played with his rubber ducky. And he's been sitting here on the floor like a good boy and has been playing with his blocks. I think we'll be keeping him as a baby for a really long time." Jordan and his friends all laughed at Chris.

Chris was too surprised that he was not sure how to respond. He looked over at Steve, shocked that his friend had betrayed them. Chris hadn't known that Alex was planning on including Steve in on the whole thing but he was shocked that Steve would sell them out just to get on Jordan's good side. There's no way Jordan would ever keep his word and stop humiliating his brother.

"Well get down on the floor with your boyfriend, fag," one of Jordan's friends ordered. "I came over here to watch a show."

Chris quickly got down on the floor. He wasn't sure what they wanted him to do, so he started playing with the blocks along with Alex.

"That's not the playing we want to see," Jordan said. "Rub your diaper boy's leg."

Chris put his hand on Alex's now clean shaven legs. He had previously had a light dusting on hair on it, but figured that Jordan must have removed it with the rest of his body hair, much like he had done to both Chris and Steve. still, Chris felt his limp dick in his diaper begin to fatten up a little bit. In spite of the humiliation, he really liked fooling around with Alex. He wished he didn't have an audience, but it did not take all the enjoyment out of the experience.

"You boys are going to make out for a bit, suck each others cocks and fill each others diapers up with cum," Jordan explained. "And you better put on a fucking good show or I'll take all of your clothes away and make both of you walk home in your cum filled diapers." He paused for a moment and smiled wickedly. "Well, not just cum filled. Your fag boyfriend here has been unable to piss his diaper yet, so we've been giving him lots of water. You need to help him relax so he fills the damn thing all up."

Chris grimaced and looked over at Alex. Alex did not really look worried at all and really did not seem very expressionate at all. He did give a slight nod with his head, which Chris assumed meant to go ahead and go with it.

Chris was already getting hard feeling Alex's leg, so he moved in closer to Alex's body. As he got closer, he kept rubbing his leg until he came up to the front of the diaper. Just like Chris, Alex was wearing a printed diaper, although Alex's had teddy bears on it and Chris had blocks on his. Nervously, Chris moved his hand to the front of Alex's diaper. He was surprised to find that Alex was already hard in the diaper. He would have thought that being dressed up like this in the middle of all of Jordan's friends would have had a different effect on him. But his hard cock in its diaper reacted to being touched and Chris immediately got fully hard. In spite of not really having wanted to be put into diapers, Chris had found recently that they had been turning him on. Although he would never admit it to Jordan, he loved the feeling of a hardon trying to stretch his diaper out.

As Chris's hand felt the diapered crotch, Alex's cock responded, pushing hard against the diaper. His arousal was visible to everyone in the room, his nearly 8 inch fat cock pressing so hard against the diaper that it pressed outward and then relaxed, then immediately pressed outward again and then relaxed again.

"Haha, he's so fuckin horny his dick is throbbing," one of Jordan's dumb friends laughed.

Chris remembered that he was supposed to make out with Alex. So, as he was rubbing the front of his diaper, Chris leaned into Alex and began kissing him. They began with light lip touches before the arousal began to overcome them and the two boys opened their mouths, their tongues beginning to explore each others mouth. Chris's hand was still rubbing the front of the diaper and the cock was still pushing out. As they were kissing, Chris felt Alex's hand move to the front of his diaper too. Having his cock rubbed was as awesome as always. Chris was enjoying it so much that he pushed Alex back, got on top of him and started kissing his boy deeply.

Jordan and his friends laughed at Chris's over obvious arousal.

Chris looked down at Alex's diaper and saw that his cock was so hard it was pushed the waist of the diaper away from Alex's belly. It gave him a chance to slip his hand in and feel Alex's cock. Once his hand was inside, he closed it around the cock tightly. Alex sighed and closed his eyes. His cock was soaked with precum and Chris began slowly sliding his hand up and down the shaft. The diaper was still on pretty tight so the stroking wasn't completely easy but Chris did not care. He had gotten Alex into this whole mess so Chris felt he had to at least make Alex feel as good as he possibly could.

"Your boy probably has a hardon full of piss, he's been drinking so much," Jordan laughed. "Do you got to go pee, little baby Alex?" Jordan was taunting and speaking to ALex in a babyish voice.

Alex nodded.

"How badly do you have to go pee, little boy?" Jordan taunted.

As Chris's hand slid up and down the wet hardon, Alex replied, "I've never had to piss this badly before!" His facial expression looked completely strained and Chris knew he was telling the truth. "I just can't go, it's too hard."

All of the boys began laughing again. "I bet with your butt buddy there stroking that piss filled hardon, that thing must be ready to explode," Jordan laughed. "I bet it just wants to let loose with both pee and cum. God, you're as pathetic as your boyfriend."

Jordan looked at Chris. "Suck your boyfriend's dick," he ordered. "That should torture the fuck out of him even more."

With his hand still on Alex's cock, Chris moved down his chest. He nibbled on Alex's nipples for a moment before working his way down to the diaper. Once he got there, he saw that Alex's cock head had actually escaped the diaper. There was nearly two inches of dick protruding from the top of the diaper. Chris polished the huge purple head of Alex's cock, causing the boy to jerk his whole body in reaction. This elicted more laughing from the boys in the room. He then got to Alex's navel and put his teeth on Alex's navel piercing, pulling on it slightly. Knowing that Jordan wanted action and would not have been completely satisified with the teasing, Chris finally made his way down to Alex's cock. It was oozing with precum and Chris flicked his tongue on the slit, savoring the taste of the juice. He then took the hard yet spongy cock head into his mouth, enveloping the whole thing. Alex sighed again.

Chris nursed on the cockhead for a while, enjoying the feel of it in his mouth. Alex was squirming and Chris was not sure how much of the squirming was due to his cock sucking or how much was torment due to his bad need to piss. Chris pulled the front of the diaper out, making the cock stick out more. He had to keep holding the diaper out in order to keep the cock from going back in the diaper Chris took his tongue, and began licking the entire shaft from as close to the newly shaved balls as he could get right back to the top of his cock head. After he had given the entire cock the most thorough tongue bath that he possibly could, Chris finally took the cock head back in his mouth. He then sucking the shaft, fully blowing Alex in front of five other guys. Chris was finally getting into the act and was sucking the piss filled cock, slurping it like he was a cock hungry whore. He really did not care he was being watched, he was loving how he was making ALex squirm with each licking and sucking.

Jordan's voice interject itself. "Keep sucking his cock but listen up," their master ordered. "When he gets close, pull his diaper back up but leave the cock head uncovered. Then I want you boy to hump each other until Chris cums in his diaper and Alex cums all over his belly."

The two diapers boys heard their orders and acknowledged them with mutual grunting. It didn't take very long until the look in Alex's eyes indicated to Chris as he looked up with the dick still in his mouth that his friend was about to cum and cum hard.

Chris let the big dick slip out of his mouth. It slapped hard against Alex's belly, splattering precum all over the place. He then let go of the front of the diaper, with snapped back against Alex's body. Once again, about two hard inches of cock were peeking out over the top of the diaper.

Getting face to face with Alex, Chris felt their diapers touch. They began kissing again, even though Jordan had not ordered them to. However, they both knew it would make them cum faster as they rubbed the front of their diapers togethers. They kissed each other passionately and heard the stretching sounds of their diapers as their imprisoned penises rubbed vigorously against one another. Both boys were squirming as it was difficult to get each other off without being able to use their hands. This just increased their vigor though and they began humping hard and fast against each other.

Chris ended up cumming first. His body seized up and he stopped rubbing up against Alex. Alex, however, did not stop. He sped up and Chris felt the cum start to slowly travel up his shaft. It was intense as there was no direct pressure, just slowly building friction against the diaper. Finally, when he thought he was about to scream out from the pressure, Chris was pushed over the edge and began cumming hard into the diaper. His body was jerking in spasms as he filled the diaper with his cum, his eyes rolled all the way back in their head.

The thrusting and seeing his boy cumming so violently must have pushed Alex over the edge too. The two inches of cock that were out of the diaper began throbbing so hard that everyone in the room could see the actual throbbing. All of the boys watching (other than Steve who was gay and was probably hard as a rock too) began laughing at the throbbing cock. But it shot off right away and the first shot of cum shot up and hit Alex in his face. This caused him to open his mouth and moan and he was greeted with the second shot of cum hitting him right on the roof of the mouth. His closed his mouth and his cum oozed out and covered his lips. Chris immediately kissed him, they both shared Alex's cum in their mouths. Alex shot of a few more shots but it all as on his and Chris's bellies, holding them together in a sticky mess.

No sooner were they done then Chris noticed a look of urgency in Alex's eyes. Chris knew right away what was about to happen. He reached down, grabbed Alex's spent but still hard dick and shoved it back into the diaper. He got the cock in there just in time as Alex's piss filled hardon finally gave up and he quickly saturated the diaper. Once he was done, his teddy bear printed diaper was completely yellowed with the pee. Chris looked up into Alex's eye and saw that his boy looked completely humiliated.

"That was perfect," Jordan laughed along with his buddies. "How's it feel there sitting in a wet diaper, Alex?"

Alex didn't answer, he just looked down at his diaper. It was completely filled and for the first time in memory, he had peed himself. He just kept looking down.

"Well, you had better enjoy it because you're not getting a change for a while. In fact, you boys are going to have a fun night sleeping over here tonight and entertaining the hell out of me," Jordan said and then yawned for some reason.

Chris then saw something very peculiar. Alex grinned slightly but quickly picked up his pacifier and put it back in his mouth. It was obvious though that he was trying to cover something up.

Although Chris expected a night full of embarrassment, not much really happened as the night went on. Jordan had began to get really weary and was way too lethargic to do much. Before long, his friends had gotten bored and had to leave and Jordan had fallen asleep on the couch. Steve, Chris and Alex were the only ones left there and awake.

"Well, we better help my brother get to bed," Steve suggested.

Steve needed Alex's help getting Jorddan up off the couch. They carried him into his bedroom and laid him down on the bed.

"I don't think I've ever seen him sleep so soundly," Steve said with a smile.

"I agree," Alex responded. "You might say he is sleeping like a baby."

"Well, I guess if he's sleeping like a baby, he should look more the part, shouldn't he?" Steve smiled. "Strip my brother down, Chris."

Completely unsure what was going on, Chris did exactly what Steve told him to do. He took off Jordan's shirt, at first worried that his former friend would wake up. When he didn't, he realized that Steve and Alex must have done something in order to make Jordan fall asleep. He then undid Jordan's belt and pulled down his shorts. Chris felt his dick jump when he saw that Jordan was wearing the yellow mesh jock that Chris loved. He then slowly pulled the jock down and got to see the beautiful cock that had gotten him into this mess to begin with.

Steve looked Chris. "So what kind of diaper do you think my brother would look best in?"

To be continued.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Any comments or questions, feel free to email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 24

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