High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Sep 4, 2023


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

High School Mistake: Chapter Twenty-Two

It was humiliating. Humiliating and somewhat confusing. After being stripped by five other boys, he was put into the bathtub to be washed. One of the boys handed him a rubber duckie to play with. At first, he swatted it away, determined not to degrade himself by playing with such a thing. But he was reminded of his place. He was reminded of the consequences that he would have to face if he did not comply with his orders and he knew that was worse than being treated like a baby. He grabbed the rubber duckie and, his body completely flushed with embarrassment, he began playing with it in the tub.

"Make it quack," one of his tormentors ordered.

With humiliation, he did. The boys all laughed at him as his body remained deep red. His cock, obviously not enjoying the humiliation itself, had shrunk smaller than he had ever seen it before.

"Look at his tiny little dick," one of the other guys laughed, pointing at the shriveled up thing.

"Tiny but way too hairy," said one of them. "Little boys aren't supposed to have any hair down there."

The main boy walked over to the sink and grabbed a few things. When he walked back to the tub, the boy in the tub saw what was about to happen. His tormentor had a pair of clippers, several razors and a bottleof shaving gel in his hands. The boy set all of the items down on the side of the bathtub.

"Please don't shave my pubes," the boy in the tub pleaded. "That's going too far! Please, guys!" He felt a couple tears falling down his cheek.

The boy that had brought the items over to the bathtub grinned wickedly. "Going too far? Shaving your pubes is going too far? Shaving your pubes is hardly as far as we're going to go. This is just the beginning. After everything you've done, this is the least of what is going to happen to you. You're going to pay for every single thing you subjected me to."

The boy took the bottle of shaving gel and held it above the boy in the tub. In a last ditch effort to fight the impending shave, the boy in the tub put his hands over his crotch.

"Please, no," he begged again. His dick was still so shriveled and shrunken that his hands covered it with absolutely no problem.

"Move the hands...now!" the tormentor enunciated each word carefully and forcefully. The look in his eyes was unmistakable. He was not playing around. Slowly, the boy in the tub moved his hands away, exposing his flacid dick to the five boys again.

The water in the tub was not deep enough for his dick to be submerged, the boy had to splash some water over his crotch. The clippers were wet clippers, so there was no danger of being shocked. Grinning, the boy clicked the button on and the clippers started humming. Slowly, he began cutting the blonde bush of hair. The boy in the tub watched in complete dismay as his bush was clipped down to almost nothing. The hair fell off into the bathtub and it didn't take long for his pubes to be gone.

Despite how much the boy in the tub was absolutely hating what was happening to him, he suddenly noticed that his dick was beginning to lengthen out again. At first, it just seemed like it was relaxing back to its regular flacid state, not shriveled. Pretty soon, it was hanging loose at three inches, the length it usually was when it sat in his underwear.

"You're not minding this as much anymore, are you?" the main tormentor asked.

The boy in the tub blushed again. However, he was not nearly as embarrassed as he was when he realized that his cock was not simply relaxing. It was growing. And all five boys in the room noticed it and began laughing.

"I knew he'd start loving it!" one of the boys exclaimed.

"Stand back and lets watch him get hard," another suggested. The boy with the clippers complied.

The boy in the tub was mortifed and he hoped that his fear would cause his dick to stop growing. It seemed to have the opposite effect though.He stared down, unable to take his eyes away from his hardened dick, almost as if he was hypnotized. Not only that, he was aware that the eyes of every single person in the room were simply focused on him lying nearly hairless in the bathtub and slowly getting a boner. He had never had so many people paying attention to his dick. Slowly, it began to expand, first growing in length a couple of inches. It was lying to the side, but the expansion caused the cock to try and stand up. It wasn't firm enough to, however, and simply flopped down between his legs. As it grew over five inches, it started getting fatter and harder. Each moment of growth seemed to last for minutes. The firmer the hard on got, the boy in the tub noticed that it started bouncing in sync to his heart beat. When it got up to about seven inches, it was done growing longer but not fatter. Expanding suddenly outward with a huge throb, the newly clipped cock finally reached full hardness. Right after it did, it made one final stretch, lifted itself suddenly and slapped up against his abs.

"That's a big boner you got there," the boy with the clippers said with a smile.

"Um, yeah," the boy in the tub mumbled, not knowing how to react. He had never felt naked.

"Play with it," he was ordered.

"What? I can't do that!"

"I think I already told you that you're going to pay for everything you've done and playing with yourself is not the worst thing that you're going to do. Now play with yourself."

The boy in the tub couldn't imagine a worse humiliation and figured that whatever his tormenter thought was worse than this was not something he wanted to think about. Sucking it up, he slowly reached down and grabbed is steely hard cock in front of the five high school boys. His dick felt rough, due to the unshaven but clipped pubes that he had. Not only was it as solid as steel, but it was getting a bit slimey from precum that he didn't even notice was leaking out. He began playing around with the shaft, flopping it back and forth and sighing. He then, slowly felt himself getting very turned on despite the humiliation and began stroking his hard on up and down. He quickly found his rhythm and began jerking off, twisting his hand up and down around his cock. After a while, he noticed that he was flexing his butt cheeks with each downward stroke. He completely forgot about his audience as he began moaning very softly.

"Having fun, fag?" the main tormentor asked with an enormous grin on his face.

The boy in the tub stopped stroking and his face fell. "Um," he stammered, feeling ashamed at perforing the private act so passionately in front of a bunch of high school students.

"Move your hands," the boy ordered and the boy in the tub obeyed. Even though he wasn't touching himself anymore, his dick stood straight up in the air. It was slowly bobbing back and forth on it's own.

Then, holding the bottle of gel about a foot and a half over the boy's crotch, the other boy smiled wickedly into his eyes. He then pressed the button and the gel came streaming out of the can, falling down the foot and a half of length and then slowly piling up and covering the boys crotch. When he was done, he put the bottle to the side and then reached over and grabbed the dick himself. The boy in the tub groaned.

Chuckling, his tormentor asked, "You like that huh? You like me touching your dick, you fag?"

"Um, well," the boy in the tub stammered.

"Shut up," the tormentor ordered. He worked the gel into both the tub boy's cock and balls. Once the entire thing was covered, he grabbed the first of the razors that he had sat on the tub. He then took it and got to work shaving the balls first. Although the water was not filling the tub, it was definitely pretty hot and therefore his scrotum was still hanging very loosely. The boy pulled it taught and although he was doing his best to humiliate the boy in the tub, he didn't try to hurt him. Carefully, he shaved the entire bag until there was not a bit of stubble left.

The boy in the tub wasn't too put off by having his balls shaved, he had considered doing it before. But he was definitely not looking forward to having his cock shaved. Still, when the other boy grabbed a new razor, got it wet and the blade came towards his cock, he felt his heart flutter a little. The boy was approaching him very slowly and the tub boy felt his dick throb and when it did, a huge glob of precum oozed out of his cockhead, and was followed by a second one.

All five boys broke out in complete hysterics at what they had just seen. the boy in the tub wished he had more water that he could sink himself down into. Every time he was humiliated as much as he thought was possible, the other boys showed him that it could always be a lot worse.

After the boys had all calmed down, the main tormentor resumed his shaving. He first slowly pryed the stubble off the pubic area above the bobbing shaft. Once that was clear, he slowly took his hand and closed it around the slippery shaft. The boy in the tub groaned and his eyes basically rolled back into his head.

"Horny fag," one of the boys laughed.

"Guys, this thing is throbbing like a piston," the boy holding the shaft said with a laugh. "You have to feel it."

The boy in the tub was horrified that all five boys decided to do just that. They all five got around the tub. One by one each boy first slowly grabbed, gave the throbbing cock one squeeze and then let go of it. When the main tormentor grabbed it again, he noticed that the boy's balls were pulling up against his dick.

"Oh you're not just liking us touching it, you're loving it!" He laughed. "I bet your in hair trigger mode and about to cum, aren't you?" He gave the throbbing rod another squeeze. The intensity of the squeeze nearly sent the boy into convulsions. He was able to control himself though. He definitely did not want to cum in front of all of these assholes. "You better not shoot it fag. If you do, I'm going to broadcast this entire thing to the entire school on the internet."

The shaving process was pure and utter torment. Very slowly the boy ran the three bladed razor up against the skin of the hard and ready to erupt cock. Each swatch nearly sent him over the edge. The boy in the tub struggled as hard as he could to not cum each time. As the blades slid against his skin, he would curl his toes up, clench his buttocks, scrunch his face and squirm in order to keep from spraying his cum all over the boy shaving him. He wasn't sure how, but he luckily made it through the entire process without losing his semen.

After the shaving was done, the boy who had shaved him began to clean the tub boy off. He washed off all of the shaving cream and the stubble and the copious amounts of precum that he had squirted out while being humiliated and shamed.

He was taken, naked, out of the bathtub by his classmate. His body was completely devoid of hair, apart from the hair on his head. His dick was not only hard but stilll in hair trigger mode. The hard seven inch shaft bobbed back and forth as the boy was pulled out of the tub.

"Damn, that thing looks like it is going to explode!" one of the high school boys exclaimed. He then reached out, grabbed the head of the cock and pulled it down. when he released it, it slapped back up against his abs and splattered some precum around.

"Come on, let's get on with it," the main boy said. The five boys, with the naked boy in between them, made their way out of the bathroom. The shaved boy remained hard the entire time. His dick slapped up against his abs with every step. It was oozing so much precum that a string of precum not only connected the head of his dick to his navel, but the juice was also dripping all the way down to the floor. Despite the extreme humiliation the boy was going through, it was obviously keeping him very worked up.

The naked boy didn't know what was going to happen until he was led in his tormentor's bedroom. Upon entering the room, he looked over at the queen sized bed on the far end of the room. On it, the was a changing pad and on the changing pad were an open diaper and a bottle of baby powder.

Despite his earlier obedience, the boy was not expecting this. He began to struggle and tried to pull away from the boy who was holding his hand.

"No, please!" he begged, fear in his eyes. "I'm not a baby! Please, don't put a diaper on me! Please, I'm sorry for everything I did! Don't put me in a diaper! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

The main tormentor slapped the naked boy on the ass. "You know what the consequences are, you little fag," he warned.

Tears began streaming down his face. "Please," he begged ineffectively and uselessly. "Don't diaper me!"

"Get on the bed and get on the diaper," the main tormentor ordered.

The boy knew he had no choice. With his dick bobbing back and forth, he got up on the bed and he lay down on the diaper. The main tormentor came over and helped him lie down in the right way.

"Lift your legs up," he was ordered and he obeyed. His dick was p With his ass exposed, the boy put baby powder on both his butt and on the diaper. His dick was pointed directly at his face. When he was about to lower his legs, he got a slap on his butt. "Keep your legs up!" He complied.

The main tormentor grabbed his hard shaft. He held it so it was still pointed straight at the boy's mouth and began slowing stroking it. He had to keep the movement minimal until he was ready to have it shoot since the boy was still right on the edge.

"Open your mouth," he ordered.

Shamed, the boy just went ahead and did what he was told to. He was way too horny to protest at that point anyway.

It took only a few strokes and all of the pressure from the shaving and humiliation finally caused him to cum. He shot right into his mouth and right then, the boy tormenting him took his hand off of the shaven cock. The boy on the bed has his orgasm ruined, but he still fired 4 more shots right into his mouth.

"Swallow!" one of the other boy yelled. The boy on the bed closed his mouth and swallowed his mouth full of cum.

"Legs down," the main tormentor ordered.

The boy on the bed, knowing what was coming, lowered his butt and legs. He turned his head to the side.

"Watch while I diaper you."

Looking down, the boy on the bed watched as his tormentor pulled the front of the diaper up. Once it was up, he pulled it as tight onto the boy as he could. Once it was tightened, he undid the tapes and he taped the diaper as tightly as he could onto the boy. The front of the diaper was printed with teddy bears and the boy on the bed began to feel tears of complete and utter humiliation.

"So, how does it feel to pay for what you've done?" the tormenting boy asked cruelly. "How does it feel to be diapered like a baby."

Lying on the bed in just a diaper, his blonde hair in his eyes and a few tears streaming down his cum covered face, Alex said, "It feels good, sir."

To be continued.

Note: Very sorry for the amount of time it took to write this, but I hope that the time spent has resulted in a better product. Now that I know how I want the story to continue, I hope it will be updated more quickly.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com. Thanks for all of the emails I have gotten. I appreciate your support.

Next: Chapter 23

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