High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on May 12, 2023


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

High School Mistake: Chapter Twenty-One

Chris' face was dark red as he made his way into his gym class. Although he had just had a wonderful experience that ended with one of the best orgasms of his life, that wasn't enough to offset the things that made him uncomfortable.

The boys in the class were shooting basketball. The coach had already split the boys off into shirts and skins. Chris always enjoyed that because one of the things that would get him the horniest was a hot guy running around with no shirt on. He had several times really enjoyed watching Jordan doing this before the ordeal began.

Immediately after the kiss, Chris wanted to change his diaper. Alex broke away and looked deeply into Chris' eyes. Chris wanted to keep from breaking their meeted glance, but he was already going to get chewed out by the coach for being late. The longer he waited to get himself changed into a clean diaper and up to the gym was only going to make it worse.

"I have...I have to change," Chris muttered, realizing that his mouth was completely dry. He licked his lips and then moved towards his locker.

"Don't," Alex said.

Chris paused at Alex's word. It wasn't the same sort of demand he had been receiving from Jordan in the previous weeks. It wasn't, in fact, a demand at all. Alex was making a request.

Upon seeing the confusion on Chris's face, Alex explained himself. "I don't want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable. I only did all of this because I knew you liked it." He glanced down at Chris's bulge. It was still hard and expanding the plastic lined container of his dick. "But it will give me a raging hard on if you spend the entire gym glass in that soaked diaper." Alex grinned.

Whether it was because he was so used to following orders or that he wanted to make this nice guy happy, Chris wasted no time in agreeing to Alex's request.

"Well, get dressed and get your diapered ass up there," Alex instructed.

With his gym shorts covering his diaper, Chris was more aware than ever of how visible the diaper had to be. Alex had made sure that when Chris finally went pee, that it was going to be enough to completely saturate the material. The size of the diaper must have expanded twofold.

One of Jordan's pals say Chris walk into the gym. He glanced down at Chris's gym shorts and smirked.

The coach saw Chris and did not smirk. "Get your ass over here, Chris," he ordered. The man hated tardines more than anything else.

Chris made he was over to the coach. As he walked, he felt even more exposed. Each step made the diaper jiggle. He not only felt the jiggle, but the dampness of the diaper made him feel the plastic against his legs more when he walked. The wet crotch was molding against his dick, which was still hard despite cumming not much earlier. The crinkling noise was now more of a shuffling crinkle and he was completely positive everyone here it.

"What's going on, Chris?" the coach asked. He wasn't a mean guy, but he was definitely intimidating.

"I, uh, I'm sorry, coach," chris answered. "I had some... stomach issues and it kept me from getting up here in time."

The coach simply looked at Chris for a few moments before brushing off his previous annoyance. "Take your damn shirt off and join that team over there. You're obviously a skin."

It took every bit of free will that Chris had not to roll his eyes in annoyance. He took his shirt off and threw it to the side.

Playing skins in a diaper was something that added more stress onto Chris. In addition to paying attention to what was going on in the game, Chris has to keep monitoring his waistband to verify that his diaper was not showing. All of the boys in the class knew that he wore one, but that was not the same as it being seen by everyone while he was playing.

After his first basket, one of the boys on the other team walked up to Chris and patted him on the butt. Rather than pull his hand away immediatley, he gave a bit of a squeeze. Chris had peed so badly that even the rear of the diaper was quite full.

The butt patting didn't stop right after that first basket though. After every basket, whether or not Chris was the one who scored it, someone on one of the teams would pat and squeeze his ass. After several of these Chris finally noticed his diaper peaking out over his belt line. He moved to tuck it back in, but once of his team mates blocked his attempt.

"Don't do it," he whispered in Chris's ear.

Not knowing if it would have any chance of getting back to Jordan, Chris knew he had to obey.

About ten minutes before the class was over, the coach excused himself as usual and went down to his office in the locker room. Chris's heart began to beat like a piston in his chest. With the only real authority figure gone, and in being in a class full of boys who not only knew he was in a diaper, but liked to torment him because of it, Chris was upset wondering what might happen.

Chris's fears began to ease up when he made a couple baskets and no one tried to do anything. His diaper was showing over his waistband more and more, but without the coach there to notice it, he wasn't very concerned.

As the class was getting into its closing minutes, one of the other boys sent the ball over to Chris. Even with a wet diaper, he was one of the better basketball players in the whole class. The skin team wanted to win. Dribbling, Chris made a sprint towards the basket and jumped up to make a lay up. As he was in the air, he felt someone behind him grab onto his shorts. When his body went up and his feet were off the floor, his shorts went down. It wasnt just down to his ankles, either, it was down to the floor and completely off him.

Even though he had just been pantzed, Chris was able to make the basket. His pride was short lived though, as he landed on his feet. He was standing before 30 students in a block printed diaper that was so soaked that it had expanded beyond its bordered. The front was molded around his cock, which had softened up while he was playing.

Right when he thought the humiliation couldn't get any worse, Chris felt hsi dick begin to regain its hardness. Everyone in the room was able to watch as his dick grew in his diaper, pressing hard on the packed crotch.

"Hey, give me my shorts back man," Chris pleaded. He stupidly moved his hands to cover his diaper.

"Nah," the boy with his shorts replied. "We got five minutes of class left. We want you to play in just your diaper."

Shocked, Chris absolutely refused. "I can't do that, man. Just give me my shorts back. What if the coach comes back?" It was a hollow threat, though. The coach never came back after he left for the locker room.

"Think fast," one of the other students called out. He threw the ball directly at Chris. Chris had to move his hands away from his yellowed diaper in order to keep the ball from htting him.

"Now do another lay up," one of the other students demanded. The boys from the other teams in the gym stopped playing and came over to look at Chris.

"I can't," Chris continued to protest. "Come on guys, this isn't funny. I'm practically naked here."

"If you don't hurry up and make your basket, you're going to be naked," the boy responded. "Your choice. Play the rest of the game in your diaper only or play naked. Since your rod seems to be brick hard, I bet it would be fun to see it flopping around while you play." He paused and walked up to Chris. He flicked Chris's bulge with his fingers a few times. "I bet you're precumming like crazy here. Maybe I want to see this hard cock flapping against your stomach while you run, sending precum splattering off your abs." He grinned. "And if you don't make a layup right now, we're going to be seeing that."

He was shit out of luck and everyone knew it. With a grimace and a sigh, Chris started dribbling the basketball, wearing just his diaper. None of the other boys tried to seriously keep him from making his basket. He was aware of how silly he must have looked while he was doing it. That was the way the rest of the class went though. Regardless of who had the ball on either team, Chris would have the ball passed over to him. He was the center of attention and there was nothing he could do about it but be humiliated.

The last five minutes of class seemed to go one forever. When the bell sounded, though, a wave of relief flowed through his body.

"Can I have my shorts back now?" Chris pleaded. He just wanted the misery to end.

"Nah," the boy holding his shorts replied. "You can come down to the locker room and change there."

"Why are you guys doing this to me?" Chris whined. He felt so exposed standing there. At least when he was playing basketball, the staring was not as focused. He moved his hands over his diaper in a very weak and pathetic attempt at covering himself.

The boys ignored his question. One of the guys on the skin team came up behind Chris and slapped his wet diapered ass. "Get moving."

Chris walked down to the locker room with all of the other boys. He wished that the constant exposure would have made him feel less exposed, but it never did. As he walked down the stairs, surrounded by dozens of sweaty teenage boys in their gym clothes and he in his diaper, Chris only felt two things. He felt embarrasement and apprehension. The coach was the one person in the gym class that had not been aware of his diapering and Chris kept expecting to see him at every turn. If he caught Chris not only in diapers, but in a diaper that was as full and yellow as the one he currently had on, it wouldn't be long before that information was passed along to his parents and that was what Chris had wanted to avoid the most

Chris's luck changed when he got down to the locker room. Not only was the coach no where to be seen, but no students from any other classes had made it into the locker room yet. Once the class was all down the stairs, they pretty much lost interest in the spectacle that was Chris. The boy holding his gym clothes threw them onto the bench by his locker and walked off.

After quickly dressing, Chris made his way out of gym class. The rest of his school day went by without much incident. Other than the normal teasing that he got from the kids who knew about his status and the wry looks from the girls who had heard about his diapers from the boys in his class, no one paid attention to him. when the final bell rang, the anxiety that Chris had been riddled with the whole day had finally been worn off.

He didn't have any orders from Jordan as to what to do after school had left out, so Chris decided that he just wantedd to go home and relax. He put his ear buds in and was listening to music on his iPod when he felt someone pat him on his butt.

Startled, Chris turned and saw Alex standing behind him. He calmed down because he honestly believed that the guy really meant him no harm.

"Didn't mean to freak you out," Alex said with a smile. He gave Chris the twice over.

"It's no problem," Chris assured him. "I was just listening to music and didn't hear you come up."

Alex started walking along beside Chris and they matched each other's pace.

"So you have any humiliating orders from Jordan to carry out?" Alex asked.

Chris shook his head. "No, I'll have to contact him later tonight though," he replied. "He'll have something for me for tomorrow, you can bet your ass on that."

Alex grinned. "I'd rather be betting your ass on it," he said slyly and then gave Chris a much friendlier pat on the ass. After a brief pause, Alex cautiously added, "So are your parents or anyone home at the moment?"

"No, they both work in the city," Chris replied. "They won't be home for a couple hours." He paused and eyed Alex with suspicion. "Why?"

With a very non chalant shrug, Alex said, "Oh no reason, I just thought maybe we could hang out for a while. Talk a bit, doesn't have to be about diapers."

Chris felt a little flutter in his heart. He realized that he definitely wanted Alex to come over. The boy was so opposite of what Chris had usually been attracted to. Jordan was Chris's obsession for so many years and he was a prototypical jock. Alex looked like a mid 1990s grunge rocker. However, Chris realized that if he hadn't been so hung up on jocks and if he had been trying to check out Alex's dick rather than Jordan's, the entire mess could have been avoided.

"Sure," Chris responded after a pause. "I'd love to hang out for a while.

When they arrived at Chris's house, the two boys immediately went into his bedroom. Alex sat down on Chris's bed as Chris went over to his dresser. He opened up the dresser and took out a fresh diaper. He picked the ones with the teddy bear prints on them.

"I'm going to have to take a shower and get a clean diaper on," Chris told Alex. He paused and looked at the sexy guy on his bed. Alex had laid down on the bed, resting his body on his left elbow, his left hand holding his head up. His long, dirty blonde bangs fell into his eyes and he slowly brushed them away with his hands. "I've had this wet one on for way too long and I have to smell back by this point."

For a few moments, Alex just looked at Chris without responding. He was obviously checking chris out, which although chris liked, he also found extremely confusing. Although his interaction with Alex earlier in the day was a lot more pleasant than anything he had gone through with Jordan, it was still sort of forced upon him and Chris had been sure that Alex was just playing games. That was until they were in his room.

"A shower sounds like a good idea," Alex smiled. "I could probably use one myself. You wouldn't mind if I had one, would you?"

Chris shook his head. "Not at all," he responded. "You want to go before or after me?"

Alex laughed. He got up from the bed and walked over to Chris. He put his hands on Chris's shoulders, rubbing them deeply. "You're so cute when you don't understand what's going on," he whispered. Then, to Chris's total surprise, Alex pulled him in really close, pressed their lips together and began kissing chris.

The tenderness was what had caught Chris off gaurd. Even his experiences with Steve weren't tender or compassionate in any way. It was all just full on sex and humiliation. He was shocked simply because Alex interacting with him in a soft and loving way that no one had done up to that point.

Quickly getting over his surprise, Chris finally let Alex's tongue part his lips and the two teenage boys began kissing each other deeply. After a short time, Alex grabbed at Chris's t-shirt and pulled it off of him. Chris reciprocated and soon both boys were shirtless. Alex then broke his kiss off and began nibbling on Chris's chin, moving his way down to his neck. Chris's head lolled backward as Alex moved his way down and began lightly biting on Chris's nipple.

"God, that's nice," Chris moaned and he moved his hands onto Alex's shoulders. ALex broke off of the nipple and began nibbling his way down Chris's whispy treasure trail until he eventually made his way down to the waistband of his jeans. Then, after a small chuckle, Alex undid the button of the jeans with his teeth. He then bit the lock on the zipper and pulled it down. Breaking his grip with his mouth, Alex slowly moved back up to a standing position. As he did, Chris's pants fell to the ground, leaving him standing there in nothing but his yellowed diaper.

When Alex was upright again, the boys began kissing. Chris then tried to replicate Alex's actions. He first peeled the open flannel shirt off of Alex before pulling his t-shirt off over his head. Alex was very lean, his physique was what one might refer to as being ripped. He had only a slight amount of hair on his chest, mostly around his nipples but also some in between. Unlike Chris's whispier hair, ALex had a very pronounced treasure trail that led right into his jeans.

After admiring the other boy's sexy build, Chris began to make his way down to Alex's jeans. He repeated most of Alex's actions, but when he made it the hair on Alex's flat belly, he lightly bit and pulled on the hair before making his way further down. Chris had a bit more trouble trying to get Alex's jeans open with his mouth and Alex chuckled a bit.

"You can use your hands, silly," he whispered. Chris looked up into Alex's eyes and was surprised by what he saw there. There was a warm sort of feeling reflected there and it sent Chris's heart a flutter again.

Chris gave up and used his hands to undo Alex's buttons. Alex was wearing a pair of button fly jeans, so Chris had about five buttons to undo. When he had unfastened the first two, he saw his glimpse of Alex's underwear. He had on a pair of white Good Men Wear briefs. Chris undid all of the buttons and rather than let Alex's jeans fall to the floor, he pulled them down. Alex stepped out of them and he pulled Chris back to his feet, embraced him and began kissing again.

Alex's hands were moving down chris's back. They eventually reached the top of Chris's diaper and the boy felt himself jerk somewhat in surprise. He was still very self conscious about the diaper. Alex didn't seem to care though. He took his right hand and ripped the right tapes off, causing the diaper to fall slightly open. As Chris sighed in pleasure, Alex repeated this with his left hand and the yellowed diaper finally fell off of Chris's body and onto the floor. Chris kicked it away from them.

As they continued kissing, Chris began getting lost in the passion. He was feeling every inch of Alex's chest and stomach and back, his hands constantly moving. They eventually found their way down to the waistband of Alex's underwear. Chris worked his thumbs under the elastic and pulled the elastic slightly away from Alex's body before letting it snap back against his waist. That caused Alex to chuckle.

Between kisses, Alex said, "You're getting a little playful,"

Chris didn't respond. He kissed Alex a few more times, and then lowered himself down to his knees. Alex's white spandex briefs were slightly moist where the outline of his dick's head was. Chris looked up from his kneeling position with a wry grin on his face. He saw Alex actually blush when the teenage boy saw the wet spot that was Chris's focus was on.

Turning his attention back to the briefs, Chris leaned forward and licked the spot that was damp from Alex's precum. He then pushed Alex back onto his bed and spread his legs. Resting himself between Alex's legs, Chris pulled the waistband of the spandex underwear forward. Peeking inside, Chris saw Alex's dick, hard as steel and copiously leaking precum. It was straining and reaching forward, trying to force Chris to pay attention to it. Chris, however, deliberately ignored it. Instead, he kept licking and nibbling through the underwear.

"Oh, Chris, that's so fucking awesome," Alex moaned. He was squirming and it was obvious how badly his dick wanted the attention, but he didn't ask for it at all. He must have been enjoying the tease.

Finally, after a few minutes, Chris couldn't hold off any longer. He had been wanted Alex's cock and the teasing was difficult for him as well as it must have been for Alex. Grabbing the waistband between his teeth, Chris pulled Alex's underwear down. First, the briefs cleared his dick before the waistband began sliding its way down Alex's hips and thighs. Once he had the briefs around Alex's ankles, the boy kicked them off.

Once both boys were naked, Chris immediately made a move for Alex's cock but was blocked. Alex grabbed Chris, pulled him on top of him so their lips and noses were touching. After nibbling on Chris's lip, Alex whispered, "Let's get into the shower first."

Chris got up and then pulled Alex to his feet. They began kissing and feeling each other as they made their way into the bathroom. Chris started the shower.

"Make the water really hot," Alex whispered as he continnued kissing Chris.

Once the boys got into the shower, they completely soaped each other up. After a time that neither of them realized how long it was, Chris finally dropped to his knees in front of Alex. After nibbling a bit on Alex's inner thigh, he made his way to Alex's balls, licked the base of his shaft and then teased Alex's cockhead until the long haired blonde boy started moaning in desperation. when he finally decided that Alex had been tortured enough, he finally took the head of his dick into his mouth. Chris then sucked, nibbled and licked every inch of Alex's dick and balls over and over. He was not sure how long he had been doing it, but by the time Alex began moaning like he was about to cum, the water in the shower was no longer hot.

"Oh, Chris, I'm really close!" Alex said in desperation. His hands were resting on Chris's shoulders. He kept wanting to move the hands onto Chriss head, but resisted. "Maybe I should make you cum first..."

Chris didn't give Alex any time to finish his sentence. He had been craving Alex's cum since they started making out in his room. He tightened his hand on Alex's dick and began pumping the 7 inch shaft in and out of his mouth. He listened as he heard Alex's breath get heavier and faster until he knew he was about to get what he was after.

"Oh chris, I'm going to cum... Chris....Chris..." Alex's words got lost in his heavy breathing as he started to cum into Chris's mouth. The first shot hit Chris in the back of the throat and he quickly swallowed it before the next one repeated this. After a few more shots, the last one landed clearly on his tongue and he got a good taste of Alex's cum, which was sweet and tasted much better than Jordan's ever had.

Once they were done, Alex pulled Chris up to his feet. Getting out of the shower, the boys dried each other off. Once they were dry, Alex pulled Chris back into his room, pushed him down on the bed and proceeded to give him an amazing blowjob. Alex swallowed every drop of Chris's cum and after they were both spent, Chris rested his head on Alex's shoulder as they lay together in the dark.

It was then that Alex said something that Chris had never expected to hear.

"So, lets talk about how we're going to get Jordan in diapers."

Note: As usual, thank you to all the readers who are patient enough to put up with me as I make these intermittent updates. I hope you enjoyed the story. As always, you can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 22

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