High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jan 10, 2015


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

High School Mistake: Chapter Twenty

Chris's memory of the previous night should have simply have been a completely humiliating event and nothing else. But like all of the trials that Jordan had put him through, it was more than just degrading. The true degradation, in fact, didn't really comes from the events themselves. The most humiliating, most degrading and ultimately most dehumanizing thing about his experiences was what they did to him; the way they made him feel. Remembering sucking Jordan off in front of his friends after Jordan had fucked his mouth with his fingers made Chris's dick straighten up in his diaper. No matter how much he wanted to simply hate what was going on, it just made him unbelievably horny.

As he continued to daydream about the previous night, his cock was completely rigid. Wearing diapers had given him quite a bulge when he was soft, and it made his crotch look completely obscene when he wasn't. His dick was hanging to the side, and it didn't straighten itself up when it began getting stiff. As it grew, it had a difficult time filling out and got bent uncomfortably.

Chris knew his boner had little chance of going away. After shifting his eyes to both the left and right, he decided that no one was watching him. He slowly lowered his hand and tried to move his cock into a more comfortable position. He nudged the rock solid lump, but it took several adjustments for it to finally find a nook in which it could expand a bit more. When it had the extra room, the shaft throbbed with the now unrestricted flow of blood and he was as hard as he could be. He may have left his hand on the bulge a lot longer than he should have done in class, but he was too horny to even care about it.

"Besides," Chris thought to himself, "Its not like every fucking boy in this school hasn't had their hand on their crotches at some point during class."

Once Chris's boner was set right, he was able to continue remembered what had happened to him the night before. He had finished cleaning off Jordan's spent dick, licking the copious amounts of cum that he had not been able to catch when Jordan shot it in his mouth. Once he took his mouth away from Jordan's cock, he held it in his mouth for just a minute to savor the taste.

"Don't swallow my cum yet," Jordan had ordered. He had his regular, twisted grin on his face as he looked down on his best friend turned slave. There was more abuse to come.

Chris had already swallowed the majority of the cum, but he had slobbered quite a bit of it out onto Jordan's hard cock. Cleaning Jordan's dick had replenished the load of cum in his mouth. So, there was more than enough for him to hold in his mouth as ordered.

"Open up and show the guys how low you've sunk," Jordan ordered. His cock was still hard and didn't seem like it was going to deflate any time soon. He however did pull his underwear up for the most part. The crotch of his underwear, however, only covered his balls and the base of his shaft. The dick pointed up and to the left of Jordan's navel, at least four and a half inches sticking out above the underwear.

Although he had just had the big dick in his mouth twice, Chris didn't respond immediately to the order because he was looking at Jordan's hard on. His mouth would have been watering in continued to desire if it hadn't already been filled with cum.

"Show everyone my cum," Jordan ordered, slight impatience creeping into his voice.

Realizing that he was risking some sort of punisment, Chris brought himself out of his desire and obeyed his former best friend. He opened up his mouth and leaned his head forward at an angle that prevented the cum from spilling out while making it easy for each one of the friends to see what had been deposted.

All four of Jordan's buddies took a look in Chris's mouth. For the most part, they laughed at him, although one of the boys had commented on how disgusting the whole thing was. Still, Chris did as he was told and held the cum in his mouth so all of them could see it. After the boys had lost interest in poking fun at Chris, he looked over at Jordan and awaited further instruction.

"Close your mouth but don't swallow yet," Jordan had ordered.

Chris closed his mouth. He felt the cum deposit, which had been sitting on his tongue, begin to fill out the rest of his mouth.

"Swish it around like it's mouthwash," Jordan ordered with a sneer. This order got three of the four boys to start laughing their asses off. The fourth just continued to watch, with not much emotion on his face.

Being that the cum was of a much thicker consistency than mouthwash, swishing it was a very odd if not unpleasant task. Jordan's load flowed over Chris's tongue several times before Jordan ordered him again.

"Gargle it," Jordan ordered.

With only a slight pause, Chris obeyed. He tilted his head back and slightly and gargled the cum.

"That slut is nasty!" one of Jordan's friends said as they laughed at Chris's predicament.

Once Jordan was satisfied, he allowed Chris to close his mouth and ordered him to swallow the cum. Chris obeyed, enjoying the feeling as the cum slid down his throat.

The rest of the night before Jordan went to bed was much easier. Jordan had offered Chris's services to everyone else in the room, but none of the boys accepted. They hadn't really expected a show of a fag on his knees blowing Jordan when they came over to play video games. None of them felt like they were quite ready to have another guy sucking them off. Chris simply remained on the floor in his diaper and his t-shirt for the rest of the evening. Once the sexual performance was over, the boys even allowed Chris to play video games with them and the night was somewhat pleasant.

A student named Alex who sat across the classroom from Chris brought him out of his memory. Alex had shot him a look. When he got Chris's attention, Chris saw Alex's eyes motion down to Chris's crotch. Chris didn't have to look down, he knew Alex was teasing him about the bulge. But at least he knew that Alex's teasing was friendly, completely unlike what Chris had experienced with Jordan.

Chris had never knew Alex before the previous night although they were in a few of the same classes. He was apparently one of JOrdan's friends, but not one that had ever been over at Jordan's house whenever Chris had been over there. It was odd considering how close Chris and Jordan had been before Chris made the error that had dramatically changed his life.

Alex was an extremely good looking guy, but not really the kind that Chris had ever thought he would like. He seemed like he was caught in the grunge scene from the 1990's. He looked a lot like Chris would have expected a very young Kurt Cobain to have looked. Alex had slightly long, very dirty blonde hair. He was very thin, but not anorexically so. He generally worse a t-shirt with an unbuttoned flannel shirt over it and a grungy pair of blue jeans. Unlike Kurt Cobain, though, Alex truly seemed to be happy the majority of the time. He smiled a lot and Chris liked that.

After looking down at his own bulge for an instant, Chris looked back and met Alex's eyes again. A lock of Alex's hair was hanging down over his left eye. When their eyes met again, a smile began to form on Alex's lips. It was the cutest thing that Chris had ever seen, and it thrust him back into the memory of the previous night.

The strangest thing about the night with Jordan's friends had nothing to do with the perverted tasks that his former best friend had put him up to. That was pretty much par for the course and Chris was used to it. Having a dick in his mouth and swallowing cum had become pretty much second nature. What had really confused Chris was the complete absence of Steve. Although Jordan had not included his brother in on all of his and Chris's sexual adventures, Steve had become a fairly regular part of the deal. Chris had gotten used to Steve's body and Steve's cum almost as much as he was used to Jordan's. But Steve had been gone for the last few sessions and humiliations. Part of Chris was happy that Jordan was not tormenting his brother, but it was easier for him to go through the torture when he had someone with him.

When Calculus was over, Chris had to go to his psychology class. He was a little upset that this was not one of the classes that he had with Alex, since the two of them had traded looks all throughout the math class. Arriving at his assigned desk, he noticed a bottle of lemon flavored propel water sitting on his desk. At first he had assumed that it was left there by a previous student, but it was unopened and there was a small card sitting on the desk. As Chris sat down, he picked up the card and read "Drink me before the end of class."

"More of Jordan's fun," Chris thought to himself as he sat down. Lemon flavored Propel water was his absolute favorite drink.

Chris did exactly as instructed and drank the entire bottle of water before the end of the class. His current diaper was completely dry still; he hadn't had to pee since he had gotten dressed that morning. Jordan apparently wanted to make sure that Chris had a wet diaper at some point during the day.

Once psychology was over, Chris still didn't have to go pee. He went to his English class next and, to no real surprise, there was another bottle of lemon flavored Propel on his desk. Chris rolled his eyes, figuring that Jordan was likely trying to embarrass him by having him completely soak his diaper.

Chris sat down and noticed that there was another card on this bottle of water. It once again instructed him to drink the entire bottle of water before the end of class. Unlike the first card, though, this one also told Chris that he was not allowed to pee his diaper until given permission.

"Great," Chris thought. "He wants to make me dance."

Chris drank the entire bottle during class. Unlike his psychology class, he actually began to have an urge to pee in English. Rather than slowly build, though, it was a sudden urge to have to pee. He had been using diapers for such a long period of time that it was natural to just wet the diaper automatically and he wanted to. But he was more afraid of Jordan's wrath than he was of holding his bladder.

By the time he was in the locker room to change for gym class, Chris's bladder felt like it was going to shatter. He hadn't tried to resist that strong of a pee reflex in a very long time. He waited for all of the other guys to change and go up to the gymnasium before he changed. Once he had himself in his shirt and gym shorts, Chris was practically dancing to keep himself from peeing.

"How the fuck am I supposed to make it through P.E. like this?" Chris thought. He reached down and squeezed the dry material of the diaper around his crotch. "God this is fucking torture!"

After he closed his locker, Chris felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped. Turning around, he was shocked to see Alex standing behind him. Just like in the calculus class, Alex had a cute and somewhat wry smile on his face. He was dressed in his gym uniform, which was idential to Chris's. It was odd seeing someone who modeled a grunge appearance dressed like that, but Chris wasn't displeased.

"Hey," Chris said, a bit shyly. "You scared me a bit."

"Everyone's entitled to a scare every now and then," Alex responded. He leaned in a bit closer to Chris. It was odd as it was only the two of them in the locker room. "Were you scared that you were going to pee yourself if I surprised you too much?"

In spite of himself, Chris found himself blushing a little bit. He tried responding to Alex, but found himself constantly stumbling over his words. T

Alex didn't seem to mind how flummoxed Chris was. He just smiled.

"Come over here to the showers," Alex suggested. He motioned towards the open shower area. The lock of hair that he recently brushed out of his face fell down over his eye again.

"We'll be late for class-" chris started to protest, but stopped. Alex was one of Jordan's friends. If Chris did not obey him right away, it was more than likely that Jordan would hear about it and Chris would be in serious trouble. Besides, Alex may have been instructed by Jordan to do something.

While contemplating his next step, Chris realized that he hadn't even seen Jordan in the locker rooms when he was changing. Much of his humiliation had taken place in that very place, so it was completely sensible that in Jordan's absence that his buddy Alex would be the one taking over.

"Okay," Chris relented.

He was surprised when Alex reached out and grabbed his hand. Gently squeezing, Alex led the way over to the shower area, his bladder over ready to burst.

Once they were in the back of the shower area, Alex stopped. He let go of Chris's hand and then gently turned Chris around. He gently pushed Chris up against the shower wall. Facing Chris, Alex took his left hand, reached down and gently encircled Chris's hand with his. He then moved close to Chris slowly, eventually their lips only an inch or two apart.

Chris wasn't sure what to make of the situation. His heart sped up in his chest while his bladder began throbbing a little bit. He felt a bit of confusion and a small fluttering in his chest.

Alex moved closer to Chris, so that Chris could feel the warmth of Alex's breath on his face. Still holding Chris's right hand with his left, Alex moved his right hand to Chris's collar. He traced the collar of the shirt with the tips of his fingers, before slowly moving the finger tips down his chest. Once he got his hand down to Chris's waist, he began to to fumble with Chris's shirt. The moving hand then went down further to Chris's crotch but remaining outside of his gym shirts. Chris was hoping that Alex was going to do something sudden, but that didn't happen.

A smile crossed Alex's face and he began to drum his fingers on Chris's crotch. They were light drums, but Chris could feel reverberations throughout his crotch and cock. His dick, which was already hard, began to grow to its full height quickly. He was used to having "piss hard ons" lately, but this one was more intense than usual. He was aware of every molecule of his dick, which was suddenly shuddering with a need to pee and a need to be played with as well.

Alex leaned closer and the tip of his nose lightly touched Chris's. Their skin of their lips almost touched, but Alex didn't let them. He slowly moved his nose away from Chris's and the tip of his nose traced the side of Chris's cheek as he moved. He fingers continued tapping on Chris's hardened diapered crotch. Once Alex's lips had reached Chris's ears, he lightly breathed into the ear. Chris's dick trobbed.

"You have a nice bulge here, Chris," Alex whispered lightly into Chris's ear. He stopped drumming his fingers on Chris's crotch. He let his fingers find their way up to Chris's waistband. Very slowly, as he continued to breathe in Chris's ear, Alex worked his fingers under the waistband. Suddenly his fingers were between the shorts and the diaper. Alex pulled the waistband outwards. He then whispered, "You're hard as steel."

Chris's heart went into overdrive. Every breath in his ear sent shivers throughout his whole body, from the thick hard on that needed to pee badly, to his lips and to his heart.

Slowly, Alex moved his lips away from Chris's ear. He lightly brushed his lips across Chris's neck before resting his head up against Chris's chest. He looked down into the open crotch. "I bet you have to pee bad too," he heard Alex whisper.

Chris was only able to mutter a meek 'yes' as every part of his body was anticipating what Alex would do next.

"These shorts need to go," he heard Alex whisper. The cute boy still was lying his head on Chris's chest and he had to be able to hear Chris's heartbeat. His left arm had left Chris's right hand, found its way around his trunk to the small of his back. Alex was in essence holding Chris very close to him with one arm, and opening his shorts with the other.

With seemingly no effort, Alex was able to force Chris's shorts to drop around his ankles. He had been allowed to wear a non printed diaper that day so he was wearing one of the thick Abena X-Plus diapers that were unbelieavably absorbent. That particular diaper created an unseemly bulge even when Chris wasn't hard. Now, it was enormous.

Having gotten rid of the short, Alex moved his hand over to the bulge in Chris's diaper. He started drumming his fingers up against the hard a taught plastic. He clutched Chris even tighter to him, holding the shivering and turned on boy as close to him as possible.

"I bet if I do this for a while, you're going to saturate this diaper," Alex whispered. He continued tapping all of the fingers of his right hand on the diaper. "You think so?"

"Yeah," was the only thing Chris could answer with. He was breathing deep and rapidly. His pee filled bladder was still causing his dick to shake with the need to pee while Alex's touches were causing the dick to remain so hard that there was no way peeing would come easily.

"I want to see that," he heard Alex whisper against. He slowed down the drumming of his fingers, letting a second pass between each tap of each finger. "I want to make it impossible for you to hold it in anymore."

Chris shivered. He wanted to pee; he had wanted to pee for hours at that point. He knew better though. "I want to, but Jordan ordered me not to pee," he responded.

"No he didn't," Alex whispered.

"He wrote it on a card in my English class," Chris insisted. His need to pee was ever more unbearable. Not only that, the closeness of Alex coupled with the constant light attention of his fingers was causing Chris to come close to cumming also. He was scared to do either without permission because who knew what Jordan would plan for him next.

Slowly, Alex pulled his head away from Chris's chest. He traced his lips back up to the neck of Chris's shirt, in essence reversing his previous movement and returning his lips to Chris's ear. After several warm breaths in his ear, Chris heard Alex whisper, "Jordan isn't even in school today." There was a long pause before he added, "I left you those drinks."

Chris felt a jolt run through his body. It was very different than anything he had experienced so far. It wasn't really humiliating at all, but Alex's admission made him start throbbing in his diaper.

"You want to pee?" Alex whispered in his ear.

Chris nodded. He knew that nodding was not an acceptable answer in Jordan's eyes. But Alex didn't seem to mind.

"Hard to pee with a piss hard on, isn't it?" Alex whispered. The drumming of fingers on Chris's diaper sped up a little bit.

Chris nodded again. His heart was racing. He had never been as turned on as he was at the moment His insides were screaming at him to both pee and cum.

After a long pause, Alex finally whispered, "I guess I'm going to have to make you cum, huh diaper boy?"

Alex didn't give Chris time to even nod after the last question. His fingers quit drumming on the outside of Chris's diaper and found their was up to the waist of the diaper Even though the diaper was on tight, Alex was able to get the waistband to pull down. Chris's good sized boner put up a fight, remained strained in the diaper as Alex was lowering it, pulling the rock hard dick downward as well. The pressure on muscles in the base of the hard on were at their limit when finally the head of his cock worked its way out of the diaper. The hard on slapped up against Chris's navel, making a loud smacking noise and sending precum all over the place. Chris sighed.

Alex's hand quickly grabbed Chris's boner and began stroking the piss hard dick. The diaper had been so dry and Chris had been so concerned with peeing that he was unaware exactly how much his dick was leaking. It was completely slick with precum Alex's stroking hand slid up and down the glistening shaft, each pull sending reverberations throughout Chris's body. He ha never had anyone touching his cock feel as good as this one felt.

Chris felt his head lean up against the wall as Alex continued to play with his dick. He expected every moment for Alex to introduce some not yet experienced humiliation. He expected Alex to stop and make Chris suck him off. None of that happened, though. Alex just continued to play with Chris's cock, all of the focus was completely on the diaper boy.

The stroking and the urge to pee was an euphoric mix. Chris was too overwhelmed to do anything. When Alex got him close to the edge, and it didn't take long, he began to worry what was going to happen. Chris was positive that immediately after he came, he would humiliate himself further by peeing all over himself and Alex, thereby ending the positive relationship he had with Alex. He didn't want that to happen, but Alex's hand was about to let him off the hook.

When Chris was undoubtedly on the edge, Alex quit stroking. Instead, he took his thumb and placed it on the bottom of Chris's shaft. He took one finger and placed it lightly on the top of the shaft, literally holding the dick with two fingers.

Alex brought his lips back to Chris's ear and began whispering as he held the on edge cock with two non moving fingers. "You have such a hot dick," Alex said. "I could play with it all damn day." He paused. "You feel it, don't you? I've loved watching you shoot like this before. You want to cum don't you, baby? You feel it happening. You want to shoot and you have nothing but these two fingers here and my voice to get you anywhere near cumming. God, I bet your dick is trembling, trying to force itself over that edge but it unable to do it. It's harder because your boner is so full of pee. But you feel it climbing inside you, don't you? The cum is trying to force its way out, with only my fingers and my words to get you there. It's more intense now, isn't it? Your legs are shaking... your knees must be weak, huh? You know you want it baby, do it... cum hard and cum long so you can pee afterwards... cum!"

After the last word, Alex moved his head back to Chris's chest. He was over the edge now and he felt the beginning of the orgasm. The first squirt of cum came out and hit Alex right in the face, but he didn't seem to mind. He just pressed his finger and thumb a little tighter on CHris's cock, causing the intense orgasmic feelings to continue. Another shot of cum came out again, once more hitting Alex in the face and hitting his open mouth right on the roof. It didn't end there, though. It was a ruined orgam, but it was a continuous one as well. The light touching caused it to last and the lack of friction was intense as Chris came again and again.

Once the last shot of cum had fired, Chris knew he was going to pee all over Alex. He didn't want to mar the experience, but he knew he wouldn't have a choice and Alex would hate him. Before he could warn the other boy though, Alex grabbed his cock and jerked off the last bit of cum and quickly shoved the cock back into the diaper. Although he was still hard, Chris's bladder finally gave out and he finally peed into his diaper, filling it, absorbent as it was.

The peeing was almost as intense as the orgasm, but that was nothing compared with what happened next. Alex brought his lips up against Chris's and kissed him hard on the lips. Chris's spent dick throbbed harder.

Note: I know it's been an extremely long wait for this, and the previous wait was so long that many people may have felt that another one was on its way. But I was honestly concerned about the quality of this story going down and needed to know exactly what I had to do in order to improve it. I came to the conclusion that every story has to have an end to it and I don't want this to be one of those erotic stories that goes on for 50 chapters and absolutely everything is different by the time you get to the end. I have figured out where I want this story to go and I think I can bring it not only to a satisfying conclusion, but a well written one as well.

In addition, I do plan on going back and rewriting some of the previous chapters in order to get the story in the shape that I think it deserves to be in. I have never had the sort of response for anything I have written, including my one published novel, than I have had for this story over the years. Thanks to all of the people who have read it. It is the appreciation I have received that has made me want to write a quality story that's pretty freaking hot as well.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 21

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