High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on May 9, 2014


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay in getting this out. I appreciate the tons of emails I continue to get regarding this story. Some readers hold this story in high regard and as such I want to be absolutely sure that each chapter I put out is the best that it can be. I hope this is worth the wait.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Nineteen

Chris was sitting in the back row of his calculus class deep in thought. His life had changed so much in a short period of time that. Although he had been able to become somewhat accustomed to it, the sheer incredible nature of the change continued to be overwhelming. His social life, educational life and even his home life had been adjusted by his former best friend's bizarre obsession with keeping his brother Steve and Chris in diapers. The strange sex games that Jordan introduced along side the diaper play kept his head spinning. Chris had originally hoped that Jordan's obsession with him and Steve belied some secretive gay or at least bisexual feelings in his former buddy. However, other than the occasionally forced blowjob, the only thing Jordan ever seemed to be willing to do was change Chris's diapers.

Wearing the diapers full time caused the biggest changes in Chris's life. These changes were even greater than the social and sexual changes. By that day he was sitting in class deep in thought, he had been wearings diapers full time for about two months. Jordan demanded that both Steve and Chris only peed in their diapers, refusing to allow them to go to toilets or urinals ever. In less than a month Chris found himself wetting his diaper in his sleep. Not along after that, he was wetting them in class, while out walking, with family and in all social settings. He was not always aware that he was peeing and soon realized he had achieved a sort of learned incontinence. While this was an upsetting development in the start, Chris was rather positive that he would not be allowed out of diapers any time in the immediate future and thus learned to accept it all rather easily.

Chris was not daydreaming in class becaus he was bored. One thing he had not felt in the previous two months was boredom. He was, in fact, remembering the previous evening at Jordan's house.

Being a good student had benefited Chris greatly in regards to his relationship with his parents. This in turn afforded him certain rights and priveldges that most high school students would never be allowed. So although it was a Sunday night, a school night, he was allowed to be at Jordan's house very late into the night.

Chris had arrived in the early evening and Jordan had met him right out the door.

"You know the drill," Jordan informed Chris. He opened the door wide and allowed Chris to enter the house. He shut the door once Chris was in the house. Jordan then followed Chris into his bedroom. Once inside, Chris slowly stripped down until he was only wearing his diaper. He was wearing diapers with teddy bear prints on them.

Once Chris had stripped down to just his diaper, he looked over at the bed. Jordan had laid a burgandy towel on top of the comforter and he took that as the indication as to where he was to lay down. Chris jumped onto the bed, and lay down looking at the ceiling.

The most hummiliating part of the diaper wearing experience for Chris, though part of the diaper changes, was not the changes themselves. Even wetting his diapers was no longer remotely embarrassing. When his diapers became so saturated, however, that they began to leak a bit, he felt shame greater than any other. He had been sure that he was at that point already. Thus it was a surprise when Jordan announced that Chris did not need a change.

"Really?" he had asked, quite bewildered. Jordan always insisted on the changes because he did not want to have to clean up any messes made by an overflowing diaper. Chris was completely sure that the diaper he was in would be running over the next time he wet it.

"It all looks good to me," Jordan said. He then walked over to his desk and picked up a t-shirt. Throwing it onto Chris's chest, he ordered his slave to put it on.

Chris sat up and grabbed the shirt. Looking at it, he noticed it was an old Star Wars shirt. It looked a lot like a t-shirt that would have been packaged along with a pair of Underoos. The material was a soft brown cloth with a plastic patch on the front. The patch showed luke skywalker holding his blue lightsaber before him, juxtaposed in front of the Death Star. Although Chris normally would have found this as humiliating as the diapers, he was happy for the extra clothing. Generally he was only permitted to wear his diaper and nothing else when he was in Jordan's presence.

"Come on," Jordan instructed. He stood up and walked over to the door. "I'm in the mood to play some video games."

The invitation seemed out of character for Jordan, but Chris knew better than to question his former fried. He stood up and quickly scurried over to his former friend, making sure to walk a half of a step behind Jordan. He followed Jordan, momentarily excited at the thought of getting to play video games. That enthusiasm fled from his body when the two boys walked into the living room.

The invitation to play video games had seemed out of character for the most recent incarnation of Jordan and the three friends sitting in the living room revealed his doubts to be correct. Chris wasn't there to play video games, the three unknown teenage boys were, however. Chris had no doubt that although he would be involved in the entertainment of the evening, it was more likely to be as the entertainment.

Jordan sat down on the couch. He motioned for Chris to move towards him and he complied. Jordan then instructed Chris to sit down on the floor next to him and Chris complied further.

After watching the four boys play games, Chris's waiting was over when Jordan finally began to interact with him. Chris was sitting at Jordan's feet when Jordan bent over and presented three of his fingers to Chris. He held them together. He presented the tips of those three fingers to Chris's mouth. Chris opened his mouth a bit and allowed Jordan to push all three fingers into his mouth.

"This kid'll do anything, won't he?" the unnamed friend closest to Jordan laughed. "Sucking on your fingers is even lower than sucking a dick."

"Then watch this," Jordan said. He had a huge smile on his face and it was tinged with a malevalance that Chris knew all too well.

Jordan began thrusting his three fingers in and out of Chris's mouth, effectively fucking his mouth with his fingers. He wasn't given any instruction to actively suck the fingers, so Chris simply sat there as Jordan thrust the fingers in and out of his mouth, over and over.

"Fuck, how low," the closest friend said. "Look, he's drooling!"

Constantly having Jordan's fingers fucking his mouth and being completely incapable of interacting indeed began having an embarrassing effect on Chris. He could feel himself beginning to drool a bit. He had to fight the initial inclination to try and wipe the drool away. Jordan's rage was generally much worse than Jordan's humiiation games. So Chris allowed the fingers to continue to plow his mouth and as Chris's mouth salivated more and more, he allowed the drool to seep out of the corners of his mouth. He not only allowed it, but he found himself enjoying it. In fact, after several minutes of drooling in front of Jordan's friends, Chris found himself closing his eyes and moaning. Jordan's friends found this to be hilarious and laughed more and more at Chris's humiliation.

"I got an idea," Jordan said. He didn't stop finger fucking Chris's mouth, but motioned with his other hand towards the friend furthest from him. "Grab that large throw on the back of the couch and toss it over here."

Without hesitation, Jordan's friend grabbed a blanket and tossed it over to Jordan. Jordan began to withdraw his fingers and Chris found himself pushing his mouth forward to keep the fingers in his mouth. His friends were cracking up.

"He doesn't want to stop blowing your fingers," the closest guy laughed.

"Oh he won't have a problem with it in a minute," Jordan assured his friends. "Stop sucking."

Chris did as he was told and allowed Jordan to withdraw his fingers. He then took the blanket and held it up as if he was about to spread it. "Move close to my crotch, fag," Jordan ordered and Chris obeyed. Once Chris was close to his former best friend's package, Jordan grabbed the blanket and spread it out so that it covered all of Chris and everything below Jordan's waist.

"We're going to play a few fighting games here, fag," Jordan said. "You're going to enhance my gaming experience by giving me the best blowjob you can manage."

Jordan's friends laughed as Chris felt himself turning red.

"Is he really going to do it?" the friend furthest from Jordan asked.

"Hand me that controller and watch," was all Jordan said. His friend handed him the game controller and the boys started playing a round robin fighting game.

Chris waited until he knew that Jordan had began playing his game before doing anything. Then, he reached forward and slowly undid Jordan's belt. He knew the boys could see him moving under the blanket. What was worse was that he also knew that they heard him not only undoing Jordan's belt but also unzipping his fly. Once Chris had the package opened up he felt Jordan lift his hips up. Chris then grabbed his former best friend's jeans and the famous yellow jockstrap and pulled them both down Jordan's thigh. Jordan's beautiful and delicious and already steel hard dick practically jumped out of his tight jeans. It bobbed up against the blanket before Chris was able to put it in his mouth.

"Looks like you're packing something large there, Jordie," the closest friend said. The boys all laughed at this. Before they could say anything else, though, Chris leaned forward and pulled Jordan's dickhead up against his lips. Jordan lived for instances such as the one he was currently experiencing, so it was not surprise that not only was his cock as solid as a piece of marble, but it was also quite slicked with his precum. Chris put the head of the dick in between his lips. He then took the tip of his tongue and pressed it up against the soft, spongy cockhead that was still his favorite thing to have in his mouth. With the tip of his tongue, he sucked and licked all of the precum right out of the slit of Jordan's dick.

"That's so sweet," one of the boys laughed. "I didn't realy believe he would be doing that."

"He's bobbing his head up and down on Jordie's dick now," another said, cracking up laughing.

Chris tried his best to simply exist solely under the blanket. He had been called so many names as of late, been humiliated and teased more than ever before. Although he hadn't really learned to overlook it, he learned that immersing himself in the dick sucking experience was the best way to help him deal with the issue. It was never too difficult with Jordan's dick, which was like candy to Chris. He slowly worked as much of the eight inches into his mouth as he could. Whenever his mouth and throat got tired from the constant bobbing up and down on the piece of meat, he withdrew it and gave the shaft a thorough tongue bath.

"Damn, I've never seen anyone go to town on someone's cock like that," one of the friends laughed. Chris was unable to tell which one of the boys it was.

"Usually whenever a girl is blowing me, she doesn't do it this long," another added.

"Fags like cock so much more," Jordan laughed. Then, "Watch this."

Jordan startled Chris at that point by taking the blanket and pulling it off of both of them. He almost paused his dick sucking, but was able to prevent himself from making that error. He had blown Jordan and other guys in front of boys often, so it was no big deal. For some reason, though, he thought using the blanket was Jordan's way of keeping his buds from seeing his cock.

"He is blowing you away," the closest friend said.

"Take a look," Jordan instructed. He grabbed Chris, pulled him off of his dick, and laid him back against the couch. Drool was still pouring down the sides of his mouth. Jordan forced him to pull his legs apart, exposing his diapered crotch to Jordan's friends.

"Holy shit, his cock is going to burst out of that damn diaper," the closest friend observed. Chris was able for the first time since the beginning of the blowjob to get a look at any of the friends. The one talking to him had an obviously throbbing hardon in his jeans.

Chris was still overcome with lust and against his better judgement tried to move back to JOrdan's dick.

"He wants some more," the closest friend laughed.

Jordan held Chris back. "Nah, I need to cum but I ain't going to let him suck me off," he said. "I'll just pull myself the rest of the way."

Chris knew the disappointment in his face was visible to all of the other boys.

"Aw, don't be mean, Jordie, the boy wants your load."

"Oh yeah?" Jordan mused. "You want to swallow my cum, diaper boy?"

"Yes, sir," Chris said, feeling the drool run down the sides of his mouth. He desperately wanted to wipe it off, but knew that would be a mistake."

Jordan shook his head. "I've been getting way too many blowjobs lately," he said. "I'll just pull myself off the rest of the way." He watched Chris's face as it fell. "But if you beg nicely while I am stroking, I might cum in your mouth."

"He ain't gonna do that," the closest friend said.

"Watch," was Jordan's only reply.

Jordan stood up. His jeans were tight enough that they did not slide down his thighs any more. His fisted his long cock slowly before picking up the pace.

"Move into position and beg," he ordered.

Chris wasted no time doing as he was told. On his knees, he moved so his head was at a level slightly lower that Jordan's cock. He then started to beg: "Oh sir, please feed me your cum. I love the taste of your cum and although I don't deserve to eat it, I really want it badly. Please feed it to me."

Jordan's friends were cracking up but Chris did his best to ignore them.

"Lick my balls and thank them for all the times you have eaten their cum."

As Jordan continued pumping his dick, Chris leaned forward. Jordan was holding his shaft straight up and his balls were still hanging down and loose. Chris took into the wonderful scent of his former friend's beautiful balls. He then began licking them over and over again and giving them the due gratitude for all of the loads of cum they have provided him.

"Oh, Jordan's balls, thank you so much for the cum you've been giving me for months now," Chris said as he smelled the sweet and musty smell of Jordan's cock. "I so don't deserve it, and no one deserves to drink such yummy cum, but please let me drink your cum now. I don't want to eat or drink anything else. I just want your yummy cum, please give it to me, please."

Chris had to do his best to ignore the laugh fast coming from Jordan's friends. He had a job to do and the cum was the reward that he really wanted.

"Open your mouth and wait," was all that Jordan said.

Chris, still on his knees, opened his mouth. He looked up at Jordan, expectantly, as Jordan's hand continued to slide up and down the now slippery with precum and rock hard shaft. Jordan pumped faster and faster, and the entire time, Chris simply sat there, eyes and mouth both wide open.

After about five minutes of waiting, Jordan began to pant heavily. Chris knew that this meant he was about to get exactly what he wanted. Without being ordered, he moved closer. Jordan moved his dick so that the tip of it was pointing directly as Chris's mouth.

"Here it comes, diaper, fag."

A few strokes later, Chris finally got what he had been expecting. Jordan began to moan and his muscles tightened up. Then his cock began to shoot its cum directly into Chris's mouth. Although Jordan did not always have big loads, this one was huge. Spurt after spurt of cum shot into Chris's mouth. He swallowed as much of it as he could, but some of it began to slide down the sides of his mouth, much like the drool had been doing earlier. After Jordan was done, he took his fingers and scraped the cum off the side of the mouth and then inserted his fingers back into Chris's mouth, fucking his mouth again as Chris sucked and cleaned all of them cum off his fingers. Then, Jordan ordered Chris to suck the rest of the cum out of his cock, and Chris readily replied. He was so lost in his lust that he was oblivious to the presence of Jordan's friends and the fact that he had came in his diaper and his diaper was not able to contain it.

Next: Chapter 20

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