High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jan 13, 2014


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Eighteen

Even with a soaked diaper and a dildo shoved up deep inside him, with one of the hottest boys in school inadvertently pushing it in and out of Chris's ass, Chris was able to cover himself with some very quick thinking. Immediatly after the spontaneous moan, he moaned once again, only this time he made it sound slightly more agonized. With his free arm, Chris reached up and grabbed his neck, bending it to the side.

Although he had assumed that his moan sounded obviously like the moan of a very horny teenager, Chris's ploy worked like a charm. Where Troy had first thought that he was enjoying the wrestling hold, he immediately assumed that Chris was in some sort of pain. He broke the hold, allowing Chris to roll over onto his back, holding his neck the entire time. Chris moaned again although this time he sounded a bit more agonized. His idea was to make Troy assume the moans had never sounded pleasurable at all.

"You all right?" Troy asked. His entire demeanor changed from being confused and slightly put off to being somewhat concerned. "Did I twist your neck? I didn't think I was anywhere near your head there."

Chris almost noddd his head, then took his head in both hands and forced himself to crack his neck. After that he stretched it slowly back and forth in order to continue the farce he had been trying to create. His dick was really hard in his soaked diaper, but he hoped that the degree of its saturation was more than enough to already make his shorts look bulgy. Besides, he told himself, if Troy hadn't already heard the crinkling sounds his diaper was making, that was evidence that the guy wasn't really very perceptive.

"I don't think you got my neck at all," Chris said. He made no attempt to get up at first. He flexed his neck out again. "I've had a crick in my neck all day and when you had me down, I think I just had a muscle spasm."

Troy nodded. "Yeah, I hate those bad cricks when you can't crack them and they just bug you all day," he responded. He finally put his hand out to offer Chris assistance in getting to his feet.

Chris accepted Troy's hand. Troy helped Chris up to his feet. The movement caused a shift in the absorbent material of the diaper. It was so wet and saturated that it was beginning to separate. Chris grimaced. This was the most time he had ever spent in a wet diaper and it was also the wettest diaper he had ever had on before. He did not previously know that overly wet diapers would deteriorate in such a manner and it worried him. Silently, he hoped that Jordan putting the extra tape on the diaper to hold it together. The diaper was not only extremely heavy but extremely sagging.

The rest of the gym class went pretty much the same. By the end of the class, Chris was so horny that he really didn't know if he was coming or going. Troy was his partner for the entire day. Chris was a lot more careful as the class progressed. He not only avoided making any more moaning noises, he did his best to keep Troy completely away from his pelvic area. Although this is actually quite a difficult thing to accomplish in wrestling, Chris used most of his available effort to accomplish it. Doing so kept him from being able to wrestle even competently, but this was of a minor concern to him. Troy pinned Chris several times before the class was over. Chris was only able to defeat Troy once, and he was quite aware that Troy had let it happen.

No further embarrassing incidents happened at school. Gym class was nearly at the end of the day, so even the status of Chris's much overused diaper was not a huge concern. Even though he knew he was only really allowed to pee in his diaper and not use the toilet, Jordan had never made any sort of rules against Chris holding it in, so he did so. The entire day passed quite well with minimal humiliation. Before he knew it, Chris was back in his bedroom waiting for Jordan to call.

When Jordan eventually called Chris, he answered the phone.

"Hey, fag, gym class looked pretty good today," Jordan said, greeting Chris with the now familiar moniker. "I could tell you were getting off on having Troy play with your little butt toy. I bet him pressing on your made your little dick rock hard, didn't it."

"Yes, sir," Chris responded. Not only was Jordan telling the truth, but falling immediately into his subservient role also had a strong effect on Chris's libido. His often hard cock quickly got often hard again.

"Yes, sir, what?" Jordan said. Chris could hear the smile in his former best friend's voice.

"Yes, sir, Troy pushing on my little butt toy made my little dick rock hard," Chris clarified. He hated saying those things and he knew that Jordan was aware of this. Throughout their friendship, Chris had always been less expressive about sexual things and bodily functions. That had never really caused problems with his friends though. They knew that he was not really ashamed of those sort of things, but just that he was always very careful expressing such thoughts. Jordan forcing him to repeat his humiliating accusations had a much stronger damning effect because not only was he admitting to Jordan his once secret feelings, but speaking in such a way always caused his whole body to blush.

"Not too surprising," Jordan replied. "How is that diaper of yours doing? It's got to be completely soaked and leaking by now."

"Yeah, it's thoroughly saturated," Chris responded. Talking about peeing his diaper was even more humiliating for Chris.

"I'm surprised it didn't overflow at some point," Jordan said.

Chis felt his heart jump in his chest. He hadn't considered the possibility that having his diaper overflow might have been one of Jordan's goals. If it was, when it did happen (and Chris could only tell himself that it would happen, since almost everything that Jordan had wanted to come to pass to humiliate Chris, did come to pass).

"I hope you didn't cheat and take your little dick out and pee," Jordan said.

Chris immediately denied doing that.

"Okay, well if I find out you did, you'll be punished a lot worse than you can imagine," Jordan said.

"I didn't," I swear.

There was another pause on Jordan's end of the phone. "All right," he finally said. "I'll trust you this once. You should be hearing a knock on your door pretty soon. You'll know what to do when you hear it."

Jordan hung up the phone before Chris had a chance to ask who would be knocking on his door. Looking at his caller ID, he saw that Jordan had called from his land line, not his cellphone. So, at the very least, Chris was not worried that it was Jordan there to humiliate him. This, though, was a very dubious joy because if it was not Jordan there to humiliate him, it could have been something much worse.

Approximately five minutes after Jordan had hung up the phone, Chris did hear a knock at his front door. He was grateful that whomever Jordan had sent over to this place had gotten there before his parents had. Chris made his way into the front room of his house.

Upon opening the door, Chris was somewhat surprised to Jordan's brother Steve standing in the doorway. He breathed a sigh of relief because he knew that if anyone Jordan sent would end up causing him the least amount of stress, it would have been Steve. Although embarrasemnt would likely be on the menu, at least it was with the person who was the most sensitive to his predicament.

"Hey, come in," Chris offered and opened the door.

With a weak smile, Steve came into the house. Chris closed the door behind.

Before Chris could lead Steve into his bedroom, though, Steve stopped him.

"Sorry about this, Chris, but Jordan's orders," Steve informed him. "I have to strip you to your diaper in the living room."

"That's okay," Chris said. "Go ahead."

Steve paused and seemed like he was trying to think of the right thing to say in this awkward situation. "I am pretty sure that he doesn't have anyone watching us," Steve told Chris. He moved closer to Chris and put his hands on Chris's shirt. "Lift your arms up." Chris did and Steve pulled Chris's shirt off and and over his head. Steve then moved over to Chris's pants and started undoing his belt. "But you know how he is. He always seems to find a way to not only know what is going on, but to know if we are lying about it or not. If I don't strip you here, when I tell him I did, you don't want to imagine what sort of punishment he would come up for us."

Chris put up no resistance. He even smiled at Steve several times to encourage him that his actions were fine. After undoing Chris's belt, Steven unbuttoned his jeans. He grabbed the zipper tab and slowly lowered the zipper. Before lowering the jeans, though, Steve had Chris hold up each one of his feet. Steve removed Chris's sock and shoes off both feet. After that, Steve stood back up. He then took Chris's jeans, lowered them to the floor and lifted both feet up, one by one, sliding the jeans off his feet.

Steve stood up and Chris began to feel uncomfortable for the first time. He was standing in front of Steve now in a much more vulnerable state than he ever had before. Looking down, he saw how strange he looked. He had one an extremely bloated diaper, with block printing on it. It was held together by duct tape. The diaper was so saturated and sagging that it seemed impossible that it didn't fall directly off Chris's body. Chris readied himself to have his diaper removed and was surprised when Steve stood back up.

"We can go to your room if you want now," Steve said. "Jordan only said I had to strip you to your diaper out here." Steve kneeled down and began gathering Chris's clothes and shoes.

"I can get those," Chris interjected.

A smile crossed Steve's lips for the first time. "Do you really think in your present condition that your diaper will not spill out all over the place if you bend over?"

Chris laughed at the thought. He then let Steve gather his clothes up and they went into his room. Once there, Steve began to remove his clothes as well. In no time, they were both sitting on the bed in their diapers. Unlike Chris, Steve's diaper wasn't completely soaked.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot something," Steve said and leaned over towards Chris. chris jumped at first, but relaxed when all he felt was Steve slip his hand into the diaper and massaged his already hard dick. Chris felt his dick twitching a bit and sighed.

"You are way over ready for a diaper change," Steve grinned. He pushed Chris back. "I'll take care of it for you."

Chris leaned back against his headboard. Experiencing this with Steve was so different than anything he had gone through with anyone else. He had at first suspected this was because they were both kindred spirits, suffering the same humiliation served out by the same person. It was much more than that though. The things that he had been doing with Steve ever since discovering their mutual punishments were less stressful than they were with anyone else.

Steve felt Chris's dick through his diaper, rubbing it. While doing so, Steve began the process of removing the difficult attached diaper. The duct tape was very difficult to get off, but Steve had to take his time with it. If he ripped the tape off, he risked the chance of ripping the diaper lining off too and making a huge mess. So, without causing too much damage, Steve was able to successfully remove the tape on the diaper. When he was done, Steve instructed Chris to lift his hips up. Chris did so, and Steve slipped the sagging diaper out from under Chris's butt. He then took some wipes (chris had no idea where they came from) and cleaned him up.

Chris was about to put his legs down when Steve stopped him. "You have to keep them up," he instructed. "I have to clean the plug up."

"Clean it up?" Chris asked, still holding his legs up. "Why?"

"It's just Jordan's orders," Steve informed him. Steve moved in to try and remove the butt plug. Chris twitched a few times as Steve's fingertips and fingernails brushed him as he tried to get a hold of the plug. Chris braced him self as he didn't know what to expect. He figured that Steve would likely just remove the plug. Once he got a good hold on it, Steve did indeed start to pull the plug out. Chris felt tingly as the plug rubbed up against his prostate. Steve pulled the large base of the plug almost out of Chris and Chris assumed that once he had that out, it would be the most intense feeling. However, when the base was about halfway out, Steve released some of his pull and most of the plug sucked right back into Chris.

Chris gasped and his cock was quickly up to its full size again. He had assumed that the event was due to Steve losing his grip on the plug. Steve began to pull on it again. When he was in the same position as before, with the base of the plug stretching him, out, Steve let go of it again and it again went inside Chris. Chris's dick was visibly throbbing and he knew that Steve was now doing all of this deliberately.

The feeling of Steve pulling the plug out, and letting go of it over and over again was more than Chris could handle. He knew he wasn't allowed to jerk on his cock, but with the plug not only rubbing up against his prostate, coupled with the mental situation, Chris knew that even touching his cock would have made it explode. Without it, though, it only took Steve pulling and releasing the plug about 20 times before Chris's hard cock (which had already been sticking straight up) began to tremble. Around 25 pulls, it began to twitch. At 30 pulls Chris's cock started jerking wildly, almost like he was having a seisure. The pulling had brought up to the edge, but the stimulation wasn't enough to make him cum at first. When Chris usually felt himself climbing towards the edge, the pre orgasmic feelings were only so intense. However, the lack of direct stimulation on his cock made it nearly impossible to get over the edge. Instead, Chris's cock began visibly throbbing as it waited consistently right on the edge of cumming. Chris began moaning and the feelings were so powerful that against his will, he reached for his cock to jack off. Steve grabbed his hand with his one free hand. Then, almost five unbearable pulls later, Chris was finally pushed over the edge. His cock was twitching wildly as he coated himself in his cum.

Once Chris has calmed down, Steve laid beside him and scooped up some of the cum in his hand. He held it up to Chris's lips and Chris knew he had to lap it up. He licked all of the cum off of Steve's hand before Steve reached down and scooped up more cum. Steve fed Chris all of the cum and a somewhat satisfied Chris lapped it all up.

To be continued.

Note: I want to apologize for the length of time it took for this new chapter to come out. I don't like forcing my writing and when I several times tried to write, it felt like I was doing that. I am very proud of this story and the amount of response it has gotten for me over the years. That being said, I don't want to end up writing this story solely for the purpose of writing it. Continuing it forever would have a "soap opera" effect that I don't think that it deserves. One of the things that I have noticed and that has made it difficult to continue writing is that this story does not have a plot anymore. It's just a constant barrage of humiliations. Going forward, I plan on bringing the story back to the center plot and an eventual close.

For fans of the story, that does not mean "High School Mistake" is going away. There will be several more chapters used to bring the story to an eventual resolution. I will, however, begin another separate diaper story for those who enjoy reading them. I appreciate all the emails and support over the years and hope that the future of this story is one that brings you all joy.


Next: Chapter 19

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