High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Nov 22, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Seventeen

Chris was grateful only for the fact that the chemistry tables protected him from being seen by the majority of the classroom. Jake was nice enough that when he held out the palm full of Chris's cum to Chris that Jake lowered his hand so it was behind the table as well. However, there was no way to hide his head from the class as he lowered it into the palm of Jake's hand.

Chris could not believe how much he hand cum into Jake's hand. Even though he had been almost constantly stimulated in the past week or so, he had also been cumming so much that he was shocked how messy the orgasms were. Jake's palm was filled with cum and his hands were totally sticky with it. First, Chris licked Jake's palm clean and then began working on the hand.

"Hurry up," Jake instructed. "The bell is about to ring and you still need to pull your diaper up before leaving class."

The warning was enough to get Chris to speed up in his task. When Jake's hand was almost clean, Jake put each one of his finger's into Chris's mouth, one after anothing. Chris was sucking the cum off the last finger when the bell rang and he nearly jumped out of his skin.

Jake patted Chris on the butt with the hand that Chris had just lapped clean. He then left with the other students. All of the few teenagers who had seen what was going on were giggling at Chris's humiliation.

Knowing that he had to hurry, Chris reached down to pull the diaper up. It was, of course, wet and heavy. More alarming was the fact that the two tapes on the side that had been torn free could not be reattached. Chris pulled the saggy diaper up and felt how his pelvic region was encompassed by the wet diaper. He was not able to do a good job at getting himself ready to leave without being awkward. When the tapes would not reconnect, Chris tried holding the side with the loose tapes together with one hand while he tried to pull his jeans up. Although he was able to get the jeans up, the diaper was too heavy to be held completely in place. He did the best job he could and then zipped and buttoned his pants back together.

Getting his diaper and pants situated took Chris a lot more time than he would have liked. He was fortunate enough that the chemistry teacher was usually in quite a hurry to get out of the class as soon as possible. All of his classmates exited in much the same fashion. None of the students entering for the next class made it into the room before Chris had his diaper and jeans pulled up. Since physical education was his next class and students were given a ten minute grace period after the bell in order to dress, he did not feel like he had to be in much of a hurry to gather the rest of his belongings up. Chris breathed a big sigh of relief when no new students came in the room in time to see what he was up to.

"Hey, Chris, what's this?" a voice said as Chris was gathering up his belongings to put in his book bag.

Looking up, Chris saw his cousin Justin standing next to his table. His heart nearly skipped a beat when he saw that his cousin had the vibrating cock ring in his hand and was inspecting it with a bemused look on his face. It was then that he remembered that Jake forced him to take it off and put it on the table. Due to the exposure and subsequent handjob, he had totally forgotten about it.

"Oh, uh, that's nothing," Chris replied with a slight tremble in his voice. His heart was beating faster as he realized the amount of problems he had encountered in just the length of the one class. It was all overwhelming, but having a close member of his family involved in it would only serve to exacerbate the situation and he had enough of that happening all ready.

"That's Jake's," Chris resonded. "You know, Jake Teirer... he is my lap partner and he... uh... um... he must have forgotten it." Chris made a motion towards his cousin, meant to take the cock ring from him.

"Why is it so wet?" Justin asked.

"It's for class," Chris said as he took the cock ring away from his cousin. "Jake had to wash it afterwards and left it out to dry. Here, I'll give it back him."

Chris took the cock ring away from Justin, excused himself and hurried out of the room.

Upon leaving the class, Chris discovered how difficult it was for him to to manuever the hallways with an unattached diaper. The diaper kept slipping down on the side with the ruined tapes. The heaviness of the diaper was tugging the taped side downwards and the effect had to be causing his pants to look abnormally packed.

Chris was lucky to make it to the locker room without any incident worthy of note. Quite a few students saw how messed up his pants were as his sagging diaper made a spectacle out of him, but other than the occasional giggle and turning away of the face, nothing really happened.

Most of the boys had already made it to the locker room, had changed and were already in the gym. As was expected, only Jordan was still in the locker room by the time that Chris arrived. Jordan was standing right by chris's locker, and appeared to be in the middle of dressing for gym class. He was standing next to the changing bench only wearing his gym shirt and his jockstrap. Chris knew something was amiss because Jordan never wore a jockstrap to gym. Rather than the yellow mesh one that Chris had loved seeing Jordan in the other day, this was a regular white jockstrap with a pouch for a protective cup. Jordan however, did not have a cup in the jock.

"Hey, tiny dick," Jordan called out to Chris the moment he saw him enter the locker room. His eyes traveled down to Chris's pelvic region and a smile grew across his face. "Looks like you are sagging quite a bit there. What happened?"

"Jake in chem class ripped the tapes off on this side and I wasn't able to get them fixed up," Chris explained. "My diaper is pretty wet, so it keeps pulling it down."

Jordan chuckled a bit and then motioned to Chris to come closer. "Well, we better go ahead and take care of that before class," he instructed. "Today's wrestling day so we can't have your diaper coming loose and getting your opponent all wet. Come lay down on the bench."

Even though he knew better, Chris hesitated. "On the bench?" he stammered. "Anyone could come in and see me."

Fortunately, Jordan did not seem too irritated with Chris's questioning of his orders. He simply replied, "Anyone who is likely to walk in here has already seen you in your diapers. Besides, the quicker we can get you taken care of, the less likely anyone will be to walk in here and see what is going on. And I know you don't want to be wrestling with a diaper sagging down in your gym clothes."

Everything Jordan said made perfect sense to Chris, as much as he would like to have not had to admit it. Hanging his head just a little, Chris walked over to the bench and laid down on it. Jordan made him lift his hips up so he was able to undo Chris's jeans and he pulled them totally off, down his ankles and off his feet. Then, Jordan undid the tapes on the other side of Chris's diaper. Chris moved to lift his hips up again, but Jordan made him lower them back down.

"I'm not moving the diaper yet," Jordan informed him. "You're going to need something soft to lay on while you put this where it belongs." Jordan reached into the locker and pulled out a decent sized dildo and a tube of lubrication.

"What?" Chris stammered, unable to form any more words.

"You're going to be wrestling with this dildo inside you," JOrdan said, a somewhat sadistic grin growing across his face. "I figure on wrestling days, you probably enjoy rolling around with guys, having this stuck up against your prostate will make it feel like heaven."

The look on Chris's face was more than enough to cause his former best friend to widen his grin across his face.

"I'll probably get hard while I am wrestling," Chris protested.

Jordan reached over and to Chris's total shock, he easily turned Chris around, changing his position on the bench. Where Chris had been lying naked, face up and on the diaper, he was now laying naked, face down on the diaper. His dick, as it had fallen into the habit lately, began to expand just a bit. However, even that did not prepare him for the surprise of Jordan pouring lubrication from the tube on his ass. It was cold and he wanted to squirm, but Chris was slightly afraid that he had pissed Jordan off by questioning his actions. So, he laid there with his dick on a wet diaper, expanding while he felt Jordan lubricating his ass. Then, without warning, Jordan began to stick the dildo right into Chris. It stung a bit at first, but Chris hardly noticed. His penis was still growing between him and the diaper and he was totally overwhelmed by the horniness caused by what was happening.

When Jordan was able to get the head of the dildo in, he began twisting it from side to side to put it further inside Chris. The sensations were overwhelming and his cock easily reached the height of its expansion. Jordan continued to push the dildo further in until it was finally in as far as it could go. It was one of the dildoes that also had a set of balls and they were all the way against Chris's butt.

Once the dildo was fully in, Jordan turned Chris around so he was face up on the bench again. When his ass hit the bench, the dildo was pushed up against his prostate and he shuddered and moaned. This reaction caused yet another smile to form across Jordan's face. Then, to Chris's further surprise, Jordan did not remove the wet diaper from under him. Instead, Jordan pulled the front of the diaper back up so it was covering his crotch. Once the diaper was in its regular spot, Chris was entirely confused about what was happening.

"Jordan?" Chris asked, concerned with what was happening. "The tapes are all ruined, there is no way this diaper is going to stay up."

Jordan reached into the locker and pulled out a roll of duct tape. "I can think of one way," he said with another chuckle. Before Chris could react or say a word, Jordan successfully duct taped the diaper in place on both sides. He made sure that it was as tight as it could be before putting an ample amount of tape to keep it together.

"Get up," Jordan ordered.

Chris obeyed. Although his diaper was older and very wet, it felt really secure and tight on him. There were no doubts that the tape would hold the diaper in place regardless of how wet it was.

Jordan slapped Chris on the ass. His hand hit the dildo and Chris's whole body shuddered.

"Get your gym clothes on," Jordan ordered.

Chris got dressed and he and Jordan were able to join the rest of the class before they would have been counted as late. Walking with the dildo inside him was quite overwhelming, as each step moved it around inside him. Chris found himself remaining turned on, his dick up to its full height.

The other boys were all grinning at Chris when Jordan and he walked into the gymnasium. This immediately revealed to Chris that all of them knew what Jordan did to him. Chris felt his entire body turning red and his cock beginning to drip in horniness and humiliation. As he walked by, each othe other boys slapped him on the ass as teammates tend to. Each slap hit the dildo and caused his hard cock to throb. Chris was once again surprised at how quickly he was able to get hard and horny after cumming so recently.

When the boys were all lined up, the coach read off the names of the wrestling partners. Chris was paired up with Troy McCallister, one of the many boys he had often fantasized about. Since he was already as hard as a rock, he had no worries about his hardon causing him any more concern than it already had.

While the boys were pairing off, several of Jordan's friends continued to slap Chris on the ass and make him shudder in pleasure. A few of the boys whispered to him about how lucky he was to be wrestling Troy, since Troy's cock was almost as big as Jordan's. Chris did not need the stimulation, but it overpowered him regardless.

"Hey, Troy," Chris greeted him.

Troy acknowledged him. Although he was not really the type that Chris generally was attracted to, he still always found Troy to be really hot. He was a typical surfer, long dirty blonde hair and talked like a valley boy from an 80's surf film. As far as Chris knew, he was also as dumb as a brick.

"So you got to be the lucky on, huh?" Chris asked.

"What do you mean?" Troy asked with genuine confusion.

"Well, I guess you really wouldn't have wanted to wrestle me," Chris admitted.

"You must be a pretty good wrestler, huh?" Troy asked.

Chris wasn't sure if Troy truthfully did not know what was going on, or if he was playing dumb. "You don't know what Jordan has been doing to me?" Chris asked.

Troy shrugged. "Jordan's a real dick," he admitted. "I don't pay any attention to him."

In any other circumstance, Chris would have been appreciative that Troy was unaware of the embarrassment that had been his life of the past week. However, he realized that it would be a lot more embarrassing to wrestle a guy who didn't know he was wearing a diaper with a dildo in his ass. Chris felt his heart beat start to speed up.

For the first few moments of grappling, Chris did all that he could to keep Troy from touching him in an awkward area. However, since they were wrestling, it was impossible for this to last for long. Every crinkle of the diaper set his heart a flutter, wondering if his wrestling partner knew what was going on. Troy seemed like a reasonable enough guy that he might not question why Chris was wearing a diaper. As far as he knew, there may have been some medical reason for it. But this did absolutely nothing to quell Chris's fears each time he heard his diaper crinkling.

After a couple of matches, Chris began to feel much better about his predicament. Troy's hands had been all over his body and if he wasn't aware of the diaper already, there was nothing else, short of tearing his shorts off that would have revealed it.

As soon as Chris calmed down and thought the worst of his gym class experience behind him, Chris was on his hands and knees. To his surprise, Troy, who generally preferred to do breakdowns, instead moved his arms over and proceded to execute a crotch lift. This hand him have one of his arms holding Chris's belly, and the other goes over on his back side, under his crotch and grabbed the hand that was across his belly. The arm from behind was against Chris's ass and it immediately pressed on the dildo. In order to perform the crotch lift, Troy had to put pressure on that arm in order to lift and flip Chris around.

The crotch lift, however, had an entirely different effect than was intended, though. Troy's arm pressed on the dildo which was then pushed a bit further into Chris. This caused Chris to panic. The smartest thing he could have done was allow himself to be flipped. Chris, however, resisted the flip and struggled against Troy. This caused Troy to keep trying to put pressure on his arm, forcing the dildo in while Chris's struggles were pushing it back out. Unbeknownst to Troy, this caused the dildo to basically be fucking Chris. His dick was once again at full mast and Troy's arm not was not only pushing the dildo deeper inside him, but it was now rubbing against the hardon that was encased in Chris's wet diaper.

Chris had been cumming so much that he was at first relieved that he did not seem in any danger of cumming right then. He was enjoying and fearing the unknown fucking that Troy was giving him and his mind was so fried that he was unable to do anything but continue to resist. Against his will, Chris let out a moan that could not be misunderstood as anything other than a sexual moan.

Troy did not let up at all on the hold, but there was a slight hesitation. "Dude, are enjoying this?" he said lightly into Chris's ear.

Chris felt a body wide shock of fear and excitement.

Continued in Chapter 18.

Next: Chapter 18

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