High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Oct 19, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Sixteen

Chris blushed all sorts of red and could feel his skin burning due to his extreme embarassment. Although not everyone in the class would have known that he had cummed in class and worse yet in a diaper, they were almost all aware that something had happened. Chris's writhing at his desk while cumming would have been impossible.

"Chris, is everything okay?" the teacher asked him.

Chris paused for a moment, still feeling the post orgasm tingles that would have been more welcome had he orgasmed while at home. Rather than respond verbally, he simply nodded his head at the teacher. He kept his face pointed towards the front of the class but he knew that many of his fellows students were looking directly at him.

The teacher accepted his answer and went back to teaching. The majority of the class lost interest in Chris and went back to either listening to the teacher or tuning her out.

The shame that Chris was feeling as he sat in class had not subsided one bit. He had shot hard in his diaper and it seemed that he had shot a lot. His crotch was completely saturated in the immediately warm semen, which was subsequently cooling off and oozing down all over his diapered dick and balls. The only thing that was worse than this was the fact that the vibrating cock ring was still doing its job. Chris was sure that everyone in the class must have been able to hear it, but he also knew that he heard it because he knew it was there. The cock ring served its first purpose by getting him horny, its second purpose by making him cum in public and its third purpose by humiliating him.

The cock ring had a fourth purpose as well and this was the most dangerous of all of them. It overstimuluted him in his refractory period, making him squirm in his seat due to the extreme sensitivity. Many of the after orgasm jerks were even more animated than the ones Chris had experienced when he came. But even once that refractory period was over, the cock ring did not stop its shaking on his cock. There was a short period where his dick lost some of its firmness but was back standing on its tip toes in no time.

As Chris got horny quickly again, he hoped and prayed that he would not cum again. He looked down at his crotch, and noticed something that he had not seen before. For the short time that he had been stripped in the bathroom, one of his tormentors must have broken the zipper on his pants. Lookng down at the obscene bulge the diaper made in his pants, he felt bad enough that his pants could not conceal the bulkiness of the diaper. But now, his zipper was wide open. Anyone who looked down in Chris's seat would have clearly seen the white material and some of the block prints.

The class Chris orgasmed in seemed to take forever to be over. He felt the eyes of all of his classmates on him. regardless of whether or not they were actually looking. Chris assumed that he would feel better once he left the classroom, but that didn't pan out. As he walked out of the classroom, the eyes of many fellow students trailed down to see his open zipper. Chris tried to cover it with books, but continously doing so was not only awkward, but it only served to draw more attention to his pelvic reason.

Chris faced new humiliation in his next class. His history class had students sitting at individual desks but his chemistry class had lab tables. There would be no way he would be able to hide his new underwear and awkward position from his lab mate, Jake. What made things worse is that Jake was a good friend of Jordan's and one of the kids in the locker room when Jordan had humiliated Chris.

Jake was already sitting at the lab table when Chris walked in. Chris felt his heart sink the moment he saw the huge grin on Jake's face. His partner had something planned.

Sitting down on the stood at his lab table, Chris was happy that at least that they had chosen a table in the back row on the first day of class. If Jake was planning to do anything to Chris, there would at least be only a few people who would notice it. Chris moved his books in front of his crotch and sat down on his stool.

"That's not going to work," Jake informed Chris. He nudged the notebook that Chris had decided to use to cover his crotch with. When Chris did not move the book right away, Jake grabbed it from him and put it on the table. Chris's diaper was slightly showing in his open fly.

"That is terrible," Jake remarked. He reached over and grabbed Chris's fly and pulled it completely open. "Let's leave it wide so everyone who comes by could get a really good look." Jake paused for a moment. "Sounds like you still got the ring on."

Chris did not reply. After pulling Chris's fly open, Jake did not remove his hand from the open fly. He left it sitting softly, first on the outside of the fly. This did not change during the first ten minutes of class.

What did change after the first ten minutes of class was what Jake had decided to do with his hand. It very slowly crept into Chris's fly. Chris's diaper was only slightly moist to the cumming in the previous class. Therefore Jake was unable to mold the diaper into any shape. Jake caught on to this and slowly removed his hand from inside the fly. Rather than totally remove his hand, however, Jake slowly reached for the waistband of Chris's jeans. Once there, Jake started undoing Chris's button.

Alarm seized Chris's body. He tried to move his hands to his jeans button, scared that Jake was about to pants him. Jake, however, slapped Chris's hands and Chris fell into submission. He whimpered a bit when Jake not only unbuttoned his jeans, but pulled his fly way open. Then, Jake's hand went to the waistband of the diaper. Although he was freaekd at the idea that Jake may attempt to remove his diaper, Chris did his best not to react.

Though he made no attempt to remove Chris's diaper, Jake did something else that surprised Chris. Jake worked his hand into the crotch of the diaper. When he felt the hand on the head of his dick, Chris barely stifled a gasp. The hand did not stop however, it slowly crept down the hard and slippery shaft. Jake's hand at first totally bypassed the vibrating ring and when he reached the root of Chris's shaft, went lower and lightly squeezed his balls.

Chris was not sure how to react to this new development. He enjoyed the hand on his dick and balls, but every part of him was warning him that the humiliation could not be just limited to that. He was ale to stifle the moaning from the manipulation of his privates, but that would only get more difficult to accomplish the more that Jake was exploring down there. After a few moments, though, Jake slowly moved his hand back up the shaft and this time stopped at the cock ring. Feeling for the on and off switch, Jake turned it off. And then, sending an immense shiver down Chris's spine, Jake slowly took the cock ring off. The friction of the ring on his hard and tense cock was amazing.

Once removed, Jake took the cock ring and set it on the lab table.

"You can't leave that there!" Chris whispered.

Jake grinned. "I certainly can," he replied.

"What if someone sees it?" Chris asked, nervously.

Jake responded with a simple shrug. "Then I guess you're going to have to come up with an amazing story about what it is," he replied. He then took his hand and set it back on Chris's crotch. Only this time Jake's hand was totally resting upon Chris's diaper.

The class went by at a pace that was severely different than the class that Chris had orgasmed in. Although he was worried about the humiliation that someone seeing the cock ring would cause, he was also very excited by Jake's hand. At first, the touch was very light, but it helped keep Chris's dick hard in the absence of the cock ring. On the few occasions that he looked down, chris saw how the plastic diaper was stretched to its limit by the hard cock that it contained.

Eventually, however, the inevitable humiliation that came with all of his episodes with his tormenters was upon him. "Stand up," Jake ordered.

Chris's heart fluttered. "I can't!" he whispered. "If I stand up my jeans will fall off."

"That's the idea," Jake instructed.

It was a foregone conclusion that arguing with Jake would end up with Chris being punished more or humiliated in a more extreme manner. Despite knowing this, Chris still resisted. There had to be students in his chem class that did not know he was wearing diapers. Also, explaining such a thing to the teacher would be much more difficult.

"Please, Jake, anything but that," Chris pleaded.

To Chris's surprise, Jake seemed to give in rather easily. "Okay," Jake relented. "Let's try something else. Chris's moment of relief was short lived, though, when Jake rested his hand on the crotch of Chris's diaper.

"Wet your diaper," Jake ordered.

A small shockwave echoed through Chris's body. Wetting a diaper was not something totally foreign to him as Jordan had made him do it. But the situation was not really as public and dangerous as it would have been in the classroom. Chris did not think he could do that and he expressed that to Jake.

Not surprisingly, Jake was not sympathetic. He whispered to Chris. "You said anything," Jake reminded him. "I was nice enough to give you another thing to do, so if you do not do it, the consequences will be much worse for you. Imagine what Jordan will do when he finds out that you tried to weasal out of two orders." The look on Chris's face told Jake that the boy had relented and he would pee his diaper.

"Good boy." Jake remarked.

Chris always figured he must have had very strict potty training when he was a child. He was pee shy and it was difficlt for him to pee if anyone was in the bathroom with him. Although Jake would be the only person knowing what he was doing, peeing in the diaper in the middle of his chem class was just as difficult. He didn't know how many minutes passed as he sat there trying to do something that he was not supposed to do past the age of two. When he was first given the order, chris had not felt like he had to pee. A few minutes of actually trying just made things a lot more difficult. Chris soon felt like he had to pee very badly yet couldn't.

"Maybe you need a little help," Jake said and he started massaging Chris's hard on through the stretched plastic material. He quickly found the head of Chris's cock and when he began to massage the underside of the ridge, Chris started to really enjoy the feeling. His cock did not go down in size at all, but he did begin to feel a lot more relaxed. He concentrated on how good it felt to have Jake rubbing his diapered dick and simply enjoyed it. After about three minutes of this treatement, Chris was surprised to feel himself actually starting to wet his diaper. The stream was at first slow and steady, but then it simply began to gush into the diaper. Chris was worried that he would start leaking, but it seemed that the diaper was more than capable of holding the never ending stream of pee that left it.

When all was said and done, Chris loooked down at his crotch. He had soaked his diaper in a way that he would not have believed was possible. The white front plastic now had a yellow tint to it and his crotch felt very nice and very warm. Throughout the peeing, Jake had been massaging his cock and once he was done, Jake gently grabbed the warm crotch and squeezed it.

"Good boy," Jake said and Chris was happy with the approval. "NOw stand up."

The last order caught Chris off guard. "I thought you were going to let me pee instead of losing my pants," Chris protested.

"I did."

Jake's answer was confusing. "So if I got to pee my diaper instead of losing my pants, why are you making me lose my pants?"

Jake laughed at Chris. "Well the first order was for you to stand up and lose your pants," he informed Chris. "I let you wet your diaper instead. Now, this is a second and separate order. Now stand up."

Chris knew he had been had. He also knew that there was no way he was going to be able to get out of this. Whereupon the humiliation of losing his pants in a dry diaper was bad enough, he was now about to lose them in soaked diaper. Taking a very deep breath, Chris slowly stood up behind the table. His jeans, although tight, had been manuevered by Jake so they would fall down when he stood. They slowly fell off his hips and next thing Chris knew, the jeans were around his ankles. Chris had never felt as exposed and humiliated as he did at that very moment.

"Step out of them," Jake ordered, proving there was always a more severe humiliation awaiting.

Resigned to his fate, Chris stepped out of his jeans. He was now standing behind his lap table in a chem class wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a wet block printed diaper. Jake kicked the jeans under the table and told Chris to sit back on the stool and they returned to work.

The rest of chem class went by at a rate of speed that made his previous class look like it was a five minute class. Chris was in his wet diaper, trying to do his classwork. A few students in the class were aware of what was going on, but Chris was fortunate enough that they were students who already knew about his humiliation. C

Jake was not easygoing enough to be satisfied with Chris's current state of humiliation. He made Chris pee a couple more times in the diaper as the class went on. The pee continued to soak the diaper, absorbing into more than just the diapered crotch. Soon, every time Chris moved in the chair, not only did the plastic covering of the diaper rustle, but the seat of the diaper squished against his butt.

When there was about five minutes of class left. Jake had Chris stand up again. Chris had hoped that he was going to be able to get dressed again. INstead, Jake loudly disconnected two of the tapes holding the left side of his diaper up. Being that he already had filled the diaper, removing two tapes only caused the diaper to fall to the floor with a loud thud. The students who had been aware of what was going on enjoyed seeing that, but no one else saw as Chris's boner was freed from its plastic prison and began bobbing in the open air.

Jake reached over and grabbed Chris's hard dick and he began jacking it very fast. Chris was shocked and his body turned every known shade of red, but there was no way that he was incapable of enjoying the stimulation. The whole embarrassing situation made him so horny that he knew he would not be able to last long. Chris closed his eyes and began lightly bucking his hips. His orgasm built quickly and when he shot, he felt Jake's hand on the head of his cock, collecting all of the cum.

After the stimulation of his cock was over, Chris opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was that Jake had a palmful of Chris's cum in his hand. Without trying to hide it, Jake brought his cum covered hand to Chris's mouth.

"Lap it up," Jake ordered. Chris obeyed.

Next: Chapter 17

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