High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Oct 4, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Fifteen

Walking to school, Chris was still aware of the crinking sound of his diapers as he walked along. The tightness of his jeans, which made it obvious that he had something more than underwear on under the pants, did absolutely nothing to keep the plastic covering from making noise. He had thought that since he was aware of what he had on under his pants, that the sound might have been more noticeable to him. He was unsure whether this was true and whether or would have held true for the how obvious the diapers looked under his pants. It might not have really mattered, however. Chris had already been exposed in the locker room wearing his diapers. In high school it was more than likely that in the short time since his exposure that the entire student body would be aware of his new underpants as well.

Jordan had been adamant that the jeans Chris wore would show that he had diapers on underneath. Chris generally wore more casual, baggier clothes, so the jeans were a purchase that Jordan had required him to make. So much of Chris's wardrobe had changed due to the recent change in his best friend's behavior. The destruction of his underwear except for the yellow mesh jockstrap had been rather severe. Chris was positive that he would go back to wearing underwear once Jordan had tired with this game so that was due to be an expensive venture. The tight jeans were just uncomfortable. Chris's dick was not as large as Jordan's but he definitely had a good size and full balls and thus hated wearing tight pants.

Chris's six and a half inch dick was sticking up against his belly as he was walkin along. He couldn't let it hang down against his balls due to the tightness of the jeans, them pressing against the diaper and against his dick. As much as he hated wearing the diapers, putting them on had been having a strong effect on his libido. He had placed the cock ring below the halfway mark on his dick when he was getting dressed. Although the ring wasn't on, the diaper pressing tightly against it was causing the ring to slowly slide upwards. Since his cock was hard, the ring was tightly on it. Each slip on the skin as he took another step caused a shift in the position of the ring and sent a shiver up his deck and subsequently Chris's whole body. Although the ring was definitely an instrument of torment, the majority of that torment kept him rock hard. This would be the very first day that he would be wearing the ring and Chris knew that this very fact would keep his dick firm all day.

With Chris getting hornier as he he walked to school, his mind turned back to the weekend. Sucking Jordan's dick along with Steve had been so hot that he wished he could have cummed over the memory over and over if he were only allowed to cum. Afterwards, Jordan had indicated that he would be keeping the yellow mesh jockstap and wearing it whenever he had the opportunity. Chris loved the idea but hated it at the same time. He was happy that the jock had not been destroyed, but seeing Jordan in it would constantly be getting his cock at attention.

When Chris walked in the door, his paranoia began to grow right away. There was no way for him to be aware if the students looking at him were doing so because they had noticed something about his appearance. The diaper was pressed tightly between his hard dick and the tight jeans. If the other students were actually looking at him, they could have been noticing one of two bulges there; the extra padding or the hard cylinder that was tenting the hell out of both the diaper and the jeans. His own knowledge of him wearing the diaper likely increased the awareness of it in his eyes, but that was of little comfort since any student that had heard about his pantsing in the locker room had the same knowledge as he did.

Like everything else that had been strangely making him horny, the suspicion that others were looking at him and knowing aout the diapers was having that effect on him as well. And while students thinking he was wearing diapers did turn him on, the idea that they would also be wondering why he was wearing them was having a much stronger effect. His already hard dick gave him several throbs.

Chris made it to his first class and sat dow n as quickly as he could. He wasn't due to meet up with Jordan until the class break following the third period. Chris had a free period during fourth period and would have been available during that time period to do any short embarrassing tasks before fourth period. All he could do was sit in his chair and let all of the apprehension of the day work him over and over.

Third period came and ended and Chris made his way to the restroom that Jordan had instructed him to meet at. He entered and Jordan was already there and waiting for him. The rest of the room appeared to be empty.

"Hey, bitch," Jordan said and then laughed. "How has your day been going?"

Chris stood awkwardly in front of his former best friends, shifting his feet and shrugging. "It hasn't been so bad," he admitted. "I was worried a few times that someone would see the bulging in my jeans, but no one seemed to notice anything."

"Strip to your diaper."

After spending the weekend following Jordan's order, Chris learned that he was beyond the point of protesting Jordan's orders. He slowly took his shift off, setting it down on one of the sinks. He then slowly took off his shoes and socks. After just a moments hesitation, he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down to his ankles. Chris stepped out of his jeans, folded them and then laid them down right on the sink. He was standing there in a public school bathroom in front of his former best friend wearing nothing but his block printed diaper. He stood awkwardly before Jordan.

"Great," Jordan said with a smile. Immediately after, one of the stall doors opened and another male student walked out and saw Chris. It was Dennis, one of the oys who played on the same basketball team with Jordan. Dennis had a huge, shit eating grin on his mug as he looked Chris up and down.

"That's great," Dennis laughed. "This is so much freaking cooler before in the locker room. Why the hell you wearing a baby diaper, Chris?"

Chris was unable to answer right away. He simply stood there, unable to react to the new gawker.

"He asked me to get these for him," Jordan lied. "Before I thought he was wearing diapers because he had a wetting problem. He must just like it though. Why the hell would he get printed diapers?"

Dennis simply shook his head. "So will he really do everything you tell him to?" Dennis inquired.

"Oh yeah," Jordan replied. "We're going to have a little fun just today."

"What are you going to do?" Dennis asked.

"Watch this," Jordan instructed. He walked over to Chris and Chris felt himself tensing up. Although Jordan had allowed chris to do a significant amount of touching on his own body, Jordan did not do much of it in return. Afraid that Jordan would do something to hurt him, his former friend only grabbed the waist of Chris's diaper. He began pulling the diaper forward and Chris shivered in fear. He was afraid that Jordan was about to rip his diaper off. Instead, Jordan simply pulled the waist band open and stuck his other hand into the crotch of Chris's diaper. Jordan's hand was firmly holding the marble hard phallus in his diaper. "Come take a look at this."

Dennis walked over and looked into Chris's diaper.

"Holy shit," Dennis laughed. "I don't think I have ever seen a guy that hard before. That thing looks like it could explode at any second." There was a short pause. "What's that thing around his dick?"

"Vibrating cockring," Jordan replied. "Watch this."

Jordan enclose his hand around Chris's hard cock. This sent a shudder down Chris's spine and his cock visibly throbbed. Once Jordan had pulled his diaper on, Chris's focus had been squarely on his dick. He was positive that Dennis must have seen the throb too.

"Damn, he's so horny that you are barely touching him and he's throbbing," he said.

Jordan slowly loosened the grip on chris dick. He then took two of his fingers and put them on the underside of the hard dick. Using only the tips of his fingers, he slowly began to caress the hard dick. His finger tips slid lightly up and down Chris's dick. The tickling was so light that Chris could not believe it. As hard as he had been that whole morning, his dick was in hair trigger mode. Although he was worried about cumming in front of Dennis, that did not stop Chris from reacting to the wonderful feelings in his dick. He shuddered and a slight moan escaped his lips. All three boys were looking at the shaft when a pearl of precum decided to ooze forward from the tip of the cock.

Dennis was laughing in fits by this point. This didn't keep him from watching intently, though.

Jordan upped his manipulation of Chris's penis. He took the two fingers that had been tickling the dick and he put the palm of his hand on the cockhead. He then began lightly polishing the head, spreading the precum all over the diapered dick. Chris tried to pull away from the overwhelming friction, his hips jerking back and forth a few times. He was able to regain control, though, and not pull his cock away from Jordan's hand.

"On your knees," Jordan ordered. He let go of both Chris's diaper and his cock. The waist closed and once again, his cock was pressed up against his body and diaper. Although he hated the idea of getting down on the bathroom floor of a public school restroom, he did as he was told once again with no hesitation.

"I have a present for you," Jordan told Chris. "You are going to take down Dennis's pants slowly. Once you have the pants down, I think you'll know what to do."

Shaking, Chris's hands went straight for Dennis's pants. He slowly unbuttoned the top button on the jeans. He pulled the flaps to each side. Then, once of Chris's hands pulled on the zipper. He did slowly, as his master instructed him to do. As he did, he noticed something that almost sent him down on his diapered ass. Dennis was wearing a green mesh jockstrap. Once he had them opened, he pulled the pants down to Dennis's ankles.

"Shoes and socks too," Jordan ordered.

Chris continued his stripping of Dennis. He removed both the socks and shoes and put them to the side. Once this was done, he had Dennis change feet and took his pants completely off. Then, still under instruction, he stood up and removed Dennis's t-shirt as well. He then got back on his knees and he admired what he was looking at. Dennis's body was much different than Jordan's. Jordan was tall and slender and Dennis was tall and a bit more muscular. He obviously worked his legs out regularly as he had the most muscular thights that Chris had ever seen. The thing that Chris admired most, though, was the cock that was being held in place by the green mesh jockstrap. Dennis's dick, though was totally limp and held hanging inside the sling of the jockstrap. It was obviously very fat as well. Chris found himself beginning to salivate.

"You like that dick, don't you?" Dennis asked. Chris simply nodded and licked his lips. "What do you want to do with it?"

"I want it in my mouth," Chris said without any hesitation.

Dennis took Chris by the head and pulled him tightly against the jock strap. "Kiss it and then get it hard," Dennis instructed.

Chris remembered the drill when he did this with Jordan. He put his mouth all over the jockstrap. He felt as the aready fat bulge began to do two things: getting hard and getting bigger. Licking it through the mesh was wonderful. He felt every inch of it beginning to grow. It did not take a long time before the pouch was full of a nice and hard cock. Chris kept hoping over and over that he was going to get an order to take the dick out and begin servicing it. He was weak in anticipation of getting it in his mouth.

Immediately at Jordan's next order, Chris began to do just what he wanted. He slowly took the elastic band of the jockstrap and pulled it out. He then took the pouch, stretched it out over the balls and supported it here. He then slowly moved forward. Dennis was not only hard, but he had precum on his cock. Chris at first licked that off and this got a moan from Dennis. He then slowly took the cockhead into his mouth. Although Chris was terrified of getting caught, he did not pause in his activities. He slowly began to take in more and more of the cock until the whole thing was in his mouth. He then slowly began sucking it and rubbing his tongue over the whole shaft while he sucked it.

"Okay, quit," Jordan ordered out of no where.

Chris did not want to stop and he almost kept sucking the dick. However, he quickly realized that he could get into a lot of trouble if he waited any longer, he pulled his mouth of Dennis's dick.

"That'll give you something to think about all day," Jordan informed Chris. "We'll keep that hard while you think all day about sucking the cum out of his cock after school. Now dress Dennis up."

Chris did exactly what was told. Once Dennis was dressed, he stood up. Jordan walked over to Chris and reached into the diaper. He turned the cock ring on and then instructed Chris to get dressed. When he was dressed, he was instructed to go to class and not turn the vibrator off. Jordan and Dennis then left.

To cut down on his allotted embarassement time, Chris waited in the rest room while he waited for the next class period to start. When it did, he left the bathroom and walked to class. The vibrator kept shaking on his hard cock. His erection was evident and many people were definitely knowing this and snickering as he walked by. He was throbbing more than he could believe.

Chris made it to class. It was then that he realized the embarrassment of the sound of the cock ring. A few people must have noticed due to the odd looks he was getting. As he sat down in class, he was unable to pay attention to the teaching. THe cock vibrated and many students were definitely aware of the probem that he was facing. It felt like he was masturbting in class. He began breathing heavily and this caused more amusement among his classmates. His leg began jerking and he was barely able to surpress the moans that would have killed him. He made it to the edge and was jerking around in his seat. Chris literally felt the jerking edge began to advance through his cock. The cum started out in the root, slowly worked it's way up each of the almost seven inches that were hard and shaming him. When the cum made it through the head, he knew he was done. The cum started slowly shooted out into the diaper. He was unable to control how he felt, jerking as every shot entered the diaper. Every single person in the class saw the jerking, including the teacher. It continued for about 30 seconds and then the only thing he was aware of was the warm stickiness in the diaper.

Next: Chapter 16

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