High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jul 22, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Thirteen

Chris could not think of a more embarrassing situation than the one he had been experiencing at the hands of Jordan that night. Not even the things that he had been through with Jordan compared to what had been happening since Jordan introduced his brother Steve into the mix. Chris was sitting in the back of a Mustang with the top pulled down wearing nothing but an adult diaper that looked like nothing more than a baby's diaper. He had a cock ring on his dick that had been shaking his cock back and forth for way over an hour at this point. The ring moved up and down his hard shaft, creating different sensations every time that it moved. On top of that, he had his entire underwear wardrobe and was shredding each and every pair, visible to anyone who might see the car.

AS Chris was cutting up his last thong and moving on to the mesh jockstraps that he had secretly ordered off the internet (to keep his parents from knowing about it), Steve's hand was adding sensation to the vibrating ring. Despite the extreme number of orgams Chris has had, his cock was so hard that a cat couldn't scratch it. What the orgasms had done, however, was make it so much more difficult for him to cum. As Steve played around with his bulge, Chris was overly aware of how tight the diaper was and how his dick simply stretched the diaper to his limits. He kept hoping that the erection wouldn't begin to break through diaper because he was quite positive that even if he had not destroyed all of his underwear by that point, there was no way that Jordan would let him replace the diaper with any of them.

The more that Steve played with the bulge in Chris's diaper, the more the cock ring slowly moved further and further up the length of his shaft. He was sure that this was not Steve's intent as the older brother was quite complicite in just obeying his brother's commands. It was the slow and steady pace of the movement that Chris found most frustrating. The ring would steadily vibrate, sending shivers along the hard dick. But when Steve's hand slightly adjusted the ring, it slide up and send tingles throughout the entire shaft and the rest of Chris's body. He was sure that by the time they actually made it to the beach that the cock ring was likely to be right against the ridge of his cock head again.

Not much else happened on the ride and soon Jordan's car pulled up to the beach. As was the case when they were at his house, Chris was happy that he had the darkness of the night to moderately shield him from being seen. Although the beach was not a happening place in the evening, it was definitely a popular party area for teenagers. However at the stretch of beach that Jordan decided to park his car at, there was nobody to be seen.

Jordan turned around to look at the boys sitting in the back seat of the car. He laughed. "Damn, Chris!" Jordan said between chuckles. "That little dick of yours sure is stretching that poor diaper out. I guess you enjoyed cutting up all that underwear, didn't you?"

Chris did not really want to answer the question in any way. He just grimaced and was relieved when the expression simply made Jordan laugh and not pursue an answer to his question.

"You got them all sliced up?" Jordan asked.

Chris held up a yellow mesh jockstrap which was the last item he had not yet cut into shreds. "This is the last one left."

Jordan laughed again. "Sheesh, you are such a fag," he said. "You'd practically be inviting someone to fuck you by wearing that. How come I've never seen those on you when you've changed for gym class?"

Chris shrugged. "They're not exactly the kind of underwear I'd want to wear to school," He admitted. Secretly, he was enjoying not only the short delay in ripping up the jockstrap but also enjoying what seemed like some sort of casual interest in that specific jockstrap from Jordan. Chris had specifically saved the yellow mesh strap as the last piece of underwear because it was actually his favorite. In his multitude of fantasies about Jordan and some other guys in school, the yellow jockstrap sometimes played a prominent role. The current master and slave relationship that he had going on with Jordan was ironic because Chris had very often fantasized about authoritarian relationships with himself always in the slave role. He would often imagine scenarios where one of the boys would strip him down to his underwear, only to see the yellow jockstrap as the last piece of clothing he had on. Other times he wished he could actually have the balls to wear the jock to school and let it be seen when he changed in front of the entire locker room. In that fantasy, the torment never started until he was about to put on his gym uniform, which was always taken away from him once the other boys in the room saw the jockstrap.

The irony in these situations that Chris has imagined for years and deep down wished that they would actually happen laid in the fact that once it came through, it was still stimulating but was not remotely as enjoyable as he thought it would have been. Although he had often fantasized about public humiliation, being in diapers had never entered his mind not even once. He realized that the thought of being dominating worked well in his mind, but the reason it didn't work the same in public is because that part of being dominated does not include choosing the method by which it was supposed to happen.

As Chris was about to shred up the yellow jockstrap, Jordan actually stopped him. "Don't destroy those yet," Jordan remarked. "Leave em in the car for now. I have an idea of something we can do with those later."

Chris did as he was told and put the yellow jockstrap to the side.

"Well, you diaper boys grab those underwear shreds. You're going to carry them out onto the point and throw them off into the water."

Chris and Steve did as they were told. Once they had gathered all of the underwear pieces, both boys got out of the car and stood up. Both had on dry block printed diapers and nothing else. Perhaps just as noticeable, both boys were sporting hardons that were pushing the diapers to their limits. This of course just caused Jordan to laugh harder at them.

"Boy you fairies are pretty fucking horny," Jordan chuckled. "For a couple of tiny dicks, you are about to break right through the plasitc on the underwear." Jordan stopped and thought for a moment. "Steve, reach into Chris's diaper and take his cockring off. I think you boys are way past the point of actually needing them anymore."

Steve followed orders. As the head of Chris's dick was pressing hard against the diaper, Steve had to manipulate it in order to be able to slide the cockring right off it. He reached into Chris's crotch and grabbed ahold of his dick. Although their diapers were dry, their cocks were not. Chris's dick was covered in some cum and some precum and when Steve tried to grab it, it shifted in his hand, causing the oozing head to rub abrasively against the inner material of the diaper. The friction was overwhelming and caused Chris's leg to jerk a couple times. After several attempts of getting to stabilize Chris's dick, Steve finally got a firm grip on the cockring. As it was tight on Chris's cock, Steve had to pull it off rather slowly. Chris tensed up several times as the ring slid up the shaft of his slippery cock, finally past the entire head and off his body. Although Chris was happy to have the ring off, he found himself disappointed when steve's hand was no longer on his dick. Steve tossed the cockring into the back of the Mustang.

When Steve was done, Jordan instructed Chris to do the same to his brother. Chris happily took his hand and slipped it into the crotch of Chris's diaper. Like his own, Steve had plenty of slippery cum and precum on his dick. Steve's penis was smaller than Chris's and the cockring was not as tight, but Chris still enjoyed grabbed it and trying to find the cockring. The ring was almost all the way down around the root of Steve's dick. It may not have fit his dick as well as Chris's, but this just seemed to allow for more stimulation and the ring would move around much more. Chris put his hand all the way around Steve's shaft and slowly slid his hound down the slippery and very rigid pole, squeezing several times on his trip down and causing Steve to jerk his leg in much the same manner as Chris had done. Chris then slowly grabbed the cockring and slowly pulled it up along the entire length of Steve's dick. When it crossed over his dickhead, Steve stiffened up as if he was about to cum, but didn't. Having removed the cockring, Chris turned it off and tossed it in the back of the Mustang along with the one that as taken off of him.

Jordan apparently enjoyed the whole show as he was wearing a huge shit eating grin when Chris turned back around to face him. Steve and Jordan shifted nervously from foot to foot, waiting for their next instructions. They looked from side to side slightly and nervously, always expecting someone to be coming up or down the beach to see them. No one had done so yet, though.

"Okay," Jordan instructed. "Now grab those rags and walk out to the end of the point. I'll be there in just a few minutes and we'll toss everything into the ocean. Of course that will just be the beginning of the show."

Neither boy had expected Jordan to not accompany them immediately to the point. They hoped that he was not planning on getting in the Mustang and leaving them out on the point in nothing but their diapers. Rather than ask (and Chris thought that if he did ask and Jordan had not been planning on doing anything like that, he might just be giving his friend an idea that he didn't need to be giving him) the boys did exactly what they were told.

The point was a bit higher elevated than the beach itself and they had to walk slightly uphill in order to get to it. It stretched out into the ocean a good 100 feet and was surrounded by big stones. Chris had been there many times not in a diaper and one of his favorite things to do in the spring was to sit on the rocks by the point and watch the sandpiper's run back and forth against the waves. He would get fascinated at how the birds would never get touched by the water, no matter how close it every got to them. Both boys heard the crinkling from the plastic of their diapers as they made their way up to the point and walked out to the end of it.

"Sorry about all of this," Steve apologized again.

"It's not your fault at all," Chris replied.

"Well, if I could have been potty trained as a kid and stop wetting my pants and the bed, Jordan would have never got so interested in doing all this diaper stuff," Steve added. "I dunno, it's been a constant struggle with him. My parents never really treated me like I was the oldest son because I never could get out of diapers. After a while, they just switched things on us. Jordan became the oldest child. My parents would leave him in charge when they were away, he was alowed to check and change my diapers. Most second born kids would kill to be handed such a good opportunity for such a power trip. He ran with it, sometimes even changing my diapers in front of his friends. I can't even tell you how many times I would be sleeping, only to be woke up because my sheets and pajama bottoms would be pulled off and having his friends looking at me in a wet diaper. He just really loved being able to control things like that. So yeah, I feel like I have to be sorry."

Chris stood at the end of the point and realized that being elevated in comparison to the rest of the beach increased the possibility for exposure. He could more easily see if anyone was approaching, but anyone approaching could more easily see two boys standing up on the point in diapers.

"It hasn't been all bad," chris admitted to Steve a bit sheepishly. "I mean, you definitely seem to know you way around my dick a bit." He grinned. I really like you playing with it...I've never cummed so hard as I have lately."

Steve began to smile a bit as well. "So are you really gay then?" he asked. "I wasn't sure exactly. I can't believe everything that Jordan tells me because he kind of stretches the truth to fit his own preference of how things should be. That's why even if you told me you were gay while he was around, I'd still not believe it until I heard it from you."

Chris nodded. "Yeah, I really am gay," he replied.

"So the story he told me about catching you trying to see his dick is true then too?" Steve asked.

Chris nodded again. "Yeah, I know how stupid it was to try and do such a thing now," he admitted. "But at the time, I was so horny that I just couldn't help myself. I sort of had the hots for him for long time now and he was teasing the hell out of me that day. Just the way he pulled the waistband of his boxers out...every part of me was telling me to look and the warning signals just got drowned out. Hell, I don't even think the warning signals could have given me any clue that any of this had any chance of happening."

Steve looked like he was going to say something else, but he stopped. Looking past his diapered companion, Chris saw why. Jordan had finally reached the point and was walking towards the two diaper boys. He still was sporting a huge grin.

"Well, Chris," Jordan said, "It's time to make your new life official. But before you start tossing the shreds over, Steve, pull your cocks up like you know I like."

Chris did not know what Jordan was talking about but by the blush that extended over Steve's body he figured it was yet another humiliation. Steve reached into the front of Chris's diaper and grabbed his still steel hard and slippery dick. He pulled it so it was pointed up and the oozing cockhead reached over the waistband of the diaper, exposing the head and about a half inch of shaft. Jordan instructed Chris to do the same thing to Steve and Chris obeyed. Soon, both boys were standing with their cock heads visible and visibly oozing plenty of fresh precum.

"Get to it," Jordan ordered.

Chris and Steve did not say a word and just did as they were told. With their dicks partly visible and mostly still stretching the hell out of their diapers, they started throwing the tattered remains of Chris's once impressive underwear collection over the point and into the ocean. Chris felt rather indifferent to losing the underwear. It didn't matter since he had already destroyed them and this was simply clean up.

Once they were done, both boys turned back to Jordan to see what he was going to tell them next.

"Get on your knees," Jordan ordered.

Chris and Steve obeyed.

"Face each other," Jordan instructed and the boys readily did that. "You guys are going to put on a little show for anyone who might decide to come by. And if I enjoy the show, I have thought up an extra special surprise as a reward for you. You're going to make out and rub your diapers and dicks together. But you better not cum unless I tell you directly that you can. Get to it."

This time, as Chris looked at Steve, everything seemed a bit different than it had seemed in their previous actions. Even though they had only talked for a moment before Jordan had come back, there was more desire for the person that Chris felt like he was now getting to know and their task seemed more pleasant.

Still on their knees, Chris and Steve moved a bit closer to each other. Leaning forward, Chris took the iniative and started kissing Steve lightly. Steve responded immediately and put one of his hands behind Chris's head. The other he wrapped around Chris's back and moved so it was holding his diapered butt gently. Chris loved this, but loved it even more as steve pulled them so close that their crotches were touching. The parts that were covered by Chris's diaper were touching the parts that were covering Steve's diaper. Both cocks, still sticking out of the diapers, were touching each other as well. They were both slippery and slided against each each other. Each boy kept kissing the other boy harder and kept rubbing their diapers and cocks against each other, eventually rolling off their knees and they were full out making out on the sand of the point. They were so caught up in their lust for each other that they did not notice Jordan standing to the side of them as he unbuttoned his blue jeans and continued to watch them.

"If you get close to cumming, you better get those little dicks back into those diapers," they heard Jordan instruct them. Steve handled this problem for both of the boys. Reaching down, he first grabbed his own slippery dick and adjusted it into the diaper as best he could. Once it was awkwardly covered by the material, he reached into Chris's diaper and first gave Chris's cock a few good strokes. Then, Steve broke the kiss and pushed chris onto his back.

chris was surprised at first but didn't care anymore once Steve had him on his back. Steve went down to Chris's cock and cleaned all of the cum and precum off of the head. Chris was moaning as Steve's tongue swirled around on his cockhead, taking away the slippery feeling but replacing it was something better. Once his dick was all dry, Steve pushed it back into the diaper and the two boys were back to kissing and rubbing their crotches together.

Chris knew he was about to cum and would not be able to hold off much longer. His dick was literally vibrating on its own, without the cock ring. He felt the orgasm begin to build up for the umpteenth time that day. This time was more intense than the others, however. As the feeling of being about the cum slowly made its way up his shaft, the overwhelming sensations started to become too much to bear.

"Before you cum, look at this," Jordan's voice cut into the lust.

There was no way Chris was going to be able to hold off the orgasm. He turned and looked at Jordan and saw for the first time that he had his jeans unbuttoned. Jordan then slowly unzipped his fly, at first not showing much. He didn't lower the waistband, but Jordan did open his fly enough for Chris to see why Jordan hadn't joined Steve and him on the point right away. As Jordan's fly opened, Chris saw that Jordan, his ultimate fantasy, the parting zipper showed a yellow mesh material covering Jordan's cock that Chris immeditely recognized.

The intense shock of seeing Jordan in the yellow jockstrap coupled with the impendind orgasm caused Chris to moan louder than he had ever heard himself do before. The moan was cut off, though, by Steve planting his lips firmly against his own lips. Chris still moaned into Steve's mouth as the intense buildup finally forced its way through the entire length of his cock and he completely saturated the printed diaper he was wearing. Throughout the orgasm, he continued bucking his hips and rubbing his crotch against Steve's and this apparently sent Steve into a similar orgasmic state. Both boys had their lips still locked, but they continued moaning as each diaper filled up with cum.

Looking back at Jordan, Chris could swear he saw his friend's head cock head through the mesh.

to be continued. Any comments can be sent to foxbarking@yahoo.com

End with some diaper appreciation

Next: Chapter 14

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