High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on May 14, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation.Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to. Sorry for the extended wait for this chapter. After previously going six years without an update, I am sure that some thought I was about to do it again. In actuality, I just got very weighed down with college research. I don't want to write chapters merely for the sake of writing them, because I don't want this story to become bogged down. I hope this is worth the wait.

You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Eleven

Chris had never been used to having so many orgasms within such a small period of time. Because he had been cumming so much, each time following, his dick seemed to get a little less sensitive. However, this was only following an period of time when his cock went through its obligatory extra sensative post orgasm period. The cock ring of course had no control of his own and had no respect for Chris's refractory period. Once the orgasm subsided, the vibrations still carried on unabated.

The extremely sensitive cock only went slightly soft. The ring didn't move and Chris started fidgeting. As he fidgeted, Chris's diaper made slightly loud sounds rubbing up against the leather seats. Every vibration of the ring on his dick resulted in a new reflex. Chris would clench his legs together, then push his butt further back in the seat. The following twinge made him stick his hips out. All of these movements alternated for the length of the super sensitive period Chris was experiencing. Although it was likely to not have lasted any more than 30 seconds, it seemed an age to Chris.

Steve was doing nothing to make the experience less intense for the boy. He was quite aware that Chris was cumming and he took full advantage of the situation. The crotch of Chris's diaper was moist as he grabbed it and kneaded it with his hand. It wasn't the first orgasm of the night for the boy, but it was the first one since his diaper was changed. He must have cummed a lot to make the diaper so damp. Steve was able to manipulate and mold the crotch in any way he wanted. With his hand, he made the diaper cling tightly around Chris's still hard dick. The bulge in the printed diaper now accentuated the hardon.

Although it seemed like it took forever, Chris's cock returned to its less sensitive state quickly enough. Steve was able to tell because the boy stopped jerking his hips all over the place. Steve's manipulations did not stop though. His kneading of the crotch of the diaper continued and no sooner than it did, his dick got back to its full hard state.

Chris was used to getting hard rather soon after coming. but this happened quickly even for him. He hated to admit that the consistent humiliation he was put through was turning him on as much as it had been. He had never considered doing any of these things before. Though he had, of course, fantasized about Jordan over and over again, he had never thought about trying to put a diaper on again.

As that last thought crossed his mind, Chris started to remember something. Although he hadn't ever put a diaper on himself, he recalled something that he had done when he was younger. Around the age of 12 or 13, he had been going through some boxes to find some pictures for a school project. He had come across a pair of torqouise plastic pants and didn't really know what they were. But there was something about the texture of the plastic pants he had found very interesting. Though they were obviously way too small for him, he took them into the bathroom to try them on. He was able to get them on, although they had been very tight. His dick had begun getting hard from the moment he had come across them in the box, but once he had the pants on, he could have sworn his dick grew an inch bigger than it had ever been before. He spent time in the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror and liking how his bulging dick was stretching the strange yet smooth material. He had gotten so turned on by the experience that he got into his bath tub and liad down. The plastic pants were obviously not going to be absorbent, so he turned on the fountain and let the water drip onto them. He had been there for a long time, but he was a young kid in the throes of puberty so as long as his dick was getting attention, he didn't care how much time he spent giving it. When he eventually came into the plastic pants, his horniness was quickly replaced by an icky guilty feeling. He had cleaned up the plastic pants and put them back where he had found them. Although he recalled wanting to take them out and try the experience again every now and then when he had gotten very horny, Chris never did. In addition to this, he must have pushed the memory aside because he had totally forgotten about it until that very moment.

As the car was getting closer to Chris's house, he started to get paranoid again. Not only was he sitting in the back of an open convertible in a printed diaper, he had a very obvious hard on in the diaper. But the part that worried him the most was that he didn't have any other clothes. He did have a bit of an idea as to what Jordan was going to make him do, but he wasn't totally sure. Whatever it was, it probably had something to do with Chris going into his home in only his diaper. If his parents were home, he had no idea how he would be able to get away with such a thing.

Chris's worst fears were confirmed as Jordan pulled the car up onto his street. His parents' car was in the driveway and the front lights of the house were on. As a small relief, Jordan did not pull the car up into the driveway and parked on the side of the road.

"Having fun there, big brother?" Jordan asked as he turned to face his diaper boys.

Steve had still been playing with the damp bulge of Chris's diaper, forming a mold around his hardon. He jerked his hand away.

"Okay, gay boy...I mean the gay boy I am not related to obviously," Jordan laughed. "Here's what you have to do. I want you to go into your house and get to your bedroom. You're going to grab every pair of underwear you have. And I absolutely mean every pair. If I find out you kept any, you are going to be one really sorry fag. Got it?"

Chris nodded. Jordan could tell that Chris wanted to ask something though. "Something you want to say, homo?"

"My parents are home," Chris informed Jordan with a quaver in his voice. "How am I supposed to get to my room and out again without them seeing me?" Jordan shrugged. "As usual, it's not my problem," he responded. "I think you know why too, right?"

Chris nodded again. "I should have thought about it before I looked at and got turned on by your cock," he said, mechanically.

"You got it," Jordan said. "Now get your ass out of here and get back with that underwear. You got five minutes."

Chris got out of the car and made his way over to his house. He figured the best idea would be to go in through the back kitchen door. His parents would have already eaten dinner by now and were much less likely to go back into the kitchen for any reason. They would hear him come inside, but with any luck they wouldn't get up and go into the kitchen. They would either call out to him or they would ask him to come into the living room. He figured if the latter happened, he would have to find a way to get out of it.

Although it was dark outside, Chris lived in a relatively nice subdivision so there were plenty of street lights. As he walked into the driveway of his house, he stood directly under a light. He felt exposed even though there was no one outside other than him and Jordan and Steve. But he knew that he would often be inside his house and would watch other people as they walked around the neighborhood. He tried to move his hands to at least cover up the printed part of his diaper, although it really didn't cover much. Instead, he moved his hands over so they were at least covering his bulge up. He crouched over just a little bit, but he regretted it the minute he did because it caused his cock ring to move again. It had settled just below the halfway mark on his cock but his motion caused it to move three quarters of the way up his dick. A spasm shot through his body as he was overcome with a pleasurable feeling.

Chris felt a lot better when he got to the side of the house. There was a brick walkway that led from the driveway and garage over to the back door of the house. It was lit, but not nearly as brightly as the driveway. He walked to the back of the house and to the kitchen door. As he did, a scary thought occurred to him: he was just in a diaper and did not have his keys on him. If his parents had locked the door, the only other option he had would be to go in through the front way. There would be absolutely no way he would be able to skip by his parents that way.

To Chris's continued relief the door was unlocked. He tried to open it as quietly as possible, but he was positive that his parents would still notice. He was surprised that he felt even more exposed inside the house than he had outside. After he latched the door, he very quietly made it over the staircase. His strategy appeared to have worked as no one called for him.

When Chris got into his bedroom, he began looking around for something to put his underwear in. He finally decided on a white milk crate. Moving over to his dresser, he opened his underwear drawer. He hadn't been in diapers for too long of a period of time, but it seemed long enough that they seemed somewhat foreign to him. The majority of his underwear was boxer shorts, but he had some other items as well. He had a couple mesh jockstraps that he had ordered online. There were a couple thongs although he did not wear them very often since they were somewhat unconfortable. But his package did look very nice being held in place by the pouches. Other than that, he had a few pairs of euro trunks which had quickly become his absolute favorite brand of underwear.

As soon as Chris had all of his underwear in the crate, he started for the door. "Chris, is that you in there?" he heard his mom call from the other side of the door. Even though he had locked the door and had not turned the light on, Chris froze completely in place. He looked around for anything he could use to cover himself but did not move for any item. Instead, he just stood in the middle of the room.

"Yeah, it's me," he responded weakly.

"I'm about to take a shower, so if you need to use the bathroom you should go now," she yelled back and Chris felt relieved.

"No, I'm okay," Chris replied. "Enjoy."

"All right."

Chris had no idea where his mom was. His house was carpeted and the floors didn't creak. If he didn't have a five minute time limit, he would have simply waited about ten minutes to make sure that she was in the shower. But Jordan gave him a limit and after the past week, he knew better than to test his former best friend's patience. So after just a minute, Chris moved to his door.

Once he had moved in the hallway, Chris realized he had yet another disadvantage. By carrying his underwear in the milk crate, he had to use both hands to keep hold it. He would have had nothing but the crate to put in front of himself if he was caught. No one was in the hallway as he quickly shut his door and ran over to the steps.


Chris's blood froze as he heard his mom's voice behind him. As fast as he could, he turned around made sure the crate was in front of his diaper. His mom was not in the hallway, but almost at the exact moment of him turning around, she walked into the hallway in her robe.

"Chris, how many times do I have to tell you to not walk around the house in your underwear?" she asked with a mock exasperated sigh. "You men have to lose some modesty, you know. Are you doing laundry or something?"

Though he was confused for a moment, Chris realized she had been looking at the milk crate and had seen it was full of underwear. Once he was able to get his senses back, he responded "Yeah, I've gotten behind a bit."

She shook her head. "Well you're going to need more than just underwear so you better wash something else too. Just wait until after my shower before you start the washer, okay? Is there something buzzing in here?" Before Chris even had a chance to respond, his mom was gone.

Chris quietly made his way down the stairs and out the back door. The diaper experience had been so intense that he had actually let it slip his mind that he sometimes walked around in a t-shirt and underwear. Although he hadn't had the t-shirt on, it made sense his mom would have thought he was hanging out in his underwear.

When Chris got back to the car, he returned to the back seat with Chris. The ring moved up again so it was back right under the head of his cock. He twitched a few times, but it seems like the mutiple orgams he had gone through already had finally desensitized his dick. The vibrating kept him hard and very horny, but did not bring him to the edge.

Jordan turned and took a pair of scissors out of the glove compartment. He handed them to Chris, who reluctantly took them. He was very aware as to what Jordan was about to make him do.

"You got a lot of undies there, fag boy. Well, we're going to give them a decent burial. Since you won't ever be wearing them again, there's no need for them to exist."

"Never again?" Chris asked with a tremor in his voice.

"Nope," Jordan replied. "I know you probably think that once you graduate high school and move away or even if you come out of the closet that I won't have any blackmail on you. That's so not true because I have so many pictures and videos. But when I am done with you, you'll have no option but to wear the diapers because I'm going to make sure you're as diaper dependent as my little dicked brother sitting beside you. Now get to cutting up those up."

Chris wasn't sure how to feel as he took out the scissors. With the top of the car still down, Jordan began to drive out of his neighborood. Taking up the first pair of euro trunks, Chris took the scissors and cut through the first leg. He hated it because he had a strong appreciation for underwear and generally found guys in underwear even sexier than naked guys. He cut throught the second leg. Afterwards, he cut the underwear into strips and then moved on to the next one.

As Chris worked on the underwer, both the cock ring and then Steve began working on his crotch. Destroying his underwear was bad, but only half of him actually felt bad. His dick was vibrating and somehow made the experience somewhat bearable. He cut through one of his thongs.

"God, I am thirsty, I need to get a drink," Jordan said and he pulled the car off an exit. Both Steve and Chris tensed up as they were positive they were going to be exposed again. They were correct as he pulled the Mustang up to a Wendy's drive through. He ordered himself a large coke and two kid sized cokes. At the first drive through window, a boy that looked about Chris's age opened the window. His eyes of course went to the two boys sitting in the back of the convertible in block printed diapers cutting up underwear. He smirked as he gave Jordan his change. The second window was not as pleasant. A high school age girl opened the window and the moment she saw Chris and Steve, she burst out laughing and almost dropped the drinks. Jordan smiled at her, letting her know that it was all right to make fun of the boys. He took the drinks and they left.

"It's such a warm day," Jordan remarked as they pulled back onto the freeway. "I wonder how many people are going to be at the beach at this time of night."

To be continued.

Note: My apologies to anyone who has been reading this series. I am sure that after the orginal break in the story for 6 years, you might have thought I fell back into a lull. I don't intend on spending too much time between chapters, but this one conflicted with my undergraduate thesis so it was hard to get the will to write much. Not much sex in this chapter, but my main goal is to set the stage for what is to come. I hope you enjoy it and as always, you can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 12

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