High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Feb 10, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to. You can email me at foxbarking@yahoo.com.

High School Mistake: Chapter Ten

"Chris," Jordan ordered, "get off your ass and get up on the bed."

CHris hesitated and did not move at first. The vibrating ring was still shaking against his dick and although he was not on the verge of an orgasm, he knew that it wouldn't take much to get him close. He wasn't quite sure what the consequences of such an event would be.

Unfortunately, the slight hesitation only seemed to irritate Jordan. "I told you to get off your fag ass and get on the damn bed," he ordered, raising his voice. It was not quite a yell yet but the command was stern enough to let Chris know that it wouldn't take much to push Jordan over his edge, and his edge would not be as pleasant as Chris's would be.

Chris hurried to get up. As he did, the ring around his shaft shifted further up. It was now sitting right past the middle of his dick. This did not put it quite on the most sensitive area, but it was definitely much more sensitive than where it had been sitting lower. The ring was slightly loose, which allowed for the shaking to tease the the skin very lightly. It was the slight teasin against his skin that was the most agonizing for Chris. Still, he did as was told and sat down on the bed.

"Slide your ass back now so it is right off the corner of the bed," Jordan ordered and Chris obeyed. "Now lay down and keep your legs somewhat spread." Jordan looked over at his brother. "Get up, tiny dick."

Steve hurried to get up on his feet. "Now you rub his balls through his diaper. You just gave me a great idea. I'll be back in a moment."

Jordan left the room as soon as Steve started to rub the front of Chris's diaper. Although Steve had seemed reluctant to verbally abuse Chris earlier, there was no such hesitance to begin rubbing his diaper. Fortunately for Chris, although it felt great, having his balls rubbed was not the sort of thing that he found exceptionally stimulating. Therefore there was no danger in cumming before he was ready to. Jordan hadn't been very specific on whether or not they boys could cum, but even though these events were extremely humiliating, Chris knew they would all be a lot easier to do if he was really turned on.

Steve's hand on the diaper was making the diaper crinkle a bit, though. That sound had become such a important part of his life since this diaper wearing had begun. It bugged him because the sound was so loud that he was absolutely sure that everyone must hear it when he walked by. But the fact that people might be able to hear began to excite him a little bit.

"I'm..you know... sort of sorry that Jordan is doing this to you," Steve said, quietly enough that Jordan would not have been able to hear him unless he was in the room. "He's been like this for my entire life."

"Why did he put you in diapers?" Chris asked. He did his best to keep his voice quiet too. The new attitude of his former best friend was unpredictable and Chris definitely feared getting punished any more.

Steve quickly looked over to the door. He was visibly nervous but did not stop rubbing Chris's crotch.

"Because he could," Steve said. "Ever since we were kids he has done everything that he could to humiliate me about diapers." He paused, obviously wondering how much of his past he should reveal.

"For me, being a kid," Steve continued, "I was always in diapers. I don't remember much about Jordan when he was young, but I do remember being around five years old and still having to wear diapers when Jordan didn't. Then Scott was born and he was out of diapers by the time he was two. I was seven at that time and still wasn't able to stop wearing them. Josh is the youngest and he wore diapers longer than Jordan and Josh, but not as long as me. In fact, when he was around four, he still had them on. I thought for a long time that maybe he would have the same issue as I did and have to remain in diapers. When I was nine and he was four, we actually shared he same diapers. I was still pretty small so I guess it was easier on my parents. The worst part was when Josh was finally out of diapers, I still had to wear them. It was pretty humiliating having to wear the last diapers in the last box that was bought for him.

"But yeah, Jordan had to check my diapers all the time and sometimes changed them. I only ever got out of them for a week before he forced me back into them. It was too much fun for him, I guess. That's probably why he wanted to do it to you also. He really gets a kick out of it."

Chris was about to respond when suddenly Jordan walked into the room. There was enough of a pause between Steve ending his story and Jordan's entrance that it was unlikely Jordan heard any of the conversation. He was, however, carrying one of the block printed diapers with him. The first thing he did was toss it over to Steve.

"Diaper up this boy in a diaper more fitting to a little boy like him," Jordan ordered. "I want him to be dry before I take you guys out on a little trip. I want to go for a drive and don't want to risk getting any of his cum on the leather seats in my car."

Chris was surprised by this new plan. He jerked a little as he was about to ask Jordan where he planned on taking them. However, his humiliation had been going on long enough that he was starting to know when and when not to speak. As Jordan obviously had a good plan, and he was obviously having a rush of power, questioning him would only make everything a lot worse. So, rather than say anything, he just relaxed and prepared for his diaper change.

Steve took the printed diaper and laid it on the bed next to Chris. He then unfastened the tapes on Chris's diaper. Once the tapes were unfastened, Steve told Chris to lift his butt up. Steve also had some baby wipes and he used them to clean Chris up. His cock was covered in cum and it felt good to get all of that off. After he was done, Steve unfolded the printed diaper. He told Chris to raise his butt up again, and he placed the diaper under him. Steve generously covered Chris's nether regions with baby powder before he grabbed the diaper and pulled it up over Chris's crotch. he then taped it on tightly.

"How's that ring doing on your little dick?" Jordan asked Chris. "How close are you to cumming?"

Chris shook he head as he remained laying. "It feels good, but it hasn't got me on the edge yet," he responded.

"Good," Jordan said. "Now get your ass up off the bed and follow me. We're going to go on a little trip."

Chris got up off the bed and stood next to Steve. He looked around for his pants, not remembering what he had done with them.

Jordan stopped him. "Oh, no," he said. "I didn't say anything about either of you getting dressed now, did I? You're both coming out with me in just your baby diapers there. Now follow me."

Both boys hesitated a bit and looked at each other with worry. It was Chris who made the mistake, however and decided to object to Jordan's instructions. "We can't go out in just our diapers, Jordan," he protested. "Come on, what will happen if someone sees us?"

Steve flinched at Chris's words. Obviously the length of time that he had been trapped in diapers was enough to keep him from ever really challenging his younger brother. He was expected some awful retalitiation.

Jordan surprised both boys when all he did was turn around and smile. "Well, I'll let you decide between two options. Either both of you are going to come out with me to the car in your diapers, or I am going to take the diapers off both of you and you can ride in the car wearing nothing but those vibrating cock rings."

This time neither Chris nor Steve hesitated. They both hurried out the door as Jordan began walking towards the garage. Once they were by the car, he instructed them both to get in the back seat. "I think neither of you are big enough boys to ride in the front seat, so get in the back."

Jordan started the car and opened the garage. The car was a red convertible Mustang with a brown top. He pulled the car out into the driveway and closed the garage door behind him. When the door was shut, he started to put the top down on the car.

Chris really wanted to protest this. It was warm enough to ride with the top down, but the temperature was not the issue he was concerned with.

"Rub each other's crotch's while we take a little bit of a trip," Jordan ordered once the top was down. "Don't worry, it's dark out so no one will see you. Hell, it's hot enough for a couple of boys to be riding around without any shirts on, so no one should think of anything."

Neither Chris nor Steve was particularly comforted by Jordan's attempt at reassurance. But they did as they were told. It didn't take the boys long to tell where they were headed once the car pulled out of the driveway. They took the road straight out to Chris's house.

Although he hadn't had any problems with cumming, being in the car and having hid diaper rubbed started to bring Chris a lot closer to the edge than he had been in the house. Steve was at first rubbing Chris's balls as he had been doing in the house, but he was slowly starting to shift his hand so it was on the root of Chris's dick. His cock responded with a throb that was intense enough to visibly swell his diaper. A small moan escaped from his lips which got a chuckle out of Jordan. The stimulation got more intense as Steve slowly moved his hand further up and it was soon on the middle of his shaft where the ring was. The ring must have been designed to shake just enough to keep him hard but to not bring him over the edge. However, mixed with the hand that was currently rubbing the front of his diaper nixed the control over orgasm. Steve's hand was now rubbing towards the top of Chris's rigid pole and he let his head fall back against the seat and closed his eyes.

Chris was lost in his lustful feelings for a while before he remembered that he was riding in the back of a car. He opened his eyes and then immediately wished that he hadn't.

Jordan had pulled the car onto the two lane highway. The car was in the left lane and driving alongside in the right lane was a Mack truck. The driver of the truck had a clear view right into the back seat of Jordan's car. He clearly saw two two teenage boys, both wearing diapers with block prints on them, rubbing each others crotches. He was also shaking his head and clearly laughing at the boys.

Chris and Steve were both about to pull their hands away from the other's crotch and attempt to cover themselves up, but Jordan's mind reading ability was one step ahead of them. "You diapers fags stop rubbing and trust me that what I will do to you will be a lot worse than having a truck driver see you rubbing some diaper crotches. Keep rubbing."

The boys did as they were told. In spite of what was happening, neither or them lost their hardons. In fact, both boys felt themselves throbbing even moreso. They tried to pay more attention to each other and ignore the truck driver. However, both of them were able to feel the eyes of the man watching them playing around. Chris felt turned on and was starting to feel increased tingling in his shaft. He just tried to let the fact that he was being watched keep him from cumming.

Chris didn't live far enough away for this event to carry on for too long. Both boys were extremely grateful as Jordan waved goodbye to the truck driver and pulled the Mustang off the exit. Steve and Chris both signed in relief as the truck disappeared from sight and Jordan pulled the car off the exit.

Rather than go straight down the road to Chris's house, however, Jordan pulled the car into the Mobil station down the road. It was a rather big station and the bright lights of the canopy was blinding .Jordan pulled right up to one of the pumps. He then looked back at Chris and through a credit card at him. "I need some gas," he ordered. "Fill the tank up."

Chris didn't move. He simply shook as Steve continued to massage his crotch. He stammered the last bit of protest he had in him. "Come on, Jordan, please don't make me do this," he pleaded. "There are lots of people around here...what will happen to me if they all see me wearing a diaper?"

"About half as much as what will happen to them if they see you naked and pumping some gas, huh?" Jordan said with a chuckle. "Only I guess if I took yoru diaper off you would not be totally naked. You'd still have that purple ring shaking on your tiny dick, wouldn't you?"

That was all he had to say to Chris to convince him of what to do. Both boys stopped massaging their crotches. Chris grabbed the card and still shaking, he got out of the car. He had never experienced anything like this before. There weren't any people there that he knew, so it wasn't like his earlier locker room experience. But still, it was much worse.

Chris was aware of every pair of eyes that was locked on him as he got up and out of the car. The entire time, he was also very aware of the crinkling noise made by his diaper. He could have sworn that he was also hearing the cockring vibrating on his hard dick. He was positive that both of these sounds were audible to everyone at every other gas pump.

As Chris shut the door and made his way over to the pump, he knew he was drawing attention from other people. After the initial shock of seeing a teenager pumping gas in a diaper with block prints, some of the people started making comments. Some that Chris heard were: "Looks like the frats are initiating some pledges again" and "Hey, he's got baby blocks on his diaper" and various "what the fuck is that" and "Fag" chants.

Chris just pumped the gas more and more. He kept his eyes down, hoping that no one he knew would be there and none of them would recognize him if they did. As the comments kept flooding, a new fear occured to Chris. For some reason, his dick felt harder and the stimulation of the ring was much more effective than it had be. When he was about halfway done pumping the gas, the ring slipped once again. It was now situated right under the rim of his cockhead. Mixed with the humiliation that was turning him on, the vibrations of the ring brought Chris quickly right to the edge. His eyes shot open.

"Oh no, not now," he whined under his breath. He did everything that he could to keep himself from cumming. He hoped he could adjust the ring. He moved his hips around, closed his legs together, bent over. He tried moving around any way possible. It didn't help though. The ring was nestled comfortably right around the ridge of his cock head and it wasn't going to move.

Chris started breathed and panting as he realized he was about to cum and nothing was going to stop it. He started pumping his hips a little bit involuntarily. He didn't want to do this and he was completely aware that this was just revealing to everyone there what was going on. He couldn't stop though. The feelings were way too intense.

Chris pumped his hips two more times, squeezed his eyes shut tight and said "Oh fuck!" as his hips froze in place, jutting his crotch out towards the car. He started cumming hard into his diaper, the convlusions more intense than he had ever felt before. For the split moment where he had no control, his eyes rolled back into their sockets as he moaned loudly. He felt about 7 convulsions as he shot into his diaper.

Once Chris regained control of himself again, his head was lying on the door of the car. He slowly opened his eyes.


Any comments as always are welcomed at foxbarking@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 11

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