High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Feb 13, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males in high school. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. There will also be humiliation involving diapers. If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored. You have been warned.

High School Mistake

Chapter One

Chris was on his way to gym class. It had been a rather boring day for him so far. He did okay in school, but didn't always enjoy being there. For the most part, he liked school because it gave him a chance to hang out with his friends. That's why he was looking forward to the gym class because most of his best friends were in the same class with him.

Although Chris was pretty close with all his buds, he was very sure that none of them knew that he secretly fantasized about most of them. It was something he never let any of them know, however. He was pretty good at playing it straight.

Chris was seventeen on that day where he made the biggest mistake of his life. He was a goodlooking guy, hair cut short, in shape and he thought he had a handsome face. Many of his recent nights have been spent at the gym, trying to get himself in even better shape, though. Some of his friends were really hot and since he knew that he could never physically have any of them, the least he could do was make himself look like them.

Jordan, one of Chris' best friends and one of the sexiest guys in the locker room, was already changing when Chris made it into the locker room. there were not assignd lockers, but Chris always tried his best to be as close to Jordan as possible. Whenever his good friend was not looking, Chris would sneak as many peaks as possible. It was unforunate, however, that there were no mandatory showers after gym class. It sucked because none of the guys had ever taken a shower at all. So, Chris' fantasies about Jordan remained exactly that: Fantasies.

Chris got a locker as close to Jordan as possible. He was in luck that day because the one right to the left of Jordan was completely open. His friend had already stripped down to his boxers and hadn't seemed in any big hurry to get his clothes on. Instead, he was bullshitting witht he other guys in the room. He saw his buddy Chris show up and he patted him on the shoulder.

"Hey, man, see something you like?" he joked, showing off his body to his friend.

"Absolutely not," Chris lied through his teeth. There was nothing about Jordan to not like, though. His friend was very hot. He was tall, toned and lean, had perfect, wavy hair. He had the hottest ass that Chris had ever seen. More than once, Chris had gotten a little feel of it when they had played flag football. Jordan always liked to wear his flag right over his ass, thinking no one would pull it off. Chris always did though. But the one thing that as on Chris' mind was what he had never gotten to see or feel. He wanted more than anything to see what was in the front of his buddy's boxers.

Realizing he might be staring just a little too long, Chris started to change into his gym clothes. He tried checking out Jordan from the corner of his eye only. It made him nervous but he was sure that no one had noticed. In fact, most of the guys had gone back to their screwing around and the attention was off of Chris.

By the time Chris had gotten his gym clothes on, Jordan was still standing around in his boxers. That was typical of him. He liked to show off his body. It didn't bother Chris in the least bit. Plus, he had a few minutes to goof off with his friends before they had to head up to the gym class.

Jordan was talking and he noticed when Chris came over. The guys were talking about girls, as guys seemed to be only be able to do. Jordan was talking about his latest 'conquest' and the other guys were laughing. Chris knew the story was probably bull, but definitely wouldn't have said anything. He didn't usually make up the stories like his buddies did, but didn't mind hearing them.

"Well, yeah, Steph was like the most fun I ever had," Jordan was saying. "The cool thing was, she wanted to do everything. Yeah, I got to just lay back and enjoy it. Nothing more awesome than a girl who loves your cock, huh guys?"

Jake, one of the other guys, laughed. "Yeah, like anyone could love something as little as your dick," he giggled.

"Oh, hey now!" Jordan said. "Ain't NOTHING little about my boy. Won't don't you guys take a look if you don't believe me?" At that moment, Jordan took the waistband of his boxers and pulled them out. It didn't reveal anything, but if he lowered them a bit, everyone would be able to see everything. Although this was exactly what Chris wanted, none of the other guys were slightly interested.

"Don't you dare man!" one of the other guys says. "No one wants to see that shit!"

'Speak for yourself' Chris thought. He was standing right by Jordan so he thought he could probably get a peek before anyone noticed. He craned his head slightly, but at the last moment realized what he might be risking. It was better to just not know than to have everything think he was a fag. With the most amazing self control he could muster, Chris managed not to look.

Jordan let the waistband snap back to his waist. He chuckled. "You guys are just scared you won't be able to compete with me," he said. "That's okay." He then looked at Chris and elbowed him. "Chris here got the best view, though, hey bud?"

A twinge of fear shot through Chris' body. He had been absolutely sure that he had not been caught. Looking up at his friend, he saw Jordan turn and walk back to the locker to get dressed. He was feeling so paranoid that he didn't even allow himself to look at his friend's butt. instead, Chris turned and went up to the gym class. He was the first one there, but it didn't matter. The only thing that did was keeping his secret.

In gym class, they played basketball. It was the middle of winter and had been snowing lately. It was too bad because Chris was definitely in the mood for some flag football. It was just as well, however, because the thought of what he could have seen in Jordan's boxers was in his mind all day. He so wanted to see his friend's cock, resting in those boxers. Several times, Chris found himself getting hard throughout the gym class. He just relaxed tried to ignore it.

After gym class, he made his way through the rest of the day unscathed. It was Friday and he was just very happy to get out of school. The whole scene with Jordan was way too much and Chris needed to get home to jack off.

As he was walking out the door, he heard someone call his name out. "Hey, Chris, man, wait a minute!" He heard. He turned and saw Jordan running up to him. He resisted every urge to check out his buds package.

"Hey, what's up?" Chris asked.

"I dunno," Jordan said. "I just thought maybe we could hang out together, have a bit of a sleepover or something. What do you think?"

"A sleepover?" Chris asked, both loving and hating the idea at the same time.

"Yeah, why not?" Jordan said. "We could play video games, sit around in our boxers, talk about girls. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?"

'Jordan in his boxers again,' Chris thought to himself. There was nothing at all that sounded so fun.

"Yeah, I guess that sounds cool," Chris said. "Want me to come over to you place?"

"Nah," came Jordan's reply. "I'll just come home with you right now. You know me, I don't sleep in anything but my underwear, so i don't need anything from home. Let's go hang out."

The walk home started out as being uncomfortable, but it got much better as they went on. Pretty soon, all of those thoughts about Jordan's package had left Chris' mind and they were pretty much just buddies again.

Chris and Jordan had a very wonderful time. They hung out, had sloppy joes and fries for dinner, played just about every video game known to man. They were hanging out on Chris' bed when Jordan stood up and started to shuck his pants.

"Man, I am sorry, but I just feel so trapped in these jeans," Jordan said. "I can't see how people can wear them all the time." Just in his t-shirt and boxers, he looked at Chris. "You don't mind this do you?"

"Not at all," Chris said, hoping he didn't sound so eager. He so had been wanting to see this all day. He felt his cock start to stiffen again and just did his best to ignore it.

"Good deal," Jordan said. He sat back down on the bed and they kept playing games. Suddenly all the horsing around had stopped. Chris was doing his best to not obviously check out his friend too much.

"Why don't you take your pants off too?" Jordan asked without looking at Chris.

Chris felt a little jolt throughout his whole body. There was nothing he wanted to do more, but knew it was a bad idea. If Jordan knew he had a boner, things would change between them and he didn't want that.

"Nope, I am cool," Chris said. "I like keeping my pants on."

"But I insist," Jordan said, a little more firmly than he had before. "I think you'd be more comfortable."

"I'm as comfy as I can be," Chris said, starting to feel a little uneasy. "No problem. Let's just play."

"You can't be comfy with that hard on pressing against your jeans, Chris," Jordan said.

Chris froze. He stopped working the controller, but it didn't matter. He wasn't that focused on the game anymore. "Wha-" he began but was cut off by Jordan.

"Hey, it's cool man," Jordan said. "I get hard ons all the time. Why do you think I don't like wearing jeans? Just take them off."

"No, I am okay," Chris reiterated.

"Chris," Jordan said in a more demanding voice. Then in a very even tone, "Take your pants off or I will take them off for you."

Although that was the stuff of Chris' fantasies, he knew better than to hope it would come true for him right now. He shucked his jeans pretty quickly. He was wearing gray boxers which were now pretty tented and even had a precum spot stain or too. Chris felt himself blush deeply.

Jordan laughed. "Don't worry about it, bud," he said. "I have destroyed quite a few pairs of underwear with all my precum. Just relax. I bet it feels realy good to have that hard on free, doesn't it?"

Chris agreed, rather sheepishly that it did. He wanted to take the focus away from his cock, however, and suggested that they go back to playing video games. They did and started having fun for a while. Chris almost had totally forgotten that he was sitting there with a raging hardon. Jordan didn't let him forget, though.

"Chris, I think it would be a good idea for you to get out of your shirt and your boxers now," Jordan suggested out of the blue.

"What?" Chris asked, totally excited, shocked and puzzled at the same time.

"Take off your shirt and your boxers, Chris," Jordan stated evenly.

"But then I'll be naked," Chris stated the obvious. "Let's just play the game, man, okay?"

Jordan looked over at Chris and was red in the face. "I said to take off your damn fucking shirt and your boxers and you sure as hell better do it right now!" He yelled.

Fear-yet still mixed with excitement-shot through Chris' body. The tone of Jordan's voice told him that his friend meant business. Wasting no time at all, Chris shucked his shirt and he tossed it across the room. He hesitated to take his boxers off, but the stern look in his friend's eyes told him it was not a wise idea to dilly dally. He pulled his boxers down and dropped them on the floor. Jordan reached down with his foot and pushed them away. Chris sat there, naked, hard and leaking. He felt his entire body blushing.

"You won't be needing these for a while," Jordan said.

"Why are you doing this?" Chris asked.

"Why are you so hard?" Jordan asked, looking at Chris' swollen cock. "Are you hard because I am in my underwear?"

"I'm not gay," Chris stated with a tremble in his voice. He tried to cover himself up with his body.

"Spread those legs and let that cock stick out!" Jordan ordered. Chris hurried to obey. He spread his legs apart and his cock jutted out, precum making it glisten in the light. If he hadn't been so excited, he probably would have started crying.

"Pretty horny there, aren't you, Chris?" Jordan asked coldly. CHris had never seen this side of his friend before. They were always such good buds but for some reason, Jordan had taken on some sort of dominant and almost evil role.

Chris simply nodded. He was too scared.

"Jack your cock," Jordan ordered. He was watching Chris intently, but there was no way to tell if he was getting hard or not. His friend had placed the controller for the PS2 over his lap along with his hands.

"I can't," Chris protested. "I can't do that in front of everyone."

"Jack yout fucking cock now!" Jordan yelled at Chris. He yelled very loud and it scared Chris. He wasn't worried too much about Jordan doing anything, but both of his parents were still home. The last thing he needed was for them to walk in and such a scene.

Reaching down slowly, Chris closed his hand on his dick. It was slippery and it caused him to moan a bit. He then started slowly stroking it, like he was told to do.

"That's a good boy," Jordan said and sounded more relaxed. "You're going to keep jacking that until you cum, but you can't cum until I tell you to. All right?"

Chris nodded again.

"While you're jacking I am going to tell you about a few things that are going to be changing in your life," Jordan went on. "Sound good?"

It didn't. But Chris knew better at this point than to not agree.

"I guess you're wondering why I am doing this?" Jordan asked. "You're probably wondering if I am gay. But get that fucking thought out of your head right now. I am Not a fag. You are."

"I'm not," Chris protested and took his hand off his dick.

"You put your fucking hands back on your cock and jack now!" Jordan said. "If you take them off one more time, I am going to tell everyone in the entire school how you were trying to look down my crotch earlier."

Chris' jaw fell open. He kept jacking, however. His cock was feeling so good and swollen in spite of this new revalation.

"Yeah, of course i saw you looking, you queer," Jordan said. "You made it pretty damn obvious. You're only lucky no one else saw a thing. But i will tell them and you know they'll believe me."

Chris wasn't sure whether they would or not, but that wasn't something he was going to say. Instead, he just continued jacking his cock up and down. It felt really good, despite all the butterflies in his stomach. He was shooting out lots of precum and it kept his cock all nice and glistening.

"So for now on, you're going to be doing a lot of embarrasing things," Jordan continued. "But probably nothing to get you in trouble right away. If you keep being a good boy, you'll eventually get something you really want to have. If not, well, then, I am sure your parents will have a lot to say to you when they know there only son is a homo. You got it?"

Chris nodded. He kept jacking his cock and although it felt good, he knew he would be cumming soon. He hoped that Jordan was going to let him.

"So, what you're goig to do first is go to the store and buy some things," Jordan said. "Do you have money?"

"A little," Chris said, ever away pulling on his dick. He was getting close to the edge and he started to squirm a bit.

"Okay," Jordan said. "Tomorrow I want you to pick up a plunger, some candles and two packages of disposable diapers. Get tape up diapers and then a package of goodnites too. But make sure they'll fit you, all right?"

"Diapers!' Chris asked, shocked. "I can't wear diapers!"

"You'll do whatever I tell you too, or you know the consequences," Jordan said and Chris settled down. "Are you getting close?"

"Yeah," Chris wimpered. "Can I cum?"

"Are you going to do whatever I say?" Jordan asked.

Chris nodded

"Answer me outloud!" Jordan demanded.

"Yes, I will," Chris said.

"Good," Jordan said. "Start twisting your hand around you cock and jack faster."

"But that will make me cum!" Chris protested.

"Do what I tell you to!' Jordan ordered. "And you better not cum until I tell you to!"

"Okay," Chris wimpered. He was on the edge, but he kept jacking his cock. He twisted his hand around his dick, and the feelign was so intense.

"Who calls all the shots now?" Jordan asked.

"You do," Chris said, shuddering.

"Who will you obey?"

"Only you, Jordan."

"Do you want to cum?" Jordan asked.

"Please let me cum!" Chris pleaded.

"If you cum, you're naked for the rest of the night," Jordan said. "That's the only way I'll let you."

"please don't make me stay naked, Jordan, please!" Chris pleaded. "I'll do anything!"

"You'll do what I tell you to, or you won't cum," Jordan said. "And you'll never, ever see what's in my boxers either. And you want to see my dick, don't you, fag?"

In spite of himself, Chris nodded.

"What?" Jordan asked.

"I want to see your cock," Chris admitted.

"And you'll stay naked tonight?" Jordan asked.

"Yes, I will," Chris said. He didn't know what he would do if his mom came to check on him. It bothered him being naked in front of Jordan all night. But on the same hand, everything was exciting at the same time. Plus, he was about to shoot off all over everywhere and he needed Jordan's permission first.

"Want to cum?" Jordan asked.

"Yes! i am so close!" Chris said, louder than he would have wished.

"Beg me," Jordan ordered.

Embarrassed, Chris tried his best. "Please let me cum, Jordan, I am so close. I promise i will do whatever you tell me to. Just please let me cum. I can't hold it back any longer. Please!"

Jordan smiled and seem very satisfied with himself. He didn't say anything at first though. He simply looked at his friend.

"Please Jordan! I can't hold off any longer!" Chris cried.

"Cum, but I want you catch all the cum in your hand," Jordan ordered.

Relieved, Chris put his hand up by his cock head. He started stroking and then he felt the orgasm rise. Hundreds of shudders went through his body as he found himself cumming for the first time in front of his friend. Spurt after spurt shot against his palm. There was so much cum that it was overflowing in his palm. It was a while before he was spent, but when he was, he let go of his cock.

He then looked at Jordan who smiled.

Please send comments to psychogayboi@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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