High School Dude, Brad

By Trix Night

Published on Apr 14, 2008



This story was written by me, Trix (which you actually pronounce as, Tric). If you are younger than 18 years old, please leave now.

These four stories should only be posted on nifty. I did, however give permission to a friend to post these short stories on another website (not sure which one though).

These short stories are completely fictional. You may notice in the stories that the main character is always named, Brad. The name, Brad does not have any significance in my life, I don't even know anyone called, Brad, and I have no idea why I always use, Brad, at all.

Each short story is not connected with the next, except of course the name, Brad.

The reason why these stories are all put together is because I wrote them, basically around the same time as each other, also because the stories are quite short.

I have also written, Brad's Story which can be found in the gay-high school section, and I will be posting the next chapter of that, soon.

I would love to hear any of your views or comments so please email me at: trixnight@gmail.com

Mr Ferge, the Biology teacher (1)

I entered my last lesson of the day, Biology, 20 minutes late. As I burst into the classroom, Mr Ferge looked up from his desk. The class was quiet. All were wide eyed looking from me to Mr Ferge.

"Brad, late again. You'll stay behind after class to make up for loss time" shouted Mr Ferge.

I made my way to my place. Mr Ferge spoke again, "Come sit next to me Brad. Your not doing so well in my lessons. So far all your coursework has produced a D"

I nodded, slightly embarrassed at my grade. I walked around to Mr Ferge's desk and pulled up a stool.

Mr Ferge's desk wasn't actually a desk. It was rather like a huge rectangular solid block which was twice the size of a desk, in length. The desk was a few inches below my neck.

I sat on the stool and scooted closer to Mr Ferge. Our legs touching and I gave a shiver of delight.

"Class. Continue with your worksheets until the bell" announced Mr Ferge.

Mr Ferge began to explain the digestive system to me. Although, even though I appeared to be listening, nodding a few times as though understanding everything. I was really checking Mr Ferge out.

Mr Ferge was a 6 foot tall, English gentleman. He was in his early 30's and was very muscular for his age. I'd seen him at the gym once, topless. Working out his impressive muscles and outstanding 6 pack. He was tanned all over as far as I could see. He has dark brown eyes, and short brown hair, and a gorgeous face. Thank god he wasn't hairy.

I seemed to be dazzled just by looking at him, my dick was stirring. Crap!

"Now Brad, fill out these worksheets. I'll help you if you get stuck" said Mr Ferge, his voice sounded kind and gentle. I nodded, thankful of a distraction.

I wrenched my eyes from Mr Ferge's hot body. As I began to write answers on the worksheet, something warm touched my leg. My dick twitched in my boxers. I tried to ignore it. It hopped again for something was definitely stroking my leg up and down. I looked down. Mr Ferge was rubbing his hand into my leg. My dick was erecting. I could already see a lump appearing in my trousers.

Shocked by Mr Ferge, my cheeks turned a bright red. Unsure of what to do, I tried to flick Mr Ferge's hand away from my leg. I didn't dare look at Mr Ferge but I could feel as though he was amused by my reaction.

"Concentrate on your work, Brad" said Mr Ferge calmly.

I narrowed my eyes in concentration. Mr Ferge continued to stroke my leg reaching across to feel my thigh. This time I didn't do anything except stare at my worksheet, hard. With every touch I was becoming hornier. I gulped. Soon Mr Ferge reached towards my rock hard dick. I gave a short gasp which came out in a whisper as Mr Ferge pinched the tip of the dick with his fingers.

I looked up to see whether my classmates had heard anything. They were unaware of the activity behind the desk.

Mr Ferge felt my dick up with his hand. Pressing the palm of his hand up against my dick and rubbing every inch of my dick with his fingers. He was fondly playing with my balls. Slowly he began to unzip my peek hole in my trousers and boxers. When the hole was open, my dick shot up like a pole. I heard Mr Ferge chuckle at this. I didn't even bother to feel embarrassed now. All I wanted was to be wanked off by Mr Ferge.

Mr Ferge grasped hold of my dick, making me groan a bit so that only me and Mr Ferge heard. With his other hand, he nudged his elbow at a pile of papers which all fell to the floor.

"Damn! Don't worry, Brad. Just continue with your work. I'll clear this up"

"Yes, sir" I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

Mr Ferge bent down. As he did his mouth touched my cock. He then pushed his head down further. So my entire cock was in his mouth. I sensation was spreading over me, like never before. It was like something had awoken inside me. Mr Ferge began to suck and swallow my cock. As he did, he used both hands to grab a piece of paper on the floor and place it on his desk.

From somebody looking at my point of view, it would look stupid. But from someone who was looking up like my classmates. All they'd see was me `working' on my sheets and Mr Ferge's hands coming up from behind the desk as though clearing up the papers from the floor.

I on the other hand was trying not to moan. I rested my head in my hands and bit my lip hard. As Mr Ferge sucked, I was trying to hold my cum inside me for I knew what would happen if it all flowed out. I was sweating hard by now. I was trying to breath in and out slowly, but failed. I was reaching my climax now. I could feel the cum ready to shoot out. When suddenly Mr Ferge released my dick was his mouth and backed off. I tried to grab his head and pull him back towards me, but he slapped my hands away.

Suddenly the bell went, the loud ringing noise made me jerk back and I almost fell off the stool.

Mr Ferge stood up, "Class dismissed"

Everybody filed out as fast as lightning, except me.

Mr Ferge strolled to the door and slammed it shut. I heard the lock and I was trapped.

"Lie on the floor!" barked Mr Ferge.


"Do it boy!" shouted Mr Ferge.

I lay on the cold wooden floor. Mr Ferge walked up to me unzipping his pants as he did. His trousers went down and so did his boxers. I was gawking. His cock was a monster, already erected, fucking 9 inches. I tried not to look down at my cock, which was only 6 inches. His knees were each beside my ears. He bent down and licked my cock. I groaned at this. As Mr Ferge bent down further to suck my dick. His cock slid inside my mouth. I sucked at the tip of it. Mr Ferge's head shot up.

"Did I say you could fucking suck it?" bellowed Mr Ferge.

Shocked, I let go immediately. "But... but sir? You were sliding it in my mouth"


"I'm sorry, sir. I.. I won't do it again" I whispered.

"You'll do something when told" shouted Mr Ferge.

"Yes. Sir" I answered.

Mr Ferge proceeded in sucking me, licking me up and down. Although I was enjoying being sucked off. Mr Ferge continued to slide his cock in my mouth until all was in. I was finding it hard to resist the urge to suck. I felt Mr Ferge's fingers being pushed up into my asshole. I gasped and then coughed. Pre-cum was coming from Mr Ferge's long monster dick. I was drooling. Sweat trickled across my face. Mr Ferge pushed both his fingers and dick deep within me. I coughed and moaned more. I was fidgeting by now. For Mr Ferge had pushed a third finger, deep inside me. I was reaching my climax again. I wanted the feeling to last forever so I tried to keep my cum from shooting out. It was hard though as Mr Ferge sucked more and more. I couldn't take it any more. I needed to be released from a long day of work. "Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

My dick exploded with cum. The cum shot in Mr Ferge's hot mouth. I could hear Mr Ferge swallowing with pure delight. Gulp and after gulp. For a second I was dreamy from the explosion. I thought I heard Mr Ferge say suck me. But I thought I was dreaming. But then I heard it again. Thankfully, I began to suck right away. It was so delicious to be sucking Mr Ferge's dick. He was sweating hard, but that just made me enjoy it more. The sweat from Mr Ferge's dick mixed with his pre-cum, making me suck faster. Soon enough Mr Ferge was breathing harder and harder and he too shot a whole load of cum within my mouth. I lapped and swallowed with delight. The cum was shooting out faster then I expected. The cum dripped down my cheek and across my face. It was sweet and slightly bitter, but extremely tasty. When the cum had stopped oozing out, Mr Ferge rose and pulled his pants up. He kissed me on my lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Mr Ferge said and left me lying on the floor.

My tutor and I

I've never really been good at maths. So at 15 and half years old, my parents got me a tutor, who came to my house every Wednesday evening for 2 hours. This is my third lesson with my tutor. My tutor is in his early 30's, tall, well built and gorgeous. He has short light brown hair and sea blue eyes.

"Brad..? Brad..?"

When my mind was bought back into the present, I realized my eyes were staring down at the big bulk of my tutor's trousers. My cheeks burnt and slowly I raised my head up at my tutor. My tutor, Tim was looking at me expectantly as though waiting for an answer. My mind went blank,

"Erm.. Could you repeat the question, sir?" I smiled uneasily.

Tim sighed, "You haven't been paying attention for the past 30 minutes. Have you?"

"Sorry" I replied.

"Me to. I'll have to tell your parents about this lack of concentration."

Panic coursed through my veins at the thought of what my parents would take away from me this time, "Wait. Please don't. I'll try harder. I'll do anything you ask" I pleaded.

Tim seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. "Anything, you say?"

I nodded.

"Well since you've been staring down at my cock for half the lesson, you can start my sucking it." Tim said.

I was so shocked I couldn't form words from my mouth. Finally I said, "But.. But.. My parents are just next door. What if they come in?"

"Well now you come to think of it, I'll just go tell your parents". He got up from his chair and walked towards the door.

"Wait! Okay, okay. I'll do anything you ask."

Tim turned on the spot grinning, "Excellent". He went back to sit on his chair. Without further a do he unzipped his trousers and pushed them down slightly revealing his 8 inched cock. I stared at his cock, mystified by how good it looked and how good it'll feel to have that monster down my throat. Suddenly I dived for his unzipped trousers and tried to push all of his silky, smooth cock down my throat. It was as though something had taken over me. I took the tip of his cock in my mouth and sucked it like a lolly pop. He groaned a little and moved his horny hands behind my head to push me further down. He guided me down. The taste of his cock was so delicious that I sucked frantically as though it'll be taken away from me within a matter of seconds. I started drooling down my mouth. I looked up at my tutor whilst sucking. His eyes were closed and he moaned in pleasure. I could feel pre-cum sliding down my throat followed quickly by cum. The warm, sweet, sour taste of cum came bursting out from his dick. I gulped almost all of it down, some dribbled down onto my tutor's trousers. But I don't think he seemed to mind for he was trying to concentrate on not making too much sound in case my parents came in, although he found this quite hard. He opened his eyes and took one hand from behind my head. He used his fingers to swipe his cum from his trousers and bought it into his mouth to lick the remaining cum. I was still sucking on the other hand wanting more cum sliding down my throat. He practically had to push my face away.

"That's enough sucking" smiled Tim "Stand up. Good"

Tim took the top of my jeans and with a sharp tug pulled it to the floor. I stepped out of them and looked at Tim expectantly. I could feel my dick erecting and my heart rate racing more then usual. Tim looked straight at my boxers and pulled them down too. He took my dick with his right hand and stroked it a few times. This definitely made me feel very horny. Then he took my hands and pulled me towards him. He widened my legs and lifted me up. I instantly knew what he was trying to do. So I wrapped my arms around his neck so our faces were almost touching, lifted my ass whilst he pushed my asshole open. Slowly I went down so that Tim's dick came sliding up through my asshole. The pain shot through me. I groaned loudly. Quickly, Tim took his hand from my ass and slapped it across my mouth. With his other hand he bought his finger to his lips.

I tried to stay as quiet as possible but the pain was ripping my asshole. I tried to scream but instead let out a muffled sound from beneath Tim's hand. After a minute or so the pain eased and Tim took his hand away from my mouth. I breathed out silently.

"Do you want me to put something in your mouth?" he asked.

I shook my head.

Tim gently started to rock me up and down whilst holding my body up right. Our faces were so close now, noses touching, eyes watching each other. He leaned up and kissed me. I gasped a little for his dick was sticking up further into my ass. I bought his face up using my hands and stuck my tongue down his throat. I massaged his tongue with mine for a while. We then started kissing passionately as though wanting to imprint ourselves onto each other. I needed air and I could feel Tim wanting some too. We pulled apart, both gasping for air. Tim's lips were redder, making his face look sexier. Suddenly Tim screwed up his face, dug his fingers into my body and started fucking me and rocking me at the same time like crazy. He let out a short burst of relief as cum filled up my ass. I too gave out a yelp. We were both breathing hard, sweat trickled from our foreheads.

I looked down at my 6.5 inched dick. Pre-cum was already leaking out onto my tutor's sweater. My tutor, Tim pulled his sweater off revealing a hairy but muscular tanned body that looked extremely sexy. Sweat seemed to cover his body but that just made me hornier at least he smelt good.

Tim's hand seemed to have reached for my dick and was now jerking me off whilst still rocking me slightly. I could feel Tim's warm cum slithering out from my ass and longed to lick it up. I felt as though I should give something back so I bought my hands to his body and began to feel him up slowly. My fingers seem to tinkle against his skin. I massaged him up and down. This made him jerk me faster. I pinched his nipples. I realised I was about to burst, "OH...OH...OH...! Ahhhhhh"

Cum blasted out all over my tutor's body. We were both breathing heavily but our eyes stayed glued to each other.

He opened his mouth to speak, "I think you've repaid your debt"

I hid a secret grin and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, "Just in time I think".

A Christmas Present

My boyfriend, Seb shoved me towards his king size bed. I toppled over onto the soft comfortable sheets. Seb jumped on top of me so I could barely move. He smiled and leaned his head down to kiss me gently on the neck. His kiss sent delightful shivers down my spine.

Seb drew back. With fast movements he unzipped my jeans and threw them over his head. Then, he pulled my t.shirt off. I lay on the bed with just my boxers on.

Seb's eyes lingered over my body. I could see the lust and eagerness at seeing my naked body for the first time.

I am a 16 years old virgin whilst on the other hand my boyfriend, Seb who is 18 years old and was well, very experienced. I've known Seb for a long time and until recently we be can to get intimate.

I was getting so horny by the minute. I could feel my dick erecting from underneath my boxers. Seb saw this and grinned wickedly.

"Hope you enjoy your Christmas present, Brad" said Seb.

Seb pulled himself upright and reached for the cd player next to him to switch it on. As the music came on, Seb began to dance, a slow but sexy dance as though he were in a strip club getting paid. Slowly he stripped until he was fully naked. Damn! He was so fucking sexy. I knew he'd been working out a lot but not to this extent. This definitely turned me on. His dick was huge. It was fully erected and 7 inched, mine was only 6.

Seb reached his hands towards my boxers. Slowly he began to massage my cock. The fabric of my boxers really put the cherry on top. As he massaged my dick, I moaned. I could feel pre cum slipping out and a wet patch soon appeared at the very centre of my boxers.

Seb grinned at this, "Pre cum already?"

All I could do was nod, the hand job felt so good. If he kept this up I would cum any second now.

Seb bent down and pressed his mouth towards my cock. Even though my boxers were still on, I felt the warmth from his breath as he kissed my cock. Seb placed his hands on my hips. With his teeth he pulled my boxers off. I felt a bit of teeth on my cock but no harm was done. My 6 inched cock was exposed.

Seb stroked my hips up and down with his horny hands. It felt so fucking good. As he stroked me, he sucked my dick. The feeling was fucking fantastic. I pulled his head further into my dick. He choked slightly but continued to suck me. His tongue ran up and down my dick. The pleasure was incredible. The feeling inside me was building up.

"Ahhhh!" I was sweating so much now, needing the cum to explode out. "I'm going to..."

Seb realized I was about to cum and jerked away. Then he took his hands and jerked me off.

"Ahh... Ah... AHHHHHHH!!"

My cum burst out from my dick. Seb continued to jerk me. The cum just kept flowing out until finally I could cum no more. I saw that all my cum was covering my body and some was on Seb's cheek.

Seb didn't hesitate as he bent down and began to lick the cum up.

I was still moaning over that fucking awesome blow job. Seb finished cleaning the cum off. Although some was still on his cheek so I got up and licked his cheek. I kiss his lips and well carried on. Our tongues reached each other and we were passing cum back and forth. The taste of cum between our mouths made me hornier.

When we broke off, I saw that Seb was linking pre-cum, "Let me help you with that, Seb"

But Seb had other things on his mind, "I have a better idea" replied Seb. He picked me up so I wrapped my legs around him and he drove his dick in my ass.

"Arghhhhhhhh! That... Fucking recks!! Fuck!"

Seb just pushed me towards the corner of the wall and pressed his dick in further. I could feel the hardness of the wall behind me as Seb pushed.

"Ahhhh. Seb! Stop!! Ahh.. Ahhhhhh!"

Seb stopped pushing but left his dick inside me. When I'd calmed down, he pushed further. I bite my tongue, not wanting Seb to think I was a baby. Finally his entire dick was inside me. I breathed in and out slowly for what was about to come.

"Pretend your riding a horse, Brad" Seb said.

I nodded. Slowly I pictured riding a horse.

Seb's dick went in and out. He slowly began to increase his pace. I could no longer image of riding a horse. It looked like Seb had reached his fucking limit. The pain was tearing me up inside, "Ahhhh. Ahhhhh. Arghh!"

Soon the sensation of Seb's dick inside me reached to a limit where I was begging for more.

"Ahhhh. Yes..! Ahh! More Seb, mor... AHHHHHHHH!

My boyfriend's face was screwed up, fucking me faster and faster.

The cum exploded into my ass. It sunk in and dripped out onto Seb's dick. Seb had stopped fucking me, but didn't let go off me. We were breathing heavily.

We didn't notice that Seb's bedroom door opened and a dark shadow entered, "What the hell is going on here?"

I was so shocked that someone had caught us in such a position, I was speechless. Unable to form words from my mouth, I looked at my boyfriend, Seb.

Seb whose cheeks had turned slightly pink said, "Hi, erm.. Ross. We were just errr.. having some fun"

"Looks like its more then that" Ross replied, smiling "I was just looking for your brother, Seb. Do you know where I can find him?"

"He's gone out with Courtney for the weekend, remember?" Seb answered, his voice sounding shaky. His cheeks were red with embarrassment.

"Oh yes. I remember him telling me that" Ross seemed to be deep in thought, "And here I thought I'd be on my bill for the whole weekend. Looks like we're going to have some fun, don't you?"

I was so afraid that this Ross guy might tell people we were gay, I cried out, "You won't tell anyone. Will you please?"

"I won't. But you guys got to do exactly as I say. Understand?" Ross replied, coolly. We both nodded, wondering what he'd want.

Ross began walking to us, whilst stripping off his clothes. By the time he reached us, he was fully naked. He was about 23 to 25 years old, I think. He was 6ft tall, blue eyes, and blond hair. He had an outstanding 6 pack. His cock was shaved and was almost 8 inches.

"Get on the bed" Ross said. I was about to pull off Seb's dick, when Ross said, "I didn't tell you to pull off. Now get on the bed"

I held on to Seb whilst he carried me to his bed, his dick still inside me, sliding in and out. I grunted slightly. He placed me on the bed and got on top of me so that I was lying down with my legs far apart and his dick still inside me. I looked up, Ross's eyes were gleaming, "Now fuck him good"

Seb placed his hands on my legs and began to fuck me. I groaned and moaned as he increased his pace. I could hear Ross above me shouting, "Faster, faster". Seb was looking at me, expectantly. His eyes full of lust. I nodded slightly. Seb began to fuck me like crazy once more.

"Fuckkkk. Ahh.. Ahh..!" I was definitely getting use to Seb's movements. Ross was moving above me. I couldn't register what he was doing, I could only concentrate on Seb, he was making me feel so much pleasure. My eyes were shut, as I felt Seb ramming me good and his horny hands stroking my body. His hands met my dick which was pre-cuming again. He slowly began to masturbate my balls and then my dick.

Suddenly Seb gave out a yelp, and let my dick go. My eyes flunk open. Ross was on top off Seb crushing him towards me until out noses touched. Ross's cock was inside Seb's ass, "I can't let you guys have all the fun, can I?" He slid his 8 inched cock into Seb whilst he moaned, "Ahh.. Ahh.. Oh god!". Since Ross had slipped his entire cock inside my boyfriend. His face was screwed up and he groaned. I kissed him on the lips and his eyes opened. God, he was so gorgeous. His tongue slid into my mouth and I wrapped my arms around his head as we kissed. We pulled apart, panting heavily.

"Ohh god! Your so tight, Seb. Ahh.. Well.. ahhh. Carry on fucking him.. Arghh!" moaned Ross.

Seb placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed against them. His hands were hot with sweat. I wrapped my fingers around his body and looked deep into his eyes. As Seb thrust in and out so did Ross, neither one of them rammed in at the same time.

Ross was fucking Seb like crazy, "Ah.. Ah.. Ahhhhhhh" cried Seb. This was definitely the best position to be watching this fucking hot scene. Considering I was still being fucked by Seb.

"Ahhhhhh! Harder.. Seb! Harder!" I screamed.

Ross was groaning loudly, "Yes.. yes.. I'm going to cum soon... Ah.. Ah.. Yesssssss. I'm... CUMMING" He pulled out quickly, jets upon jets of cum sprayed out onto Seb's back. His dick was like a volcano, since cum after cum shot out. A little even reached my mouth as I was moaning out loudly. The cum tasted sweet and juicy as ever.

Without any warning, I felt warm cum jetting deep inside my ass. Seb was groaning and didn't stop fucking me until he was satisfied that all his cum was out. He slid his dick out and lay back onto Ross. Too tired to get up, he lay there. Ross didn't seem to matter since he was playing with Seb's body. I was slightly jealous at this sight, but didn't have time to ponder over it since my phone was ringing loudly. Quickly I grabbed it from the bedside table and answered it, lying back down onto the pillows.

"Hello?" I said, breathing heavily.

The voice at the other end startled me, "Hi sweetheart. It's mum. I was just checking up on you. It's a pity you couldn't come with us to grandma's house. But I guess you wanted to stay at home to play with Seb and the snow"

I tried to breath out steadily, "That's ok, mum"

I watched Ross at the end of the bed who was whispering to Seb. Seb crawled over to me, and grabbed my dick with his hands. He began to jack me off.

Surprised by this gesture I shouted, "Arghh!". Quickly I shut my mouth and bit my lip, Seb continued to jerk me.

"Honey? What's wrong?" Mum asked me with a hint of concern.

"Erm.. I.. er.. thought I saw a rat" I tried to laugh but choked slightly for Seb was jerking me faster, "Listen mum I got to.. peeee. Have fun!" I switched off the phone, just as I was about to burst,

"Ahhhh.. Ah... AHHHHHHHHHH!". My cum exploded onto my body. I felt a wash of realise come over me.

Seb stopped jerking and began to lick the cum off my chest. His hot tongue ran up and down my body until not a drop of cum was left. "Well.. This was fun" said Ross

"Is that all you wanted?" I asked, hopefully.

"No.." answered Ross. Just as I was about to speak, Ross spoke again, "I think I'll stay the night. First I need to pee" He rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom which was just on the right of me.

Seb kissed me and said, "Looks like you're not the only one who got a Christmas Present today"

I laughed and headed for the bathroom to pee as well.

Oh Brother

I was 16 years old and my step-brother was 19 years old.

"We'll be out all night so don't wait up for us, and stay in this room," shouted my mum. The hotel door slammed shut.

I glanced at my older step-brother who was lying on the bed, watching TV.

"I'm going to take a shower" I announced.

"Fine" he replied, with a small smirk.

When I got out of the shower I had a white towel wrapped around my waist. Water dripped down my body as I walked over to my suitcase. It was locked. Damn! Where were those keys? I went back to the bathroom to put on the clothes I'd just worn. But, nothing was there.

"Hey bro, do you know where my clothes went?" I asked.

No sound. I walked back into the bedroom. My bro, Josh had his hands out the window and inside his hands were my clothes.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" As I rushed over, Josh realised the grip from his hands and my clothes flew away with the wind.

I was definitely in a rage now, "What the fuck did you do that for?" I shoved him fiercely towards the bed. He toppled over and lay flat on the bed grinning wickedly.

"Why are you so happy?" I rushed over intending to punch him in the stomach. When suddenly he raised his right leg and kicked me hard, in the balls. Straight away my hands went down to my dick and I shouted with agony. My knees bent and I fell flat on the floor, face down. Unexpectedly Josh jumped on top of me. I tried to get up, but his strength was too much for me. My step-brother was always the stronger one as he went to the gym frequently. He took my hands away from my dick and put them together behind me. I turned to see what he was doing. Josh took from his pocket a pair of silver handcuffs.

"Josh, dude. What are you doing?"

Josh didn't reply as he cuffed my hands together. He stood up and walked over to my suit case. From his other pocket he took out a set of keys. To my surprise among all of them was my little suitcase key.

"Hey, Josh! Untie me you fucking twat!"

Josh ignored me and instead, unlocked my suitcase and opened it. He began to rum itch in my suitcase. At last he took out my two green ties and one white sock.

I knew what was coming even before he did it to me. I began to roll over fast and I managed to get up. I quickly ran over to the door but as soon as I got to it, Josh had tackled me to the ground. I was defenceless.

Josh took one tie and tied it around my legs, hard. I couldn't move, I struggled to get out and when I couldn't I began to shout. Quickly Josh pushed the sock in my mouth and tied the tie around my head so that I couldn't spit the sock out. The sock tasted rank. He picked me up and dumped me onto the bed. He stood at the foot of the bed laughing at the sight of me. I glared at him and his laughing increased. He stopped abruptly,

"I've been waiting to fuck you for along time. Ever since our parents got married." he gazed at me dreamily for a moment. His bright blue eyes swept me from head to foot.

Oh brother! Was he trying to make it sound as though it was my fault?

Josh ripped off his t-shirt. Seriously! He just ripped it off as though he didn't care that he'd torn it right down the middle. Then he reached for his belt to unbuckle and pushed his jeans to the floor. His dark blue silky boxers were tightly around his waist as I could see the outline of his enormous cock. Over all his body was HOT. His body showed off his impressive 6 pack and those nipples looked so fucking tasty. I just stared, if I didn't have a sock in my mouth I would have been gawking right now. He was definitely well built. I could feel my cock stirring underneath the towel. Josh began to feel himself up looking at me constantly until he reached his boxers. He started to stroke his cock softly from the outside. He continued to do this for a while. Oh god! I was drooling down my mouth and he knew it.

Josh finally slid his boxers to the floor. His dick was like a monster, he was shaved and it was at least 7.5 inches. I just wanted to feel his dick inside my mouth so much now.

Wait! Ewww no! This is my step brother! This is insane. I thought to myself.

Before I had a chance to think other wise, Josh was kneeling right in front of me. "Don't worry, Brad. When I'm finished, you'll be begging me for more" he said confidently.

He lifted my legs up with his hands and bent down to lick my ass hole. Each lick sent a warm fuzzy feeling down my spine. Using the palm of his hands he pushed open my ass hole and spat into it using his fingers to help. Then he untied my legs and warned me that if I tried any funny stuff he'd make me suffer even more.

Suddenly without warning he rammed his cock into my ass. Fuck the pain was excruciating! He spread opened my legs and stroked them up and down for a while as he fucked me hard. He was pounding me like there was no tomorrow. Sweat began to trickle down my forehead for I'd never encounter a dick this huge before. Soon enough Josh blew his first load into me. I felt a sigh of relief wash through me for I thought Josh would slow down now. But Josh showed no sign of slowing down, instead he increased his fucking rate becoming like a ferocious wild animal. I tried to scream and cry out but instead all I could make was a muffled sound which couldn't be heard over the moaning and thrusting of my brother. Tears soon appeared in my eyes and ran down my face, for the pain was crushing my insides. All the while cum was sloshing in and out of my ass hole, some trickling down onto the bed. The smell of cum grew and hung in the hotel room. Soon enough I embraced Josh's dick inside me, wishing for more with every thrust. I used my feet to try and stroke his body to show my appreciation towards him, well at least I tried. I think he got the message though for he got even hornier by the second and was groaning out loudly. Simultaneously with that loud groan he blew his last load into me, the warm cum shot deep within me.

Josh collapsed on top of me, our heads banged together causing me to feel a little dizzy, but he didn't seem to mine for he'd fainted. His erected dick was still inside me but I didn't seem to mind now. My eyes began to feel sleepy and darkness took me as I too fainted after an enjoyable experience with my hot step-brother.

P.S. Remember all theses stories are fictional.

Please feel free to email me at trixnight@gmail.com

If I get enough emails I will certainly write the next chapters to follow it on.

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