
By Vox Veritas

Published on Jan 23, 2009



Disclaimer: The following is a true story. It is about two high school students of consenting and legal age.

It was the early days of January, when winter had still been beating down harsh upon the northern states. The cold air went into my lungs as I exited a taxi cab in the upper-peninsula of Michigan. I was at the bus station and was there to pick up my ticket to travel west to Seattle. The journey would be long but necessary since school was starting back up. This was my final year in high school as I am 18, and ever since I've attended in Seattle I have waited eagerly for graduation. Moving originally from Michigan was a hard transition, but sometimes the hardest part was to endure such long travel between the two locations in order to see extended family.

I had purchased a bus ticket back to Seattle, and was now ready to begin that long journey which I had grown accustomed to. I waited in the terminal for about an hour when the bus finally came and I boarded it. My thoughts wandered for a various amount of time all the way through Michigan and at the very beginning of the trip out of Fargo, North Dakota. It was there where I would soon transfer buses as my ticket prescribed, and waited in the terminal patiently at a very late hour. When the transfer bus arrived I showed my ticket and began to board. It was always something that I did when I boarded a bus: I would always choose people that would be interesting for the trip. Since it would go for many hours through North Dakota, I had to choose wisely.

I took the first few steps and boarded up until I could see each passenger, many not making eye contact in order to avoid being sat next to. I walked slowly back farther along the bus until I saw exactly who I knew I must travel next to.

He was a guy that embodied the perfect mixture of boyish charm and yet athletic strength. He was blond and had blue eyes, and his hair was slightly curly. I couldn't help but stand next to him for a moment.

"Is anyone sitting here?" I asked.

He looked up with his stunning eyes.

"Nah, go ahead," he said as he moved over to the window seat.

I took my seat along side him. He was wearing loose sweat pants and a sweatshirt; I noticed that his headphones sat next to him. He had a nice set of lips and almost an amazing jaw line that made him look like a model, even though I knew this mid-western boy probably wasn't a model. He didn't have the right amount of arrogance or demeanor to be a model; he was far too humble and almost shy. Beyond that though I had a feeling that his body matched the attractiveness of his face. I imagined that he was lean and had a great set of abs and a muscled chest. I was slightly more tan than him, and also had brown eyes and short brown hair. I had a swimmers body and worked out enough to be able to spot someone in shape like him; I guessed he had the body of a soccer player. At this point he looked over at me and noticed I was looking at him for maybe longer than he was used to.

"So, where ya headed?" he asked me.

My thoughts deviated from appreciating his body to back into the real world.

"Seattle. How about you?" "Bismarck," he said matter-of-factly.

So this guy was headed to the middle of North Dakota of all places. I sort of laughed to myself that his trip wouldn't even hit 10 hours. It was already late enough at night that he wouldn't get there until early morning. The bus began to move and the lights went out after a short introduction from the driver about the rules. I took off my coat and placed it so it sat behind me. The boy listened as well and had his ticket out trying to figure out when the next bus transfer would be. He asked me and leaned in a little, allowing me to glance at his ticket.

I knew the next stop would probably be Jamestown, but I leaned in and reached out my hand for his ticket. He handed it over to me and I began to analyze each one. Luckily there was just enough light to see it and it confirmed my suspicion. I told him that Jamestown would be our next bus stop and he smiled at me for helping him out. I also caught the name that was on the ticket was Caleb. His birthday year was on the ticket as well, since it was one higher than mine it meant that he was 17. I was picking up on sort of a strange vibe from him that was a mixture of being nice and also being more than just trusting. It almost came off as an interest that most people wouldn't form when sitting next to someone else.

He leaned towards the window and closed his eyes. It was beginning to be late at night and most people turned off their overhead lights. The lights of the city became a distant memory and the quiet buzz of the highway was the only sound disturbing the silence. I also had chosen to get a little amount of sleep while the bus traveled. I put my seat back and began to relax. Caleb sat next to me but his movements were adjusting every few minutes. It was difficult to become comfortable with the space provided and I certainly agreed. He finally sat upright after a while, disappointed that he couldn't sleep fully, but certainly not as disappointed as what he had when I looked down. Poking outwards along his leg was an erection, probably from sleeping, and when he noticed I could see it he quickly covered it up.

"It's okay," I whispered to him. He didn't respond back since he was probably embarrassed but I figured I'd take the initiative in speaking once more. I leaned in closer so he would hear my whisper, and I got so close to him that I could whisper very close to his ear.

"I know how hard it is to get comfortable on this bus, if you want to lean your head on me...I wouldn't feel weird or anything. Trust me."

He paused for a moment - perhaps in hesitation about my intentions or about his own. It only took him a few seconds to respond back.

"Thanks," he said simply.

I began to feel slightly awkward that I had made such a proposal after seeing his erection. I certainly didn't want to embarrass him by any means, it just turns out my comfort with his erection included an invitation for him to be comfortable with me. It was only about half an hour later when I sat in my seat and his head touched my shoulder. I was sort of shocked when he did this since now I was faced with my offer accepted. His casual lean on my shoulder was seen by no soul on the bus as they were all sleeping and the lights were dark. Feeling bold and adjusted myself casually and put my hand on his leg. There was no response until I moved it closer along his sweatpants. Closer along his thigh and closer to his upper leg. At this point he did not move at all but whispered to me quietly.

"What are you doing?" he said in a quick but quiet voice.

He did not look at me in the eyes when he said it and did not give me time to respond before he spoke once again.

"Someone will see..." he whispered in a slightly stressed voice.

At this point the forbidden fruit was now within reach, as his question was not of my intentions or even of his own limits, but only of the fellow passages who could judge with an unkind eye upon such a public display of teenage contact. I slowly took my coat from behind me and put it in front of his lap. When I did so, my hand found its destination and I could feel his hardness within the fabric of his sweatpants. At this point he inched his whole body closer and I noticed his hand was also in a different place than it was before, as it had made contact with my own leg under my jacket.

I touched his hard teenage dick and felt its length in my hand. I rubbed it slightly and in the silence I could tell that his breathing increased slightly with the contact to his member. I held the entire length in my hand as he sat near me, so close that I could smell his scent of light cologne and teenage anticipation. One aroma began to take over the other as I continued stroking. My hand left his groin and traveled up under his sweatshirt as I felt his abs and small treasure trail. His abs were solid as I continued up to his chest slowly. He was athletic enough to have almost no body fat as I felt his chest.

By this time his hand had roamed off of my leg and over to my own erection which was steel hard. He touched it through my khakis slowly, taking his fingers and feeling out the head of my cock. My other hand had moved up to his curly hair and I put my hand behind his head. He moved it slightly and I tried getting closer to kiss his beautiful teen lips. He moved his head slightly, unsure of whether he wanted to in the open. I decided that might be too risky, and instead returned back to our stroking game.

I moved my hand out from under his sweatshirt and back down to the waste-band of his boxers. Moving it downwards past the waste I grabbed his dick in the full skin-to-skin contact as he leaked precum from the arousal. I stroked the head and shaft of his cock as he moved his hips with each stroke a very tiny amount, about just enough for me to notice it as I stroked slowly. At this point I was using my right hand to stroke slightly upwards as his dick was still within the confines of his sweatpants and underwear.

He found the zipper of my khakis and lowered it until my hardness poked through my boxers. Carefully unbuttoning, he released it so my dick stood upwards as I sat in the seat. I struggled to keep the jacket covering both of us and remain quiet as the other passengers slept. I lifted up the jacket slightly and with my right hand put it on his back. He got the idea and looked around. Seeing nobody he leaned downwards to put my cock in his mouth. He licked the head at first and then put it in his mouth. I worried that it might make too much sound but the sensation was fantastic and he bobbed up and down on my cock. I thrust upwards a little and held onto the jacket tightly. His tongue circled my cock and now I knew I was close. I held my voice in as my cock began to tingle from the sensation of his lips on my shaft. I began to cum and my seed filled his mouth as he began to swallow. I thrust a few more times as each spurt hit his tongue and he

continued to keep his mouth over my cock. When I had finished my powerful orgasm he came up from under the jacket. I reached over to his dick and jacked him as he took up the coat that I once held. I went underneath and jacked him while I held his dick in my mouth. Within instants he too had cum and I sucked every drop from his beautiful member. I licked it clean and put it back into his sweatpants, patting his balls lightly before I came up from my coat.

For the rest of the time until his stop we held hands together and remained close as the silence of the bus continued. Nobody around us had noticed anything at all. With that realized, he eventually leaned in and kissed me with an open mouth so I could feel his tongue. We knew we couldn't continue it but I also felt like it lasted forever in the moment. When Bismarck was close I didn't want him to go but I understood that he must. He was definitely the cutest guy I had ever met and the next thing he did was so juvenile and yet so adorable at the same time.

"If you ever come to North Dakota..." he began to say - but didn't finish his sentence.

Instead he pulled out a pen from his backpack and took my hand in his own. Pressing the pen on my skin, he wrote carefully and I looked down seeing the ink appear on the inside of my hand. Written there was his telephone number and below it he had drawn a heart in front of his name...Caleb...


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