High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Feb 8, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

"High School Blues" part 9: Joe finds out that high school blues are not always blue...

All the guys dismounted their bikes and parked them in the brush off the trail to conceal them. Then Shawn and Brad grabbed me under the arms and dragged me through the brush to a tree that was clear of undergrowth. It looked like it might have been used as a hang out for teens. There were initials carved into the tree along with the usual obscenities. Beer and liquor bottles lay strewn around along with a considerable number of used condoms. Yep, this place had seen a lot of action in recent days.

"Strip," Mike said. "Take everything off, and I mean everything." As I was undressing I noticed that Mike was still proudly wearing the expensive watch he had stolen from me while I was stoned on those drugs he had slipped me. I was about to mention it to him but figured that I would only make things worse for myself.

I knew better than to hesitate this time, although I had no desire to strip in front of these guys. Of course I had seen them all naked at the pool the other day, so I guess it was no big deal. Luckily the weather was still warm so even in the shade of the trees it was quite comfortable, even in the buff. The guys pointed out that my cock was beginning to inflate.

"Of course it is," Jimmy laughed. "That's because he likes us." I saw Shawn's fists ball and knew that he was just itching to put that statement to the test.

"Stand up against the tree, faggot. No, facing it; we want to see your ass."

Without warning Shawn and Brad grabbed my hands and pulled them around the tree. Then they looped the ends of a rope around each wrist and tied it fast on the opposite side of the tree. They did the same with my ankles so that I was effectively tied tightly to the tree with my ass completely vulnerable. Luckily the tree was smooth and didn't cut into my bare flesh. I was much more frightened about what would happen next.

"I see, guys," said Jimmy, "that Zits here was able to wash off the message we put on his pussy last week. Well, I don't think he'll be able to get today's message off quite so soon. With that he and Mike took off their wide, heavy leather belts and flexed them. "You've been a bad boy, Zits, and it's time to take your licks. I'm sure your mommy and daddy take a strap to you when you're bad. Just think of it like that."

"Please, Jimmy, don't hit me. I've done everything you asked"

"Aw, Zits, as they say 'this will hurt me more than it hurts you.' Don't worry it'll be over in no time and you'll love it."

"How many strikes do you think we should give him Mikey?"

"Well," said Mike, pretending to be thinking deeply, "how about five apiece. There's seven guys, so he gets thirty-five lashes."

"Thirty-five!" I shouted, "You're gonna kill me!"

"We won't kill you man, just heat up your ass and make it nice and red. Maybe to complement that pink hair you're gonna have."

I was on the verge of tears but did not want to give them another reason to mock me.

"Okay," said Mike, "who's up first?"

"I am," said Shawn, "I got a score to settle with this faggot." He showed me his belt, dragged it over my shoulder and left it hanging there while he put his gloves on. The warm leather on my shoulder felt almost sensual until I remembered what it would be used for. He left it there for awhile, maybe to make me think about what was going to happen. Then he took the belt buckle, wrapped it around his gloved hand, swung it back and lashed it across my ass, leaving a crimson red welt behind.

"Hey good work, Shawn. You're the man," said Brad.

"Believe me dude, I'm just getting warmed up. Watch this." He wielded the belt, which crashed agaist my ass again. This time I screamed. "Put something in that fucker's mouth," Shawn said, "I don't want to have to listen to that faggot screaming."

Mike quickly grabbed an old greasy rag from the tool box on his bike and stuffed it into my mouth, which effectively muffled my screams.

"Wait a minute, dude," Jimmy said excitedly. "I got a better idea. Why not give him a few of these rubbers lyin' around to chew on. That'll take his mind off the pain."

Everybody thought the idea was hilarious. Grinning Jimmy picked up several of the disgusting used condoms with his gloved hands, dangled them in front of my face and said loudly: "Open up, fag."

Besides being filthy on the outside I could see dried cum inside. It had turned dirty yellow. At first I refused, prompting Jimmy to drive punch after punch into my back. Finally I could take no more and let him place the rubbers in my mouth. He sealed my mouth shut with a piece of duct tape from his bike. I had to hold the rubbers against my tongue to prevent them from sliding down my throat, so Jimmy's idea was really a good one (from his point of view).

Shawn laid into me again.

"That's five," said Mike, as it seemed like Shawn was going to continue. "We don't want to cripple him, just teach him a lesson. Besides, you'll get your chance at him in the ring. Next!"

All of them took their turns, some lashing me in the ass, others on the back until I was a mass of welts and my ass and back were bright crimson red. "Okay, Zits," said Jimmy, "you handled that real well, almost like a real man. I'm surprised. Now what we're gonna do is leave you here for awhile so we can enjoy the trails here. We'll be back later to let you go. In the meantime, think about what we told you. Oh, you can spit out those rubbers now-after you've sucked them clean." He tore off the duct tape.

I did the best I could not to gag. The moisture in my mouth had somewhat liquified the cum in the rubbers so I was able to suck it out. It tasted awful but I swallowed it as quickly as I could and then spit the rubbers out.

"Please come back soon, Mike. My backside hurts real bad. I want to take care of it. Besides, I have to call Bob to let him know I'm not coming."

"You still don't get it, do you?" Mike said. "We told you that you are to break it off with those guys completely--no phone calls, no communication, no explanation. And nothing about what happened today. Otherwise, I may just decide not to stop Shawn next time. >From now on, you are our exclusive toy and we'll take care of you. Now enjoy yourself until we get back. Here, you want some water before we leave."

"Oh, yes, Mike, I'm really thirsty. Thanks."

"Don't mention it, Zits. See, I'm not such a bad guy," he said. "Drink up." He produced a small flask of water. In my condition I didn't think he could have put something in the water again. I guzzled it down to relieve my parched throat. "Take your time man. Take all you want."

I was grateful to Mike for being thoughtful enough to make sure I had plenty to drink. As he drove off to join the others the burning pain in my ass and back began to subside and I started to feel very relaxed. That's what I needed right now, a good sleep to recover from that brutal beating. Even though I was in a very uncomfortable position I closed my eyes...

I remember opening my eyes once and didn't seem to be tied around the tree anymore. I was lying on my back on some kind of a table. It looked familiar. I was still nude and I sensed that all the guys were standing around me, watching intently as something was being done to me. My hair felt wet and burned a bit. Mike gave me another drink from the flask and then another. "Here buddy," he said, "drink up." I couldn't keep my eyes open and soon fell asleep again.

What I found out later was that while I slept against the tree the guys came back, cut me down, and carried me to Shawn's van, which was parked just inside the woods. I was dumped on a sheet and covered over. Then the rest of the guys got on their bikes and followed the van back to Mike's place. They carried me down to the basement and laid me on my belly on the work table. They did have the kindness to take some cortisone cream and rub it liberally over my inflamed ass and back to diminish the pain and prevent infection. Then they spread out a sheet on the work table and flipped me over on my back.

Mike had gotten some pink hair coloring (probably in a party store) which he brought in and placed on the table along with several pairs of latex gloves. He read the instructions on the box (not to carefully) while Jimmy began his work. First he wet down my hair. Then he placed the coloring mixture in a squeeze bottle. Jimmy then pulled on the latex gloves, squeezed some of the mixture on my mohawk, and worked it thoroughly through my hair. All the guys were watching and joking about when I would start to look pink. It took several applications, approximately 15 minutes apart, before my hair color started to change.

It was during one of these times that I started to wake up, and Mike gave me another drink of the drugged water. Jimmy than repeated the application again and let it dry. In the meantime he took the opportunity to reshave the rest of my head to make sure that it was completely bald with no stubble visible. Then he used a washcloth to wipe away any coloring that had falled on my bare skin. When my hair was thoroughly dry they reapplied the gel. Jimmy brushed my hair so the mohawk was back to its original condition, only now it was a shocking pink. The guys went into hysterics and laughed their asses off.

"Oh, Man," said Shawn, "he looks just like a clown in the circus! All he needs now is one of those big red noses."

"Hey dudes, I just got an awesome idea! Maybe we should dye his pubes too," Jimmy said. "Wouldn't that be a hoot. Imagine him in gym class with pink pubes. They all cracked up at this idea and shouted their approval. Mike mixed up more of the coloring. Meanwhile all the guys got boned just thinking about the idea. A few actually took out their cocks and started stroking. "Hey guys don't get too worked up yet. The best is yet to come!" laughed Jimmy. He slipped on another pair of latex gloves. "Put a condom on the faggot" Jimmy said. "I don't want him jizzing all over me."

Mike got a red condom and handed it to Jimmy who slipped it over my cock which (they told me) was already filling out. "He may not have a red nose," commented Mike but at least he's got a red boner." More hysterical laughter.

Jimmy took a brush and painted the mixture all over my pubes. Everyone was laughing so hard that Jimmy could hardly do his job. He had to repeat the process several times just like he did with my mohawk. In the end my head and pubes pretty much matched each other.

"Look at the faggot," Shawn roared. "Hey, before you wake him up I think we should all shoot a load on his face. He'll probably love that."

"Count me in," said Brad, "I'm already hard and I need some release real bad."

"Wait a minute!" Jimmy cried. "Let's get some pix of this. Mikey you got any film for that camera of yours?"

"You bet," said Mike, "just give me a sec." He ran upstairs, grabbed the camera, and was back in record time. "Okay," he said, "you guys jizz him and I'll get the photos. Don't worry, I'll cut your heads off so no one'll recognize you. They'll only see the fag taking it in the face."

"Remember to get his hardon in the picture. That way it'll look like he's really loving it," said Shawn.

All the guys gathered in a tight circle around my head and started jacking their cocks. "Hey," said Mike, "the first one to shoot off has to buy a twelve pack of beer for tonight. They all started jacking but trying to hold back. Shawn was enjoying this so much that he was the first to moan, aim his huge cock directly at my face, and ejaculate, shooting an enormous load over my forehead, cheeks and nose. "Shawn buys the beer!" everyone shouted.

"I hear ya dudes," Shawn panted, coming down from his orgasm. "But it was worth every penny to jizz the fag."

The other guys followed suit until there was a chorus of moans and a river of cum coating my face with a thick layer of hot teenage cream.

"Hey, Mike," said Jimmy, "you still have to give him your cum. I'll take the pix. Slime his mouth this time man." Shawn, putting on a pair of the latex gloves, forced my mouth open (I was still out of it) making a perfect target for Mike's throbbing cock. Everyone watched eagerly as Mike began to jack. He must have liked the audience because in a very few minutes he began to moan and his cock swelled up and began to twitch.

"Quick get on the side, dude, so you don't block his face, and put your dick close to his mouth," Jimmy said. "This is gonna be so rad."

Mike could hold off no longer. Aiming directly at my gaping mouth he shot an enormous load, almost choking me as his thick cum began to slide down my throat. He used his spurting cock like a garden hose to coat the entire inside of my mouth. "Whew!" said Mike, breathing heavily after his ejaculation. "That was awesome."

"Yeah, we knew you were sweet on Zits. After all, you guys are best buddies," teased Shawn.

"We'll see when you get in the ring with him," said Mike. "You two'll probably end up kissing each other!"

"The only kiss he's gonna get is a fist smashing in his nose and splitting open those pretty lips," Shawn growled.

"Man," said Brad. "It looks like the freak has a white mud pack on his face. I've never seen such a load of cream in my life. It's gonna take him two days just to open his eyes and lips." More laughter.

"Hey," Mike said, "let's have a beer so that jizz will dry before we wake him up. He brought down some cold ones and everybody cracked one open and took a swig. "Here's to Jimmy, he should have been a barber after all." Everybody toasted him and then Mike added: "Or maybe a beautician."

"Fuck you," Jimmy laughing. "Bet you couldn't do it as good."

"My point exactly," Mike said. "But I gotta admit you got the fag just where we want him. I doubt if Mahoney and Greenburg will even look at him after this. He missed practice, and now he looks like the fairy he is. And if that doesn't work, we've always got the pix to prove he's a faggot." At that everyone cheered and high-fived Jimmy. "Okay," Mike said. "Time to wake sleeping beauty up."

First he stuck some poppers under my cum-covered nose, to make me feel mellow and horny. That way I was less likely to freak out when I saw my new hair color. Then they started to twist my nipples hard to bring me around. As I slowly came out of my drugged sleep, I felt really horny. Mike slipped the poppers under my nose again and told me to breath deeply which I automatically did. "That's a good boy," Mike said.

I had some difficulty opening both my eyes and mouth. Both felt almost glued together. I had to pull my eyelids open, which were heavily crusted with something. My mouth also felt crusted and my face tight like I was wearing a mask. On top of that my throat felt all slimy and I gagged several times trying to clear it.

Then I began to recognize my surroundings. I was in Mike's basement. I was nude and surrounded by Jimmy, Mike, Shawn, and the others. I looked down at my crotch through my crusty eyelids and noticed that my cock, encased in a red condom, was sticking straight up and was surrounded by pink hair. When I saw that, I started laughing."Look at that," I said, "that is so funny. Who would do something like that?" All the guys laughed their asses off as Mike gave me another hit of poppers. I felt myself floating and feeling really good. My backside had stopped stinging and my cock was going wild. I felt like I could ejaculate any minute inside the condom sheath.

"He's flying, dudes," said Mike. "Time to show him what he looks like." They practically had to carry me over to the mirror. When I saw myself, I started laughing again, almost doubling over. I was still nude and could see everything "Yeah," said Mike. "You look awesome. You're gonna be the school stud after this. How about a beer, stud, to toast the new you. They gave me a beer, surrounding me in a loose circle. I must have made a sight--pink mohawk on my shaved head, pink pubes with a red condom sticking straight out from my hardon, thick layer of white cum on my face, and red ass and backside from the whipping I had received earlier. Still I felt on top of the world. I was the center of attention of these hunky guys, who were cheering me as the new school stud.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 10

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