High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Feb 5, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

"High School Blues" part 8: Joe has to change his plans...

It was Friday and I was finally going to begin working out with Terry and Bob. I had thrown a set of work-out clothes in my backpack since I would be going directly from school to Bob's house. The folks gave me the okay and even--much to my surprise-- said it was alright to have dinner with Bob's family. Seems that they had met the Greenburgs (Bob's folks) at some kind of social function and seen them on several other occasions. So they thought everything was cool, which was fine by me. The school day passed fairly quickly except for a few stares and laughs about my hair. I was sure that everyone would get used to it soon--maybe even me. Jimmy had warned me to keep any stubble off the sides, or else. So I was careful every morning to inspect my head and carefully use the razor on it when necessary. I was going to a regular barber soon to see if he could improve on Jimmy's masterpiece.

Today was also "pay-off day". Mike and Jimmy had carefully instructed me that they expected to receive their weekly payment--$25 for each of them--on Fridays. Since I only worked a limited number of hours at the store (my folks said I couldn't do any more because of school), the money those two bullies were extorting from me represented most of my weekly take-home pay. That was the money I was hoping to use as a downpayment on a car when I was old enough to drive. Now it was going to help Jimmy and Mike to buy new dirt bikes. But what could I do? I knew if I didn't pay up they would hurt me bad. It was easier to just give them what they wanted. Besides, their influence over me was increasing, so much that I actually got off giving them the cash. I found myself getting boned just thinking about it. So when I went to school that day, I had the $50 stuffed into my pocket, ready to deliver to them when they asked for it. Then I would be safe (maybe) for another week.

I ran into Jimmy in the hallway during a break between classes. He quickly grabbed my arm and led me downstairs to a seldom--used rest room. "You remember to bring the money, Zits? You better have it."

"Yes, Jimmy," I said, "I have it right here."

"Cool," he said, "hand it over."

I pulled the money out of my pocket and gave it to him. He smiled. "Like I told you Zits, you keep doin' things our way and you got nothin' to worry about. By the way, I like the way your hair is looking. I talked to the guys and they all think it should be a different color. Hey, maybe we can change it every month! That would be way cool, wouldn't it?"

"Please don't do that, Jimmy," I begged. "I'm wearing the mohawk just like you wanted. Can't we just leave it the way it is?"

"Don't think so, dude," Jimmy said with a grin. "The guys really want to see how it will look if it's--let's say, pink. That's a good color for fags anyway, isn't it?"

"No, please Jimmy, I would be too embarrassed if my hair were pink."

Jimmy's smile vanished and he drove his fist deep into my gut, knocking the wind out of me. Then he doubled his fists like a sledgehammer and pounded me to the floor. I was writhing around in pain. "You do what I tell you or this is what happens, cunt. You want another demonstration?" I managed to shake my head no as I gasped for breath.

"Good," Jimmy said, "cause I'm getting tired of your disrespect. Now lick my feet like a good little faggot and tell me how sorry you are for questioning my decision about you."

Once again, humiliated to the extreme, I weakly crawled across the filthy floor to where Jimmy stood, staring down at me. First I kissed, than began to lick his dirty sneakers, begging him at the same time to forgive me for not wanting to follow his orders. He held up the ratty sneakers so I could lick the bottoms. I was trying to keep from gagging. Just then, Mike walked in. He laughed.

"Well, I see you got things in hand, my man. You get the faggot's cash?"

"What do ya think? Here's your half. I got him on the floor because he didn't like our idea of dyeing his hair pink. I had to punish him so he doesn't think he can disobey us without getting his ass kicked."

"That's right, Zits," said Mike. "You listen to the man. From now on we tell you what to do, what to think, and how to dress. By the way "J", it looks like the faggot is enjoying what you've been doin' to him. He's got another boner."

"Shit!" said Jimmy, "I never saw a guy get off on abuse the way Crawford does. What a sick fuck he is. Right fag? You like it when we rough you up? Makes you all horny? Well, I guess we'll have to do it more often. Hey Mike, maybe we should turn Shawn lose on him real soon. Get that ring ready, cause I want to see if Zits gets a boner when Shawn is breakin' his ribs."

Just then the warning bell rang for class. "See you later," Jimmy said, "and thanks for contributing to the cause. Every little bit helps, man." I could hear them laughing as they walked down the hall and up the stairs. Meanwhile, I was trying to get off the floor and clean myself up. I looked in the mirror: I was a disaster, with both my pants and shirt covered with dirt from the bathroom floor. I cleaned up as best as I could with warm water from the sink, and hurried, ribs and stomach aching, to history class.

My ribs continued aching throughout the rest of the day. I was beginning to wonder how I would get through my first session with Terry and Bob in my present condition. I was tempted to call it off by telling them that I was not feeling well, and that I needed to go home and rest...No, I didn't want them to think I was a wimp. I had to show up, no matter how much it hurt. I could always say that I wasn't in condition, and that I could only work on real light exercises for a while. I knew they respected me and wouldn't think any the less because I was out of shape. So when I saw the two of them in the hall again, I reassured them to count on me being there by 4:00 pm.

I noticed as I was walking down the hall for my last class that Jimmy and Mike were looking at me kind of funny and whispering to each other. I thought it probably had to do with our earlier encounter in the bathroom. I would soon find out that I was wrong.

After classes were over I hurried to my locker, grabbed the study material I would need for the weekend, and put it in my backpack along with the work-out clothes. Bob said that his exercise room was in the basement of the house and that he would leave the back door open. I shouldn't knock but just come right in because he and Terry probably would already have started their routines. As soon as I got there the two of them would start testing my strength to make up the most effective program for me to put on some bulk and increase my endurance.

These were the things I was thinking about as I exited the school and headed for Bob's house. I didn't see Jimmy, Mike, and their buddies leaning against the school wall like they had done the other day, smoking and tipping up a flask that one of the guys had stashed away in his backpack. In spite of my bad experience the other day, I decided to take the short cut through the woods as the quickest way to reach Bob's house. The guys leaning against the wall watched my movements and smiled when they saw me enter the woods alone.

The way to reach Bob's house was a different route through the woods than to my place, but I had hiked and played in those woods for such a long time that I knew all the paths really well. So I wasn't at all worried about getting lost. It was early fall, and the trees were still green and the woods dense with undergrowth. The paths, though, were clearly visible since they were used quite a bit by local kids.

I was a little over half way through the woods walking toward Bob's house when I heard a number of high-pitched sounds. They quickly resolved themselves into the familiar sound of dirt bikes. At first I didn't associate them with Jimmy and Mike. Often enough kids rode their motor bikes through the woods, prompting complaints from the neighbors to which the cops responded in a half-hearted way. They stopped the kids and lectured them about causing a public disturbance and damaging the woods. Two days later the kids were back again, maybe following a slightly different route. That was really the only thing that disturbed me while I was walking in the woods. But I also knew they were just kids out to have a little fun.

The cyclists were very close when I realized they were on the same trail as I was, and that I better get my ass out of their way. Still I didn't think it was my "friends" from school, whom I associated with Mike's house and the field in his backyard. Besides, no one was allowed to bring a motor bike to school. I guess you could say that I was really stupid not to realize what was happening, and I soon paid the price.

I turned around and pressed against the surrounding bushes to let the cyclists pass and suddenly I saw Jimmy almost on top of me. He stuck out his booted foot and clotheslined me. I flew backwards, and for a moment I thought he and his buddies were going to run right over me. Instead he stopped and waited for me to recover, without saying a word. My whole stomach and rib cage ached from contact with Jimmy's leg and foot.

Several of the cyclists roared past me so that I was surrounded. Little by little I recognized all the guys: Mike, Phil, Shawn and the others. Somehow they had stashed their bikes at school without being discovered and picked them up when they were ready to run me down.

"Real nice back here, ain't it guys," Jimmy said. "We're gonna have to ride around here more often. 'Course ya never know what you're gonna run into. Ya gotta be careful or you might just run over a frog. Did ya know that frogs have zits and you can catch 'em if you pick them up?"

"Nah," Brad piped up, "that's warts. Everybody knows that if ya pick up a frog you can get warts."

"Yeah, well here's a frog that can give you zits. That's why ya gotta squash it or kick it like a soccer ball. Which brings me to the point of this friendly little visit. I understand, Zits, that you're getting real cozy with Terry Mahoney and Bob Greenburg. You suckin' their cocks or something, faggot?"

"They asked me if I wanted to play soccer, and they said they were gonna help train me. Bob's got an exercise room in his basement, and we're gonna train over there every week." After I had spilled out my guts, I realized how stupid I was to let these guys in on my plans and, even worse, the routine of Terry and Bob. Something told me that these guys would like nothing better than to get some kind of control over Terry and Bob as they had over me.

"Listen, Zits, the only ones who are gonna train you is us. And the first lesson ya gotta learn is obedience. That means you listen to us and only to us. Understand?"

"But why me?" I asked. "Why are you interested in me?"

"Good question, Zits," Jimmy chimed in. "Ya see, we like you. You're a real cool guy and we want to hang out with you." A few snickers from the other guys.

"By the way, Zits, where does Greenburg live?" Mike asked.

A chill ran through my guts. I could have kicked myself for talking so much. "Um," I said, "over near the supermarket where I work."

"That's not what I asked you, fucker. What's his street address?"

I hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"I asked you a question, cunt. Now where does he live?"

When I still didn't answer, Mike casually climbed off his bike. He pulled out one of his motorcycle gloves from his pack, put it on, and walked over to me. Then he backhanded me hard across the face, knocking me to the ground. A line of blood trickled from the edge of my mouth. The other guys were watching intently.

He raised his gloved hand again, assuming a menacing posture.

"Okay, okay," I blubbered, "He lives at 24 High Street."

"There, that wasn't so hard, Zits, was it," Mike said with a smile. "We may just be paying Greenburg a little visit one of these days. You know, get to know a classmate better. You say he's got an exercise room in has basement. You can never give too much attention to your body," he said, flexing his bulging biceps. "I see you got a long ways to go yet in that department, Zits." Everybody laughed at that, making me blush once again.

If these guys were out to get Bob (and Terry) they were gonna have to be much more careful than they were with me, or they'd get their asses whipped. Still I could tell that they were up to no good. That got me angry in a way I had never been before. At this point I didn't care what else they did to me, but damn I didn't want them to hurt or embarrass my friends, Terry and Bob, who had been good to me.

"Well, Zits, this is all very interesting," Jimmy said, gunning his motor for effect. "But right now we feel that you've gotten a bit out of hand and need another attitude adjustment. Right guys?" They all confirmed Jimmy's question with shouts and more gunning of motors.

"Please don't hurt me any more, Jimmy. I hurt all over from that kick you just gave me."

"Dude, that was just a love tap. Besides I thought you loved my boots. You should have a hardon by now geting that boot right in the gut. That was just to soften you up for the real punishment, or should I say fun? You always seem to enjoy it when we knock you around, so I'm sure you'll love what we have in mind for you this time."

"Please Jimmy, I have to get over to Bob's house. I promised him I'd be there by 4:00 pm and its already 3:45."

"That's your problem, man, cause you ain't goin' nowhere. We got business with you and our business always comes first. And part of what we want you to remember is that you're not gonna be seeing Mahoney and Greenburg anymore. You're gonna break it off and tell them you changed your mind about playing soccer, that you've got more important things to do. Got it?"

"No!" I dared to say. "They're my friends and I'm not gonna disappoint them. I wanna be with them and I wanna to be on the soccer team."

"Whoa, dudes," Jimmy said (sounding a bit surprised). This cocksucker doesn't wanna give up his new friends. He must really love to suck 'em off. Maybe he's even taking it up the ass. Well you're not gonna be able to take anything up your ass for quite a while when we're through with you, Zits! Bring 'im guys."

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 9

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