High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Jan 26, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

Author's note: I have received several emails expressing the feeling that this story glorifies the school bully. I want to say that I have no desire to sanction or approve bullying, which is a serious problem in our schools and, if not corrected, can lead to tragic consequences. The purpose of this story is not to encourage bullying, but to explore the erotic aspects of domination and humiliation. Kinky? Yes. Not for everyone. For this reason the moderator approved my request that the story be moved from the High School to the Authoritarian section. As the story progresses the abuse will get worse, but in the end Joe Crawford will come to understand his own identity and sexual preferences.

"High School Blues" part 4: Joe finds that things can always get worse...

I was totally confused when I woke up in the woods in a pool of mud. Jimmy and Mike were no where to be seen. It was getting dark, and I knew that I was going to have to move fast to get home before the folks sent out a search party. What had happened? Nothing was very clear. I know that I had gotten high from smoking the weed and drinking the tequila that Jimmy and Mike had offered me. I remember running after Jimmy, who was wearing my glasses. After that my memory seemed to be blank. How did I end up covered in mud? Even more mysterious: how did I end up totally nude? Were Jimmy and Mike responsible for this? But they had been so nice to me. We all had a good laugh. Could I have done this myself in a drunken stupor? Had we dared each other to get naked?

I didn't have time to analyze the situation now. Besides getting dark, it was getting cold, and I began to shiver as the wind blew against my bare skin. I got myself up as best as I could in spite of the mud, which was sticking to me like glue and holding me down. I was very relieved to see my clothes piled up not too far from the bog with both pairs of glasses on top. So Jimmy and Mike had been true to their word. This made me even more sure that I somehow did this to myself.

I still had to get home. I realized I had no way of washing myself and would have to put on my clothes over the mud that covered my body. I couldn't even get it off my face or hair, although I tried to wipe it off as best as I could. My one consolation was that, with the dark coming on, people passing by probably would not see the mud all over my face and hair as I walked home. Of course there were my mom and sister to face. Maybe they wouldn't see me; maybe I could sneak in through the window and pretend to have been home all along.

For once luck was on my side. I took off my shoes and wiped my feet in the grass so I didn't leave any marks on the carpet as I went in through the living room window and crept up to my room. The first thing I had to do was take a shower. Then I would try to go down stair as casually as I could, and let the ladies know I was home. Again luck was on my side, when I saw by my alarm clock (I still didn't know what happened to my watch) that dinner was not for another half hour. The warm shower felt wonderful as I began to wash away the mud and grime that covered my whole body. I had to shampoo my hair twice to get it really clean. Talk about leaving a ring around the shower!

As I continued to soak under the warm water I thought again about how differently Jimmy and Mike had treated me this afternoon than I thought they would. I still had to straighten out the money matter with them, but that was Monday and today was only Friday. As I thought about them, my cock started to rise again. I thought about their muscular bodies and handsome faces; I thought about their bubble butts so well diplayed in their faded levis. Then I thought about how they had humiliated me--physically and verbally.

At that point my cock was hard as a rock and I thought I would blow any minute. Was it true then? Was I queer for them? Did I really enjoy their abuse and, even worse, get turned on by it? I had to put away those thoughts if I was going to move forward with our new "friendship". By now I was totally clean and got out of the shower to towel off. What I didn't see at the time was some large block letters printed on my back and butt with a magic marker:


After dressing I went down stairs to dinner. Mom and Michelle stared at me. "Where did you come from?" Mom asked. "I was getting worried because you weren't home yet."

"I guess you didn't see me come in, mom," I said. "I really wanted to take a shower so I just ran upstairs to my room. Sorry I didn't check in first."

"Don't get sarcastic with me, Joe," mom snapped, "I only asked because I thought something might have happened to you."

"Don't you trust me, mom?" I said. "I can take care of myself" (haha)

"Yes I trust you, Joe," she said. "I just want us to be completely honest with each other. Now let's eat. I'm sure you and your sister are both hungry. You both like home-made lasagna and garlic bread, don't you?" The look on our faces was answer enough.

I was happy that Michelle was still in grade school. She had no way of knowing anything about my situation. Unless, of course, one of her girl friends had a sister or brother in high school that might have seen or heard something...

The weekend passed quickly. I thought several times about calling Terry to see if he wanted to go to the movies, but each time I started to dial his number I put down the phone. I still hadn't gotten over my shyness. I knew I was going to have to do that if I joined the soccer team. Resolutely, I picked up the phone and called. Terry's mom answered. Terry and Bob were away camping for the weekend with Bob's dad (studying wasn't too important to them!) I felt disappointed. I was kind of envious and wished I could do those things with my dad. But after working those long hours all week and commuting about a zillion miles, all he wanted to do on weekends was relax and unwind.

When I got to school on Monday I almost immediately saw Jimmy and Mike leaning against one of the school walls, smoking with a couple of their buddies. They were careful not to be seen by any of the faculty or they probably would have gotten detention. >From where I stood they looked like a bunch of grungy punks: black leather jackets, faded, ripped jeans, clunky boots, cigarettes dangling from their mouths. I was surprised they were allowed to dress like that and still get into school. Maybe the administration was as intimidated by them as I was. Mike saw me and motioned me over to join them.

"Hey, Joe," he said. (Joe? Not pansy, or Zit-Man?) Want you to meet a couple of our buds: "That's Carl and Stew and Brad. You already know Phil. They're a bunch of assholes but we don't really hold it against them." That remark was followed by a chorus of "Fuck you!" "Up yours!" and "Suck my cock!" I was uncomfortable with this rowdy group but tried to be friendly.

"Hey guys, how's it going?"

They grinned at each other and then at me, but remained silent. "I told ya these guys were assholes, Joe. Come on, I need to talk to you before class." Mike threw a leather-clad arm around my shoulder as if we were best friends, and led me around the corner of the school. I heard the guys snickering behind us.

"Listen, man, we got about ten minutes before class, and I have to make a few things clear."

"Sure Mike," I said, "but, uh, tell me something. What happened on Friday? I must have passed out, and when I woke up you were gone and I was in a mud puddle without any clothes on."

"Dude, how the hell do I know what happened to you? I think all of us had too much to drink on top of the weed. We must've all crashed. When we woke up we didn't see you, so we thought ya must've woke up first and gone home."

"But why did I have my clothes off?"

"Damned if I know. Just before I passed out I remember Jimmy say: 'The Zit-Man is doin' a strip tease; he's losin' all his clothes. That's hot man!' Then we both were in la-la land...Anyway, remember we agreed that you would help us out with our cash problems, and that we'd take care of you in return."

"Uh, yeah, I remember," I said, somewhat hesitant. Again I thought: what have I gotten myself into? "How much do you guys need?"

"Well, Joey, my man," said Mike, tightening his arm around my shoulder and drawing me closer to him, "I think we'll start off with twenty-five bucks a week. That's for each of us--$25 for me and $25 for Jimmy."

"But Mike," I protested, "that's most of my weekly salary at the store! I only work part time, ya know!"

"That's not my problem, dude. We had an agreement and you gotta stand by it. Otherwise I can't guarantee what Jimmy's gonna do to you. I think he might beat your ass real bad; maybe cripple you. You lookin' for that?"

"No, I'm not, Mike. I just thought you needed a few dollars for beer or cigarettes. I didn't think you needed so much."

"Prices have gone up and they might be goin' up again." I shuddered as I thought about my alternatives.

"Okay, Mike," I said. "I'll have the money for you tomorrow."

"Not good enough. Gi'me what you got in your wallet now," Mike said. "You can bring us the rest in the morning."

I had ten dollars and some change in my wallet. He took that and said: "Okay, you owe us, uh, forty dollars tomorrow. Right?"

"Yeah, Mike, I'll have it."

"Good boy," he said, "I think we're gonna be great friends after all."  Mike slung his arm around me again, and led me back around the corner of the school where Jimmy and the rest of their posse were waiting for us.

"We're all squared away, dude," Mike said to Jimmy, "Joey's gonna help us out just like we said."

"That's rad, man," Jimmy said, slapping me on the back so hard I almost fell on the ground. My stumbling was met by a burst of laughter from the other guys and I started to blush.

"Look," one of the guys cried, "when his face turns red, his zits disappear. It's a fuckin' miracle!"

Just then the school bell rang and I sighed in relief. As we started walking toward the front door the other guys jostled me, patted me on the fanny, and ruffled my hair. Then they pushed ahead of me and disappeared down the corridor toward the lockers.

The day went pretty normal. It was a real relief that Jimmy and Mike weren't hassling me like usual. I ran into Terry and asked him how the camping trip went. He said it was great, and wanted me to go with them the next time. That made my day. It seemed to me that after a pretty hard time making the adjustment to high school I was finally finding my way.

The following morning I saw Jimmy standing alone by the side of the school. He waved to me to come over. When I got there he said: "You got the rest of the money?"

I promptly handed it over to him and he said: "Okay, remember, we do this every week. Friday morning sharp. And from now on we want it all at once. No more shit about part today and part tomorrow. Understand?"

"Yes, Jimmy," I said, somewhat shaken by his roughness, but determined not to let it get me down. I was thinking about Terry and the camping trip we were going to take soon.

My good feelings lasted until the last class of the day which was gym class. We all really worked up a sweat, running around the track and doing calisthenics. When we were done the coach barked for all of us to get washed up. Everybody started to strip down and head for the common showers. As I pulled off my gym shorts and then my jock, the guy next to me looked at my backside and started laughing hysterically. More guys came over to see what was up, and each one had an identical reaction. Finally the whole class was surrounding me laughing like crazy. I was completely confused and asked the first guy what was so funny.

"You should know," he roared, "I always thought you were a faggot. Is it a freebie or do you charge?"

I was so confused and self-conscious that I quickly put my school clothes back on, jammed my gym equipment into my backpack, and ran from the gym with the sounds of my classmates laughter echoing behind me. Then I heard the coach yell: "I thought I told you guys to hit the showers. Now get your asses in their and shut up, or believe me I'm gonna make you damn sorry. Now MOVE!"

Things quieted down as I left the gym and the school behind me. Why were those guys laughing when I stripped? My body wasn't so bad looking. In fact, it was better than a lot of the other guys. So what was happening?

It was only when I got home that I found out. I went into the bathroom to take my delayed shower. After I stripped, I took the bathrobes off the full length mirror on the back of the door so I could see myself. The front of my body looked perfectly normal. But when I turned around and looked over my shoulder, I went into absolute shock. Even looking at the words in reverse it didn't take me long to figure out what they said:


I could have died. At that moment I just wished someone could have explained to me why my cock was throbbing and hard as a rock.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 5

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