High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Oct 6, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further. Please practice safe sex. This story is a fantasy in which STDs don't exist!

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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Joe Becomes a Movie Star (part 2)

I got out of the pickup feeling terribly exposed. Besides, I was cold since I was still not completely dry from my unwilling plunge into the ocean as well as the night air, which was cooling off rapidly. I was glad to get into the relative warmth of the warehouse while Mike and Jimmy laughed at the goose bumps that covered my body.

The warehouse was not in good repair, at least the entrance way, but after we had climbed the steps (I was watching carefully for splinters!) it looked as if there had been extensive remodeling to the upper floor. I heard the sounds of talking and laughter coming from down the hall, and wondered what was in store for me now. Mike and Jimmy were flanking me like an honor guard, or maybe more like two cops making sure their prisoner didn't get away.

After walking down a hallway we entered a large, brightly lit room. A number of professional-looking cameras were set up on tripods, and a group of guys, obviously the "movie crew", were milling around preparing for the evening's work. We were greeted by Len, who was all business. I was surprised that neither he nor the crew seemed the least bit concerned that a totally nude guy had just walked into the room. All in a day's work, I guess!

"Go over to the dressing room," Len indicated to me, pointing to the right. " Hey, Nick, take our little buddy and show him where the clothes are." A tall, lean guy with long blond hair, baggie shorts, and work boots motioned to me. " Follow me," he said indifferently.

"So you're the new fag," Nick said, after we entered the dressing room He eyed me up and down. "Shit!" he said. "Those tats really tell the story, don't they? Ever do a porn vid before?" he asked with a smirk.

"N-no," I said, completely unnerved by the strange surroundings as well as the fact that I was standing there totally nude and talking with a guy I didn't even know. He was good looking in a rough kind of way, and I was hoping I wouldn't throw a boner in front of him.

"You'll learn," he said, suddenly reaching out and twisting one of my nipples with his large hand. "Like that, sweetie?" he leered.

I gave an involuntary gasp and he smiled. "Oh, yeah," he said, " I think we' re gonna like working with you. Put on something from over there," he said, indicating a rack over in the corner. The make-up guy should be in soon." He winked at me and left.

When the make-up guy arrived I noticed he was not effeminate like Maxine. " Hey guy," he said, "I'm Taylor, but my friends call my Ty. I like your mohawk and those tats are awesome."

I liked Ty immediately. He didn't make any remarks about the tats like Nick did. He also talked to me like a normal guy, not with the superiority or mockery of the others.

"What's your name, man?" Ty asked.

"I'm Joe," I said. "And I gotta tell you I'm kinda nervous about all this."

"That's okay," Ty said sympathetically. "Everybody pretty much feels the same, even though the money is pretty good."

I didn't tell him that I would probably see very little of the money for this. I just felt kind of reassured that somebody here seemed to be "on my side."

"Today we're just gonna take some action shots to see how you look for the camera, so we'll try out some of the costumes on the rack over there. Why don' t you start out with the cowboy costume? After you get dressed we'll do your make-up, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," I said, looking over at the `wardrobe' which looked like throw-aways from the Village People.

"Don't worry," Ty encouraged, "you got a good body. Maybe you need a little more bulk, but you'll look great for the cameras."

The costumes seemed to be very similar to what I wore in the bar where I had to strip, so they didn't bother me too much. What did bother me was when another guy entered the dressing room, also dressed like a cowboy. I stared at him for a minute and he smiled. He was well built, with green eyes, buzz-cut blond hair, and a small goatee.

"Howdy!" he said "We're gonna be traveling the range together, you and me bud, and judgin' from those tats I figure I'll be the one doin' the riding." He grinned at me.

I looked at Ty in confusion. "Didn't they tell you," he said, "that you guys are in this together? Part of the story is that you dudes fuck each other. By the way, this is Tex."

"That's my stage name," said `Tex,' "but it's kinda stuck. What's your name?"

"J-Joe," I stammered. I was still reeling from Ty's comment that I would be having sex with this guy. I had thought that they just wanted pictures of me taking off my clothes like at the bar.

"Nah, said Tex, "I mean what are you gonna call yourself?" He turned to Ty. " This guy clueless?" he said.

He's new," Ty answered, "we still have to find a name for him. Maybe we can help him out."

How about `Mohawk'? Tex laughed. "It sure fits the way he looks!"

Ty also laughed and said, "You've got a point there. How about it Joe?"

To my surprise I answered yes. After all it sounded kind of cool. And there was no denying it was the most outstanding thing about me. What was going on here? Was I really an exhibitionist? The same thing happened to me at the bar. First I was nervous, then I got all excited. The only thing I still didn't like was what I might have to do with Tex. I pushed it out of my mind for the moment. One thing I knew for sure: I didn't want to have sex with that guy--on camera or off!

Suddenly Tex got another idea. "Hey," he said, "since this guy is Mohawk why not dress him like an Indian. That would go with the gist of the shoot," he said helpfully.

"Let me see," said Ty. "Ya know these days ya gotta be politically correct, and that might not go over well with some of our customers."

"Bull shit!" said Tex, "anybody watchin' these vids doesn't give a flying fuck about being politically correct."

"You got a point there," Ty remarked. "Okay, `Mohawk' put on that Indian costume and let's get rolling. We ain't got all night, and Len gets pretty upset if we waste time."

After I got dressed I pulled Ty aside. "Um, I didn't know there'd be any sex involved in these shoots. I can't do that."

Ty looked surprised. "Those guys who spoke to Len said you would pretty much do anything, and that's why we made the deal. You'll have to take that up with Len," Ty said.

I found my anger rising against Mike and Jimmy. They hadn't even asked me if I was willing to have sex on the set. They just presumed I would follow their orders. As Ty was making up Tex, I went outside and motioned for Mike to come over.

As Mike approached I saw that he was impatient and upset that I had called him over. Still, I was determined to go ahead and let him know my feelings about having sex, and especially having it with a total stranger.

"Mike," I said (deliberately avoiding the `Sir' thing), "you never told me I would be having sex as part of this video. I can't do that. I'm not comfortable with it. I don't even know this guy."

I had hardly finished talking when Mike grabbed me by the suede collar of my vest. "I don't care what you think you can do or can't do. It's part of the deal and you're gonna do it."

"No, I'm not. You go to hell!" I said, struggling to get free. Our voices started getting louder and heads began to turn on the set.

Jimmy came over. "We having some trouble here?" he asked.

"Ya might say that," said Mike, looking daggers at me. "This son of a bitch doesn't want to have sex on screen. Shit, he's still got cum in his mouth from the beach!"

Nick came over and grinned at me. He had figured out what the conversation was all about. "You need some help with this faggot?" he asked.

"What do you say, pussy?" Mike said, "I think between the three of us we should be able to beat you to a pulp." When surrounded with this bunch of beefy guys I was quickly going down my usual path of surrender again, but that made me even more angry and resentful.

Just then Ty came out of the dressing room. I guess he had heard everything. " Guys," he said, "there's no need for all this. Let me talk to Joe here and try to get all of this straightened out."

"Okay," Mike growled, "but you better be quick, or this freak is gonna be crippled for life. Then it won't matter whether or not he wants to have sex. He' s a whore anyway. I don't know why he's getting all prissy on us now."

I was ready to jump on Mike now and take my chances, but Ty laid a strong hand on my shoulder and said, "Come on, Joe, let's talk this out." Quickly he steered me back into the dressing room, indicating to Tex that he should leave for a minute. Tex shrugged and left.

"Look kid" Ty said, "You don't know what you've gotten yourself into. Len and his buddies can play really rough once they've made a deal. They wouldn't think anything of breaking your arms if you don't do what they say. They've got connections and could even hurt your family. My advice is that you do what they say, whether you want to or not."

"This thing is just getting worse and worse," I thought. I didn't even care so much for myself as I did for my family. No matter how I felt, I couldn't get them involved and could never allow them to get hurt. Moreover, to my shame, those confused feeling were coming back strong between my desire to be respected or to be humiliated. I still lusted after hunky male bodies, especially those who were dominant and ordered me around. That finally decided me.

"Okay," I said to Ty, "I'll do it."

"Good boy," he said. "We know this is your first time so we'll guide you through it. Tex has been through this before too so he'll also be helping you. I frowned--Tex was the last one I wanted to help' me. But I had decided to go ahead. I hadn't even noticed at the time that Ty had called me boy'.

It was a good thing Ty came out and cooled things down. I was ready to haul off and break that queer bastard's nose for mouthing off to me, especially in front of Len's crew. I would take care of the faggot later. But for now we were ready to roll. `J' tried to calm me down.

"Look, Mike" he reasoned, "sure the pussy deserves a beating, but we gotta think about what we're gonna get out of this if Len likes what he sees. The fag can act pretty good. We saw that at the bar. Sure we'll have to punish the fucker, but we can't come down on him too hard until we see how he does. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, "I see your point. But if that cunt mouths off to me just one more time, I don't care who says what. He's gonna be road kill."

Just then my mood changed as I saw the Cowboy and the Indian walk out of the dressing room. I started to feel better when I heard they were being called Tex and Mohawk. This was gonna be cool. I had already seen the script (if that's what ya wanna call it) and saw that it called for Tex to fuck Mohawk's brains out. That should put the little fag back in his place, at least for now.

When the two of them came out and stood in front of that cheesy backdrop of the West, I couldn't help but smiling. There was a large brass bed right there in the fuckin `desert' where they would go at it. Was that a hoot or what?

Zits was wearin' a pair of tight suede pants with fringes on them and a matching vest. He was carrying a bow and some arrows slung over his shoulder. He had on moccasins and wore a head band with what looked like a real Indian headdress--man I was fuckin' impressed! Somehow Ty even got Mohawk's mohawk to blend in with the feathers. The other asshole, the cowboy, had on tight leather pants, shirt, vest, cowboy hat, a lasso, and boots. I mean, talk about the sick pervs that would get turned on by that kind of shit. But, hell, so what if they did, as long as we got the cash.

The two fags had been briefed about what they were gonna do, and it wasn't much besides dancing, stripping, and fucking. I knew this was just a test run to see how Len liked Zits, and whether he could look hot and convincing in front of the camera. Little did our little buddy know that the script called for him to be fucked at both ends. The other slut wasn't here tonight, so Nick had volunteered to take Zit's mouth pussy. He must have liked the idea since his shorts were already tented.

The amplifiers started blasting a funky combination of country-western music and pop. All in all it sounded pretty fuckin' rad. Great stuff to strip and fuck. I was happy to see that Zits got right into it and started shakin' and takin' it off. I guess he'd picked it up pretty well at the bar the other night. Got to say one thing for Zits: he was a quick learner.

"Hey," J' said, "look at im go. That fucker is a natural. We got ourselves a genuine dancin' queen here."

That was one of the things I liked about J'--he could always get a laugh out of me. "Hey bud," I said, throwing my arm around J', "I think this thing is gonna work. We got ourselves in fuckin' business."

Both the fags started slowly takin' off their vests, shoes, and finally their pants as they gyrated to the beat. Then they were supposed to start wrestling. Supposedly, the winner got to do what he wanted to the loser, but there was no contest. Tex outweighed Zits by maybe 25 pounds, and the dude was built. I' d have to think twice before I would take him on myself.

Anyway, after a little sparring around, Tex pinned Zits in record time. Then he hog tied him, hauled him up, and threw him across the bed, face up. Jeez, maybe this guy really was in the rodeo. Go figure!

When he got Zits on the bed he loosened the ropes on his arms and legs and tied him spread eagled from the bed posts. Zits was perfectly positioned with his head hangin' off one end and his legs off the other. He must of seen what was comin' cause he started to struggle as hard as he could. That was perfect-- just what Len was lookin' for: Tex rapes Mohawk (with a little help from Nick!)

Tex sidled up to Zits, pulled a tube of lube from a fake cactus next to the bed, and greased up. He continued to gyrate and with a wicked grin began to move in for the kill. The camera followed his every move and zoomed in for a close up of Zit's pussy just as Tex was ready to make his move.

He began by slapping Zits back and forth across the ass like he was whipping cattle. The camera man made sure he got a close up of Joey-boy's tats: " Cocksucker" and "Faggot". Too bad he couldn't see his pussy tat. Well, all in good time. Had to get a copy of this. Len should give me one for free--fringe benefits, right?

Tex got right down to business. After humping Zits for a few moments, he spread his ass pussy, shot in some lube--which caused Zits to gasp--and pushed against his hole. At the same time, Nick was approaching Zits from behind. He had removed his shorts and briefs and was now positioned over Zit's head with precum dripping on his face.

When Zits saw Nick he absolutely panicked. Guess he had never been on the spit before. Well he would learn soon. Nick ordered Zits to open his mouth pussy, and when he refused Nick pinched his nose. Zits was forced to open his mouth and when he did, Nick slipped his big dick head right into Zit's mouth.

At almost the same moment Tex moved forward quickly, and before Zits knew what was happening a second cock head entered him. Zit's was struggling and moaning in protest, but his struggles only helped Nick and Tex as they continued to push into him from both ends. Meanwhile, the cameras were catching everything from three different angles. Every once in awhile they would zoom in on either his mouth, which was now stuffed with cock, or his pussy, where you could see Tex's giant dick as it disappeared little by little into Zit's quivering hole. One of the camera men even let `J' and I see what was happening through the lens. Man, it was one of the hottest things I had ever seen.

Nick took advantage of Zit's moaning and groaning to push his own dick deep down the fag's throat. It was incredible to see inch after inch of Nick's tool disappearing as Zit's struggled to take it without chocking to death. One more thrust and Nick was in so deep you could see Zit's throat bulge outward from top to bottom. Fuck, that was hot! And it was all caught on cameras.

Meanwhile, Tex had all of his cock up Zit's pussy and, having placed Zit's legs over his well-muscled shoulders, began to fuck the shit out of him. At the same time Nick started skull-fucking poor Zits, who now seemed to be in a daze.

Then I saw Zit's tiny excuse for a cock begin to harden and finally raise up and get hard. Nick and Tex both laughed when they saw that Zits was responding to their efforts and was beginning to get into the double-fuck. It seemed like Zit's groans began to turn from protests to pleasure. Sure enough, his body began to move to the fuck. Both Nick and Tex took full advantage of this, sawing in and out, in and out.

`J' and I both began to laugh when we saw this. I knew that Zit's was a slut deep down, and this was only confirmed by his actions as he moved back and forth, first taking Nick's cock deep into his throat and then withdrawing to give Tex's cock equal attention and pleasure. Fuck! This was gonna be a great tape. I could see from the look on Len's face that he really liked what was happening.

The three dudes started to move together, almost like they were one body. Even the crew began to laugh and clap. When Len frowned at them they got back to business. Not even Len, though, could conceal his pleasure at the scene, that was goin' great, even though it had never been rehearsed. I heard him mumble about the faggot being a natural. After I heard that, I knew that we were in, and that we would be getting lots of business thrown our way. If I knew Len, he would probably want Zits to service some of his special customers. That was okay by me as long as they didn't damage the merchandise. I licked my lips in excitement: Zit's was gonna be very profitable to us. I saw from the look on `J 's' face that he was thinkin' the same thing. We high-fived each other to celebrate our new status as business men. Everything was goin' according to plan. Now all we had to wait for was the climax--Yeah!

Suddenly there was a series of groans. The first one to blow was Zits--I mean Mohawk. Why does that fuckin' surprise me? Just shows again what a faggot he is. Bein' plugged from both ends must really have turned the little bugger on. Man he spouted all the way up to his mohawk. What a gusher! When he shot off he must have sucked extra hard on Nick, who started cursing: "Ahhhhh, you queer bastard. Suck that mother. Yeah, that it. Oh, yeah, here it comes. Oh shit! Fuuuuck!"

I could see that Nick delivered one awesome load. Must have been savin' it up for a week. Zits was swallowing as fast as he could--I could see his damn Adam' s apple rockin' and rollin'--but it still flooded out around his lips and out his nose.

"Yeah, Mohawk, that's the way to treat your stand-in. You like it rough, don' t ya. I can tell. Well, I'm just the guys to give it to ya. Think I'm gonna apply for this job permanently," Nick panted as he slowly came down from his orgasm.

But the fun wasn't over. Zit's orgasm squeezed and massaged Tex's thrusting dick and he also exploded with a roar as he shot his huge load up Zit's almost virgin chute. Well no one would mistake him for a virgin any more. Tex's big log must have stretched the fag's cunt at least twice its original size. When he pulled out, the camera zoomed in on his hole, and man it was gaping. Lube and cum slowly leaked out.

As the camera's stopped and everyone applauded, Tex said, "Hey Mike, how about another round? That was fuckin' incredible."

"Yeah, me too," said Nick. "This guy is a natural born cocksucker."

Mike held up his hands, much to my relief. "Not tonight, dudes. Our little fag needs a little beauty rest. He's had a big day today. Tell ya what: after the first regular shoot we'll celebrate with a little gang-bang. How does that sound?

"Hey," said a couple of the other crew members. "That include us too?"

"Yeah, everybody, as long as it's okay by Len. He's the boss."

"Okay, okay, Len said," obviously pleased with the shoot. "Now we got a lot of cleaning up to do before we get out of here. It's after midnight. Shake your asses, NOW!"

Len then turned to us, ignoring Zits. "Great job Mike. You guys got a regular spot if you want it. But we ain't gonna start shooting again here until November. We got some location shots out on the West Coast starting next month."

I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't start filming right away. I mean, the sooner we started shooting, the sooner the money would start comin' in. Still, after tonight we knew it was a done deal even if it meant waiting awhile. We got Zits "dressed"--we wrapped the cum-covered sheet from the bed around him --dumped him in the back of the pickup, and took off for home.

When we got back to my house I told Zits to go around back again and take a shower and then to come in the porch door when he was clean.

"Well, `J' old buddy," I said, "whadaya think now?"

"Fuck, dude," he grinned, "I'd say we got it made."

Here I was lying on this damn couch again on Mike's porch. But something had changed. I had gotten mad at Mike before we started the porn shoot, and that anger started to grow. Sure I was still attracted to him and the others. They were first-class studs and just thinking about them got my cock on the rise. At the same time, I felt maybe I would try to take them down a peg or so. An idea started to form in my mind. Thinking about it, I started laughing quietly in the dark.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 33

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