High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Sep 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further. Please practice safe sex: this story is a fantasy in which STDs don' t exist!

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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Joe Becomes a Movie Star (part 1)

I got up very early the next morning. I wanted to get all the makeup off my face before I headed for home. Otherwise, I would have a lot of explaining to do. I had enough problems explaining the pink mohawk. If I showed up with lipstick and rouge I would never be able to pass inspection from my folks!

Well, most of the makeup came off pretty easily with soap and water, although my lips remained a bit pinker than usual--maybe from all the scrubbing I did! The hardest thing was getting the nail polish off. My toes didn't matter, but my fingernails did. Mike obviously had no nail polish remover, but I did find a scouring pad and had to make the best of it. Ouch! I grabbed a quick shower, and then went back to the porch to wait for Mike to wake up. It was nearly 11:00 am when he came out to check on me.

"Mike," I said, "I mean Sir, I need some clothes to go home. I can never make it that far without being seen. Besides my folks will . . ."

Mike cut me off. "Yeah, I guess you're right--for once. Just to show you how nice I can be I'll lend you a pair of my jeans and a tee. But don't get any jizz on em. I want em back Monday clean and folded. Got it?"

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

Mike waved me off, went upstairs for the clothes, and threw them out to me. " Here's a pair of briefs too. I don't want those piss covered panties fuckin' up my jeans. By the way, don't send the briefs back. Their a gift. Put em over your head and jack off with em if you like. I can see you got a boner already."

He laughed as I looked down at my crotch and started to blush. My damp panties had a big bulge in the front and my hard cock was clearly visible. Damn!

"Hey, Joey-boy, ya want some breakfast? We got cereal, toast, juice and coffee. I got some cream for the coffee too if you want it," he smirked. I was hungry, so I accepted the offer. I ended up doing the serving while Mike read the comics. My ribs still ached from the work over Mike gave me the night before. He didn't seem to give it a second thought and treated me like always…his slave.

Mike never looked up as he ate except to order me to get him more OJ. After I refilled his glass I said, "Sir, I need to go home now. I told my folks I'd be back around 10:00 am and its almost noon."

"Yeah, that's true," he said. "But you didn't take any cream in your coffee. Guess we'll have to do something about that, won't we?"

"I don't know what you mean, Sir."

"Sure you do. Get under the table and make love to my cock. I got a morning woody that you wouldn't believe. Lots of cream."

"But Sir, I've got to get home."

"I told you last night, cunt, not to question me. Now if you don't want more of the same get on my cock right now. I'm so horny it's won't take long, I promise you."

In spite of my protests my own cock had sprung up immediately when Mike told me to suck him off. I crawled under the table and pulled down his tented boxers. His beautiful cock immediately sprang out. I began licking it like a lollipop and was soon rewarded with an approving groan along with plenty of precum. I took the big head into my mouth and began to lick and suck it.

"That's the way Joey-boy. I swear, you're just about the best cocksucker I know. Even better than that slut Alicia."

That remark encouraged me, and I began to draw the swollen shaft into my mouth and then down my throat. Mike began to move, taking control of the blow job. He thrust in and out, first gently and then more roughly. I held onto his hard, muscular legs so I wouldn't fall over backward. As I kept sucking and he kept thrusting I felt the now familiar swelling of his cock in my mouth and throat and knew he was getting ready to shoot. With a loud shout he fired his first volley down my throat. "Take my cum you queer sucker. Oh shit!" he screamed. As usual, he shot the last few spurts on my face. I was getting used to leaving Mike's house with cum on my face. I cleaned his cock of all traces of cum and put it back into his boxers as he always insisted.

"Okay, Zits," he said. "Wash up the dishes and then you can go. Don't forget our little date next Friday with Len. I'll remind you about it when I see ya at school."

I was ready to object again, but I realized this wasn't the time or place. I didn't want to go home right about now with any more aches and pains!

After I finished the dishes I told Mike I would see him on Monday. He grunted and said to take the garbage out when I left. After dumping the trash into the barrel outside I started to walk down the sidewalk. I turned around for some reason and saw that there was a side door on the basement level of Mike's house directly under the porch. It must lead to the `gym' where Shawn and I had our famous boxing match. I was a bit curious, though. There was a window farther along the basement wall. I walked over, peered through it, and saw the gym. The door, though, must have led to another room that I hadn't seen. I went to the door and found that it was open. "Don't go in" a small voice echoed in my head. "If Mike catches you snooping around …" But I couldn't help myself. I looked around guiltily to see if Mike was there. Then I pulled on the door as quietly as I could. It was made of metal and its rusty hinges squeaked as I opened it. Surely Mike would hear.

Than I forgot all about Mike as I opened the door fully. My mouth fell open as I saw exercise equipment that reminded me of a health club. Jeez, no wonder Mike, Jimmy, and the rest of their gang were looking so pumped up lately.

I walked recklessly into the room and admired all the machines I saw around me. Boy, all this stuff must have cost a bundle. I had no idea that Mike could afford all this. Certainly not from the money I had given him. Besides, he and Jimmy had used that money to buy those new cycles. Maybe his dad . . . ? But almost immediately another thought came to me. Could this be Bob Greenburg's stuff? It had been stolen the weekend we went away camping. No one had ever caught the thieves. Mike and Jimmy and their gang would have had plenty of time over that weekend to take the equipment. But how could they have pulled it off with no one catching them? Besides, the stuff was real heavy. It just didn't seem to be possible. But still . . .

Just then I heard a noise. The cellar door upstairs was opening! It must be Mike coming downstairs. Just one door separated us. I knew he would definitely hurt me badly if he caught me snooping around his basement. "Somebody down here?" I heard Mike's voice echo. I quickly went out the back door, closed it and dived into one of the nearby bushes.

A moment later Mike burst out the door cursing. Maybe he had heard me; maybe he was just cursing himself for his carelessness in leaving the door open. Then he moved slowly away from the house and directly toward the bushes where I was hiding. I felt the sweat begin to drip down the back of my neck into the top of my shirt. It was a warm day. Flies were buzzing around my head and mosquitoes started landing on my bare arms. I brushed them off carefully and tried to stay completely still. Then I realized that there was poison ivy all around me!

Mike moved even closer to the bushes. He was looking almost directly at me through the thick shrubbery. Just then I had a stroke of good luck. Jimmy and Shawn showed up and wanted to use the exercise equipment and then go for a swim. Mike took one more look at the bushes as if he knew I was there and what I had been up to, and then turned away. "What makes you think I would let a couple of queers like you use my pool?" The two of them jumped him and soon they were wrestling on the ground like a bunch of kids. It was time for me to leave. I made good on my escape.

When I finally got home I was exhausted and just wanted to go up to my room and sleep. Mom asked me--with a bit of barely disguised sarcasm (I was two hours late getting home)--if I had lunch yet. I told her that Mike and I had gotten up late (true) and had some breakfast, and that I really wasn't hungry now.

"Hey, Joey," said Michelle. "How come your face and lips are so red? You look funny."

I gave my sister a murderous look as mom said, "Joe, seriously, you do look awfully red. Do you feel alright? I hope you aren't coming down with the flu. It 's been going around lately. How is Mike? Is he okay?"

(Oh, he's okay but I'm not, I wanted to say.) "Yeah, mom," I groaned, "I really don't feel so good. I think I'll go up and rest for awhile."

"Okay," mom said worriedly, "I'll bring you up some hot tea in awhile and a couple of cold pills just in case."

"Sounds good, mom," I said with relief. "I'm sure I'll be fine. I just need a nap."

When I got upstairs I washed us, striped down, and stretched out on the bed. There was a wet spot on Mike's briefs. No denying that wearing his briefs excited me. Mike suggested that I should put them over my head and jack off. The thought kept going through my mind; then I would think about how perverted that would be. But the next minute I was doing precisely that. I almost tore the shorts off and pulled them over my head with the pouch directly over my face. I imagined that the wet spot was Mike's precum and immediately my cock was as hard as a rock. I began to whack off, completely naked except for the briefs.

Just then there was a knock on the door that almost sent me flying through the roof.

"Joe I brought up your tea and some toast." It was mom. Had I remembered to lock the door? I saw the knob turn. Saved--the door was locked.

"Sorry to disturb you honey; I'll leave the tray right outside your door."

"Thanks, mom," I yelled as I heard her footsteps fade down the stairs.

In my fright of being caught I had lost my boner. It soon returned thanks to the briefs and my perverted imagination about Mike, Jimmy, and Shawn wrestling on Mike's lawn, and how their sweaty muscles bulged as they tried to pin one another. Almost immediately I started wanking again and soon had one of the best orgasms of my life. Shit that was fine! I savored it for a long time and finally fell asleep.

I woke up feeling itchy. My hands itched, my arms itched, even my prick itched. Damn!! I had forgotten about the poison ivy in the bushes at Mike's place. I mustn't have washed well enough, or maybe I was already too late getting the sap off. I was beginning to break out in a rash. Hell, I must have transferred some of the ivy sap to my cock when I was jerking off. It started turning red and itching like crazy. Tell me something: Do I really need this right now?

Shit, I was sure I heard something downstairs before J' and Shawn showed up. And I had left the damn cellar door open so anyone could have barged in and seen the exercise stuff. I had the feeling, too, that somebody was hiding in the bushes. I would have found out, but the guys jumped me and by the time I had a chance to look, nobody was there, but it looked like the bushes had been pushed aside. It even looked like there might have been footprints there . . . I wondered if the fag got overly curious and started looking around. Course he was scared shit of us and probably wouldn't say anything. Still, he was tight with Greenburg and that other bastard Mahoney. I better find out just how much he knows. If he had been in the cellar I was going to have to punish the bastard like I never did before.

Aside from that, I was real excited about the porn shoot next Friday. If the fag had seen anything in the cellar, I would wait until after that to pound him. I wanted him to be in good form when the camera started rolling. If Len liked what he saw, we might get a regular business deal going. Since he ran a popular pay-site on the internet if Zits turned out to be a hit we would get a slice of everything he made. Now that was a good deal!

I saw Zits on Monday and I thought he looked a little guilty, but I couldn't be sure. I threw my arm around him and said, "How was your walk home on Friday, Joey-boy. Make any unscheduled stops?"

"I don't know what you mean, Sir. After I left your place I went right home and went upstairs for a nap. I could hardly keep my eyes open after the show and that long walk home. And I told you what happened to me on the way back from that bar. Those guys were all over me."

"That's because you looked like a flamin' queer with your pink panties and tats. Those guys probably figured you were a street bitch." I laughed. " Seriously though Zit-man, I really hope you weren't checkin' out anything you shouldn't have been around my house, `cause I get real mad when anyone touches my stuff."

"I, ah, would never do that Sir. I respect all your stuff and would never touch anything."

"Man, I sure hope so `cause if I find out different, I'm gonna have to call your good friend Shawn and have him pay you a little visit . . . You listenin'

to me Zit-man?"

"Yes Sir, I certainly am."

"Cool," I said. "Oh, by the way, what's with all the scratchin'? You're actin' like a dog with a bad case of fleas." I looked at him closely.

"Well, Sir," he whined, "I got poison ivy. It's driving me crazy. I got some lotion, but it's not working too well."

"How come you're squirming so much. Don't tell me you got that shit on your cock?" He just looked at me shaking his head.

I swear to God, I never laughed so hard in my life. I bent over and went into hysterics. Damn!! Poison ivy on your cock! Only Zits could come up with something like that. I couldn't wait to tell `J' to see his reaction. Holy Shit!

Then another thought hit me. The bushes at the house. They were loaded with poison ivy. If that little fucker was spying on me he got just what he deserved. Not quite that is: I might just have to ask to Shawn to pay my itchy little friend a visit after all.

The following Friday Mike and Jimmy picked me up around 8:00 pm. I told my folks I was going out to a movie and then spend the night at Mike's. (I don't know how much longer they were going to believe that story. It was true, but not for the reasons they thought.) My poison ivy was just about cleared up, and I was happy about that . . . especially if they wanted me to take my clothes off!

Damn it had been embarrassing (as well as torture when I had to pee). The poison ivy, or the scratching, or the lotion--maybe all three--had left me with an almost constant hardon. Michelle had gone into giggles whenever she saw me. Finally I had to confess when mom and dad saw me walking like a crab. Both of them were concerned, but wondered how I could possibly have gotten poison ivy on my penis. I went into as few details as possible.

It was worst at school. Word spread even faster than the poison ivy. I tried to hide it as best as I could by wearing two pairs of briefs and trying to hold my books over my crotch as much as possible. It didn't help much. Everybody seemed to know about it, and I kept rubbing my legs together to relieve the itch. Thank God the principal didn't get wind of it or I would have really had some awkward explaning to do.

As we left for Len's place I saw that Mike had his black satchel again, so I presumed he had another crazy costume for me to wear for the photo shoot. Jimmy was driving his older brother's pickup, and I had to sit on the flatbed like a piece of lumber. I had made up my mind not to go through with it, but at the last minute--as usual--I lost my nerve. But I promised myself that I would only do it this once and that would be it, no matter what Mike or Jimmy or Shawn did to me (maybe).

We drove down to the beach for awhile to kill time until our meeting with Len. The three of us walked along the beach watching the waves roll in and tumble in foam against the shore. Mike lit up a joint and passed it around. I took a few tokes myself to try and calm my nerves. We also chugged a couple of beers (didn't these guys ever run out?!)

"So Joey-boy," said Jimmy, "you ready to become the star of the internet?"

"Actually, Sir," I said, "I'm a bit nervous. Whose going to be there? Will they let me cover my face so no one recognizes me?"

Jimmy laughed as Mike looked sourly at me. "Don't worry, man, you did fine at the bar last week and that was a live audience. This is just gonna be for the camera."

"But there may be thousands of guys looking at me on that site. Some of them might know me. Some of them might recognize me on the street or in school."

"Yeah," said Mike, "well, if they do they'll be pervs just like you, so there ain't no reason for you to worry. Just one big happy family. Now quit your whining or I swear you'll show up at Len's with two black eyes. He'll have to cover `em up with cum."

Laughing, Jimmy said, "Hey that's not a bad idea. At least the part about the cum."

Before I knew it both Mike and Jimmy had their cocks out, demanding to be serviced right there on the beach. They insisted that I go back and forth and bet about `who was gonna slime the faggot first.'

They pushed my head back and forth and I have to say that it was turning me on. To them I was just a hole--like one they could make in the sand--to dump their jizz in. They must have been reading my mind because suddenly Jimmy said, " Hey I got a cool idea. Why don't we bury Zits here up to his neck in the sand and then face fuck him?

"Yeah, let's do it. Sound good, Zits?"

Not giving me a chance to answer, Mike and Jimmy ordered me to start digging in the wet sand until there was a fairly deep hole more of less in the shape of my body. As I dug I had visions of pirates and their victims, or that Sci-Fi movie where the husband, whose wife was cheating on him, buried her and her lover in the sand just as the tide was coming in.

I was brought back to reality when Mike ordered me to lie down in the hole while they pushed the sand over me. They packed it down so that I could hardly move, laughing hysterically as they did it. In between they would pass the joint back and forth and continue to guzzle beer (they had brought a twelve-pack). When I was completely covered they stood back to admire their handiwork. They had given me impossibly big boobs made of sand.

"Ya know," said Jimmy, "maybe we should get Len out here to shoot the vid. He could call it `Fucking in the Sand' or something like that.

"Nah," Mike said laughing, "not tonight, but it's a pretty cool idea. Let's clue in Len to see if he would go for it. But right now our hole is waiting for us and we wouldn't want him to think we ain't gonna feed him."

Jimmy climbed on first. He had taken off his jeans and briefs, leaving on only his tee as he straddled me. "Hey" Mike said, "somebody might see that bare ass of yours and mistake you for a white whale." He roared at this own joke.

"Fuck you, Cunningham," Jimmy shot back. "When you get down here you'll look like a queer mermaid." Both of them cracked up.

Meanwhile, I was lying there buried in sand with my head lying back at an uncomfortable angle waiting for it all to be over. I didn't dare say anything to them or they might just leave me here. Since I couldn't move, I might be stuck all night before somebody found me.

"Okay, dude, let's get movin', Mike said, "we gotta get going to Len's place in a little while. Besides we gotta get Zit's here cleaned up before we go. A nice dip in the water should take care of that."

I shivered at the thought of plunging into the freezing water, but figured there was no helping it.

Soon I saw Jimmy's hard cock directly over me, dripping sticky precum down over the bridge of my nose. "Open up cocksucker," he said, "or I'll give it to you right up your damn nose."

"Hey, dude," Mike said, "it looks so cool, like you're fucking a beach ball or somethin'. Wait till you see it."

Jimmy was too busy to answer. He had grabbed my ears and plunged his rock hard cock down my throat. "How do you like giving me head, Mr. Head?" he laughed.

This guy was brilliant, I thought, trying not to gag on his thrusting cock. Mike, however, thought it was hilarious and started rolling around on the sand in fits of laughter.

Jimmy's thrusts increased as did his verbal abuse. "You fuckin' slime ball, swallow that cock. Take my cum you queer son of a bitch. Yeah, suck that cock right, cunt." His grunting and groaning grew louder, and he closed his eyes as I swallowed his cock deep down my throat.

"Oh fuck, that feels good," he said. "Give it all ya got, motherfucker, its comin' real soon. Yeeaaaah!" His cock began to quiver and swell, and I braced myself for the flood. He forced his cock as far as it would go and crushed my face against his pubes. He shot his load directly down my throat. "Fuuuuuck!"

he shouted as he shot again and again nearly drowning me. I took every drop, though, realizing that I had become a real professional at this game since Terry had first initiated me.

Mike was next and made it a real quickie. He knew we were going to be late for our appointment with Len if he wasted too much time, and he obviously didn't want to miss this opportunity. He jacked his dick for several minutes, groaned and then commanded me to open my mouth and suck. He thrust his cock into my mouth and unloaded with amazing force. Then he told me to clean his cock, which I did. After that they dug me out of the sand, choking and gasping, ran me over to the edge of the water on wobbly legs and threw me in.

I screamed as the icy water poured over me. They let several waves break over me and then hauled me out. There was a shower near the boardwalk and they made me wash the remaining sand off myself and hustled me off to the pickup. They told me to stay naked until we reached Len's place so that I would dry. This time I had to sit completely naked in the back of the pick-up, hoping that no one would see me along the way. There wasn't even a blanket here to cover up or to prevent my butt from getting chafed by the rough metal. Probably they wanted my ass red for the shoot anyway.

It was a wild ride to Len's place with Mike driving at insane speeds so we wouldn't keep Len waiting. A guy was following us and put on his bright beams, lighting up my naked body. I thought it was the cops He honked his horn several times, and Mike slowed down. As they passed us I saw it was a group of teens who laughed and made suggestive gestures. Mike must have known them cause he yelled something to them as they passed by.

A few minutes later we moved away from the shore into a run down commercial area where warehouses predominated. After about five minutes Mike pulled over to the curve and said: "Don't bother to put on your clothes Zit-man, you won't need `em here."

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 32

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