High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Sep 22, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further. Please practice safe sex: this story is a fantasy in which STDs don't exist!

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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Joe Gets to Strip (part 2)

I never thought Crawford would sink that low. He really is a spineless piece of shit. No guy lets himself get pushed this far. Look at the pussy, standin' there on that stage, making a total ass outa himself: he's a total freak...I looked at my buddies and saw the same look on their faces: fuckin' amazement.. Course that didn't keep `em from laughin' their asses off.

"Hey dudes," I said, "think we should rescue our little pussy before some guy gets up there and shoves a pool cue up his ass?"

"Hell, no," said Jerry, tipping up his brew. "I wanna see what those fuckers are gonna do when they see them tats. That's real good advertisement for my work, man. Why not drum up some fuckin' business? Remember, I almost did them tats for nothing for you. So don't fuck up my fun."

"It's cool, dude," I said. "I'm just playin' with your head, man. Shit, I want to see what those assholes do too, when Joey-boy takes the final plunge. I told the light-guy what was goin' down and he was real cooperative, especially after I slipped him a twenty."

Just then Jimmy came up like he had a fire up his ass. "Hey dudes, I found some guy who wants to film the fag. He says his customers would love to see Zits do his thing for the camera. He's willin' to pay too. So am I good or what?"

"Damn," I said, high-fiving Jimmy, "don't lose sight of the guy. I wanna talk to him right after the show's over."

"Chill, dude," Jimmy panted, "he's gonna wait for us at the bar. That fucker is interested. Shit, he lives in some warehouse, and he's got a studio where he makes vids for his website. He's got a whole crew workin' for him. Buddy, I think we're gonna make some serious bucks here! . . . Hey, ya think the fag will go along with it?"

"Go along with what, man?" I said. "You know that pussy will do anything we say. Just look at im. Ya think he knows how to say no' to us? We got it made, man!" I said as I knocked back my beer. "Yeah, we got it made." Just then Jimmy cut a big fart and I started laughing like crazy. "What the fuck...?"

"Hey man," he said with a hurt look on his face, "that ain't funny; it coulda been shit!"

"It probably was from the smell of it," I roared, "ya better go clean your ass!"

The dude was so stoned that he trailed off to the crapper with kind of a crab walk so he wouldn't spread the shit. Fuck, this was turning out to be one screwed up night.

Just then Joey-boy took off his tee and I hollered for him to turn around and show off the merchandise. For a moment he just froze like a deer lookin' into a fuckin' light. Then he slowly started to turn around, shakin' his butt like I told him to. All the guys looked at him in amazement. After all, how many dudes had "faggot" "cocksucker" or "fuck my ass" tattooed on `em?

For a split second there was silence. Then all hell broke loose. Most everybody laughed hysterically at first. Then they started pelting the stage with beer cans and yelling: "Get that fuckin' queer off the stage!"

Before the bouncers could intervene two big truckers climbed up on the stage. One grabbed him under his arms and the other grabbed his legs. They began swinging him back and forth while the crowd bellowed: "Throw the fag! Throw the fag! Throw the fag!"

"Here she comes!" one of them shouted. With that they gave an awesome heave and Joey-boy flew out into the crowd. They caught him like he was in a mosh pit, and started throwing him around like a rag doll. Shit, a swear. The guys were almost in a fuckin' frenzy. "Ya like that, cocksucker?" one dude asked as he gave Zits the old heave-ho. "Hey," said the guy who caught him, "we got ourselves a flying fag here!" Even the bouncers were chuckling.

Finally when the bikers started to get rough, the bouncers waded into the mob and saved our little Joey. I was about to do it myself. Can't have those shitheads messin' with our meal ticket. Besides I wanted to talk with that dude at the bar and find out the deal.

`J' and I both grabbed Zits and hustled him out to the bar while the guys got back to the broads who were putting on a show, now that the competition was gone.

We told Zits to wait outside while we took care of business. He went quietly enough, but he didn't look happy. Well, tough shit! If he didn't do exactly what we tell him he'd be hobblin' for a month.

The guy was still there though he looked pissed that we took so long. Had to be reeeeeal nice to the fucker. Shit, imagine Zits as a porn star. Man, `J' and I would both be ridin' Harleys and getting all the chicks we wanted, takin'

those bitches out to nice fancy restaurants, getting em all softened up, and then really fuckin' the shit out of em.

`J' led me over to the bar. "Hey, Len," he said, "This is Mike. He's my buddy. You still interested in that deal we were talkin' about?"

"Well," said Len, "I saw your little buddy performing in there. He wasn't half bad. Sure got that bunch of red necks goin', didn't he? I think he might be just what I'm lookin' for. Those tattoos are fuckin' awesome. Who did `em? "

"Our bud, Jerry," I said. He's a genius when it comes to tats (Well, I told Jer I would drum up some business for him, didn't I?)

"Okay, listen," Len said. "I got a pretty good feeling about this. Will this fag get naked?

"Are you kidding?" I said. "He's our fuckin' slave. He'll do whatever we tell him. Hey, wait till you see his pubes. We got `em dyed the same color as his hair. Cool, huh?"

"Yeah," Len said. "Well you just bring `im around on Friday around 10:00 pm and we'll see what he's got. Okay?"

"Sure thing, Len. We'll be there with the fag in tow. Later, man."

When we got outside we saw Jerry and a couple of his buds crowded around Zits who was on his knees sucking Larry off. Jeez, that dude never got enough. Larry started to face fuck him as we joined the group, and I pulled Jer aside and told him the deal. He fuckin' beamed when I told him that Len wanted him to be there Friday night and might have some business for him. That should keep him from ribbin' me about how generous he was doin' Joey-boys tats.

"Oh shit," I heard. It was Larry getting his nut, pourin' his thick cream down Zit's wide open mouth. "Oh fuck, take it cocksucker. Yeah, that feels awesome. Keep lickin' that cock, dickbreath. Swallow it all pussy. Oh Yeaaaaah!"

Larry pulled out and fired two shots, drenching Zits' face. "Ahhhh, yeah, that was good," he said. Then he put his boot in Zit's face and pushed him into the gravel. "Wait a minute," he shouted. "You got cum all over my boot. Lick it off, NOW!"

Poor Zits, his face covered with cum and the dirt from the bottom of Larry's boot, objected. "How can I lick the cum off your boot when I got it all over my face?"

Larry laughed, towering above him with his legs spread wide. "Don't know, faggot, but that's not my problem, it's yours. Now get licking!"

I guess Larry had a bit of compassion for Zits since he sat down on a bench and held out his foot, making it easier for the loser to lick (Hey, I rhymed again!)

Zits first swallowed the cum that was still filling his mouth. Then he crawled over to where Larry was sitting with a big grin on his face. "Get at it, boy! " Larry yelled. "I got things to do."

Zits bent down and carefully licked the heal and sole of Larry's dirty boot. He was careful not to get any cum from his face on the boot and everybody cheered him on. After he got all the cum off, Larry deliberately stuck his boot into Zits' cum-covered face again. "Look!" he said, "now you got it all fucked up again! This is your last chance or I swear I'll kick your pussy ass right into the next state."

All the guys got hysterical over that. Zits got back to work, and this time Larry indicated he was satisfied. "Okay, dudes," he said, "I don't know about you, but I need another brew before I blow this place. Hey Mike, you guys gonna join us?"

"Nah," I said, "I wanna get the fag home and then make some plans with `J' here. Later, man...See ya on Friday, Jer."

Zits was a sorry lookin' mess as J' and I climbed on our bikes. J' told him to wipe any cum off his face before he got on the bike. "I don't want you getting any of that shit on my jacket," he said. Joey-boy hesitated.

"Wait a minute," he said. "I got something to say...I've had enough. I'm not going to do this anymore. That's it! If you touch me again I'm going to tell my dad and, ah, maybe even the school principal. You'll probably get expelled. You got that?"

For a minute I couldn't believe what I was hearing. For the first time since we ambushed him on Main Street, Zits was talkin' back to us like he was a normal dude. I gotta say he went up a notch in my estimation--from zero to one! But I couldn't let `im get away with it, not with the deal we had cookin' with Len...Hell, not at all! This fuck-face was our property and he was not gonna talk back. Looks like he needed another lesson in respecting his superiors-- starting right now!

"Did you guys hear what I..."

That was as far as the fucker got before I was on him with fists flying. He threw a lucky punch and cut my lip. Damn, that hurt! That made me even more determined to show the fag who was in charge. I didn't want to mess up his face so I worked over his guts. I landed five or six solid punches to the bastards midsection and watched him crumple to the ground at my feet. Then I kicked him in the ribs.

"Hey, you son-of-a bitch!" I screamed. "Don't you ever talk back to me again, `cause if you do, you won't have a fuckin' tooth left in your head! Got it? "

It took the fag a minute to catch he breath but I could see that all the fight had gone out of him. He looked up at me submissively like before.

"Yeah," he panted, "I got it. I'm sorry Sir, but I got so humiliated in there. And then those guys almost killed me."

"Well," I said, wiping the blood off my lip, "if you pull anything like that again you won't have to worry. I'll kill you myself. Now as part of your punishment you're gonna walk back to my place. No ride for you tonight."

"But Sir," he said in that wimpy voice of his. "That's got to be at least ten miles. It'll take me a couple of hours to make it and I can hardly walk now. "

"Too bad, Joey-boy," I said, "you should have thought about that before you started mouthing off at me and `J'. Now you can think about it on your little walk."

`J' laughed as he mounted his bike. We both gunned the motors and were out of there, leaving poor Zits in the cloud of dust we kicked up."

After I stopped coughing I started to assess my situation. Every bone in my body ached. I still tasted the huge load that Larry had shot down my throat; it was getting sour. Besides I was thirsty. I wanted to go back in the bar and ask for a glass of water, but didn't dare. I just wanted to get as far away from that place as quickly as I could. I thought about just going home, but figured it would just be worse for me when I showed up for school on Monday...Tell dad? No way. He'd probably throw me out of the house for being such a coward. Besides, when I looked down at my panties I saw they were stretched to the max by my boner. Shit, I'm sure Mike and Jimmy had noticed and that probably just encouraged them.

I had managed to grab my sneakers before leaving the bar, but had nothing else to wear. My frilly pink panties and my tattoos( and my boner) were in full view of anyone who might be passing by. The road looked deserted. I prayed that it would stay that way.

I had started to stand up for myself for the first time in quite awhile. It was the humiliation in the bar that did it. Sure I got turned on by those two hunks ordering me around and even the sex part. But I hated to be on public display. One of the problems was that I didn't know who saw me in there. Maybe somebody who knew my parents or maybe somebody from school. I didn't want to be exposed that way.

Besides, I could only sink so low before my self-esteem would be zilch. And now they wanted me to appear in porn flicks--I definitely didn't want to do it. Yet the beating I had received reminded me just how much of a hold those guys had over me: it wasn't just psychological, it was a physical thing, too. They could beat the crap out of me, and they weren't at all reluctant to do just that. As a matter of fact they liked to do it, and seemed to look for any excuse to use me as a punching bag. I thought about Shawn and how he was itching to get at me again. If I pissed Mike and Jimmy off enough they might just give him another shot. Nah, I thought. They want me to look good for the porn flick. But if I refused . .

All these thoughts were going through my mind when a car came up the road. The driver put on his high beams as he approached and slowed down, stopping opposite me.

"What do we have here?" the guy in the passenger seat said. He was a tough looking guy with stubble on his chin and a ball cap pulled over his handsome, boozy face. "Hey," he said, "what are you supposed to be, a circus freak?"

"No, man," said the driver. "This little fairy is out cruising. He's lookin'

for a cock to suck. You interested? I hear these girlies are the best when it comes to servicing guys."

"Yeah, why not?" the hunky guy hanging out the window said. I saw that there were three more guys in the back seat. All of them had beers and looked like they were in the same shape as my friend up front. Would I have to take on all of them?

"Get in the car, girlie," said Steve (I found out his name later). Not wanting another beating, I quickly complied. I was shoved roughly in the back seat on the floor with the three guys resting their feet on me, holding me down. One of them kept rubbing my panties with his sneaker. Damn! My cock started getting hard again. I hoped they wouldn't notice.

"Hey guys," he said drunkenly, "maybe I should fuck him with my foot; he'd probably love that." The others roared with laughter.

They drove up the road where there was a wooded spot with an old shack off in the bushes. "Hey, dudes," said the driver, "How about takin' our little buddy in there and havin' some fun with him?"

"Hell yeah," said one of the guys in the back. "I got a big load for him. Haven't gotten any in like a week."

They pushed me out of the car. Pulling out a flashlight they looked me over. " Shit," one of the guys said. "Look at the fuckin' tattoos on `im. He must really want it bad. He looks like a walking billboard." Laughter at that.

"Get down on you knees, fucker," the driver said. "I want you to beg for it."

I hesitated. Did I really want to start doing everyone who asked for it? Before you knew it I'd be a slut for sure. I started to object and got a hard boot in the chest, causing me to sprawl backwards on the ground. My panties curled down, revealing my pubes.

The guys went wild. "Holy shit! I told you he was a freak!" Steve howled. " Look at his pubes: he fuckin' dyed `em pink to match his hair and panties. What a screwed up perv!"

I tried to tell them that it wasn't my idea, that some guys I knew did it to me while I was asleep as a joke. They weren't interested in my explanations.

"I told you to beg for our cocks, fucker," the guy who kicked me shouted angrily. "Now beg!"

Seeing no alternative and not wanting to get kicked again, I did my best to try and sound convincing. "Please, Sir," I said, "can I please suck your cocks. I want to make you feel good; I want you to shoot your big hot loads in my mouth. I can tell your cocks are really big, and I know I can take care of them for you." The guys cracked up.

"I like being called `Sir' you little freak. That's just what pussies like you should call guys like us. You're a scum ball and that's just where you belong. Right down on your knees."

"Ya know something, dudes?" Steve said. "I don't want that fag to wrap them fuckin' lips around my dick. Why don't we just slime him all together. That should make `im feel good." Everybody laughed and agreed.

"Ya hear that dickhead," the driver said. "Get over here and take our cocks out so we can slime ya."

I crawled on my knees from one to the other, pulling down the zippers of their jeans and gently fishing out their cocks. When I saw the size of some of them I was grateful I didn't have to suck them.

The guys formed a circle around me and they all started to wank their dicks. Pretty soon there was a chorus of groans and I watched their poles grow. Each of them was pointed directly at my face. "Open your mouth, freak," Steve growled.

All of them came at almost the same time. "Oh fuck" "Oh shit" I heard as streams of cum shot out of each of the throbbing cocks and hit me from all sides. I was almost drowned as warm cum hit me directly in the mouth, all over my face, hair, and ran down the back of my neck.

"Awesome, dudes!" shouted the driver, still dribbling cum on the top of my head. "Don't want to waste any," he said, still coming down from his orgasm. He wiped his cock in my hair.

"Hey," said Steve, "how about finishing up by giving the little freak a warm bath. He looks cold."

I really was cold since I had almost no clothes on and the night air was getting really cool. It hit me a moment later, however, what he was talking about. This had happened to me before!

I hardly finished that thought when the streams of piss started. This time they aimed for my tats and panties. The pissing went on and on, and I realized it was probably all the beer they had been drinking. If they were drunk, they still had a good aim and soon my panties were so wet they were almost totally transparent. My cock, balls, and ass were completely visible.

Laughing like crazy they left me there, covered with their cum and piss. They piled back into the car. "Before we leave we want you to thank us for being so good to you when we should have beat the crap out of you."

I sighed. Wouldn't there be any end to this? "Thank you, Sirs," I said, " for being so nice to me by giving me your cum and piss. I really didn't deserve it, so I'm very grateful." Steve leaned out the window as I was finishing my little speech and hawked a huge glob of yellow phlegm right in my face, just before the car tore off down the road. I could hear their laughter fading off in the distance.

Covered with cum and piss I continued to walk down the road. A few more cars passed as I made my way back to Mike's place. They honked their horns and one threw a beer bottle at me (it missed), but luckily nobody else stopped.

By the time I got back to Mike's place it was well after midnight. Mike came to the door angrily. Apparently he had already gone to bed. Jimmy had left.

"What the fuck do you mean pounding on the door now? I was asleep, you inconsiderate son-of-a-bitch. He clenched his fist. I ought to..."

Then he saw the condition I was in and began to laugh hysterically. "You just can't get enough can you? I leave you alone for just a few hours and look at you. I wish you could see yourself, but you ain't settin' foot in this house like that. Go around back and use the outside shower by the pool. You better get all that cum and piss off or you're gonna sleep out on the grass, and I gotta tell you," he said grinning, "we got lots of fuckin' skunks around here. If you do a good job you can sleep out on the porch. Now get moving Zits!"

Mike left the back screen door open for me. Apparently he had already gone back to bed. I was freezing. Luckily, I knew where Mike kept the extra blankets and grabbed two of them before I lay down on the couch shivering.

I was exhausted and I thought I would fall right off to sleep. Instead I kept having flash-backs of my dancing on the stage, the mosh pit, Larry face-fucking me, and the guys from the car cuming and pissing all over me. My cock was hard as a rock. With those images in mind I couldn't help playing with myself, and pretty soon I let out a gusher almost as big as Old Faithful. Man, I was hooked on it all. Seemed like I was even into the public humiliation. I drifted off to sleep...

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 31

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