High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Sep 8, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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Fun and Games with Joe (part 2)...

We all ate burgers and fries, washed down liberally with can after can of beer. I drank a soda; after all those poppers I didn't want to be too messed up when they took me again.

Larry was disappointed that he couldn't have his turn immediately. He sported an immense bulge in his levis with a wet spot in the middle. "Hey, Mike," he complained. "I got to get some fuckin' relief real bad. Why not let me use the faggot right now."

"Cool it, dude," laughed Mike. "You'll get your turn soon enough. You're next in line man."

This seemed to satisfy Larry for the moment, but he turned to me and said: " Get ready, faggot, `cause believe me I'm gonna give you a work-out like you've never had before. And I know you're gonna love it, slut."

The guys then started bull-shiting while they ate their burgers and knocked back their beers as if I wasn't even in the room. I saw Mike pull Red aside and start to talk to him in a low voice. I was afraid he was asking what was in it for him and Jimmy if they pimped me out to Red's cycle buds. I knew that Mike and Jimmy would do just about anything for some extra cash. I saw Larry join them and pretty soon he came over to me smiling.

"Finish up that burger, dickhead. We're gonna take you out on the town."

After we had finished up, everybody headed for the door. Mike motioned for me to follow. "We're gonna go for a little ride Joey-boy. You're gonna love it."

Larry and Jerry started up their Harleys, and Red ordered me to "get on `the bitch seat' with him." It was not long before we roared off, closely followed by Mike and Jimmy. I had no idea where we were going, nor did I particularly care. The only thing that interested me at the moment was hanging on to Red as he sped around corners at insane angles making me fear that I would soon be road kill. Red laughed as he felt me hanging on to him so tightly.

"Don't worry, little buddy," he said, "We got plans for you, so I'm gonna make sure you get where we're goin' in one piece."

About twenty minutes after traveling at breakneck speed we suddenly slowed and pulled into a run-down looking bar. The cycles crunched on the gravel parking lot and came to a stop. I noticed that the lot was full of cycles and pickups and looked like a typical redneck hang out.

When we got inside the air was heavy with smoke and the smell of beer. The crowd was young and rowdy, and I noticed that there was a back room where a number of girls were getting down and nearly naked, to the delight of the mostly male audience. Mike, Jimmy, and Red wandered off to the back room after ordering a pitcher of beer, leaving me with Jerry and Larry in the bar room. They led me off to a corner booth where, apparently, a group of their buds were seated, guzzling beer and running off at the mouth. They were all dressed in leather and jeans so I figured they must be some cycle buds of Jerry and Larry.

There were loud greeting all around as the guys made room for the newcomers. I was left standing. Soon the guys were all staring at me, whispering to each other and laughing.

"This here," said Larry, "is Mike's and Jimmy's suck boy. He's ours for the evening if anybody wants head, and let me tell you, this fag is a natural. Gives the best head I've ever had." Then he added: "And he takes it up the ass too." This caused an outburst of raucous laughter and a torrent of foul language.

"Hey, boy," one said, "You want some of this as he rubbed the bulge in his jeans. "Look at him, dudes, he's almost creaming over my big cock. I want a piece of that slut."

"Hold on, dude," Larry laughed. "I get first dibs. Besides, I want to show ya something." Larry then ordered me to my knees in front of the booth full of tough-looking bikers and ordered me to kiss and lick his boots.

"No way," said the guy who was talking before. "Nobody's that low. Not even a faggot. Besides he looks pretty well-built. I say he won't do it."

"Yeah," Larry challenged, "who wants to bet? Ten bucks a piece"

Laughing, all the guys threw in their money. Larry looked at me sternly, and I sank to my knees.

"Okay, faggot," Larry said in a commanding voice. "You know what to do."

I bent over and kissed the squared off toes of Larry's grimy harness boots. The guys let out a torrent of curses and laughter as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Okay, fag," Larry said grinning from ear to ear. "Now it's time to pay them boots some real respect. Start lickin' em." Larry was seated at the end of the booth and had swung his feet around for me to kiss the boots. Now he held them slightly up so they were level with my face. After hesitating for just a moment, I began to lick the top of his right boot. I steadied it with my hands and began to lick all around until it was shiny with my saliva. I pulled up his jeans slightly so I could give the shafts the same treatment. The smell and feel of the warm leather was intoxicating, and soon I was licking with gusto.

"See?" Larry boasted, "this fag is better than any shoe-shine dude. Now take your shirt and buff it. Then do the same with the other. I wanna see `em shine." Again the guys were amazed and commented that it was worth the ten bucks just to see some dude perform such a disgusting act.

I buffed his boots with my shirt until they gleamed.

"Now for the real test," Larry gloated. "Lick the bottoms, dude."

This again provoked a flurry of comments from Larry's buds. "You're fuckin' bull shiting us. Nobody would do that to another dude."

"You just watch `im," Jerry laughed. He had been silent up to now, content to let Larry run the show. But now he couldn't resist joining in my degradation. "He's done it before, and he'll do it again. Now get busy, cunt."

I hesitated for just a moment, getting such a threatening glare from Jerry that I decided that it would be best to perform this nasty, humiliating act, even though it was `in public'. And sure enough, the very thought of what I was about to do started my cock to rise. I even seemed to get off that other dudes were watching my humiliation.

I stuck out my tongue and began to lick the bottoms on his boots with my tongue in the same way I had done the tops. The bottoms, however, were much dirtier, covered with dust and gravel from the parking lot and other things I'd rather not know about. I heard hysterical laughing. I felt the vibrations coursing through his boots as Larry triumphantly laughed his ass off.

"See, guys, this fag has no shame and no backbone. He'll do whatever I tell him to do. He's Mike's and Jimmy's slave boy, but he'll do anything to please their buddies too. Besides the cunt has the hots for me. I was thinking of beating the shit out of him for that but decided, `what the hell' I'll save the beating for later and enjoy myself now…Hey, you guys heard that Shawn Kelly beat the hell out of this fag over at Mike's a couple of months ago? Think I' ll arrange to have a match with him too. I'd love to work him over after I fuck his mouth pussy."

"You gonna make him suck you now, Larry?" one of the guys commented. "I gotta see this."

"Yeah, come on cunt. Follow me to the crapper. We're way over do for my blow job. I got precum all over my damn jeans just waitin' for this. Let's go."

The guys practically tore the table out of the floor to follow us, making quite a commotion and causing some of the other bikers in the bar to turn around and check out what was up.

The bathroom was even worse than the bar, reminding me of something you would see in a gas station--dirty and smelly to the extreme.

"Okay, fag," Larry said, "down on your knees. First off I want you to kiss my crotch and get your face wet with my precum."

The guys surrounded me in a rough circle in the middle of the room while I buried my face in Larry's faded jeans and felt the sticky precum that had leaked through the worn denim fabric. "Yeah, that's right," Larry said, grabbing my hair and pushing me deeper into his crotch. Get a good feel for it because soon your gonna get the real thing."

Mike, Jimmy, and Red had seen us heading for the rest room and guessed what was going to happen. Now they pushed in to join the group and cheer Larry on."

"That's it, Lar," Jimmy said, "plug that mouth pussy with your big dick and make that fag really choke!"

Larry didn't need any encouragement. He pulled my face out of his crotch and ordered me to open his jeans and pull down the zipper. Then after pushing my face into his smelly boxers he pulled them down along with his jeans and allowed his big cock to spring out and slap against his muscled stomach. "Okay, dude, " he said, "first kiss my cockhead and then lick my balls."

This once again caused a flurry of excitement among the bikers who called me every vile name they could think of while cheering Larry on. Meanwhile I kissed Larry's leaking cockhead several times getting his precum all over my lips before I began to lap and suck his balls. Larry threw back his head and sighed as I pleasured him. All the time I was doing this his huge cock was hanging over my head and his cock drool was dripping down on the top of my head and down my forehead.

"Now," Larry said, sensing that he had complete control over me: "Open up and take my cock, pussy. I want the guys to see what a good cocksucker you are."

Obediently I opened my mouth. Larry took the opportunity to hawk a big wad of spit and blow it directly onto my tongue to a chorus of groans and laughter.

"Why the hell does he let you treat him that way?" one of the guys asked.

"Mike and Jimmy trained him real good. I told you he's their fuckin' slave. He's so afraid they'll beat the crap out of him that he'll do anything he's told. Ain't that right, dudes?"

"You fuckin' better believe it," Mike answered. "He's had a taste of what it means to disobey, and believe me he'll take anything we dish out."

Larry turned back to the business at hand. I had already stretched my lips to accommodate his huge dripping cockhead and he quickly took advantage and thrust it in as far as it would go. "Ah," he said, "I've been waitin for this since I plugged him the last time. I'm gonna enjoy this." At that he began to push deeper and deeper ignoring the fact that I was choking and gagging.

I managed to relax my throat and accommodate his monster as best as I could, provoking Larry to say: "See, dudes, he's a natural. Just give him time and it 's like he was born with a cock in his mouth."

Larry had already begun thrusting in and out while the circle of guys standing around began to rub their crotches, some openly pulling down their zippers and stroking their cocks.

"This time it's a freebee," Mike stated, "Next time you pay, especially if you want to face-fuck him."

"That's okay by me," one of the cyclists said watching how Larry was moaning in pleasure while he thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. You just set the date man. Most of the others agreed.

Larry was now getting ready to cream me. "Getting close, fag. I've been savin ' this load up just for you, and you better take it all. I don't want you to waste any of my jizz or you're gonna pay for it." He groaned again. "Get ready, fag. Here it comes! Take it you queer homo, take it all, eat my cock!

I felt his cum flooding my throat and mouth. I liked the way it tasted: warm, sweet and slightly salty. He shot and shot while I swallowed as fast as I could. I was able to get up a good swallowing action and was able to take it all without spilling a drop, quite an accomplishment since he must have shot six or seven times.

As his cum flow began to slack off he suddenly grabbed my head tightly and let go with a torrent of piss. "Pissin' in the fucker's mouth now, dudes. Take it fag, drink it all down!"

I tried to resist but couldn't break his hold on me. The piss tasted like recycled beer and as it poured into my stomach I was afraid I would get sick and start heaving. I tried desperately to keep it down, knowing what would happen if I vomited on him.

As he finished pissing he said: "Now clean my cock motherfucker, and clean it good. I don't want to see any cum or piss on it when I take it out of your toilet mouth."

Mike, Jimmy and the others were laughing hysterically. They had hosed me down in the bathtub at Mike's place, but somehow this was even more humiliating. Mike and Jimmy looked at each other as if communicating something they didn't want to share with the others. I'm sure I knew what it was: they could probably make even more money by pimping me out as they did by getting their weekly payment from me. I felt a chill go up my spine.

The others were already talking about getting their turn, but Mike raised his hand after looking at my face. Not tonight guys. I think our little buddy has had enough for one night. But real soon. I'll have Red call ya and then we can really give it to the fag. You'll all get your turn. But you gotta pay: twenty-five bucks a shot. And that's a bargain, dudes. Anybody else we're gonna charge fifty.

They all laughed and agreed. They were high-fiving Larry who had pushed me away with his right boot as soon as I finished cleaning his cock. "Believe me, dudes, it's worth it. Just wait until you get your dong down his throat. He's even better than a bitch at sucking you off. He's a natural."

"Before you split, dudes," said Mike we gotta show you his tats. And we owe it all to Jerry. Okay, fag, take off your tee."

I had been dreading the possibility of this. I had already taken off my shirt to shine Larry's boots and it was covered with grime. Now I had to expose my tats and tit rings. I turned a deep shade of red.

"No need to be embarrassed, Joey-boy," said Jimmy, "you're among friends here. These guys respect you and don't care what you got on your bod." This little speech was met with mocking laughter.

Mike just about tore off my tee and there I was with all my "decorations" in full view. For a second there was silence. The guys must have been totally amazed by what they saw. Then all hell broke loose. Mike made me stand up, turn around, and then told me to do a little dance for the guys. While we were in the can, other dudes had come in to take a piss, and stayed for the show. There must have been 15 or 20 guys looking at me and laughing their asses off. The guys wanted to take me into the strip club and have me dance next to the girls. Mike just about busted a gut; I could tell he was thinking about it. Much to my relief he finally said that we would save that for another time.

"We're gonna split now dudes," Mike said. "Glad you like the merchandise. We 're gonna see you again real soon."

"You can count on it," Larry growled as he looked hard at me.

Jerry, Red, and Larry were going to stay on, but Mike and Jimmy, knowing I had a curfew and not wanting to mess up a good thing, said it was time to go. We left the bar to cheers from all the patrons as my face turned beet red. I had managed to slip on my filthy shirt which at least covered the tats.

Out in the parking lot Jimmy told me to sit on the back of his bike and not to poke him in the ass with my hardon--they hadn't allowed me to relieve myself-- or he would push me off the bike and let me walk home.

When we got back to Mike's house both he and Jimmy wanted another round and, after brutally face-fucking me, poured their jizz down my throat once again.

"Okay, Joey-boy get the fuck out of here. You did good tonight. I want you to remember though: this is just the beginning."

I slunk out of the house, reeking with cum and piss, hopped on my bike and got home as soon as I could since I didn't want to face a family interrogation again.

Fuck, what a night! Jimmy and I were lounging around having a few brews as we talked about what had happened.

"Man, we got to go back there again," Jimmy said excitedly. "Did you see the tits on that blond. Boy did I feel like fucking her. And the ass on that bitch. Man, would I like to ride that for a couple hours."

"Shit, yeah," I said, "she was definitely hot. Ya think we could get her to come home with us so we could double team her. We could get her stoned out of her peanut mind and switch off on her mouth and her cunt. What say we try for it if she's still there when we go back."

"Yeah," said Jimmy, "but what if she's got the syph or AIDS? Shit I bet she' s been with a hundred dudes or more. All that fuckin' has got to have the bitch messed up. And I'll bet her cunt is so stretched out you could stick a beer can up there and never miss it."

I nearly busted a gut. Jimmy could be a fuckin, comic when he got wound up, and he was wound up tonight. "Yeah," I said, when I stopped laughing. "We better check her out before we move in. I ain't gonna get no VD from that broad. Maybe we're better stickin' with Alicia and her slut friend."

"What about the fag?" Jimmy said. "Was he for real or what? Man, Larry made a total jackass outta him. What a rush that was in the crapper. I'm glad we didn't miss the show."

"Show, my ass," I said. "We may get some big bucks sellin' that ass, `J'. Didn't even think about all the possibilities. We can start ourselves a regular fuckin' business. How about that?"

"I like it, man," Jimmy said. "When do we get started?"

"Soon, dude, soon," I said.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 29

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