High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Sep 1, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

High School Blues 27: Fun and Games with Joe (part 1) . . .

I stared for a long time at my new nipple rings. The flesh around them looked red and irritated. I hoped there would be no infection, in spite of what Jerry had said. He was good with tattoos, but who knew about body piercing? Wasn't that even more dangerous? As the anesthesia wore off, my nipples became more and more painful, tempting me to try to remove the rings or even go to the E.R. I was afraid, though, of my parents reaction. I couldn't hide a hospital visit from them. Then it would all come out--the bullying, the pink pubes, the tattoos, and now the nipple rings. There was no way I could face my folks with all the "secrets" I had accumulated. I took three Tylenol and hoped for the best. If the nips got any worse I'd have to reconsider what I should do.

As if this wasn't enough, I ended up puking all over the bathroom floor. I thought I had my stomach under control after swallowing all those cum loads at Mike's house. I felt nauseous at first, but then things settled down. I went to bed and slept for a few hours and then woke up with my stomach in a knot and my tits burning like matches. I could feel myself about to heave and moved as quickly as I could for the toilet...but not quite quickly enough. My stomach started to unload its vile contents just as I reached the bathroom door (at least it landed on the tiles instead of the rug!) The vomit sprayed like a fountain until I quickly stuck my head over the toilet and got rid of the rest of it. The bathroom reeked of recycled cum and pizza, and I quickly opened the window so I wouldn't heave again. Then I gingerly cleaned up the mess with a mop and bucket.

I felt much better after I gargled with Drano (just kidding) to get rid of that taste. Then I got some ice packs for my nipples, which pretty much numbed the pain. I got back into bed and drifted off to sleep. In my dreams I relived Mike's little get-together to show off my new jewelry, and especially the aftermath when I was forced to suck off his jock friends' cocks. I saw dick after dick sliding into my mouth, glancing up at each one's owner to see a sexy, grinning face staring down at me, encouraging me to "suck it, faggot." In my dream I was really enjoying myself, not only being the center of attention for all those young studs, but also having the chance to suck their cocks. I wasn't getting sick; in fact, I was loving it, just waiting for the next cock to plug my mouth, and spurt it's contents with groans of pleasure echoing in my ears.

At that moment I woke up with a start, feeling my penis doing its usual song and dance, drenching my shorts and the sheets in sticky cum. I got up wearily, glad that today was Saturday and I could go back to bed. I stripped off the outer sheet of my bed as well as my soggy briefs. The ice bags had melted while I slept and now looked like silicone implants. I dropped them in the bathtub and put some aloe cream on my nipples, which were feeling tight but not as sore as last night. Again I was left with the question of whether or not I wanted to be a cocksucker. If not, than why did I ejaculate while I was dreaming about sucking off cocks? Most of all, I wondered why I kept letting those guys do what they were doing to me...

I put aside those momentous questions very quickly. I really needed more sleep and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. I woke up around 10:00 am with Michelle yelling at my door that breakfast was on the table and to come down right away. Love that little sister...

In spite of my upset stomach the night before, it turned out that I was super hungry. I wolfed down three scrambled eggs, five pieces of bacon, a few slices of toast, juice, and a danish, and then asked what else there was to eat. Go figure! I didn't have to go to work that day so I was free to do whatever I wanted. Turns out what I wanted most was to eat and watch videos. I did go for a long bike ride later in the afternoon and ended up at the boardwalk, running along the beach. I decided to walk on the wet sand just where the waves' foam washed in, something that always cleared my head. I ran into some kids from school and hung around with them for awhile (No, I wasn't a complete loner!) It was good to get out of the house and away from the grinding work schedule I had for the summer; to just relax and watch the waves coming in. I wondered why I didn't do it more often. The water was already beginning to warm up although it was still too cold for swimming.

The group was talking about what was going on for the summer, who was going where, and with whom. I simply told everyone that I was staying at home to work and save up for a new car. The mention of a car was always a hot topic and kind of rekindled my own wish that I could get my own car soon. I remembered, however, that with all the money I had given to Mike and Jimmy, and was still giving them, it didn't look like I would get that car anytime soon.

The thought of Mike and Jimmy made me recall last night's dream, and suddenly I found my cock rising again. I decided to leave so that the others didn't see the tent forming in my cutoffs. I quickly made up some excuse, said my `see ya later' and headed for home.

When I got home I was seized with a sudden impulse to call Mike to see what was going on. Jeez, he was training me so well I didn't seem to be able to get along without him and the abuse he always dished out to me. I hesitated for a moment...did I really want to look for trouble? Apparently I did, since I found myself almost immediately dialing his number and hoping that he would be home.

After five rings I heard that familiar sexy voice on the other end of the phone. "Hey, Joey-boy, sup?" Without allowing me to answer, he continued: "I'm glad you called, dude. I was just about to call you. I want you to come over this evening about 8:00 pm. Got something I want to talk to you about." It was very definitely an order, so I found myself agreeing to go, and wondering what he was up to now. I didn't have long to find out.

When I arrived at Mike's house--on time, of course--I was surprised to see a number of larger motorcycles, in addition to the usual dirt bikes, parked in the driveway. Mike answered the door, as usual, and ordered me inside. He then led me out to the porch where I instantly froze. Lounging on the couches in addition to Jimmy were Jerry, Larry, and the biker I had seen in the tattoo parlor the day I got my nipple rings.

"Hey, Zits," said Jimmy, "always good to see ya! You remember your good friends Jerry and Larry, don'tcha?" Then, pointing to the biker who was smirking at me, he continued, "This is Red. He wanted to see what Jer did with your tits. He's thinking about getting a ring himself. Take off your shirt, man."

I noticed that the room was already littered with beer cans and the smell of weed was heavy in the air. "Have a seat, man," Mike said.

The only available space was on the sofa between Jerry and `Red', a position that made me extremely uncomfortable. Red was dressed in typical biker leather and ripped, tight jeans. He smelled of motor oil and sweat, like he hadn't had a bath for the last thousand miles on the road.

Reluctantly, I took off my shirt, since I knew that Mike didn't like to repeat himself. There were my tats and rings in all their glory. Red laughed when he saw the tats which read "Cocksucker" and "Faggot." Mike, of course, told me to turn around so Red could see the "Fuck Me" tat as well. Red chuckled and then looked at my tit rings. "Nice work," he said to Jerry. "I may go for something like that. I'll let ya know."

"So," Red said to me, getting right down to business, "I understand that you give awesome head and that you also take it up the ass. That right?"

"Um," I began to stutter, but after a stern look from Mike I continued. " Yeah, I've ah, sucked cock before, but I don't really take it up the ass."

"Hey, Zits," interrupted Jimmy, "you don't sound too enthusiastic. You suck like a Hoover and I should know." Turning to Red he said, "He's done me lots of times, and believe me, he's a natural." Then to me: "Give our buddy Red here a sample of your talents."

As Red spread his legs wide, I sank slowly to my knees, positioning myself in front of his crotch. "Well, here we go again," I thought, "and this time I' ve got no one to blame but myself." I stared at Red's respectable package, encased in oil smudged, positively rank jeans. Impatiently, he grabbed me by the hair and pulled my face directly into his smelly crotch. He tightened his muscular legs around my head, forcing me to breath that foul odor. Once again, however, my cock surprised me as it instantly became hard as a rock. I began to moan and to burrow even deeper into the dark, musky crotch.

"That's a nice little piggy," Red said approvingly, "I like it when they start off showing a little respect before gobbling down your cock. I think we're gonna get along just fine, man...just fine! Now open up my jeans and pull `em all the way down. I'm ready for the full treatment."

I reached up and unbuttoned his grimy jeans and pulled them down along with his equally grimy briefs. His enormous cock sprung out, already stiff as a board and demanding attention. "Clean up my balls first, faggot," Red ordered. "I 've been ridin' a long time, and they need a good bath to get off all the sweat and funk I've been building up."

Just the thought of touching those smelly balls made me nauseous again, but Red again pushed me right in and once my tongue touched his hairy balls I got into it almost immediately. First I licked, then I took each ball into my mouth, juggling and massaging it with my tongue. By the sounds Red was making it was clear that he was enjoying this treatment. "Oh, yeah, you queer little piggy, " he said, "suck them balls, wash `em good in your cocksucking mouth. Damn you little slut, that feels real good."

"Hey, Mike," he said, while I continued to lick and suck his big balls, " where did you find this little cunt. I wish I had `im for myself. Ya don't find many like him."

"Me and J' got im one day after school. `J' challenged him to a fight and right away we knew he was a pussy. The little faggot didn't know what to do, and was shaking like the chicken-shit he is. The rest is history, man. So don' t get any ideas," Mike said to Red. "He's our personal cocksucker and slave, and that's the way it's gonna stay."

"No prob dude," Red answered, "I'd just like to use his services from time to time. I get enough action on my own. Okay, faggot, enough licking. Let's get on to the main event. Time for some head."

Red's cock must have been almost 10" long. I had felt it bouncing off my head while I was cleaning his balls. Neither Mike, nor Jimmy, nor any of the high school dudes that I had serviced were so well-endowed as Red was. Of course, Red looked like he was close to 30 and built large all over. It was no wonder his cock was king-sized! He stood about 6'2" and must have weighed 225 lbs, with shoulder length blond hair and a goatee and mustache that were a bit darker. I had trouble even getting the head of his cock in my mouth and had to use all the skills I had learned in the last few months to take in even half of it. It didn't seem to bother him though. "You're doin great, fairy," he said, " don't worry, I'll help you with the rest." That remark, of course, MADE me worry!

As Red began to slowly fuck in and out, I began to wonder about Jerry. After all, wasn't this little "get-together" supposed to be for him (and Larry)? Well, I didn't have long to see that it was. As Red started to pick up speed, thrusting deeper and deeper, I felt my pants being loosened and pulled down along with my briefs. I felt two big, warm hands take hold of my ass cheeks and begin to kneed them. It felt really good, relaxing me and even allowing me to take in more of Red's thrusting cock as his moans of pleasure told me.

Soon I felt strange sensations in my ass crack and hole, the slick feel of KY being spurted in. Immediately I began to resist, remembering the pain I had experienced with Bob when he plugged my ass. I tried to pull myself off Red's cock, but he grabbed my head, holding me firmly. Suddenly a long, greased finger thrust itself slowly up into my hole, circling round and round and spreading the lube up my chute. After an initial moment of discomfort it began to feel good and soothing. I tried to relaxed.

"Yeah, that's it," I heard Jerry say, "just let it go and give it up to me, faggot."

Jerry's single finger was replaced by a second and then a third, stretching my hole in preparation for his attack. "I've always been a back-door man," he chuckled, "and your back door looks nice and tight, just the kind I like to force open with my big battering ram."

"Oh it's tight," Jimmy said. "That ain't my thing, but I heard that one of the other dudes at school took his cherry not too long ago so he's practically fresh meat."

"That's gonna change pretty soon," Jerry laughed as I felt his fingers begin to withdraw from my chute, leaving it wide open and feeling empty. Through the haze of Red's savage thrusting in and out of my mouth, I felt Jerry begin to slide his warm cock up and down in my ass crack. From the feel of it pushing my cheeks apart it was another big one. Red shoved a bottle of poppers under my nose and, with my mouth full of cock, I was forced to breathe in.

He held the bottle there until I had taken three full hits, which put me in one of the most sexually aroused moods of my life. My cock throbbed and dripped precum while I could here Jimmy comment as if from a great distance: "Yeah, Red, I think that did it. He's ready to be plugged from both ends. I want to see this!"

"Ya know something," Red grunted between thrusts, "your little friend has a real talent. I've got some buds that would really like this kind of treatment. Might even make it worth your while if you let us borrow him some evening." Red spoke to Mike and Jimmy, but looked down at me like a hungry wolf, sending shivers down my spine.

"Oh, yeah?" said Mike smirking. "Never thought about that. But we might just take you up on that. Long as you remember he's our property and we don't want ya messing him up."

"Don't worry, dude," Red said with a shit-ass grin. "We'll take reeeeal good care of him, right Jer?" Jerry didn't answer; he was too busy working on his grand entrance.

I could now feel Jerry place his huge cockhead against my ass crack. "Pull them damn cheeks apart, boy," Jerry growled. I was quick to do so, being in no position to object. "There's that sweet little pussy," Jerry said. "Damn `J' you were right. It does look like it ain't been plowed much--which happens to be just the way I like it. Here it comes, boy!"

Red had now begun to reach the back of my mouth with his thrusts, and I immediately tried to relax my throat for the imminent invasion. It was quick in coming. I heard a loud moan of pleasure as Red's monster slipped into my throat and began the descent down my gullet. I felt his hand resting on my throat. " Man I can feel my cock stretching this fucker's throat. Shit, that feels good!" he shouted.

Meanwhile, I felt increasing pressure on my ass chute as Jerry began to push at my ring, trying to get inside me from behind. I don't know if it was the poppers or my own growing desire to be ass-fucked that made me want desperately to feel Jerry inside me. I began to push back to help him pierce my resisting sphincter. Finally I could feel the well-greased head pop inside as Jerry let out a sigh of pleasure. "Hot damn," he said, "it feels like a vise on my cock, but believe me, I'm gonna change that real fast."

From the corner of my eye I could see Larry close by, looking down in amusement as I was speared from both ends. He had a huge bulge in his dirty jeans and began to torment me by rubbing the smooth warm leather of his harness boots along my stomach and finally massaging my steel hard cock. He laughed as he saw me struggling to keep from loosing it right then and there. "Don't worry, faggot," he chuckled, "I got a real big load saved up for you, and you're gonna taste it real soon. And if you're really good I might even let you lick my boots clean for me."

Meanwhile Mike and Jimmy had kicked back on the sofa, where they were sipping their beers and passing a bong back and forth. They punctuated these activities by making lewd comments and encouraging me to give their buddies the best service I could.

"Hey," said Mike, "how `bout if I go out for some burgers and shit. I have a feeling we're all gonna be hungry after we finish the first round."

"The first round!" I thought. "Damn, my asshole is gonna be ruined and I won' t be able to talk for a week." Then they gave me another hit of poppers and I suddenly felt like I could take on Red's whole motorcycle club.

Jerry's weapon was now inside me up to the hilt. I had felt him slowly but surely pushing inch after hot inch up my tunnel and, after pausing for a moment, he began to fuck.

"Damn," he said, "I swear you guys should try this. It's the best. The fag' s pussy fits my cock like a glove and feels like warm silk. Oh, shit," he continued and then stopped his thrusting. "I almost lost it there and I want this to last a good long time. Oh yeah!"

Jerry and Red continued to pump me from both ends. It was a totally new experience for me, and I was beginning to like it. Damn, did that mean I was not only a faggot but a slut too? All I knew was that when those two powerful weapons thrust into me and I heard their owners moaning in pleasure I felt completely connected to them, drawing my own pleasure from theirs. At that moment I felt totally dominated and totally used. For some reason I felt important and even powerful. Certainly I was the center of attention for these studs, something I could never expect if I were just plain old Joe Crawford.

Finally I lost control of my own sexual feelings. The continuous massage from Larry's boot together with the constant thrusting of the cocks plugging me at either end caused a tremendous rush in my groin. My cock got as hard as steel and began to tremble. Larry quickly took his foot away as I started shooting all over the floor. The vibration and contractions in my ass sent Jerry over the top and I felt his cock swell inside me. With a roar he let loose his load of cum deep inside me, shooting over and over again. He held my ass cheeks in a grip of iron as he pushed in as deeply as possible to deliver his seed.

Red was next. Shoving his cock in and out of my throat, he gave one final push and then flooded my throat and mouth with his hot cum. "Take it fucker," he screamed, "Drink my fucking juice, you queer motherfucker. Oh God, Oh yeah. FUCK!"

Both Red and Jerry slumped over, exhausted by their orgasms. They both stayed inside me, making sure that the last drop of cum from their cocks had flowed into me. Then they both presented their cocks for cleaning. I had no problem cleaning Red's cock which I had just had in my mouth anyway, and easily sucked and licked clean. But Jerry's cock had been up my ass. It was smeared not only with cum but with shit--my own shit! However, I had no choice. No sooner did Red's cockhead pop out of my mouth than Jerry slid his in. I did my best not to gag as the taste of shit filled my mouth together with the cum. Jerry insisted, however, that I clean his cock completely and in the end that's just what I did.

"Good show, Zits!" Jimmy yelled. "Now you're a full-fledged slut! I knew you could do it. Maybe we should add one more tattoo: SLUT. What do you think, Jerry?"

"Sounds great to me," Jerry said, still panting as he came down from his orgasm.

Meanwhile, I was panting too, with cum dripping out of my mouth, my stretched-out ass, and, of course, from my own cock, evidence of how much I had enjoyed being double-teamed.

"I'm next," said Larry with a smirk on his face. "This little faggot has had the hots for me since I drilled his mouth pussy the last time. Come and get it, cunt."

Just then the door opened and Mike came in. "Get your hot burgers," he shouted. "Then we can get back to that other hot meat."

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 28

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