High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Aug 7, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

High School Blues 23: Joe provides the entertainment...

Gradually I came down from my drug and alcohol induced high. I was sitting back on the couch where I remember passing out some time before. I noticed it was now almost 10:00 pm and I had to be getting home soon. I was not wearing my clothes, but instead was wrapped in an old, frayed bathrobe under which I was completely naked. Mike and Jimmy were still sitting on either side of me. I felt a stinging sensation on both my back and my chest which I needed to check out but not here and now. I didn't plan on doing another strip tease.

"What's going on Mike?" I asked, remembering the other acts of humiliation that I had been forced to endure.

"Well, Pinky," Mike said, "remember before you went sleepy-sleep I told you that we had something special for you to show our appreciation for helping us get our new motor bikes? Well, you're wearing it."

For a minute I was in a state of total confusion. What was Mike talking about? All I was wearing was an old robe. Was that their sign of appreciation? Everyone, including Mike and Jimmy were laughing at the blank look on my face. I guess I still hadn't come down completely from all the booze I had consumed.

"Mike," I said, trying to sound very reasonable, "I don't get it. Where are my clothes? Why did you put me in this bathrobe?

"That's the beauty of it Pinky," smiled Jimmy. "We're gonna have ourselves an unveiling. Ya see that screen over there? Well, you're gonna go behind it, lose the bathrobe and then open it up. Then you walk out and turn around a few times. That's simple isn't it?

I groaned to myself. What did they do now--dye my pubes again? Since everyone was looking at me I didn't want to open the robe for a peek. I could see from the mirror on the other wall that my mohawk was still the same color, so at least they didn't mess with that.

"Come on fag," said Shawn, "get your ass behind that screen and strip. We ain 't got all night."

Obediently, I got up and crossed the floor. All the guys were grinning at me and watching me with eager eyes. Mike went over to the CD player and put on some raunchy music like you'd hear in a strip club. Meanwhile all the guys were yelling: "Take it off! take it off!"

Feeling the tenderness on my back I was slow to take off the robe. Even before I dropped the robe I saw the lettering on my chest. What had they done, painted something on me? I rubbed at it with the front of the robe to try and clean it off but instead it stung even more. Suddenly I realized it was a tattoo and just as I dropped the robe in shock the guys pulled open the drapes of the screen and told me to come out. When the robe slipped to the floor I noticed a second tattoo, this one just above my pink pubes!

I was in a daze and did as they said. I heard cheering, applause, and wolf-whistles as I stepped forward completely nude in front of 6 or 7 teenage guys. Jerry, the older dude, was no where to be seen.

"Okay, fag," Jimmy said laughing, "now turn around for us a few times."

Automatically I turned around twice and the guys went wild. They were high-fiving each other, screaming about how beautiful I looked, and crowding around me to get a better look. So far I had only seen my chest and wasn't even sure what it said (looking at it upside down). I was now propelled over to the mirror and shown my backside. My shock was even greater when I saw another tattoo, just above my butt. By then I had figured out what the words said and was in a total state of disbelief. These games that they were playing had gotten totally out of hand.

"What did you do to me! What did you do to me!" These seemed to be the only words I could get out of my mouth.

"What did we do to you?" asked Jimmy, "Why we just gave you a couple of body decorations. I think they're real nice and everybody's wearing `em. You'll be right in style man. Just think of all the attention you're gonna get in school. Why you'll be the center of attention. Everybody will want to see you."

"But I don't want to be seen with these things on me. They say I'm a fag and a cocksucker!" I yelled.

Jimmy suddenly backhanded me, knocking me to the floor. He stood over me and shouted angrily: "Don't ever talk to me like that, cunt! You show me and the guys here some respect. We took all the trouble to give you a nice gift and a sign of our appreciation and here you are criticizing us. You're an ungrateful bastard and that's the way we're gonna treat you from now on."

I got up shakily. I was close to tears again but didn't want them to see me cry. Mike turned up the music louder and told me to put on a little entertainment for the guys. "Hey Joe (being nice)," he said, "give us a little bump and grind; we want to see how you look with your new tats."

As I hesitated Jimmy whispered in my ear, "Do it fucker or you're really gonna regret it."

There was a real tone of menace in his voice so inspite of my shock and outrage at what they had done to me I decided that the best thing was to go along. I had already made up my mind that I was going to tell Terry and Bob about what Mike and his group of bullies had done to me. I needed their help and advice at this point. I was in way over my head.

As Jimmy waited impatiently I began to do my best to follow the rhythm and dance around the floor. The guys went wild cheering and aplauding to encourage me in the obscene dance. Then, to my utter mortification my cock started to rise. The guys began to point it out and to laugh hysterically. Within moments my cock was hard as steel, pointing straight out from my pink pubes. I had completely lost control of my sexual impulses. Instead of being shriveled from embarrassment and anger, my cock was as hard as ever. It was even beginning to throb, making me fear I might have a spontaneous ejaculation, which would mortify me to death.

"Look," yelled Shawn, "the fag likes his new tats and so does his cock!"

"Told'ya," said Jimmy, "and he's got the hots for you. He wants to be your cocksucker or maybe take it up the ass from you."

For once Shawn didn't get upset. "Yeah, you do him first; then we'll cut some cards to see who's next!"

Meanwhile I was still making a fool out of myself whirling around the floor. The guys would reach out and pinch me on the ass and step up and twist my nipples. Somebody was snapping photos of my performance, getting me on film both front and back. The flashes were blinding me. I was getting afraid again. This was getting totally out of hand. The thought of all these photos that could be used against me made my cock start to shrink and Mike, noticing it, shut the music off.

"Okay dudes, show's almost over. We all agreed on how we're gonna wrap this up. Hey, `J' get the fag in the bathroom and we'll be right in."

"Com'on Pinky," said Jimmy as he roughly grabbed me by the arms. You gotta get cleaned up before you go home. Wouldn't want your folks to think we got you all dirty."

He then directed me into the bathroom and ordered me to lie down in the tub. Then he secured a blindfold around my eyes. I couldn't see a thing. I was already nervous about what he had in mind, but I didn't dare move--I could still feel the sting of that backhand. I felt something drop into the tub at my feet, like a pile of laundry. Obviously, I couldn't make out what it was.

A moment later I heard the others file into the bathroom. There was a pause and the sounds of scraping which sounded very familiar. Jimmy warned me again to lie perfectly still, that they weren't going to hurt me, and in just a few minutes I could go home.

Then I felt it and I smelled it. They were pissing on me! All seven guys were pissing on me at the same time! They hosed down my whole body from head to foot. Jimmy ordered me to open my mouth. Since he said it with the same menace I' d heard before I complied, dreading what would happen. Sure enough. As soon as I opened my mouth several streams of warm piss shot directly in. I couldn't believe they were pissing for so long but then realized all the beer they drunk. I didn't see anyone going to relieve themselves during the "party". They were saving it all up for me!

To my absolute embarrassement my cock began to rise again. That was a signal for several of the streams of piss to be directed toward my swelling cock. They waved the streams back and forth which had the effect of massaging my cock with the warm piss. All of a sudden my cock contracted and exploded in one of the biggest ejaculations of my life, much of the cum hitting me right in the face and mixing with the piss. The guys whistles and screams of laughter were not to be believed.

"Look at this piece of shit." Shawn said, "We piss on him and he shoots his jizz! I can't believe it you motherfuckers! I just can't believe it!" hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Once again there was a flash of light and I figured the photographer was at it again. He took photo after photo, capturing my orgasm while the guys were pissing on me. Suddenly the blindfold was ripped off me so that the photographer could get a long ranger photo of me with a boner and taking piss in my open mouth.

Finally it was over. The guys all pulled up their zippers and left the bathroom. Mike told me to take a shower since he didn't want me to drip piss all over the floor. It was then that I noticed my clothes which had been dropped into the tub with me and were drenched with piss. As I turned on the shower to try to get rid of the disgusting smell (my new tats were burning from the piss) I decided to wash my clothes as well. Better to get them even wetter than to have them stinking to high hell when I got home. Home! I thought. What was I going to do? It was a question I had asked my self quite often in the last few weeks.

Fuck! What a trip! This fag is just incredible. He keeps comin' back for more. There don't seem to be any limit to the abuse that he can take. And stupid...I never met such a damn wimp in my life. We keep inventing new ways to humiliate him and he falls right into our trap time after time. Yeah man, it's a blast. `Course, ya know, I'm convinced he knows pretty much what's gonna happen to him. My feelin' is that he loves it, he loves bein' abused and put down and embarrassed to hell. He likes bein' used by other dudes. Is that sick or what?

We just sent the fag home after drugging him, branding him, and then pissing all over him. After all that, the asshole just gets a boner--pathetic. He's already drunk our piss; I'll bet anything he would even eat our shit if we told him too. Hummmmm...maybe we'll just have to see about that some time. Whoa, dude that would make one disgusting scene. I keep trying to gross out my buds, but I guess they're as perverted as I am. They love to see the fag put in his place, ground down and lickin' our boots.

Yeah, and then there's all that the cash. Man we must have collected about $600 so far from the freak. We never would have got our new bikes without his " contributions". Damn the other dudes don't even know how we could afford them. Ha! Maybe they think we stole `em like we took that exercise equipment from that shit ass Greenburg. And that's another thing. The fag just about opens the door of his friend's house for us; we get all his exercise equipment, his computer and stereo. Man, I got that computer hooked up. It's top of the line. I threw my old one out with the garbage from the basement.

Yeah, we really got the fag by the balls. He can pretty much cover over those tats, unless we let the rest of the school in on it. And nobody's gonna know about all those pix we took of him in the buff with a boner and jizzing while we piss on him unless we decide to tell. See, that's my point. We got power over that fag now; he'll do whatever we say or else. Not that he wouldn't do it anyway, he's such a spineless coward. But it never hurts to have double insurance, now does it?

"Hey Mike," Jimmy slurred as he passes me the bong again. "What are ya plannin' now man?"

I laughed. "You know me too well, dude." Everybody else had gone home. Jimmy and I were just hangin' around mellowing out with the last few beers and a little more weed. "What do ya think about our party?"

"Shit man," `J' said, "awesome. I'm really lookin' forward to seein' how the fag gets his ass out of this one."

"Only if he does exactly what we say, `J'...exactly what we say.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 24

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