High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Jan 21, 2004


"High School Blues" part 2

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

Breaks in the story (***) indicate major changes in scene/time or of the character who is narrating or speaking.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

"High School Blues" part 2: Joe has some hard decisions to make...

When I got home my mom was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. "Joey! What happened to you?" she asked in a shocked voice. "Were you in some kind of fight?"

"Uh, no mom," I said. "I was walking with Billy through that vacant lot behind Main Street (true) when I tripped over something and fell down (also true, but not the whole story)."

"Your clothes are filthy and your face is all red," she said, still not satisfied.

"I fell pretty hard, mom," I said, a bit nervously. "It could have been a lot worse."

"And what happened to your glasses? I hope you didn't lose them."

"I, uh, must have dropped them when I fell. I looked around and couldn't find them with all the weeds over there. Billy said he would go back with me tomorrow and help look for them. I'm sure we'll find them. Anyway I have an extra pair up in my room."

"Well, okay," she said doubtfully, "but you'd better find them. Your old ones are a different prescription. I don't want you ruining your eyes."

Once I got through the interrogation, I went upstairs. Luckily, my sister Michelle's door was closed, and I could hear music coming from inside. At least I wouldn't have to go through another explanation about the way I looked.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. No wonder mom was shocked. My face was flaming red, my hair sticking out in all directions, and my arms starting to bruise where Jimmy had jammed down his knees on them. I was a wreck! I immediately stripped out of my dirty clothes and hopped in the shower.

The very thought of Mike and Jimmy made my stomach start to knot up. My earlier panic began to return. I had to face them in school tomorrow. There was no way to avoid it if I wanted my glasses back. Would they tell anyone else how they humiliated me and made me lick their shoes? Would they make me plead to get my glasses back? I didn't know, and not knowing made it worse.

At that moment I wished I had more friends at school. I had just met Bob Greenburg and Terry Mahoney. Terry stood about 6 ft. tall, 185 lbs, with dirty blond hair and blue eyes; Bob was 5 ft. 10 in., 170 lbs, with light brown hair and brown eyes. They were a couple of really nice guys from my class who had befriended me, maybe because they noticed that I was usually alone. Both of them were pretty tough dudes and played soccer. Surely they would help me out if I asked them. But I was embarassed to admit that I was being harassed and couldn't defend myself. If I told them, they might think I was a wimp and a pansy too. I desparately wanted to keep their friendship, so I couldn't tell them or let them find out what had happened. It was going to have to be my own private war.

When I finished showering it was only 5:30 pm. Since we didn't have dinner until 6:30, I decided to lay down for a little nap. I was physically and emotionally drained from my encounter with the two bullies that afternoon and needed to rest up a bit. I really didn't sleep since images of what had happened earlier kept swirling thrugh my head.

I especially remembered when Jimmy was sitting on my chest with my arms pinned under me and his crotch only inches from my face. Had I seen the bulge in his levis grow bigger? Had he inched just a little closer to my lips so that I was almost touching the zipper on his faded jeans? I remember the strange mixture of pain and pleasure at that moment. The pressure he was exerting on me as he tried to make me say "Give" really did hurt: I had the bruises on my arms to prove it. But what about the way my cock had tented? I had felt his big muscular legs and tight ass flex and then relax on top of me. I had felt the warmth of his body and smelled the distinctive odor coming from his crotch. I started to think that the moment of his dominance and my submission was almost an intimate one. It certainly got my pecker going! Even his abusive language, his spiting in my face, and slapping me began to excite me.

I thought about the humiliating act of licking their shoes. I remembered my tongue's contact with the smooth surface of Mikes white Nike high-tops, and the warmth and odor coming from his feet. I remember the almost sensual feeling of lying on my back in the dust as he pressed the dirty worn treads of his Nikes against my face, demanding that I wash and clean them with my tongue, while Jimmy said with a voice of disgust, "I never thought a guy could be so low!" Then Jimmy demanded that I worship his shoes in the same way I did Mike's. My cock was harder than ever as I licked his well-used tan Timberlands, my tongue digging deeply into the waffle treads to remove the dirt as he had ordered...Just then I had a mind-blowing orgasm and blew my jizz all the way up to my chin. When I turned around I noticed that a glob had even hit the headboard of the bed. Shit, did that ever feel good!

Of course, once the sexual tension was drained out of me the knot in my stomach returned. How could I ever think sexually about those two bullies? They had humiliated me, knocked me around, and called me every degrading word they could think of. Plus they took my good glasses. My spare pair, some old horn-rimmed glasses, made me look even more geeky than the other ones. I had to put together some kind of plan. My thoughts were interrupted by mom calling me for dinner.

"Joey, it's 6:45; the food is getting cold! Come on down and eat." I realized that I was really hungry and bolted down the stairs. Mom and Michelle had already started. Michelle gave me a funny look, but didn't say anything about my appearance. I was grateful I didn't have to go through that again!

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"Joey, you know that your father never gets home before 7:30 with all the traffic he runs into right about now."

"I sure wish he could be home sooner sometimes," I said.

"So do I, honey," she answered. "But you know that your dad could never get such a good paying job around here. When your father's company moved to New York we knew this would happen. Maybe one of these days soon we'll be able to afford to move closer to where he works."

I thought to myself: "I wish it would be tomorrow so I wouldn't have to face those two bullies."

In spite of all my efforts, I was a bundle of nerves the next day as I got on the school bus. Terry was on the same bus and sat next to me. "Hey, dude, what happened to you? Your face is all red. It looks like you ran into a wall."

"Uh, you know, Terry," I said, hoping to sound convincing. "It's those damn zits. I pigged out on chocolates yesterday and today I'm paying for it. Please don't talk about it. I don't want anybody to notice it more than they have to."

"Sure dude," he said, not sounding totally convinced by my explanation. "I guess I was just lucky not to get too many of those things. Shit, that looks like it hurts!"

"Yeah, it does, but, ya know, I'm used to it by now. So let's drop it."

By that time the bus had pulled up to the school and Terry said "Later..." We had a couple of classes together along with Bob but that wasn't until after lunch.

I was a bit late for homeroom and ended up-you guessed it-sitting right in front of Jimmy, with Mike also behind me to my left. The two of them always sat next to each other in the last row so they could shoot the bull when the teacher wasn't looking. They certainly didn't sit together to copy off each others exams. 'Dumb and Dumber' if ya know what I mean. Studies was one of my strong points, especially math and science.

As the teacher walked through the door and headed up toward his desk, I turned to Jimmy and said: "Please give me my glasses, Jimmy. You promised you'd give them back today."

"All in good time, four eyes, all in good time. Besides I like your new look. You're even more nerdy than you were before. And I really like the color of your face. Looks like you got a good sun burn over those zits."

"Please Jimmy," I said as the teacher reached the desk. "I need those glasses now."

"You don't need anything I say you don't need, and don't forget that sucker. You want those damn Coke bottles back, you get your ass out behind the school after class. Mike and I will be waiting for you. If your not there, we're gonna hurt you even more than we planned. Remember what I told ya: if ya don't do what I say I'm gonna take that pretty little face of yours and shove it up your ass."

Just then the teacher called the class to order and started droning out attendance. When he called out my name, Jimmy shoved his boot between the chair and my ass cheeks, causing me to jump and my voice to crack when I said "Here!" Everyone turned around and laughed as Jimmy looked on innocently. The teacher frowned at me.

First class was freshman English, and since the teacher did most of the talking and was kind of oblivious to the class, a lot of the kids took the opportunity to catch up on their sleep. Jimmy, however, had other ideas. He kept his boot where he had shoved it, right between my ass crack. He began to slowly push it up and down, rubbing and massaging my butt. Those feelings were communicated directly to my cock, which rapidly began to harden. Sensing this, Jimmy pushed his boot further under my ass, increasing the pressure. I could feel the warmth of his foot and movement through the boot, as he deliberately wiggled his toes on my backside. As the ridges of his bootlaces began to make contact with my ass, the erotic feelings intensified. I even helped him by leaning forward and slightly raising my ass off the seat. Although I hoped he wouldn't notice my movement, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, that he looked over at Mike and smirked. Mike was grinning widely and looking directly at me.

Jimmy leaned forward close to my ear and said: "Like that, you homo faggot? I knew you would."

Toward the end of class Jimmy removed his boot from under my butt, pushed his desk back and jammed both his feet hard against my desk causing it to bang into the desk ahead of me with a loud crash. Everyone jumped including the teacher. The girl sitting in front of me turned around and gave me a dirty look, and the teacher said: "Mr. Crawford are you paying attention or fooling around? We have an exam next week and this material is important. One more disruption and you're going to the principal's office and probably get detention. Now I don't want to hear anything more from you."

Under their breaths Jimmy and Mike were laughing hysterically. "Way to go, dude!" Mike said smiling. "You put that damn homo in his place."

"He's in love with my boots," Jimmy chuckled. "He just about creamed when I shoved them under his ass. That's where he belongs, on his hands and knees, worshiping my feet; and I think that's just where he's gonna be every day from now on."

They ignored me for most of the rest of the day, maybe because I was joined by Terry and Bob, whom they really didn't want to tangle with, at least not while they were together. Another dude by the name of Phil was standing in front of me in the cafeteria line. He and a bunch of other dudes hung around with Jimmy and Mike. He turned around smiling, put his hand in my crotch and began fondling my balls bouncing them up and down.

"You like that fairy?" he sneered. I didn't know what to say or do. "You don't have to say anything," Phil remarked. "Your dick says it all, homo." With that he turned back to the counter and began to put his lunch on his tray. I looked down and saw that my dick had indeed responded to his fondling and I tried very carefully to readjust it.

When Phil got to the check out counter he told the cashier that I way paying for both lunches. Again, I didn't know what to do, so I ended up paying for two lunches. Then he said in a low voice so the cashier didn't hear: "See ya later fairy. Thanks for the lunch." How many other people, I wondered, had Jimmy and Mike told about what they had done to me?

I was relieved to see Terry and Bob sitting at a table and waving for me to join them. Jimmy, Mike, and Phil were sitting on the other side of the cafeteria with the rest of their goon squad. Jimmy and Mike smiled at me and quickly flashed me the finger as I passed them. I didn't think either Terry or Bob saw it since they were too busy eating and talking.

"We were just saying that you should join the soccer team, Joey," Bob said.

"Yeah," Terry butted in. "You're pretty fast on the track. All you need to do is work on your muscle development and you could be a decent player." When they saw me hesitate, Terry said: "Just think about it, man. We could use somebody like you. But it does mean a lot of hard work and exercise training."

I was amazed. They were actually asking me to join them and thought I could even be a good player. Wow! Did that ever do wonders for my ego! I'd have to give that some serious thought. Maybe it would even be an opportunity to build myself up physically so I wouldn't be a pushover for mean dudes like Jimmy and Mike. Alright!

Of course, IF that happened it would be a long range project. Right now I was facing two strong dudes determined to humiliate me and maybe even make me their slave. For now the name of the game was survival.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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