High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Feb 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

"High School Blues" part 17: Joe loses his virginity...

After penetrating me deeply, Bob remained still until I was able to adjust to the 8 inch cock that had just taken away my virginity. Then he began to slowly move his cock in and out of my chute, rubbing repeatedly over my prostate and causing me sensations of pleasure that I had never imagined possible. The feeling of fullness in my bowels was incredible. I don't want to say there was no pain. As the poppers wore off, I felt my anal ring stretched close to the breaking point and a soreness that radiated deeply through my lower body. But this pain was increasingly replaced by feelings of intense pleasure.

There was no doubt that Bob was enjoying himself as he began to pick up speed and to fuck me in earnest. First he was just moving in short thrusts, but then he began to lengthen these until he started to long dick me, withdrawing until just the head of his cock remained in my butt and then thrusting powerfully back in. He alternated these short and long thrusts, eventually building up a rhythm that gave him the maximum pleasure he was looking for. He also started becoming very verbal and crude.

"O shit!" he said. "Your pussy is so tight and warm. Damn that feels good. You like that, fucker, don't you? I knew you would. You've been after this all along. Well, now you got it, fairy. You suck like a natural and now you take it up your pussy ass even better. Looks like you're a born slut and that's the way I'm gonna treat you. Feel this...!"

Then he started slamming into my abused ass, his former gentleness gone. It was hard for me to understand this abrupt transformation in Bob. "Take my cock, you pussy. Yeah, faggot, I'm gonna make you howl with my big dick. I'm gonna ream you out and open you up."

Suddenly he slid his arms around my chest, grabbed my nipples, and began to twist them viciously. I wimpered with pain. As he slammed me over and over I could hear the wet smack of his balls banging against me and the suction of my ass as he plunged his cock in and out. He started moving his cock around in circles within me, increasing the sensations and the pressure on my chute ever more. Then he suddenly pulled out and I heard the command I dreaded.

"Turn over on your back faggot. I want to fuck you like a bitch. I'm gonna get between your legs and show you how a real man fucks."

I hesitated to turn over, already feeling terribly embarrassed by my pink pubes. He wacked me hard on my ass several times and shouted: "Move it fucker; when I tell you to do something, you jump. Otherwise those lash marks on your pussy are gonna look like love taps!"

Slowly and reluctantly I turned over, exposing my erect cock and my colorful pubes. For a moment Bob just stared as if he didn't believe what he was seeing. Then he started to laugh, he laughed and laughed until there were tears in his eyes. When he finally got control over himself he stammered between howls of laughter.

"What the fuck is this? This is unbelievable! You fucking piece of faggot shit! You've got pink pubes and they match your hair. I never knew why they call you Pinky at school! Somebody had you pegged just right."

"Bob," I said in desperation, "this wasn't my idea. They forced me to do it. They drugged me. I swear it!"

"Who? Who forced you?" Bob demanded.

"Um, I'd rather not say right now," I stuttered. "But they did..."

"Yeah, sure they did," Bob laughed. "Just like they forced you to shave your head and dye it the color of a jelly bean. You said it was your idea, that you wanted to try something different. You're not just a fag, you're a damn liar!"

At that point Bob's face seemed to harden. He picked up my legs, placed them over his muscular shoulders, and without any warning, plunged his huge cock back into my hole. Now I was the one howling, not in laughter but in pain. He fucked me like a madman, almost bending me in half so that he could penetrate me as deeply as possible. The sweat poured off his face and landed on my chest. He smelled of alcohol and of pure masculine virility. He looked determined as he fucked me, like he was going for some kind of prize. It seemed to go on and on. He gripped my waist tightly for leverage as he drove his cock in and out of my sore hole. The pain was almost unbearable when he dropped my legs. I was hurt-by his violence, but most especially by his degrading words. Still he had not shot his load.

"Turn over again fag and get up on all fours so I can fuck you like a bitch dog," he ordered. I was quick to follow his instructions, never having seen this side of Bob, and being frightened and turned on at the same time by his violence. Once again he plunged into me and this time it felt now like he was getting ready to cum.

"Clamp that ass down on my cock, faggot. Make me cum in your pussy ass. I'm gonna fill you so full you'll be puking up cum."

Suddenly his words did not hurt, but began to excite me. My own mind was caught up in the violence and lust of the moment. I felt my own cock on the verge of ejaculation. I clamped down over and over making him gasp in pleasure. I also began to push my own ass back and forth in rhythm with his thrusting. He was quick to notice this and to moan his approval.

"Oh, yeeeeah! That's the way, faggot. Keep that up, I'm almost there. I'm gonna pound you down and fill you up"

At those words I lost all control and started my own orgasm. Man, it was like no other orgasm I had ever felt in my whole life. It was like I was being turned inside out right through my cock. Every nerve ending screamed out with that incredible feeling running through my whole body like an electric charge, causing it to shake violently, and forcing moan after moan out of my gaping mouth.

The spasms that shook my ass made Bob scream out in pleasure and start shooting massive volleys of cum up into my quivering ass. "Oh fuck, oh shit, Uh, Uh, Uh, yeaaaaah!!"

He continued to shoot again and again. I could feel his cock twitching inside me and the warmth of his cum filling me. Finally he collapsed on my back, his cock still throbbing deep inside me. It was a totally new experience for me, something I never expected, something I didn't want at first, but in the end something that changed my life. I knew now that this was what I wanted, and if it made me gay then so be it!

The only thing that bothered me was how Bob's attitude toward me had changed. He had called me hurtful names; he had looked contemptously and angrily at me. From being a friend to be respected, I was now an object to be used and abused. Wasn't this the story of my life-at least of my first year of high school. What would happen now?

Without a word Bob pulled out of me. For a few moments he lay next to me breathing heavily. I thought he was going to express the pleasure he had received from the fuck. Then he suddenly wipped his dripping cock on my stomach and climbed off the bed. "Okay, get out of hear, fucker. I don't want a pervert like you in my house one minute longer. Get dressed and get out now before I beat the crap out of you and toss your naked ass out in the street. Now move, faggot!"

"Please Bob," I said, "I did what you wanted me to do. Why are you so angry. I can explain about my pubes..."

"I don't want to hear any of your damn explanations," Bob shouted, "I just want you the fuck out of here NOW!"

I dressed as quickly as I could, tears in my eyes. I ran down the stairs and into the night. My feelings were in turmoil. I had just had one of the greatest experiences of my life, one that opened a whole new world of sexual possibilities that I never knew existed. At the same time I had lost a friend and I had lost my virginity. I felt a widening damp spot in the seat of my pants where Bob's cum had begun to leak out of my stretched out hole.

When I got home I took a moment to compose myself before I went in the house. I passed the family room as quickly as possible, yelling a greeting to mom and dad and saying that I was going up to my room to study (that should make them happy).

After I got into my room and stripped, I looked in the mirror to check out the damage. I could not believe how my hole had changed. From being a small puckered rosebud, which I had only looked at once or twice out of curiosity, it had become a gaping hole, still twitching and running with Bob's cum. He was right, he did shoot about a gallon in there. The pain had returned with a vengeance and I found myself almost hobbling so as not to further irritate my sore ass. There were red scratch marks all over my back. I took two Tylenol with a glass of water to ease the pain.

After the initial shock, I suddenly began to get a boner again. I was actually turned on by the sight of my abused hole. I reached down and scooped up some of the cum in my hand. I held it there for a minute and then slowly brought it to my lips. "What are you doing, my mind screamed. If you do this you are a perv, just like Bob said." With my cock now as hard as steel, I stuck out my tongue and began to lick the thick slightly brownish cum from my hand. I licked it all up, held it in my mouth for a moment to get the taste and then swallowed it.

As if I were moving automatically, I slowly reached down and cupped my hand under my ass until another handful of Bob's cum had collected there. This time I put it under my nose and inhailed deeply of the strong aroma. Then I deliberately took the cum and began to smear it all over my face. I did this again and again until the flow from my ass stopped. Then I slipped into bed allowing the cum to dry on my face as I fell asleep.

"Shit!" Bob screamed, and then muttering to himself: "I just fucked a guy, a faggot! What the hell was I thinking?! That little piece of shit's been hangin' around Terry and me just for a chance to get our cocks-and he's already done it, twice! Damn him! And damn me for being so stupid. I can get any chick I want, so why do I fuck a guy?" Bob tore the sheets off his bed. He didn't throw them in the laundry but in the garbage. He didn't want to touch them or lie on them again.

The first thing he did was take a long hot shower to get the faggot's ass juice and sweat off himself. He scrubbed and scrubbed until his skin began to turn pink. He rinsed himself off and then soaped himself again. Finally he got out of the shower, toweled himself dry and put on a pair of boxers. He stepped into his flip flops, wrapped himself in a bathrobe, and went downstairs.

Then he went to the bar and fixed himself a double scotch and gulped it down neat. He poured himself another and brought it over to the coffee table to nurse. Then he turned on ESPN (fuck the porn!) and went into the kitchen to microwave the pizza. As he sat there munching the pizza and swigging the scotch, he intentionally blocked out the memory of what had just happened with that little fag. He didn't want to think about it and certainly wouldn't tell anyone, even Terry. It was the booze, he told himself. Yeah, but he was also horny since he hadn't been able to pick up a bitch since last week. He was ashamed he let his cock lead him to perform an act of gay sex. Apparently he didn't think there was anything particularly "gay" about a blow job from a guy.

That night both Joe and Bob slept badly although for very different reasons. Joe was terribly hurt and ashamed by Bob's change of attitude toward him (although the sex  part had greatly excited him). Bob was angry that he had allowed himself to have sex with a fag. As he calmed down, however, he had to admit that he was partly to blame since he initiated things. After all, the fag didn't call him, but the other way around. As Bob started to sober up he reluctantly faced the truth about what happened. He began to feel bad about the way he had treated Joe, who had only come over to try and help him.

Joe thought more and more about the sex act and how it had excited him. He had felt completely dominated and forced into the humiliating act of surrendering his virginity to a drunk high school jock who was only out for his own pleasure. He had been used like a cum receptacle, and once he had served his purpose he was thrown away. But how he had enjoyed the act itself as Bob had ordered him onto the bed, finger fucked him to open up his hole, and then stuck his huge cock up his ass and filled it with hot cum. Joe could still hear the hunk as he moaned out his pleasure while calling his little cumdump the most degrading names imaginable. He could still feel Bob's cock swelling and twitching inside him and (was it his imagination?) the warmth from the cum penetrating his chute.

Joe felt his cock becoming hard again. Quickly he reached for his night table and took out the red condom that the guys had put on him when they colored his pubes. It was now getting pretty ragged but would serve one more time. He slipped it on his dick and almost immediately had a powerful orgasm which arched his back with its strength and made him cry out with pleasure. As he came down from his sexual high and was cleaning up the mess he noticed with regret that the condom was now in shreds and he would have to discard it. Too bad...

He dozed off to sleep wondering if he had lost Bob's friendship forever or if, when Bob cooled down and sobered up, they could have a talk to see if they could put tonight behind them. And Terry? Would Bob tell him what had happened? If he did, then probably his dream of improving his life and escaping from under the iron control of Mike and Jimmy was back to square one.

The following day Bob did call Joe to say that he wanted to have a talk with him. Bob's voice sounded much calmer than the night before, when he had called Joe all those awful names and threatened to throw him out of the house. At the same time there was a certain reserve to Bob's voice, which, perhaps, indicated that he wanted nothing more to do with Joe.

Joe found himself agreeing eagerly to the meeting. What he didn't seem to realize was that he was letting Bob hold all the cards; letting him make all the decisions; giving him all the power. The question was: how submissive was Joe willing to be to gain the security, acceptance, and friendship he craved? Would he find any of these things on the path he was presently following?

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 18

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