High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Feb 26, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

"High School Blues" part 16: Joe tries to help a friend...

One evening about two weeks after the robbery at the Greenburg house, I got a call from Bob Greenburg. His voice sounded slurred and he had obviously been drinking.

"Hey Crawford, old buddy," he said, "how about coming over to the house and having a beer with me?"

I wasn't sure what I should do. On the one hand I never drank more than an occasional beer (usually when I was with Mike and Jimmy), nor did I like the sound of Bob's voice-he sounded like he was already tanked. On the other hand I knew that he was hurting and needed all the friends he could get. Terry was out with his girlfriend and was not available. I figured that's why Bob called me.

"Come on, Joey," he pleaded. "Have a drink with me. I need to talk to someone. I'm all alone here. My folks are out and you know I broke up with my girlfriend. Please come over."

How could I say no to him? If something happened to him in his condition I would never forgive myself. What if he went out cruising and had an accident? What if he suddenly thought about commiting suicide? I knew he was seeing a therapist, but I really didn't know what his mental state was. So I felt kinda obligated to go.

"Okay, Bob," I said, "I'll be over in about half an hour. I can't stay too late cause my folks still have me on a curfew. But I'll be there."

"Thanks, buddy," Bob said. "I knew I could count on you."

In a way it seemed rather strange that, of all people, Bob would choose me. Besides Terry, Bob knew plenty of other jocks who had much more in common with him than I did. But I had gotten close to Bob in recent days. After all, I think Terry and I were the only ones to see Bob's basement and to witness his emotional distress when he learned about the robbery. He had let down his guard with us. So maybe at this moment it was me that he trusted the most.

When I got to Bob's house and knocked, he yelled, "Come on in! The door's open." Bob was in the living room, which was off to the right of the front door. "Come on inside, make yourself at home, dude. The booze is over there on the bar. We got everything- beer, scotch, gin, whiskey-whatever you like. There's a frig there with ice and the glasses are up top. While you're there, buddy, get me another cold one, will ya?"

I was surprised, given Bob's age, that he had free access to the liquor cabinet. His folks must be very liberal...or maybe they were just liberal drinkers and didn't give a damn what Bob did. The trouble was, that didn't jive with the impression I got of them on the camping trip. They seemed to be very traditional, family-oriented folks. So Bob was probably doing it on the sly.

When I brought Bob his beer I did a double take. For some reason when I came in I hadn't noticed that he was only half dressed. He had on a wife beater, boxers, and white athletic socks. He was sprawled on a sofa with his feet up on the coffee table watching a porn flick. There were already five or six empty beer bottles scattered on the coffee table or lying on the floor.

"Hey, man," Bob said, his beer breath obvious from half way across the room, "How ya doin'? Here, have a seat right next to me. I ain't gonna bite you."

I had handed Bob his beer and was standing kind of nervously next to him with a glass of ginger ale in my hand.

"How 'bout something to eat?" he said, "I got some pizza in the frig that you can heat up in the microwave, and there's some chips and shit on the kitchen counter."

"No thanks, Bob," I said, "I really can't stay that long. I just wanted to come over and see how you're doing."

"Well, I'll tell you, buddy, but you gotta sit down first. I'm gettin' a stiff neck tryin' to see you," he laughed. Without waiting for me to sit, his eyes focused on the TV: "Whoa! How do ya like this fuck scene? Will ya look at the rack on that bitch! Shit, would I like to ram my big cock up her cunt. She'd be screaming and beggin' for more in less than a minute. What do ya think?"

I tried to show my enthusiasm for the scene and said something like: "Yeah, um, that's really hot. Yeah, I'd like to get into that!"

"Get into what, man?" Bob said with a slight smirk. "Exactly what would you like to get into?"

Embarrassed, I tried to change the subject. "Bob it's a great flick but you said you wanted to talk. What's up?"

Putting on a ridiculously serious face, he patted the sofa next to him, indicating again that I should sit down.

As I sat down he put his face right next to mine (almost knocking me out with his breath) and said, "I guess you know that I've been feelin' real shitty lately. I can't seem to shake it off. My folks and Terry have been real good and stuff, but my life is all fucked up at the moment. Ya know what I'm talkin' about?" At that point he burped loudly, then laughed like crazy.

"I hear you've been going for counseling," I said nervously. "Has that been helping you at all?"

"Nah," Bob sneered, "it's a bunch of shit. This asshole geek just sits there and asks me to tell him about my feelings and what I'm doin' with myself. I think he gets his jollies from what I tell him about all them bitches I've been fucking."

Now I was definitely getting uncomfortable. Bob moved a little closer to me and threw a muscular arm around my shoulder."

"Hey Joey-boy," Bob said, dropping his long legs off the table and spreading them apart so that our knees touched. I can't get the bitches to put out for me right now. I must be gettin' a rep and they don't want to have anything to do with me. Do ya think you could help me out?"

"Sure Bob," I said, rather uneasily. "What do you want me to do?"

Bob laughed long and loud. "I wanna fuck you, man. Ya know what I'm talking about? I already know what a good cocksucker you are." With that he tightened his grip around my shoulder and began to push my head down. I noticed that his boxers were tented and there was a wet spot beginning to spread out. As he moved slightly, out popped his stiffening cock. "Come on," Bob encouraged me, "Here it is. Get it all nice and hard so I can shove it up your ass."

I was shocked for a moment by his directness. I began to tremble. No one had ever spoken to me about ass-fucking and, as I thought about it, I didn't find the idea at all attractive. In fact it frightened me. He wanted to stick that enormous pole of flesh up my butt. It looked impossible. He would tear me apart.

Bob, even through his drunken haze, must have noticed that I had stiffened up and was trying to pull away from him.

"Hell, there's nothing to be afraid of, little buddy. The ladies tell me it's the easiest thing in the world. In fact, they love it."

"But Bob," I reasoned, "I'm not a woman. Maybe they can do it easier than I can. It looks to me like it would be impossible."

"Nah," said Bob. "All you gotta do is suck it, like you did the last time. Get it good and slick and juicy. But this time I don't cum in your mouth. This time I stick my cock up your pussy and cum in your hole. We're gonna use some lube so it'll slide right in." He produced a tube of KY from under the sofa. He must have been planning this all along.

"Come on," he said, "let's go up to my bedroom. It'll be a lot more comfortable there."

I was definitely trying to resist at this point, repeating to Bob that I didn't think it was a good idea, but he had an iron grip around my wrist with one big hand and was much stronger than I was. Unsteadily he guided me along with him up the stairs and into his bedroom. He shut and locked the door. Then he told me to get on my knees, pull down his boxers and suck his cock.

"Come on you little cocksucker, you were great the last time. I remember how quickly you were taking it all the way down your throat."

I hesitated for a moment. Then Bob grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my face into his groin. He rubbed my face all over his boxers which were sticky with precum. The smell of his crotch was strong and musky, and once again something went off inside me and I had an instant hardon. Sensing this, he laid his big cock against the side of my face. It was already leaking, and the precum slid down my cheek and gathered around my lips. Involuntarily I stuck out my tongue and licked the slick fluid, remembering it from our camping trip and Bob's basement.

"That's it, cocksucker," Bob encouraged, "lick up that precum. Now start givin' my shaft a nice bath. It may be a bit ripe; I haven't showered today, but they tell me that makes it taste even better."

Bob was right. His cock was unwashed but for some strange reason I found the taste not at all unpleasant. Just like before I felt that electric charge go through me, and I began to vigorously lick his swelling shaft.

"That's the way," said Bob, "that feels real good. You keep that up and we'll be ready to roll real soon. Now take the head in your mouth," he ordered. "Yeah like that; press it against the roof of your mouth and massage the bottom with your tongue. Ah, that's great. Now let me take over. I'm gonna fuck your face for awhile."

Bob grabbed hold of my head in a tight grip and began thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth and finally down my throat. I gagged, but not as much as the last time. I had learned to relax my throat and supress my gag reflex. He began to moan more and more often. Finally he stopped, saying that if he went any longer he would shoot his load right down my throat.

As he pulled his dripping cock from my sucking mouth I got scared again. Bob saw my face and tried to calm me down. "I got some poppers, man; just take a whiff and you'll get totally relaxed and ready for anything."

"I don't think I want to Bob." I had taken poppers when they dyed my hair and I didn't want to give up that much control again.

"Suit yourself," said Bob, "taking a snort himself. The bottle will be right here if ya change your mind. Now take your clothes off and get up on the bed on your stomach." When I heard about taking off my clothes I cringed. What about my pink pubes?! I would die of embarrassment if Bob saw and started to mock me. At least he told me to lie on my stomach. That way he wouldn't be looking at my groin. Maybe also in his drunken state he wouldn't react to such a weird sight. Still I got undressed with my back to him,  at which he commented: "Dude, you look like you got a real fuckable pussy. This must be my lucky day!"

After I had stripped, I got up on the bed as he had directed. "A little bit higher,' he said, "that's good." Bob then lifted me up and placed two pillows under me, elevating my ass. Then he took the tube of KY, placed it against my anus and squeezed. I jumped for a second as the cool goop shot up my ass. Then he told me that he was going to open my hole a bit with his fingers.

"You ever been fucked before?" Bob asked in an extremely casual way. "That's a mighty fine lookin' pussy."

"No," I said nervously. "This'll be my first time."

"Well, hell," he said. "I got me a virgin and I get to take your cherry. That means you must be really tight. Here, let's see," he said as he slowly inserted one of his long fingers into my hole. "Yep," he said, "fuckin tight cunt. We're gonna have ourselves a ball tonight, dude." Bob positioned himself on the bed behind me and spread my legs open a bit further so he could have better access. He also pushed my butt up a bit higher so that it would line up with his cock.

"What the fuck?!" he yelled. "What're these marks all over your back and your ass. Looks like somebody whipped the shit out of you."

"Um," I said, "those are old marks when dad used to spank me." The words came out like a croak.

"Old marks my ass!" Bob said. "Look, there's still scabs on some of 'em. What the fuck happened to you?"

"I'll tell you some other time Bob," I said. "Please, let's just get on with this thing now." Surprisingly he shrugged and again drew closer to me. I guessed that the fact he was horny or drunk or both made him decide to put his curiosity off to some more convenient time. Right now he wanted to fuck and wanted it bad.

I looked back over my shoulder and saw him between my legs. All of his muscles seemed to be pumped up. His face was flushed and his eyes bored right through me. He looked to me like pure, lusty masculinity ready to take whatever he wanted for his pleasure. He was going to use me and shoot his seed inside me, and the thought of it made my cock even harder

Bob took it nice and slow. I was surprised how gentle he was considering how drunk he was and how roughly he pulled me up the stairs. I began to relax. I did feel some discomfort at first, especially when he inserted a second and then a third finger, stretching my tight hole and preparing it to take his giant cock. After awhile I became accustomed to his slick fingers and even began to enjoy the probing motion. When I started to push back against his fingers he withdrew them and said, "You're ready."

Now I tightened up again. I could feel his cockhead begin to press against my ass crack. "You gotta relax, man, or it ain't gonna work. Here take a hit of this." Before I even knew it, he had shoved the poppers under my nose. As I began to resist again I involuntarily took several deep breaths and inhaled the poppers. Almost immediately I felt myself start to relax and and get horny at the same time. I was beginning to look forward to what was about to happen, and even wiggled my butt to show him that I wanted it.

"Always works like a charm, dude. That's why I keep about a gallon of the stuff around. It helps me get the bitches in the right frame of mind."

At that moment I asked myself: "Am I a bitch? Is that what he thinks of me? I came here as a friend who wanted to help another friend, and now I'm being used again just like on the camping trip and in the basement." My conscious thoughts were breaking up, however, as Bob gave me another big hit of the poppers. He then lubed up his cock with the KY and rubbed more of it around my hole which began to twitch at his touch.

He massaged my ass cheeks with his big hands, slick from the KY. He was especially gentle around the whip marks. I began to groan, it felt so good. He extended his massage for a few moments to my back and shoulders, kneading them sensually and relaxing my tight muscles before returning to my butt. "Yeah, you like that, don'tcha?" he cooed. "Well, I'll tell you, when you get massaged on the inside it'll feels even better."

"Are you, ah, gonna use a condom?" I asked.

"Nah," Bob said, "never do. It feels much better without one; for you too. Just trust me man. It's gonna be just fine."

I started to object but then my cock took over again and I imagined what it would be like for him to shoot his hot cum up my ass. Besides, I really wanted to please him and since this is the way he wanted it, I would let him do it. My cock twitched even harder at that last thought.

Once again Bob began to probe with his cockhead along my ass crack. He told me to put both hands on my ass cheeks and hold them apart so he could find my hole. Obviously he was still feeling the effects of his earlier six pack. I did as he said and almost immediately he said, "Yeah, there's that sweet pussy. Here it comes, man."

I felt the warm head of his cock make contact with my hole and began to press against it. As the pressure began to build I felt my hole start to stretch. Bob had given me so many hits of poppers that I didn't feel any overwhelming pain. He placed both strong hands on my hips to steady me and pull me back on his cock as he pushed powerfully forward. Now there was a very uncomfortable feeling as Bob's huge cockhead started to push its way through my resisting anal ring. Again, he was not rough but eased it in little by little. Finally there was a pop and the head was inside me.

"There ya go man," said Bob, "that's the worst part, and it's already over. Damn you're tight!" Little by little he began to inch his way into me. He had already told me that his cock was 8 " inches so we had a long way to go. He continued to push, commenting about how warm and slick my hole felt, punctuating his remarks with frequent moans. I was only just enduring this process when he hit my prostate and I suddenly felt the discomfort turn more and more to pleasure. At the sound of my own moaning Bob chuckled and said, "I just busted your cherry. Now you're my bitch...Ya, like it?"

"Ok, god, Bob, it's starting to feel so good!"

He chuckeled. "Yeah, cunt," he said. "I knew you'd like it, you little slut."

In spite of his degrading words I began to moan and plead with him to get it all in me ASAP. Bob was quick to oblige. He increased the pressure as inch after inch of his huge cock slide into my stretched out hole. Finally when I thought he would never be finished I felt the hair of his pubes against my backside and realized I had his whole cock inside me.

Bob had moved forward as he entered me more and more deeply, so that now he was basically lying on my back. This also felt good to me-his sweaty, muscular body covering me, his masculine smell, his warm (if boozy) breath blowing over my shoulders and neck. I was surprised at how good I felt and how happy I was that Bob decided to fuck me rather than talk to me.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 17

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