High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Feb 18, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you are underage (18), find such material offensive, or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

"High School Blues" part 13: Joe's Camping Trip...

Late that Friday afternoon I left with the Greenburg family and Terry for our camping trip. The camp grounds were located up in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania in an area frequented by few campers. So we would have plenty of privacy. The Greenburgs had a nice size camper with all the comforts, including bathroom, a small area for cooking and eating, and two double berths that could be used for long trips. Terry, Bob, and I played some board games and cards to entertain ourselves along the way. Actually, the trip took less time than we expected because of very light traffic.

The Greenburgs were a bit shocked when they first saw my appearance, but Bob apparently had explained to them that, even though my hairstyle was kind of eccentric, I was a great guy. They took a liking for me almost immediately, and we got along just fine. Bob was an only child so he was always looking for guys his own age to pal around with. Terry was his best friend; they had known each other since grade school and were always together. They were both into sports and body-building.

I was really excited about this trip, first of all since I rarely went anywhere with my family because of dad's work schedule. Second I was happy to get away from the neighborhood where I had been hassled almost from the first day of high school. It was early October and the weather was still warm, even as we began climbing into the foothills of the Poconos. The landscape was magnificent with fewer and fewer building and more woods and meadows. Mile by mile I could feel the tensions melting away as I began to relax.

I tried to leave my worries behind, all of which were connected with Mike, Jimmy, and their buds. I thought briefly about the additional money they had demanded and wondered how I could convince dad and mom to let me work longer hours. That was the only way I could pay them off, since they were now demanding $100 a week. I just hoped they didn't go any higher because that would make things impossible. My other worry was the fight with Shawn next Saturday. This guy was really built and he had a chip on his shoulder for me. Apparently he had boxed before and was pretty good at it. I, on the other hand, had never been inside a ring. It had all the makings of a slaughter.

NO! I said to myself. I'm not gonna think about this stuff now. Time enough when I get back. I was determined to enjoy myself this weekend. I might even come back with some new ideas about how do deal with the problems that had been tormenting me for the last few weeks.

"Earth to Joe," said Terry in a friendly voice. "I hope you haven't spaced out on us. It's your turn." We were playing Monopoly at the time.

"Oh, sorry guys, I was just thinking about something."

"That's your big problem, Crawford," Bob chuckled, "you think too much. Now, we came out here to enjoy ourselves, so let's do it!"

"You're right," I said. "So pay up Greenburg!" He had landed on Boardwalk, where I just happened to be the landowner. Terry and I chuckled.

Bob groaned as he handed me the money. "You got to watch out for this guy," he laughed. "Silent but deadly!"

When we finally arrived at the camp site I couldn't believe it: a beautiful, quiet clearing on the edge of a blue lake. As far as I could see there were only a few other campers off in the distance. It looked like, for now at least, we had the place to ourselves. We set up two tents--one for Bob's parents and one for us guys.

We built a campfire for later and then, after a quick snack, decided to go for a walk around the lake. Meanwhile, Mrs. Greenburg prepared dinner. She warned us to be back before it got dark because she wasn't going out looking for us if we got lost. Not being used to hiking, I quickly got tired and really hungry. Looking at the lake you could never guess how big it was until you tried to circle it. Darkness overtook us before we were more than half way around the lake. Luckily there was a wide, well-marked trail to follow, although we were extra careful, not wanting any one to get injured along the way.

When we got back, a delicious smell was coming from the camp site, and I couldn't wait to start chowing down. Mrs. Greenburg had grilled burgers, chicken, and sausage; there were baked beans, fresh corn, and potato salad as well as munchies, soda and beer, and fruit. She told us that she had just started to get worried, and we should never have started out so late. We all gave a collective groan at the lecture. Mr. Greenburg chuckled and turned to me saying that they got the same lecture whenever Mrs. Greenburg was with them, but it was worth it because she was such a good cook.

Tomorrow we would try our luck at fishing and see if we could catch our supper. After dinner, we started the bonfire in one of the fire rings provided by the Parks' Department. We did the usual bit of toasting marshmellows, telling ghost stories--Mr. Greenburg had some good ones--and drinking copious amounts of beer (which Mrs. Greenburg refrained from, preferring tea.). It was great to just sit around, watch the fire, and get involved in easy conversation.

It was maybe ten-thirty when Mr. and Mrs. Greenburg decided to turn in for the night. That sounded like a good idea to me. I was already falling asleep from the unaccustomed activity of the day. Terry and Bob were not as tired as I was, and continued to drink beer and smoke outside the tent while I got inside my sleeping bag and started to doze off.

Sometime later I awoke with a start and saw Terry and Bob standing over me, completely naked. They were both sporting boners. The flaps of the tent had been closed. Mr. and Mrs. Greenburg had set up their tent some distance away so we could have some privacy. Coming out of a sound sleep, I rubbed my eyes and tried to figure out what was happening. One thing I was glad about was that I was wearing my tee and briefs. I would have died if they saw my pink pubes!

"Hey, guy," Terry said, "how you doin'? You like it here?"

"Uh, yeah, Terry, I like it fine. What's up?" It was an unexpected pun and they both laughed. Probably they had too much to drink. I could smell their beer breath from about ten feet away.

"Joe, we both got steady girlfriends but we won't be seeing 'em until next week. That's a long time to wait for some relief, if ya know what I mean. When we come up here we usually just jerk off in private, but we thought that since you were here maybe we could get some head."

"I don't know what you mean, Terry," I said, with some disquiet in the pit of my stomach.

"Come on, Joe," Bob said, "I'm sure you know about sucking cock. I bet you've done it already. We've heard the rumors around school and figured you would be up to doing us."

"But Bob," I said, "I really haven't done it before and wouldn't know how."

"No prob, dude, we'll teach you. By the time we go back home you'll be an accomplished cocksucker."

I cringed at his words. I also felt disappointment and hurt. Was this the only reason they had invited me along on the trip, so I could suck them off? I felt something of the same sense of betrayal I did with Mike and Jimmy when they had pretended to be my friends only to trap and use me.

I hesitated for a moment. I looked up at their beautiful, sculpted bodies, well-muscled from all their exercises and sports. I wanted that kind of body myself, and they said they would help me work on it. Sucking them off, I guess, was a small price to pay for their help and, hopefully, their protection. Besides, in spite of what they wanted, I believed they really cared about me, and if this would please them, I would try to do it. I hesitated only for a moment.

"Okay," I said, "I'll do it. But you have to promise you won't tell anyone what we did, especially at school."

"Alright!" said Terry. "Why don't you take the cocksucker first. I always get hot watching somebody else get serviced."

Again his words stung, but I had promised to do it, and I wanted to stand by my word. Besides, I felt a strange excitement within me. I noticed my own cock was on the rise and I hoped Bob and Terry didn't see it. I didn't want it to appear to them that I was enjoying it. Now that Bob and Terry were showing their "bad" side, I started to get turned on, making me wonder again about my sexual identity and why I seemed to like guys who wanted to dominate and use me.

"Get up on your knees, dude, we'll try the regular way first." Bob instructed. As I got to my knees, I found myself level with his crotch, his cock only inches away. "Now start out by licking my shaft and working your way up to the head." As my tongue touched his cock for the first time, a wave of sexual heat passed through me. I began licking the warm flesh up and down. I grabbed hold of it so that I could lick it better on all sides. I noticed that his cock was getting harder, and that encouraged me to lick more vigorously. Finally I came to the cockhead which was already beginning to leak precum. Without any hesitation I licked it all off and swallowed it, noticing its slick feel and special taste.

"Now take the head in your mouth and massage it with your tongue. And be careful to cover your teeth with your lips," said Bob. "Yeah, that's it, swirl your tongue all around and under the rim. Ah, yeah, that feels good. I told you Ter he'd be a natural. He just needs some practice--and we sure can give him that!"

Bob began to push his cock deeper in my mouth. "See if you can take more," he urged. "The more you take the better it feels." His cock looked huge to me. Actually, he said it was 8 ½ inches, not too thick but with a large mushroom head that was constantly leaking precum. He pushed all the way to the back of my throat and I gagged. "That's okay," he reassured me. "It's normal. Pretty soon you'll be able to take the whole thing right down your throat. That's the best!"

In spite of the unpleasantness of gagging, I was finding the experience very exciting. More and more I liked the feel, weight, and taste of his cock, which he was now pushing in and out of my mouth in a regular rhythm. This rhythm was helping me to take his cock deeper and deeper with each thrust. Bob had begun to moan with pleasure, and his moans caused me to lick more vigorously when he thrust in, and to suck more strongly when he withdrew. I looked up at Bob's face and saw a look of utter bliss. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be focusing totally on the feeling he was receiving from my mouth and tongue. "That's it, cocksucker," he sighed. "Keep that up just a little longer and you'll have all the cum you can handle."

Again I was confused. Was he going to shoot his cum in my mouth? I had never tasted cum. When I masturbated I used an old towel and simply dropped it in the wash, never having any desire to taste it. Bob, it would seem, wanted me to take it in my mouth. For a moment I was afraid that it might taste awful, but wanted to prove myself to these guys. Right now this was the way to do it.

"Fuck!" Bob screamed, as he started to shoot. "Yeeeeeeah! Unh! Unh! Unh!" My mouth was filling up with his jizz, which didn't taste so bad with its salty-sweet flavor. The problem was that I didn't know what to do with it. In another moment it would overflow my sucking lips. Bob solved the problem for me: "Swallow it, dude," he yelled. "Take my cum, you damn cocksucker. Ahhhhhhhh!" Automatically I did as he said, gulping quickly, which wasn't too easy because his cum was so thick.

Finally his spurts slowed and he simply rested his cock in my mouth. I was afraid to move, and Bob seemed content to allow his cock to soak in my mouth for awhile. His eyes were still closed and he was covered with sweat. As his breath began to return to normal he slowly pulled out and remarked: "Now that's what I'm talking about! That was a fucking first class blow job. Thanks Joe. You don't need much more instruction to be a great cocksucker. You just need to learn how to deep throat, and I'm sure by Sunday when we get out of here you'll be doing it like a pro." Strangely his words made me feel proud, and the desire to please him and Terry began to get stronger.

When Bob was finished, Terry quickly moved forward to take his turn. I noticed that Terry's cock was about equal length to Bob's, but unlike Bob's cock, Terry's was uncut. I had seen uncut cocks before in gym class and they always fascinated me. Terry told me he was going to try something different. He wanted to straddle my chest and bring his cock up to my mouth and try what he called "face-fucking."

"Do you think he's ready for that Ter?" said Bob.

"The only way you learn is by doing it," Terry said. "Besides I saw the way he sucked you off--like a vacuum cleaner. And look at his briefs. He was so turned on by sucking you that he jizzed in his shorts."

I could have died from embarrassment, but Terry was right. There was a large stain all over the front of my briefs where I had ejaculated spontaneously without even touching my cock.

"Now that's the sign of a real cocksucker," said Terry excitedly. With that he straddled me, making sure to avoid my cum-covered briefs, and sat high on my chest so that his cock was only inches from my lips, still smeared with cum from Bob's orgasm. The feel and position of Terry reminded me of Jimmy that first day when he tackled and pinned me. I felt my cock on the rise again as Terry moved forward and simply said: "Open up."

Terry placed a backpack behind my head so he could have a better angle to fuck and then plunged right in. "Get your tongue under the foreskin," he ordered. "Lick all around it. Oh, yeah, that feels awesome." The taste was somewhat sour and even lumpy and I found it hard not to gag. I learned later it was something called smegma or just 'cheese,' a build up in uncut guys when they weren't careful to wash under their foreskins. Soon I would be loving it. After thoroughly licking under the flap of skin, I repeated the procedure I had done on Bob. I slowly licked up the shaft and then began to swab the head, which by now had inflated some and had fully emerged from the foreskin.

I was getting more confident now. This time I was prepared when Terry began to thrust. "Relax the muscles in your throat," he instructed. "That'll let me get in deeper and you won't gag as much." I obeyed Terry's command and after numerous tries when I would go into fits of gagging, I finally began to get the hang of it. Terry was a persistent teacher and kept trying until his cock finally slipped into my throat. "You did it!" said Terry.

His words of praise made me feel good and, as I gained experience, I was able to take his cock into my throat more and more often. Terry's moans were now becoming continuous, and I realized that he was getting ready to cum. I tried to get myself ready, locking my lips tightly around his shaft so none of his cum could escape. Then his cock exploded deep in my throat and shot straight down into my stomach. It was the oddest feeling since I didn't even taste his cum until, totally satisfied, he began to withdraw.

"Thanks, cocksucker," he said. When he saw the hurt look on my face he said, "Come on, Joe, that's just the way guys talk when they get a good blow job. It don't mean anything. Hey, let's have a beer; you can wash some of that cum out of your mouth," he laughed.

The next day we slept in late; had a good breakfast that Mrs. Greenburg prepared; went for a long hike in the woods; swam in the lake (luckily I had brought a bathing suit); went fishing (not much luck); and then returned for dinner. We went into the camper to play board games, cards, and hand-held video games. When we went back to our tent I took their cum again. They kept waking me up wanting more. I think I blew both of them twice that night and once again in the morning to take care of what they called their "morning wood." Man, didn't they ever stop? It seemed like they were walking cum machines. I wondered about how their girlfriends survived.

At midday on Sunday we took down the tents, packed up the camper, and headed for home with a storm threatening off to the west.

On the trip back I felt closer to Terry and Bob than ever. That may sound strange but in some mysterious way I felt we had bonded, and I was more certain than ever that they would help me get my body in shape and try out for the soccer team.

Little did we know as we headed back to the Greenburg home, with the storm building ominously behind us, what had happened there over the weekend.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 14

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