High School Blues

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Feb 15, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between teenage boys. If you are underage (18), find such material offensive, or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill ArtHill579@aol.com All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

"High School Blues" part 12: Joe becomes an unwitting accomplice...

It was Friday again and I was reaching in my pocket to give Mike and Jimmy the $50 they had been getting from me for several weeks now. "Thanks, Joey-boy," Mike said. "In just a few more weeks we'll be able to put that down payment on the new motor bikes we want. And we owe it all to you buddy."

I hadn't heard them call me "buddy" for ages now, since they had shown their true attitude toward me. Now I was a bit suspicious that they were looking for something else.

"Remember, Crawford, tomorrow's the big day."

For a moment I looked blankly. "What big day?" I said.

"Asshole," shouted Jimmy. "Tomorrow is the big match at Mike's house. You and Shawn are gonna put on the gloves and go at each other. Fight doesn't end until one of you KOs the other. I'm puttin' my money on you, Zits. You should be able to knock out Shawn in three rounds."

"Mike tells me he thinks Shawn is a sure thing. He says that Shawn could beat you to a bloody pulp within thirty seconds. 'Course he'll want to stretch it out longer than that, so that he can feel each punch sink into your stomach or smash your face. Then he'll probably stomp on you for awhile. I told Mike he was full of shit; that you look like a winner to me for sure."

"But Mike," I protested, "I can't fight tomorrow. I got an invitation from the Greenburg family to go with them and Terry on a camping trip." I dreaded saying this because it went against the direct orders they had given me to have nothing more to do with Terry and Bob. This time, though, I was pleasantly surprised.

"O yeah? Huh! Ah...ya know Zits," Mike said, "I think maybe you should go on this trip, right "J"? Jimmy looked puzzled for a moment, then grinned and nodded his agreement. "Yep, I think we've been riding you pretty hard lately and you need to get away and relax this weekend. So tell me, is the whole family going with you and Terry and Bob?"

"Yeah, Mike," I said niavely, "even Mrs. Greenburg is going along this time. She says it will probably be her last chance to get away with the family since she doesn't like the cold weather...So it's okay with you that I go?"

"Not so fast," Mike said. "We'll have to deal with Shawn. He may decide to beat up on us since we promised him the match tomorrow. When are you supposed to leave-this afternoon?"

"Yeah," I said, "they want to beat the traffic and get a good spot on the campground, so we're supposed to leave around 5:30 pm. It takes over two hours to get there. We should be back late on Sunday evening."

"Okay, Crawford, here's the deal," said Mike. "You can go on the trip but we need something in return. I told ya before we almost have enough money to make a down payment on the bikes. Well, we still have monthly payments for at least a year. So starting next week you'll be giving each of us $50 instead of $25. Understand?"

I almost fainted. "$100 every week! That's gonna take every penny I can scrape up. I'll have nothing left. I'll have to work more hours at the store; probably my whole Saturday and half of Sunday. Mom and dad will never allow me to do it!"

"Like I've said, Crawford, that's your problem. We're trying to be nice to you here. Now you know how much we want those bikes. We're also taking the heat from Shawn about the fight. This way you get an extra week to get yourself ready. Look, we know that you're really good at convincing people to do things. After all, you just got us to agree on you're goin' with those two pricks Mahoney and Greenburg. So now all you have to do is convince your folks that you need more money--which you do." Mike smiled as he saw the submission in my eyes.

"Okay, Mike, I'll try."

"Not good enough, dude. I want to hear first thing on Tuesday that you've worked everything out; that or else Shawn won't be the only one beatin' up on you. Got it?"

Yeah, Mike. I got it"

"Good," he said. "Well, Joey-boy, guess that's about it. See ya here on Monday with that nice bushy pink hair of yours. Hey, all ya need are buck teath and you'll look just like the Easter bunny! Maybe Shawn can help you in that department." Laughing, they walked away.

"Was that easy or what, buddy?" Mike said to Jimmy. "That pathetic little fag agreed to give us the extra money for our bikes plus all the information we need to get that exercise equipment from the Greenburgs."

Mike and Jimmy were lounging in Mike's house having a beer and watching some porn. Both were rubbing the big bulges in their jeans.

"I've never met anybody that low," said Jimmy. "He's so scared of us he'll do anything we say--he'll lick our feet, give us his money, let us humiliate and abuse him in every way. What a fuckin' loser!" Jimmy stretched out his big feet on the coffee table as he knocked back another beer. He was feeling real good just now.

"Man I can't believe how he get's off on my boots. Did you see him shake his pussy-ass when I stuck my foot up his crack. And what about when I grabbed his queer little wiener between my boots and made him shoot. How pathetic is that?"

"How did it feel man when you put your feet on his weiner. He sure seemed to like it. You even gave him an orgasm."

I'll tell you, dude," Jimmy said. "It was kind of disgusting but it was also fun. Man what a trip it is when you have that kind of power over another dude. It's like when he was kissing and licking our boots the first day we met that damn coward. You're standing over this fag who's humiliating himself in the lowest possible way, even licking the shit off the soles of your feet. Man you're in complete control. I was getting a boner myself from that piece of shit groveling on the ground at my feet." He laughed.

"Yeah," said Mike, "well there's something else. I told ya when he was riding on the back of my bike he almost speared me in the ass. This queer's got the hots for all of us. I've never seen the fucker without an erection. I'll bet the greatest day of his life was when he found our jizz all over his face."

"Yeah," said Jimmy, "and yours in his fuckin' mouth." He started laughing like crazy again. Then he got serious. "All I can say is he better not try to put any moves on me or I swear I'll cripple the bastard for life. I'll kick his balls so hard he'll be chewin' on 'em."

"Hey, dude," said Mike, "we're gonna squeeze this faggot dry. After Shawn beats the crap out of him next week he'll be completely under our control. He'll do anything we want. First we get that exercise equipment, then we use the fag's money to get our bikes. After that, who knows?"

Jimmy laughed again as he took a long gulp from his beer. "Hey," he said, "you got any more of this?"

"Yeah," Mike said, "get your lazy ass up and go get one...and get me one while your at it."

When Jimmy got back he tossed Mike his beer. Then he saw that Mike had packed a bong and was preparing to light it. "Hey fucker," he said, "you been holding out on me?"

"Yeah, shithead," Mike shot back, "let me get this damn thing lit and I may give you a drag."

"Hey, dude," said Jimmy. "When are we gonna hit the Greenburg house?"

"Tomorrow night," slurred Mike, his voice already showing that he had taken several heavy hits on the bong. Shawn has his van already to go. Midnight. Phil, Brad, and Tod are in too. Carl and Stew got fucking dates they say they can't break. Wait till it comes time to use the equipment. I think I'll make 'em crawl before we let 'em in!"

"We're gonna need some muscle to move that stuff, but we'll break it down before we move it. Tod's real good at that shit. Just give him a screwdriver and he'll take anything apart. If we're lucky we may even find the instruction books that go with the stuff. Now, don't forget, all black. I got some ski masks and gloves the other day. We're gonna be like the fuckin Shadow, man. In and out and nothing left behind."

"So what about the fag, you really gonna turn Shawn lose on him next Saturday?"

"Yep, we just gotta make sure he doesn't see any of the exercise equipment," said Mike.

"I have a feeling," Jimmy laughed, "that the pussyboy won't see anything after Shawn closes his eyes with a few good punches. Hey, I just got a wild idea. We shaved off his hair. We dyed his mohawk and pubes pink. How about if we brand him, like he's our property or something?"

"Brand him, eh?" said Mike trying to think through the haze of the drugs. "Maybe...let's see. Or we could always get him tattooed. That might be even better. I know a guy who works in a tattoo parlor. He's a cool dude and knows how to keep his mouth shut. Let's talk to the guys and see what they think. But in the meantime we got to focus on tomorrow night. That's gotta be our main mission right now. No slip-ups. If we want that new gym we gotta work as a team..."

A little while later Brad and Tod showed up. "Hey dudes," Mike shouted, "C'mon in. We're just havin' a little strategy meeting about tomorrow night. We take off around 11:30 pm. I don't want anything to look suspicious. We bring a couple of crowbars to force the door; boxes and blankets to store the equipment. Tod, we're counting on you to break down anything that's too heavy to carry or won't fit through the door. Remember, black clothes all around. Anybody have any problems with parents?"

"Nah," said Tod. "My folks go to bed early. It will be easy for me to slip out the window and get over to Shawn's." Brad agreed that he also would have no problems getting away.

"Good," said Mike. "I've already talked to Phil and Shawn and filled 'em in. Everything should work out just the way we planned. The house will be totally empty. Even Greenburg's old lady is going with them. We couldn't have asked for better luck. Any other questions?" Both the guys shook their heads.

"Okay, dudes. You got time to join us for a beer and a smoke?"

"Man, do you need to ask?" Tod and Brad both said almost together.

"You sure the fag doesn't suspect anything. He likes Mahoney and Greenburg and would probably warn them if he thought anything might happen to their stuff."

"Nah," said Jimmy, "taking a long drag on the bong, holding it to the max, and then exhaling slowly. He's all excited about the camping trip. Besides we just gave him something to think about. We reminded him about the match with Shawn next Saturday. The little fruit was even grateful to us for giving him permission to go on the trip." Everybody laughed.

"Hey," said Tod, "what's up with that dude? I've never met anybody like him in my life. He does anything you guys tell him to do, and never says a thing about it. We really messed him up the other day with the whipping and the pink hair and the cum and he didn't tell anyone. What a damn wimp that guy is. I don't get it."

"First of all," said Jimmy, "the guy's got no spine. He's a fuckin" coward who doesn't know how to defend himself and is afraid of his own shadow. You could do anything to him and he'd thank you for it.  We got more shit planned for him that should really be a blast."

"Yeah," said Brad, "like what?"

"Well," said Jimmy, "you already know about the boxing match with Shawn next Saturday. Shawn hates him so much he's gonna work him over real good. Then we're thinkin' about tattooing the pathetic fag. Then, I say we give him a piss bath and maybe even make him drink it. By the time we're through with him he'll be our fuckin' slave."

"Cool," said Tod, "What are ya thinkin' about tattooing on him?"

"Well," Mike said, "Let's have a contest to see who comes up with the best idea. Something like 'Fuck Me: I'm a Faggot' Whatever."

All the guys laughed like crazy as they thought about what was in store for their victim.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 13

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